Book Title: 108 Jain Tirth Darshanawali
Author(s): 108 Jain Tirth Bhavan Trust
Publisher: 108 jain Tirth Darshan Trust
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________________ a sadfaaiarael MONOONG pnnnai GOOD HTTTTTTTTTTN * vaikai NETEEEEEEEEEETH agnaseellaasaa paannnaannn st maalairaarnnn hthannanaannan PUBRUAIDUR /
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________________ divya kRpA zAsana samrATa pa. pU. AcAryadeva zrImad vijaya nemisUrIzvarajI mahArAja sAheba jeonI divya kupA jema bhAratabharanA tamAma saMgho upara varasatI rahI che. tema zrI 108 jainatIrthadarzana bhavana, zrI samavasaraNa mahAmaMdira upara satata varasatI rahI che jenA pucaprabhAve A bhagIrathakArya pUrNa thayuM. teonA caraNakamaLamAM amArI koTi koTi vaMdanA... divyAziSa vAtsalyavAridhi pa.pU. AcAryadeva zrImad vijaya vijJAnasUrIzvarajI mahArAja sAheba zrI samavasaraNa mahAmaMdiranuM divyasvama jeonA divyAziSathI divyA rIte pUrNatAne pAmyuM te pUjyane amArA bhAvabhacI koTizo vaMdanA... divya svapna draSTA dharmarAjA, ajAtazatru pa. pU. AcAdava zrImad vijaya kastUrasUrIzvarajI mahArAja sAheba yoga ane dhyAnathI dharma ane adhyAtmanA gahanarahasyonI AMtara anabhUti karanAra, AjIvana ekaniSTha gurucaraNasevI, gurukRpApAtra jeozrIe dhyAnasAdhanAnI mastImAM mahAvideha kSetranA zrI sImaMdharasvAmInA samavasaraNanA darzana karyA te svamasuSTinA phaLa svarUpe zrI samavasaraNa mahAmaMdira sAkAra thayuM. te pUjya gurudevazrIne koTi koTi vaMdanA...
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________________ cha0, jaina nI lIlI zrI samavasaraNa mahAmaMdira (pAlitANA ) mAM pratiSThita thayela 108 jaina tIrthonI tIrtha saMcayikA zubhAziSadAtA : pa. pU. zAsanasamrATa tapAgacchAdhipati AcAryamahArAja zrI vijayanemisurIzvarajI mahArAjanA 'paTTadhara pa. pU. AcAryadeva zrI vijaya vijJAna sUrIzvarajI mahArAjanA 'paTTadhara pa. pU. AcArya devazrI vijaya kastura sUrIzvarajI mahArAja . preraNAdAtA : | pa. pU. AcAryadeva zrI vijayacaMdrodayasUrIzvarajI mahArAja pa. pU. AcAryadeva zrI vijaya azokacaMdrasUrIzvarajI mahArAja Ayojaka : 'pa. pU. pravartaka munirAja zrI kuzaLacaMdra vijayajI mahArAja prAgaTaya dina : (dvitIya saMskaraNa) vi.saM. 2052 kArataka suda - 15- maMgaLavAra zrI zAMticaMda bAlubhAI jhaverI parivAra Ayojita aitihAsika cAturmAsa pUrNAhuti dina tA - 7-11-1995 zrI zatruMjaya mahAtIrtha prakAzake ? zrI anilabhAI gAMdhI, TrasTIzrI, zrI 108 jaina tIrtha darzana bhavana TrasTa, zrI samavasaraNa mahAmaMdira, pAlitANA - 36 4 270 Jain.Education International Formate Tersonal use only
