Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 03
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 24
________________ 16 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. (JANUARY, 1874. This remarkable passage then shows - from the Mahâbhâshya form regular lines in 1st--that the stories of the death of Kansa the upenulravajrá metre, while the third and and the subjugation of Bali were popular and fourth form one-quarter and one-half respeccurrent in Patanjali's time. tively of an anushtubh stanza, from which it 2nd-That Krishna or Vasudeva was men- would appear that these are lines quoted from tioned in the story as having killed Kansa. an existing poem on Krishna. 3rd-That such stories formed the subjects Not only was the story of Krishna and Kausa of dramatic representations, as Puranic stories current and popular in Patanjali's time, but it are still popularly represented on the Hindu appears clearly that the former was worshipped stage. as a god. Panini, in IV. 3. 98, teaches us to ap4th-That the event of Kansa's death at the pend the termination vun, i.e. aka, to Vasudeva hands of Krishna was in Patanjali's time be- and Arjuna to form nouns expressive of the lieved to have occurred at a very remote time. adorer, adherent, or worshipper of those persons. I now proceed to other passages. One of There is another more general rule (IV. 3. 99) the pratyudáharanas or counter-examples of which teaches us to form such derivatives from the rule in Dr. Goldstücker's passage (Bh. names of Kshatriyas. Vasudeva, being the name on Pan. III. 2. 111) is Jughana Kansam kila of a Kshatriya, comes under that rule, and the Vásudevah; “Vasudeva verily killed Kaisa." form made up according to it is the same as that From the context it is clear that this is given as made up in conformity with this role. “Why, an example the occurrence mentioned in which then," Patanjali asks, "are we told in this sútra is popularly known, but which was not, and to apply vun or aka to Vasudeva ?" One reason could not have been, witnessed by the speaker, may be, he says, that the word is put in here in i.e. the story was ancient and popular. order to indicate that in speaking of Vasudeva Again, we are told by the author of the Maha- and Arjuna together the name of Vasudeva bhashya, under a vártika on Pan. II. 3. 36, that should always be used first. Or, he goes on, Krishna was not well disposed or friendly to this word Vasudeva is the name of the Divine his uncle : asádhur mátule Krishnaḥ. In the being, and not of a Kshatriya ; i. e. Vasudeva dissertation on Bahuvrihi compounds, Pan. is to be taken here, in his capacity as a god II. 2. 23, the following occurs in the Mahabhi and not in his capacity as a mere Kshatriya ; for shya: Sankarshamdvitiyasya balım Krishnasya in this latter capacity the name comes under vardhatam, "May the power of Krishna, assist the other rule. ed by Sankarshana, increase." From this we I have thus brought together seven passages gather that Sankarshana was his constant com- from a work written in the middle of the second panion and assistant, as might have been century before Christ which show that the stoexpected from their relationship. In the tár- ries about Krishna and his worship as a god are tikas that follow Pan. IV. 2. 104, Patanjali gives not so recent as European scholars wonld make as instances of IV. 3. 64, Alrúravargyuh, them. And to these I ask the attention of those lleriravarginal (i. e. a follower of Akrûra), who find in Christ a prototype of Krishna, and Vásudevavırgyuh, Vasudevnergiquh (a follower in the Bible the original of the Bhagvadgità, of Vasudeva). Akrûra plays a conspicuous and who believe our Puranic literature to be part in the story of Krishna. Under VI. 3. 6 merely a later growth. If the stories of Krishna Patanjali quotes Janárdans toutmachaturtha and Bali, and others which I shall notice here. rva ("Janardan with himself as the fourth," after, weru current and popular in the second i. e. with three companions) as an apparent century before Christ, some such works as the exception to the rule. Janardana is another Harivažśa and the Puranas must have existed name of Krishna. This and the second passage याचक्षागाः सतो बुद्धिविषयान्प्रकाशयन्ति | आतश्च सतः। ब्या * वासुदेवार्जुनाभ्यां वुन्। किमर्थ वासुदेवशब्दान्विधीयतेनमिश्रा दृश्यन्ते । केचित्कंसभका भवन्ति केचिद्वासुदेवभक्ता। गोत्रक्षत्रियाख्येभ्यो बहुलं बुञित्येव सिद्धम् । नद्यस्ति विशेषो वावर्णान्यत्वं खल्वपि पुष्यन्ति । केचित्कालमुखा भवन्ति केचिद्रक- | सुदेवशब्दादुञो वा बुनो वा। ......इदं तहि प्रयोजनं वासुदेवशमुखाः। काल्यं खल्वपि लोके लक्ष्यते । गच्छ हन्यते कंसः | | न्दस्य पूर्वनिपातं वक्ष्यामीति | अथवा नैषा क्षत्रियाख्या संज्ञेषा गच्छ बानियते कंसी कि गतेन हतः कस इति । 177 17:1 then.


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