AtQuer, 1918.)
1901 (251) From the south wall of the central shrine in the Akshéévara temple at Achcharapåkkam (Chinglepat District). Damaged; gift of land.
Date.-3rd year of Mar. Tribh. Vikrama Pandya; ["may be 5th," says Epigraphist; but the impression which he was good enough to examine again with me, seems to be a fairly clear " 3rd year"]. Mina; ba, 11 ; Monday ; "Sravaņa." There is no dato corresponding to the given chronological details between A.D. 1283 and A.D. 1290, but on Monday 26 Feb. 1291 (which however was in the 8th year, as in the last inscription, not in the 3rd or 5th), Mina ba. 11 ended at 51 of the day and "Sravana "commenoed at .15, ending at 17 on Tuesday.
• Jatavarman Tribh. Vikrams Pandya. 1894 (11) From the inside of the north wall of the second prdkdra in the Sundararaja-Perumál temple at Dadik kombu (Madars District). Incomplete.
Dato.-4th year of Jatavarman Tribhuvana-chakravarti Vikrama Pândya , Mithuna, su. 9 : Taursday"Svati." On this inscription the Madras Epigraphist remarks: "The characters are earlier than those of inscriptions belonging to Kielhorn's • K, Koneriamaikondan Vikrama Pandya, whose reign commenced in A.D. 1401. This Jatávarman Vikrama Pandya may have been contemporaneous with Maravarman Vikrama Pândy. (A. D. 1282)."
Elsewhere (Annual Report for 1910-11, p. 79) we read "In the time of Jat. Vikrama Pandya whose exact period of rule could not be fixed at present, etc."
I find po datos that would suit the chronological details and the poriod assigned by the Epigraphist, except the following:
(1) On Tharsday, 30 June A.D. 1278, Mithuna su, 9 and Sveti" ended at 59 and 54
respectively. (2) On Thursday, 1 July, 1905, Mitbana su, 9 and “Srâti" ended at 90 and 75 respectively. When more dates of this reign are found, a further approximation may be attempted.
• Jatavarman Brivallabhadeva.
(Reign began betwoon 5 Ap. and 12 Nov. 1291.) 1909 (508). From the South wall of the Parappangattaraliyasvâmin temple at Puduppālaiyam (Tinnevelly District). Tamil, appears to tecord a gift of money for a lamp; much damaged.
Date.-6th year of Srimat Srivallabhadeva; Mesha ; [ba.] 11; Friday; (may also be read, ways Epigraphist, as Monday); "Uttara Bhadrapada." On Friday, 19 April A. D. 1297, ba. 11 in Mesha and Uttara Bhadrapada" ended respectively at 11 and 87 of day.
1909 (499). From the east wall of the Venkatachalapati-Perumal temple, at Solapuram (Tinnevelly District), right of entrance. Damaged; mentions Uttamasole-Viņnagar,
Date. [9]th year of Jatavarman Srivallabhadeva ; Mesba 11 ; ..... Paurnamí; Tuesday.
The Epigraphist commented thus on this inscription : "The record is much damaged and the reading very doubtful." The value, however, of the solar day of the month, in investigating the particulars of reign regarding which nothing was known, induced me to beg the Epigraphist to examine the impression once more in my presence. This was done ; and the conclusion arrived at by us was that although the record was much damaged, there was no doubt about the words “Mesha, Paurnami and Sevvai (=Tuesday);" there remained the day of the solar month which we read as "11" but which might equally be "19" or "16". Presuming that it was "11," I arrive at the date, Tuesday 5 April A. D. 1300, which was full-moon day and 11 Mesba.
1902 (642). From the north wall of the manda pa in front of the central shrine in the Pârijatavanésiarasvâmin temple at Tirukkalar (Tanjore District). Sale of land to Vijays. Ganda-gopala.
Date.-2uth year of Jatavarman Srivallabha; Mesha ; ou. 11; Saturday; "Magba." On Saturday, 8 April, A. D. 1316, "Magha" ended at 60 of the day and Mesha sukla 11 commenced on at 18, ending at 26 next day.