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________________ } {{ ite : jinarAjakuM sadA morI vaMdanA tAre te tIrtha. bhavasAgaramAMthI pAra utAre evAM eka nahi balka 108 tIrthanAM darzana ahIM prApta thaze. tIrthamAM birAjamAna nayanamanohara ane prabhAvazAlI mULanAyaka bhagavaMtonA hUbahU pratIka rUpe je darzana thaze tenAthI to ArAdhaka potAne jaNe jinapratimAjI samakSa Ubho hoya ke tIrthAdhirAjanI pAvana godamAM beTho hoya evo ullAsa anubhavaze, tIrthamAM rahelA paramatAraka jinezvara bhagavaMtanAM darzana karIne e dhanyatA pAmaze, vaMdana karIne e AhalAda anubhavaze, pUjana karIne e avarNanIya AdhyAtmika AnaMda pAmaze. enuM hadaya bhakitanA raMgathI evuM UchaLatuM haze ke "citta prasanna re pUjanaphaLa kahyuM re" e mananI mastIno bhAva pAmyA vinA raheze nahi, vartamAna jinamaMdiranAM darzana karatAM aMtaramAM anubhavAze ke jANe AkAzethI devavimAna khaDuM thayuM na hoya ! eka arthamAM bhavasamudrane taravAnuM eka AlaMbana A tIrthadarzanAvali pUruM pADe che. saMpAdananI sukSmaprajJAnA puruSArthanA phaLa tarIke eka eka pRSTha bhAva ane bhakitanI tanmayatAthI nItarI rahyuM hoya tema lAge che. saMpAdakanA romeromamAM kevI gajabanI bhakitanI choLo UchaLatI haze ke jenA paripAka rUpe A graMtha sAMpaDayo che. paraMtu saMpAdakano A parizrama tyAre ja sArthaka thAya ke jayAre arihaMtano upAsaka A graMthanA pRSTha para je tIrthanAM darzana pAmyo che te tIrthanI padayAtrA karIne darzana pAme. ahIM AlekhAyelA phoTAo to mULa sudhI javAnA preraka banI raheze. eka eka tIrthanI yAtrA karIne dhAre to sAdhaka jinabhakti dvArA svayaM jina banI zake che, e bhAvanA dhAraNa karIne A tIrthanAM darzana karAya, e ja abhyarthanA. 4*.Ahdaka zK vi. saM. 2046 zrAvaNa vada - 1 zrI vAsupUjinAlaya zatAbdI dina, surendranagara.
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________________ girirAjanI godamAM, najare nihALatAM, manane harI letAM zrI 108 jaina tIrthadarzana bhavana-samavasaraNa mahAmaMdiranI AcherI jhalaka jagatanA tamAma dharmomAM jaina dharmanI eka mahattA enAM bhavya, alaukika ane adhyAtmabhAvanAthI bharapUra tIrtho che. A tIrtho bhaktanI bhakti, zreSThInI dAnavIratA, sAdhakanI upAsanA ane sAdhujanonI samatAno saMdeza ApIne saMsArasamudra taravA mATe jinabhaktino upadeza Ape che. samagra dezamAM ja nahi balka videzomAM aneka jinAlayo AvelAM che, paraMtu A badhAM jinAlayanI yAtrA karIne potAnI bhaktibhAvanAne dhanya karavAnI paNa sahune sAMpaDatI nathI. kyAreka zArIrika ke Arthika zakti na hoya, to kyAreka samaya ke sagavaDano abhAva hoya, AthI ja pAlitANAmAM AvelA zrI 108 jaina tIrthadarzana bhavana ane zrI samavasaraNa mahAmaMdiramAM eka sAthe aneka tIrthonAM darzana ane bhAvapUjanano lAbha maLe che. jANe tIrthonuM saMgamasthAna ja joI lo ! girivara darzana viralA pAve A saMgamasthAna tIrthAdhirAja zrI zatruMjaya girirAja caDatAM ja jamaNI bAju AveluM che. deza ane videzanA khUNe khUNethI pratyeka jaina tIrthAdhirAja zrI zatruMjayanI yAtrA karavAnI sadaiva jhaMkhanA rAkhato hoya che. AthI ja zrI 108 jaina tIrtha darzana bhavana pAlitANAmAM nirmANa karavAmAM AvyuM, jethI siddhagirinI yAtrAe AvanAra yAtrALune anokho tIrthadarzana, vaMdana ane pUjanano dharmamaya suyoga sAMpaDe che. nimitta mAtram AnI racanAnuM nimitta surata desAI poLanA zrI suvidhinAtha jinamaMdiramAM zrI desAI poLa peDhInA saMsthApaka dharmaniSTha DAhyAbhAI (kIkAbhAI) ratanacaMda