Karman is classified into eight fundamentlal types and these are sub-classified into as many as 148 sub-types * — The eight main types are as follows:( i ) jñānāvaraṇa karman, which obscures knowledge, ( ii ) darśanā varaṇa karman, which obscures intuition, ( iii ) vedaniya-karman, which produces joy and grief, (iv) mohaniya-karman, which obstructs right belief (darsana).
and conduct (căritra), and is accordingly sub-classified into
darsana-mohaniya and caritra-mohanīya, ( v ) āyuşka-karman, which determines the duration of life,
and apparently obscures the immortality of the soul, ( vi ) nāma-karman, which gives the bodiless a body-of whatever
kind it be, (vii) gotra-karman, which determines status-racial, social, etc., (viii) antarāya-karman --- which obscures and obstructs the
infinite energy of the soul for resolution and enjoyment
of wealth, power, etc..
Of these eight types of karman, four viz. jñānävarana, darśanāvaraņa, mohaniya and antarāya are obscuring (ghātin), and the remaining four are non-obscuring (aghātin). Of the ghātin types again, some are completely obscuring' (sarva-ghatin) and others 'partially obscuring' (desa-ghātin). †
Karmans are also classified as sinful (pāpa, aśubha) and virtuous or auspicious (punya, śubha ). But whether punya or pāpa, karman is binding all the same, and has to be got rid of. I
* Cf. The Doctrine of Karman in Jaina philosophy-Dr. Glasenapp; also Studies in Jaina Philosophy, Ch IV-The Jaina Doctrine of Karma, pp. 220 ff.—Dr. Nathmal Tatia. Yoga recognises fruition of karman as three-fold—jāti (determining body), äyu (age) and bhoga (enjoyment, joy and grief and ignorance).
+ See The Doctrine of Karman, p. 20.
Yoga has divided karman into kļşna (black, inauspicious), śukla (white, auspicious), śukla-kļşna and aśukla-kysna (which are not binding). Bauddhas accept kusala karman. They have a somewhat detailed theory and classification of karma with reference to its fruition, etc.. See Milinda-pañha, 3.36; Abhidhammattha-sangaha 5.16-19.
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