Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 42
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarkar
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 342
________________ 328 INDEX son's table of Malay tin currency is to be found. 8. v., 127-in hat money == 28 oz., 90 :-values, 1 cash, 127; 50 cash, 102; 121 cents, 86, 157; t gulden, 157 :- = half rupee in Indian broker's slang .. 102 n 80 lali tying, Dravidian custom .. .. 195, f. Tamagatta Mount, Burma, Pagoda on 38 Tamil, literature, and the subsidence of the Vindhyas 194; Kumarilas' acquaintance with it. .. .. .. .. .. 200, f. tampang, block or cake of tin, 88, 158, 210 : 22) Oz., 90 :- = kati, 86, 159; = kati, 209; kupang, 128, 157 hollowed out in hat money, 159:- special in Pahang, 184 : value 1 cent, 128, 10 cents .. .. .. 86 tampok manggis, rosette or calyx of the mang ostoen, 88 n. 16 a, 132, 257 n 87 mint mark on tin ingots .. .. .. 122, 132, 159 Taravar, Tomara, Rajput tribe Tamvråvati, division of N. Jaipur, home of the Tamvars .. .. .. .. .. 59 tanga, Goanese silver coin, 6 and 7 to the dol. lar, 108 :- =nbtrupee =tikal : 108 n. 8 Tanjore bull, worshipped at Dondra, with other gods .. .. .. .. .. 41 Tantrapals, and Vakpatirkja .. .. .. 58 Tapussa, Burmese merchant, visited Buddha 38, f. Târänktha, and Sântideva .. 50, 52; 248 Taranga, Kalhana's eighth, critical notes on it 301, ff. Taruņavâchaspati, commentator, and Bhamaha 264 tatsama words, 276; or talsamas .. .. 288 Ta-taʻin, Roman Empire . .. .. 136 Tavernier's tin coins (Malay) described, 181, ff. -his monetary (Malay) scale in 1678, 102, f.: 300 Taylor, writer, and the Aryas .. .. .. 78 technology, and anthropology .. .. 289, f., 292 těla, telae, Chinese pronounciation of bra, tra 212 n. 65 &. Teluban in Patani Telugu and Andhra, langs. .. 276—278, 281 tengah sercent . .. 85, f. Tennent, Sir, E. and the territory of Kalah 40, f. tera, tra .. .. .. .. .. .. 181 ThAlner, near Nasik, home of the Dahiya Raj pute .. .. .. .. .. .. 268 Thiruvilayadal-Purannan, & work by Pandya. nald . .. .. .. .. .. 65 Thot, Tvashga . .. Tiastanes, k. of Ozone or Ujjayini, identified with Chastana .. .. .. .. .. tical, tikal, Siamese silver coin 105 n 99:used as gambling token . .. . . . . 166 Tien-tchou, India Tilakabhata, general .. .. .. .. 173 and n. timaketin .. . .. .. 210 tin, the Malay medium of exchange, 209; par value, 10 kati or 30 dollars, 129; recent rise in price, 159 :-value per bahara, 3140 dollars, 209, f. 57 rix dollars, 210 :-ratio to silver 4 to 1, 214; 51 to 71 to 1, 213 n 72; nominal ratio-10 to 107 to 1 .. 213 n. 72 tin coins, Malay States, 183, f. Sorigin of legends and designs on .. .. .. 11 tin curency (and money), Malay States, 85, ff.; origin of 120 tables and scales of 237, ff: Wilkinson's table, 127; chiefs had no mono. poly of casting .. .. .. .. .. 131 tin hat-money ; ratio to silver money is 1 : 71 91 tin ingot currency, see ingot currency :-tablo of, 159 specimens explained, 122 ; weights of,94:-in two forms on two concurrent scales, 96:-history of, 97, ff., historical continuity of, 99, table of, 97, f. -scales of, 94, 1., comparative, 98; West Coast (1000 cash to dollar), 101, East Coast Dutch, 101, f. ; Porak, 104, f.; French in 1770, 100 n. 66 ; Chinese in 1409, 97; great viss in 1409, 97, in 1725, 98 : profits in manipulating Dutch, 100, native, 96 Junk Ceylon in 1676 and 1775, 97: Tokopa (1775) 97 n. 53 old traders valued one grain of silver (Malay) money as =l oz. merchandise, 98 n. 56:-ratio to silver money 1 to 103.. .. .. .. .. 96 tin money (Malay), Skeat's scales of, 238, Laid. law's, 239 :- Albuquerque's, 91 : Taver. nior's, 91, his ratio to silver 1 to 5, 01 n. 38:hat money, origin of .. .. .. .. 126 TirujfiAnasambandar and the Jainas .. .. 307 Tirukkor, birth place of Madhurakavi 307, f. Tirumangai, Vaishnava teacher .. 307, f. Tiruttalfá vara Temple, Madura diet., inscripe. at .. .. .. .. .. 167, f. titles, Kushana .. .. .. .. .. 130 to, of Burma, deer-weight, origin of, 117f; specimens explained .. .. .. .. 123 tobacco pipe .. .. .. .. .. 300 tokens, gambling, used as money .. 155, f. Tomara, Tanvar kings, and Chandana 58 and, n., 39 Toramipa, k. 31, 247 and n., his stone inscrip. B. Ms. 34 n. tra (stampcash, 101 n 74 - small round piece of tin with a hole in the centre, 104; tin holed cash, 1280 to the dollar, 181 -mo. dern tin coin, 183 copper coin, 32 to the dollar, 181 tin coin (Kedah) 209; 1280 to the dollar, 160 on a string, 209 - kondari in 1666, .. .. .. .. . 104 n. 90


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