kinArIvALAe taiyAra karAvela zrI 108 jaina tIrthadarzana banyuM. ahIM prAcIna tIrthonA mULanAyakajInA 36 x 30 IMcanI sAijhanAM citro dIvAla para birAjamAna karavAmAM AvyAM. paramapUjya dharmarAjA AcArya deva zrI vijayakarasUrIzvarajI mahArAja tathA 5. pU. paMnyAsajI (hAla AcArya ma. sA.) zrI caMdrodayavijayajIgaNi mahArAjanI nizrAmAM vi.saM. 2024nA kArataka vada-2 nA roja enuM udghATana karavAmAM AvyuM. tyArabAda DAhyAbhAIe 108 tIrthono eka paTTa bahAra pADyo. pachI potAnA dIkSA grahaNanA divase ja vi.saM. 2026 poSa suda 11nA 108 tIrtha darzanAvalI nAmaka eka Alabama prakAzita karyuM. jemAM 108 tIrthanA mULanAyakajI, derAsara ane temano itihAsa levAmAM Avyo. lokaAdara pAmela AnuM nimitta joIne vi.saM. 2018mAM surendranagaramAM zrI 108 jaina tIrthadarzana bhavana ane zrI samavasaraNa mahAmaMdiranuM nirmANa karavAno nirNaya karyo. pUjya dharmarAjA gurudevazrInI phuraNA thAya che sAkAra zrI 108 jaina tIrthadarzana ane zrI samavasaraNa mahAmaMdira, sarasvatI maMdiranI bAjumAM (bAbunA derAsaranI sAme) vIsahajAra vAra 400 x450 phUTa laMbAI-pahoLAIvALI vizALa jamIna para taiyAra karavAmAM AvyuM che. 2500 varSa pahelAM tIrthaMkara paramAtmA zrImahAvIra svAmI jemAM birAjamAna haze, e samavasaraNa kevuM haze ? jinAgamo, samavasaraNastava Adi prAcInastavo, stavanomAM ane anyatra paNa samavasaraNa saMbaMdhI ullekha maLe che te ja rIte keTalAya zilpIoe potAnI kalA temaja AgavI sUjhathI enI racanAno khyAla Apyo che, to keTalAMya citrakAroe enAM citra paNa banAvyAM che. pUjya AcAryadeva zrI vijaya kastUrasUrIzvarajI mahArAja potAnA dhyAnamAM zrI samavasaraNanuM ciMtana karatA hatA. A samaye 108 jaina tIrthadarzana goThavavAnI vicAraNA cAlI rahI hatI. evAmAM ekAeka teozrIne eka nUtana vicAra spharyo. emaNe vicAryuM ke samavasaraNa paNa banAvavuM ane temAM 108 tIrtho AvI jAya tevI ramaNIya racanA karavI. evI sarasa goThavaNI karavI ke jethI vartamAna covIzI, 108 pArzvanAthajI, 108 tIrthapaTTo tathA 108 citrapaTTo vagere badhuM ja A saMgamamAM mahAsaMgama banI rahe. .. samavasaraNanI saphaLatAnA sukAnI pUjya guru bhagavaMto paramapUjaya AcAryadeva zrI vijaya kastUrasUrIzvarajI mahArAjanA paTTadhara paramapUjya AcArya zrI vijaya caMdrodayasUrIzvarajI mahArAjanI zilpa-sthApatya saMbaMdhI sUjhanA sahArA sAthenA saMpUrNa mArgadarzana heThaLa pUjya tapasvI muni zrI kuzalacaMdravijayajI ma.sA.nI jahematathI A kArya sArI evI saphaLatAne pAmyuM. temaja A tIrthadhAmanA utthAnamAM mArgadarzaka pUjyAcArya mahArAja tathA teozrInA gurubaMdhu 5.pU. AcArya zrI vijaya azokacaMdrasUrIzvarajI ma.sA., pa.pU.paM. zrI ajitacaMdra vijayajI gaNi ma.sA., pa.pU.paM. zrI vinItacaMdravijayajI gaNi ma.sA., pa.pU.paM. zrI hIM-kAracaMdravijayajI gaNi ma.sA., pa.pU.paM zrI puSpacaMdravijayajI gaNi, paM. zrI somacaMdra, pa.pU. munizrI amaracaMdra, pa.pU. muni kailAsacaMdra, pU. muni zrI rAjacaMdra Adi dharmarAjApUjya gurudevanA ziSya-praziSya samudAyano athAka prayatna paNa nimittarUpa banela che.
