The present analysis is based on the Āgamodaya-Samiti (= Āg.S.) edition of the Viy, and Abhayadeva's Vịtti (3 vols, Bombay 1918-1921). The incomplete edition (comprising the text and the same Vștti of sayas I-XXIII only) published by the Sri Jainānand Pustakālay (= J.P., 3 vols, Gopīpurā 1937-1947) has also been constantly consulted. The old edition, however, Agama-Samgraha vol. 5 (Benares, samvat 1938), was only seldom taken into account.
I completely dropped the sūtra counting of these editions, preferring to count the different texts within each uddesa. References therefore as a rule consist of three figures: XVI 13 for example indicates text 3 in uddesa i of saya XVI. Consequently uddesas (for instance in the case that they consist of only one text) are indicated by two figures, e.g. VIII 4. In the body of the Analysis the exact place of the texts in the Ag. S. edition has been indicated by adding their page numbers between brackets, thus XVI 13 starts on (697a). If further subdivisions had to be made, letters were added, thus XVI 14a and XVI 14b. To saya XV, which is ekkasara (scil. has no uddesas), I had to give a subdivision of my own. Lowercase Roman numerals were used to indicate the vaggas resp. avantarasayas of sayas XXI-XXIII and XXXIII-XL, thus for instance XXXIV xii. Finally, in references to uddesas 6 and 7 of saya XXV the bracketed serial numbers of the qualities and faculties there discussed are also quoted.
the Agamodaya-Samiti edition of the Canon. Abhandlungen für die Kunde des Morgenlandes herausgegeben von der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft (30 vols), Leipzig 1857-1948.
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