Book Title: Bhagvad Gita Rahasya or Karmayoga Shastra VOL 02
Author(s): Bal Gangadhar Tilak, Bhalchandra S Sukhtankar
Publisher: R B Tilak Puna

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Page 511
________________ एकादशोऽध्यायः अर्जुन उवाच । ६ मदनुग्रहाय परमं गुह्यमध्यात्मसंज्ञितम् । यत्त्वयोक्तं वचस्तेन मोहोऽयं विगतो मम ॥१॥ भवाप्ययौ हि भूतानां श्रुतौ विस्तरशो मया। त्वत्तः कमलपत्राक्ष माहात्म्यमपि चाव्ययम् ॥ २ ॥ एवमेतद्यथात्थ त्वमात्मानं परमेश्वर। , द्रष्टुमिच्छामि ते रूपमैश्वरं पुरुषोत्तम ॥३॥ मन्यसे यदि तच्छक्यं मया द्रवमिति प्रभो। योगेश्वर ततो मे त्वं दर्शयात्मानमव्ययम् ॥४॥ CHAPTER XI. After the Blessed Lord had described His own manifestations in the last chapter, Arjuna was filled with the desire of seeing this Cosmic Form (vrśvarūpa); and the description given in this chapter of the Cosmic Form shown by the Blessed Lord to Arjuna, at his request, is so entrancing that it is looked upon as an excellent part of the Gitā; and those who have written the other Gitās, have copied it. To begin with, Arjuna asks as follows-] ___Arjuna said:-(1) That greatest mysticism known as 'Adhyatma' (that is, Metaphysics-Trans.), which You explained to me in order to show favour to ine, has destroyed my ignorance. (2) In the same way, O Thou with eyes like lotus-leaves! I have heard from You in detail about the origin and the end of all created beings and about (Your) inexhaustible greatness. (3) (Now) O Parameśvara ! as You have thus described Yourself, in that way, 0 Puruşottama ! I wish to see (actually) Your divine form. (4) O Lord! if you think that it is possible for me to see such a form, then, O Yogesvara! show me Your imperishable form. [Arjuna has, in the first stanza, signified by the word adhyātma', the Knowledge of the imperishable or the imperceptible form of the Parameśvara, which was described by the Blessed Lord in Chapters VII and VIII


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