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________________ vizvamAM ajoDa zrI samavasaraNa mahAmaMdira zrI samavasaraNa mahAmaMdira jonArane prathama najare ja jANe AkAzamAMthI UtarI AvyuM hoya tevuM lAge che. jemAM zrI pArthanAthajI 108, tIrtha paTTI 108 ane citro paNa 108 che. tenI UMcAI paNa 108 phUTanI rAkhI che. mA maMdiramAM pravezatAM zrI nemi-vijJAna kastUrasUrIzvarajI dharmodyAna Ave che. suMdara kArIgarIthI zobhatuM AkarSaka A pravezadvAra dUrathI ja yAtrALunA manane mohI le che. tenI banne bAju nIkaLatI paththaramAMthI kaMDArela cakronI cakrAvali ane tenI upara paththaramAM ja aMkti akSaronI adbhutatA hAranI zobhAmAM abhivRddhi kare che. dvAranI aMdaranA bhAgamAM eka tarapha paraba ane bIjI bAju vizrAMtigRhanuM suMdara Ayojana vicArela che. hAla yAtriko mATe ThaMDA ane ukALelA pANInI paraba paNa rAkhelI che. lIlA-gulAbI kamaLonI paMkti samavasaraNanI AsapAsa patharAyela kamaLo jevI lAge che. mukhya daravAjAmAM pravezatAM ja jamaNA hAthe eka ajoDa ane advitIya maMdiranAM darzana thAya che. traNa gaDha rUpe tenI racanA thaI che. zAstrIya rIte taiyAra karela cAre dizAnA bAra daravAjA, suMdara kamAno, dvArapALo, bAre parSadA, caityavRkSa ane azokavRkSa najare caDhayA vagara rahetAM nathI ane tethI ja Aje zrI 108 jaina tIrtha darzana bhavana ane zrI samavasaraNa mahAmaMdira vizvamAM enI bhavyatA, pavitratA ane mahattAthI khyAtanAma banyuM che. ahIM mAtra jinAlaya ja nahi paraMtu jaina khagoLa, bhugoLa ane jaina itiAsanI mArmika jhAMkhI thatI hovAthI ja Ane mahAmaMdira kahevAmAM Ave che. prabhudarzanathI mana pAvana bane che mukhya dvAranA uMbaramAM paga mUkatAM ja kyAM pahelA darzana karavA javuM ? te vicAramAM mugdha banela (muMjhAto) bhAvika zrI AdinAthadAdAnI bhavyamUrtinA darzanathI te ta2pha jatI jAjavalyamAna ArasanI pagathAra dvArA aMda2nA daravAje pahoMcI jAya che ane pahoMcatA ja AMkha TharI jAya che. aho keTalo vizALa Doma ! temaja nAMkhI najare nIrakhI na zakAya eTalo UMco mANeka staMbha. A mahAmaMdiranI vizvabharamAM sauthI moTI e ja viziSTatA che ke 42 phUTa UMco ane 70 phUTa pahoLo goLa ghummaTa (Doma) paththarathI ja taiyAra thayela che. vIMTI jevA A vartuLAkAramAM 42 phUTa UMco ane 16 phUTa poLo aSTamaMgalathI temaja cheka Toca upara UMdhA kamaLanI pAMkhaDIothI suzobhita mAtrakasthaMbha ratnanI jema dIpI uThe che. mANekastaMbhanI cAre dizAmAM vartamAna covIsa tIrthaMkarInI bhAvollAsa jagADatI 24 mUrtio birAjamAna che. A covIsamAMthI cAre bAjunA mULanAyaka tIrthaMkara zrI AdinAthajI, zrI zAMtinAthajI, zrI neminAthajI, zrI pArzvanAthanI 41-41 iMcanI AdhyAtmika cetanAne sajAga karatI pratimAo suMdara pavAsA upara birAjamAna che. temaja DomanI goLAImAM cAre dizAmAM kula 27-27nA vibhAgamAM, judAM