In the Gañadharavāda which is a section of the Višeşāvaşyakabhāşya of Acārya Jinabbadra, this latter being a commentary on the Āvaśyaka Niryukti, we find a number of philosophical and religious problems discussed by way of a dialogue between Lord Mahāvira and the different gañadharas (leaders of groups) who came to him in a defiant mood or motivated by the craving for knowledge. The problems discussed. are as follows: (i) Existence of the soul; (ii) Existence of karman; (iii) Identity or otherwise of the soul and the body; (iv) Existence of bhūtas (real entities ); (v) Semblance between this life and the next one; (vi) Reality of bondage and salvation; (vii) Existence of gods; (viii) Existence of the denizens of hell; (ix) Punya (good) and Pāpa (evil); (x) Existence of the other-world (paraloka); (xi) Reality of Nirvāņa (emancipation).
We may consider these problems succinctly here. In doing so we shall link up the allied problems so as to make the exposition precise and systematic. Jinabhadra has, as in most works on Indian philosophy, given us a very faithful account of the opponent's view along with references to the scriptures he relies upon and then refuted the arguments of the opponents, added some to support his own view and finally given a fresh interpretation of the scriptural text cited by the opponent. The full significance of philosophical problems is brought out if we take into consideration the views of the main systems with regard to them. Hence we shall, in the course of this brief exposition, discuss the view of the main opponent and also refer to other views.
The first problem taken up in the Gañadharavada is that of the existence of the soul; connected with it is the third problem whether the soul has an independeut reality or is identical with the body. It would be proper to take these two problems together.
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