Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 42
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarkar
Publisher: Swati Publications
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(AUGUST, 1913.
1909 (802). From the South wall of the outer praktra of the Kachchapeswara temple at Tiruppachchûr (Obingleput District ) Tamil. Gift of 30 cows and one bull for a lamp by a native of Mañanallûr alias Virasolachaturvedimangalam in Sembůr Kottam, a subdivision of Jayangonda chõla-mandalam.
Date.-Year opp. 18th of Jațavarman Tribh. Sundara Pandya; ba, 10; Monday; "Krittika"= Monday 3 July 1290 when ba. 10 in Kataka and “Krittika" ended respectively at 44 and 77 of the day.
Date.-(15th) year of Jat. Sandara Pandya; Virôdhi Samvat; Kumbha; su, 10 ; Monday, "Panarvasa." On Monday 20 Feb. 1290, which was in Virodhi Samvat, Kumbha sa. 10 ended at *60, and Panarvasu began, ending next day at .05 . [15th year, error for 14th].
1908 (69.) From the south wall of the central shrine in the Nilakantheśvara temple at Vedal (North Arcot District). Gift of land to the temple of Karaikkaņdiśuramudaiya-Nayanâr at Vidal in Vidâr-parru alias Vikrams-Pandya-valanâda, a district of Venkupra-kôtfam in Jayangonda chôla-maņdalam.
Date.- [This date appears, without any result, positive or negative, among the dates published by Prof. Jacobi in Ep. Ind. XI p. 136]. 3rd year opp. 13th Konerinmaikondan Jat. Sund. Pandya. Kataka; su. 7; Wednesday; “Hasta." On Wednesday 4 July, A.D. 1291, Kataka su, 7 and " Hasta” ended at •58 and .01 respectively. (For ending moment of Nakshatra local time has also to be considered).
1904 (128). From the east wall of the wandapa in front of the central obrine in the Sivankarêśvara temple at Tirthanagari (South Arcot). Gift of land for the festival called Kodandaraman-sandi after the king.
Date.-3rd opposite 18th year of Konerinmaikondan Sundara Pandyan; Mesha su. 9, "Pushya" =Friday 28th March 1292, when Mesha, su. 9 and "Pushya" ended at .59 and 25 respectively.
N.B.-The inscription particularizes the date now dealt with as the 276th day of the 16th regnal yoar. If so, the reign would appear to have commenced on or about 25th June 1276, which is consistent with all the dates found so far for this Sundara Pandya, except Kielhorn's "P." No. 27 " year opp. 14 ; Monday 15th May 1290."
* Maravarman Tribhuvanachakravarti Vikrama Pandya.
(Reign began between 12th Jan. and 29 Aug. 1288). 1902 (143). From the south wall of the prákara in the Råmasvå min temple at Bandúr (Mysore District). Sale of land.
Dato.-3rd year of Maravarman Vikrama Pândya; Makara ; su, 4 ; Friday; " Panarvasu " [Sukla 4 must be Sukla 14). On Friday 11th Jan. 1286, Makara sa, 14 and "Panarvasa" ended at .20 and 12 respectively.
1896 (120). From the north wall of the second prdkdra in the Kanyakumari temple at Cape Comorin (Travancore State). Gift of lamp.
Date.-5th year of Mâravarman Vikrama Pandya; Dhanus; sukla 8; Sunday; "Rêvati." On Sunday 14th Dec, 1287, Dhanus sukla 8 and “Rêrati” ended at 12 and .64 respectively.
1909 (410). From the east wall of the prdkdra in the Vyâgbrapâdêsvara temple at Siddha. liigamadam (8. Arcot). Gift of land for offerings by the nagarattår of Sirringur.
Date.-€th year of Mar. Tribh. Vikrama Pândya ; Kanni; eu. 1; Sunday; "Hasta." On Sunday 29 Aug. 1288 (= 1 Kanni), Kanni su. 1 ended at 60 while "Hasta," began at .38, ending next day at 42.
[Inscriptions Nos. 58 and 54 of 1905 give this Pandya the Saks dato 1209 = A.D. 1287).
1900 (116). From the north wall of the first prakdra of the Trivikrama-Perumal temple at Tirukkoilûr (S. Aroot). Refers to the king's victory over the Kakatiya king Ganapati and records # gift of two lamps.
Date.-8th year of Tribhuvanarajadhiraja Paramêsvara Sri Vikrama Pândyn ; Dhanus; ba. 8; Friday "Hasta." On Friday 14th Dec. 1291, Dhanus ba. 8 and "Hasta "ended at .90 ad .85 respectively.