judAM nAmothI vartamAnamAM prasiddha kula 108 zrI pArzvanAtha prabhunI mUrtio thAMbhalA vinAnI, jhUlatI kramAno upara rahela dhummaTavALI judIjudI mInI (nAnIzI) devakulikAmAM pratiSThita karela che. dareka prabhunI palAThImAM zrI samavasaraNa maMdiranA pratIka sahita lAMchano kaLAmayatAthI kotaravAmAM Avela che. A rIte ekI sAthe thatA 24+108 = 132 prabhunA darzanathI jIvana-mana pAvana banI jAya che. A che mahAmaMdiranuM AMtaradarzana prabhudarzanathI pAvana pathika prANapyArAM evA aitihAsika tIrthonAM darzana karavA bahAra Ave che. jyAM sAmenI goLAImAM 27-27nA 4 vibhAgamAM bhAratabharanAM 108 tIrthanAM jinAlayo, tenA mULanAyaka bhagavAna, teno itihAsa ane paricaya sAthe, je te tIrthomAM jaIne lIdhelI AbehUba tasvIro Adhunika leminezana paddhatithI Arasa para mUkavAmAM Avela che. zrI girirAjathI zarU karI rAjyavAra goThavela 108 tIrthapaTTonA darzanathI darzaka jANe te tIrthonI yAtrA karyAno saMtoSa anubhave che. te tIrthapaTTAnI sAmenI goLAImAM prabhu zrIvIranA samayathI Ajadina sudhImAM thayelAM, dharma-saMgha-deza ane samAja mATe potAnuM AgavuM samarpaNa karanAra puSpavaMta evA 27 sAdhu, 27 sAdhvI, 27 zrAvaka ane 27 zrAvikAnAM citro paNa Arasa upara leminezana karI mUkavAmAM AvyAM che. atyAre paNa itihAsanAM pAnAM ukelatAM jANavA maLela aitihAsika hakIkato dvArA A citro je rIte benamUna taiyAra karelAM che, te jotAM lAge che ke A citrapaTTo lAgavAthI A mahAmaMdiranI darzanIyatA aitihAsikatAno ghaNo ja vadhAro thayo che ane sAthe sAthe jaina itihAsamAM eka suvarNapRSThano umero thayo che. mahAmaMdiramAM zilpanI sAthe sAhityanuM gaThana samavasaraNa maMdiranA aMdaranA cAre daravAjA upara tIrthaMkara prabhunA cAra viziSTa vizeSaNone darzAvatA - (1) mahAmAhaNa ; (2) mahAgopa ; (3) mahAsArthavAha ; (4) mahAniyamikanAM dazyo kalAtmaka rIte kaMDAryA che. vaLI cAre dizAnA cAra mukhya daravAjAnI AjubAjunA be-be blaoNka (rUma) kula ATha blaoNka suMdara nakazIkAmanAM kArothI zaNagAryA che. pahelA bIjA dvAramAM 16 vidyAdevInA, trIjA dvAramAM zubha zukana, cothA dvAramAM cAra zaraNa, cAra sAdhana ane cAra prakAranAM dAnanA ; pAMcamA-chaThThA dvAramAM navakAra-japaMjaranI vividha mudrAnA ane navakAranA pardAnAM pratIko, sAtamA dvAramAM ATha pratihArya ane AThamA dvAramAM aSTamaMgalanAM pratIko jhIlavaTabharI daSTie jotAM nare caDhe che. ATha blokamAM pahelAmAM hamaNAM vahIvaTI ophisa che, bIjAmAM gurugaNa pradarzita karanuM bhavya gurumaMdira - zrI gautama svAmI, pUjya zAsanasamrATa, pUjya zrI vijJAnasUrijI ma.sA., pUjya dharmarAjA gurudevanI guru pratimA tathA mA cakkasarI ne mA padmAvatInI mUrtiothI dIpe che. jyAre bAkInA bIjA blaoNkamAM atIta, anAgata ne vartamAna covIzIno khyAla paNa ApavAmAM Avaze. zAzvatA tIrthaMkaronA paricaya citronI sAthe 63 zalAkA puruSa, 45 AgamanI pAMca vAcanA, aDhI dvIpa, utsarpiNI - avasarpiNI kALa-pAMcamA-chaThThA ArAnI temaja zrI vIrapATa paraMparAnI samaja ApatAM citro vagere mUkavAmAM Avaze. 6
