Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 42
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarkar
Publisher: Swati Publications
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JULY, 1913.]
As Bhimaha criticises the division of 3qht into of the Chinese versions upon which Prof. TAT, TOETAr and
s t ar, and as
Sylvain Levi has relied. Prof. Oldenberg brings these are found in the Kdvyâdar sa along with
out a few fresh points which will be studied with several other varieties, Prof. Pathak has come to
interest by the schools of Ceylon, Siam and the conclusion that Dandi is anterior to Bh&maha.
Burma. He produces a number of parallels from He says further : "The justice of Bhåmaha's
the PAli texts to the Divyavadana. He shows that criticism will be at once admitted if we recollect
the Pali school is mentioned by the Divyavadana. that these numerous varieties are not recognised
He admits that the Pali is not the original by Sanskrit writers on Alamkara, who succeeded
language of Buddhism and that the Pali canon Bhamabs. Nor can it be urged against this view,
is translated from the M&gadhi. He examines that Dandin copied these thirty-three varieties
carefully the Pischel fragment of the Sanskrit from some previous author, since such a presump
Anguttara Nikaya, and, with the help of the tion is rebutted by the fact that Nripatunga bas
Chinese rendering furnished by Prof. Sylvain admitted most of these upamds into his Kavir&.
Levi, is enabled to correct the Pali text; and jamarga II, 59-85." I venture to think that
interprets the whole differently from the conDandt could not have been the originator of the
struing of the passage by Pischel. Both the
scholars emphasise the capital nature of the above-mentioned varieties of TFT, nor can the
critical study of Prof. Anesaki on the four fact that most of them have been adopted by
Baddhistic Agamas in Chinese. Prof. Oldenberg Nripatunga, a later writer, prove that he was so.
devotes some pages to the literary history of the In the verse पूर्वशास्त्राणि संहस्थ • Dandi clearly
Jataka and examines finally the history of the admits his indebtedness to previous authors, and
canon as constructed by Prof. Sylvain Levi. as a fact, we find some of his varieties, e. g., forest
He is of opinon that the artists of the Bharhut T and i t in the Natyafdstras of Bharata. and the Sanchi Topes were acquainted with a
I may remark in passing that the well-known later version of the life of the Buddha than that line for at has now been traced to two of preserved in the Påli texts. He is of the same Bh&sa's dramas, namely, Chårudatta and Balacha- opinion as Prof. Lüders that the original rita, by Pandit Ganapati Sastri of Trivandrum. language of Buddhism was the old Ardha-MÅgadhi.
It is gratifying to note that Prof. Pathak, A very interesting fact is the prohibition of following a different line of argument, has come image worship by the Buddha as hinted at by to the same conclusion as myself wita regard to Prof. Oldenberg. It would be highly interesting the period of Dandi, viz., the latter half of the to gather together from the oldest portions of the 7th century.
Tipitaka direct interdiction of idol worship. R. NABABIMHACHAB. Another contribution of high value from the
same distinguished Professor at Göttingen is the SOME NOTES ON BUDDHISM.
Studien Zum Mahdvastu which explores the AMONG the problems regarding the origin and Sanskrit work and takes up the search for history of Buddhism, the most interesting refer to parallels, where it was left by Prof. M. Senart and the original language of Buddhism and to the Prof. Windisch. Though generally the Proprime original tradition upon which the various fessor is enabled to prove the superiority of the schools into which Buddhism was early divided Pali texte, he himself is the first to bring into have drawn. In the year 1909 a little work of prominence such passages in PAli as have been the highest importance on the question of the emended with the help of Sanskrit. A striking formation of the PAli canon was published by instance of the Mahavastu supplying a gap in the Professor Sylvain Levi (Les Saintes Ecritures du Pali text, as published both in London and Siam, is Bouddhisme) which has been translated into given at p. 131. Prof. Oldenberg gives ample English by me. Professor Herman Oldenberg has instances where the Sanskrit text is more brief recently brought out Studien Zur Geschichte des than Pali, and asserts that these are so many Buddhistischen Kanon in which he fully recog- exceptions which prove the rule. At times he nises the value and indispensable importance himself is in doubt to decide which is the older,
. Kavyddaría I. 2.
Kavyamal edition, XVI, 48-50. • Soo his edition of Bhawa's Hvapnavdavadattarn, Trivandrum Sanskrit Series, No. XV, Introduction, p.XXIII.