Book Title: Bhagvad Gita Rahasya or Karmayoga Shastra VOL 02
Author(s): Bal Gangadhar Tilak, Bhalchandra S Sukhtankar
Publisher: R B Tilak Puna

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Page 588
________________ 1156 GITA-RAHASYA OR KARMA-YOGA ।' अहंकारं बलं दपै कामं क्रोधं च संश्रिताः। मामात्मपरदेहेषु प्रद्विषन्तोऽभ्यसूयकाः॥१८॥ तानहं द्विषतः क्रूरान संसारेषु नराधमान् । क्षिपाम्यजत्रमशुभानासुरीष्वेव योनिषु ॥ १९ ॥ आसुरीं योनिमापन्नामूढा जन्मनि जन्मनि । माममाप्यैव कौन्तेय ततो यान्त्यधमां गतिम् ॥२०॥ त्रिविधं नरकस्येदं द्वारं नाशनमात्मनः। कामः क्रोधस्तथा लोभस्तस्मादेतत्त्रयं त्यजेत् ॥२१॥ एतैर्विमुक्तः कौन्तेय तमोद्वारैस्त्रिभिर्नरः। आचरत्यात्मनः श्रेयस्ततो याति परां गतिम् ॥२२॥ sacrifices. (18) Who, being bloated up by egoism, power, pride, desire, and anger, hate Me (the Parameśvara), Who am in their body as also in the bodies of others; (and who are) maligners, (19) (these) haters, who commit unholy Actions, and (these) cruel, and lowest of men, are always thrown by Me into demoniac (that is, sinful) births in this worldly life. (20) O Kaunteya ! these foolish persons, thus taking birth in demoniac wombs, never come to me, and ultimately reach the lowest of low conditions. [The Blessed Lord has so far described demoniac persons and the state they reach. HE now explains how one can escape from it-] (21) The gate-way of hell is of three folds, namely, Desire, Anger and Avarice%3; and it is destructive of one's Self; therefore, these three should be given up. (22) O Kaunteya! when a man has escaped from these tamodvāra-s (that is, doors of darkness-Trans.), he begins to act in a way which is beneficial to himself, and ultimately reaches the highest state. [ It is clear that when the three gates of hell are escaped from, a good state must be obtained. But, it has not so far been stated by what kind of conduct this can be done. Therefore, the Blessed Lord now explains what that path


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