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________________ mahAmaMdiranuM hRdayaMgama bahAranuM bhavyadarzana, sadehe vicaratA bhAva jinezvara bhagavaMtanI lokottara puSpAIno khyAla | zrI samavasaraNa mahAmaMdiranA aMdaranA vibhAgonA darzanathI prabhAvita puNyAtmA upara birAjamAna prabhu zrIvIrane vaMdana karavA utkaTa banI bahAra Ave che. tyAM tyAre mukhya daravAjA upara tIrthaMkara prabhunAM cyavana, janma, dIkSA ane nirvANa kalyANakaNanAM kaMDArela dezyone, nIkaLatAM jamaNI bAjue paththaramAMthI banAvela , sAkSAta jevI lAgatI gADAmAM rahela UMcI indradhvajAne, vizALa bhIMto upara paththaramAM kaMDArela rAjA dazArNabhadrane indra mahArAjAnI prabhuvIranA caraNomAM AtmasamarpaNa bhAva prakaTa karatA paTTane, pradakSiNAkAre AgaLa vadhatAM pAchaLanA bhAgamAM zrI neminAtha prabhune kRSNa mahArAjA. ; zrI pArzvanAthajI, zrI AdinAthajI prabhu ne marudevA mAtAjInA paTTane temaja zrI prabhuvIra pratye saMpUrNa samarpitatA prakaTa karatA zreNika mahArAjanI bhaktinAM dazyone temaja nAnI nAnI vADIone joI prasanna bane che. jyAre yAtrikane pujA-bhakti karavA mATe jarUriyAtavALuM sAdhana joIe, te mATe DAbI bAjue rahela bhaktibhavana tarapha najara jAya che, jyAM Adhunika solAra mazIna dvArA yAtrika mATe garama-ThaMDA pANInI suMdara vyavasthA che ane prabhunI prakSALa pUjA mATe jarUrI pANIno saMcaya samavasaraNanI aMdara rahela TAMkAmAM temaja navA taiyAra thayela kuMDamAM thAya che. yAtrALunI A badhI vyavasthA joI samavasaraNa upara javA mATe pagathiyAM caDhatAM nAnAnAnA paththaranAM kuMbho, kAMgarA, suMdara toraNa-kamAnovALA cAre taraphanA bAre daravAjA, pahelA gaDhamAM paththaramAM-kaMDArela vividha vAhano, bIjA gaDhamAM vibhinna pazu-pakSIo, trIjA gaDhamAM sAdhu-sAdhvI-manuSya-strI-deva-devIonI bAre parSadAne nihALato, to kyAreka viziSTa thAMbhalIe TekaNa upara Teko leto, dhIme dhIme 108 pagathiyAM caDhI upara pahoMce che. jyAM suMdara pavAsaNa upara zrI mahAvIra svAmIjInI sAta hAthanI kAyAne lakSamAM rAkhIne padmAsane beThela 61ii IcanI pratimA aSTapratihArya sahita cAre dizAmAM birAjamAna che. upara mAtra paththarathIja nirmANa karela azokavRkSa ane caityavRkSanuM suMdara DALI pAMdaDAM sAthe nirmANa karyuM che. 27 phUTa UMcA ane 37 phUTano vyApa dharAvatA A vRkSanuM vajana aMdAje 500 Tana che. te badhuM vajana vRkSanI vaDavAI jevA dekhAtA totiMga thAMbhalA upara patharAI gayeluM che. pAMgaratA paroDhiye/prabhAte paramAtmAnA pUjakane ahIM anupama Atmika AhUlAda avanavA anubhava thAya che. A rIte zrI samavasaraNa e mAtra maMdira nahi, balba mahAmaMdira che, jemAM jinazAsananI dhArmika ane AdhyAtmika bhavyatA, zilpa ane raMgarekhAmAM guMjI UThe che. | zrI 108 jaina tIrthadarzana bhavana TrasTa TrasTImaMDaLa tathA pustaka prAptisthAna | (4) zrI 108 jaina tIrthadarzana bhavana phona naM. 02848-2492, 2561 zrI samavasaraNa mahAmaMdira, taLeTI roDa, pAlitANA -- 364270 zrI mahendrabhAI khUbacaMda zAha C/o. ratanacaMda jorAjI eNnDa kuM., goDIjI bilDiMga naM. 1, 219, kIkA sTrITa, pAyadhunI, muMbaI - 4Odeg 002. zrI kAMtilAla ratilAla zAha saradAra sosAyaTI baMgalo, surendranagara - 363 001. zrI azvinabhAI zAMtilAla saMghavI kAyastha mahollo, gopIpurA, surata. zrI anilabhAI zAMtilAla gAMdhI 110, mahAkAnta bilDiMga, vI.esa. hospiTala sAme, Azrama roDa, amadAvAda - 380 006 . zrI mahendrabhAI caMdulAla vakhAriyA C/o. vakhAriyA bradharsa, javAharacoka, surendranagara - 363 001. zrI harSadarAya premacaMda zAha C/o, dharmendra vAsaNa bhaMDAra, mahAtmA gAMdhI roDa, bhAvanagara - 364 001, zrI harSadarAya cunIlAla bhArata TreDIMga kaMpanI, 111, TanaTanapurA sTrITa, muMbaI - 400 009. (8) .
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________________ zrI zatruMjaya cAturmAsanA avismaraNIya saMbhAraNA dayALudAdA zrIsiddhagirimaMDana zrI AdinAtha bhagavaMta mAyALudAdA pa.pU. AcAryazrI vijayaazokacaMdrasUrIzvarajI mahArAja karuNALu zreSThI zrI zAMticaMdabhAI bAlubhAI jhaverI triveNI saMgamathI pAlItANAmAM pravartala jayajayakAra aMtaranI Aza, AdinAthanI pAsa : aMtaranI AzA anaMta, paNa pUrNatA pAme parimita, chatAMya AvA avasare aMtara AnaMda anubhave. vi.saM. 2049 mahAsuda-6 nA svadravyathI (pArlA-muMbaI)nA gRhaAMgaNe zikharabaMdha derAsaranI aMjanazalAkA pratiSThA pU. sUribaMdhava belaDInI nizrAmAM je parivAre karAvela te zrI zAMticaMdabhAI bAlubhAI jhaverI, zrImatI nalInIbahena putra zrI harezabhAI, putravadhu zrImatI darzanAbahena, pautra kRNAla ane karaNa parivAranI varSonI aMtaranI AzA hatI ke dayALudAdA zrI AdinAtha prabhunI pAse zrI siddhagirinI chAyAmAM, zAsanasamrATa pa.pU. AcArya zrI vijaya nemi-vijJAna-kastUrasUrIzvarajI mahArAjanA paTTadhara baMdhubelaDInI nizrAmAM cAturmAsa karavuM ane karAvavuM. te aMge 5.5. AcArya zrI vijayacaMdrodayasUrIzvarajI mahArAjane vinaMtI karatA teozrIe potAnA zubhAzIrvAda pUrvaka potAnA gurubaMdhu 5.pU. AcArya zrI vijayaazokacaMdrasUrIzvarajI mahArAjane, pU.paM. zrI puSpacaMdra vi. gaNI, pU.paM. zrI somacaMdra vi., gaNI, pU. pravartaka zrI kuzalacaMdra vi., muni zrI zramaNacaMdra vi., munizrI zrIcaMdra vi., muni zrI zazIcaMdra vi., muni zrI prazamacaMdra vi., muni zrI priyacaMdra vi., muni zrI saMghacaMdra vi. Adi parivAra sahita vi.saM. 2051nA cAturmAsa mATe mokalI ApavA kRpA karI. te pUjyazrInA pAvana pagale pagale : pUjya AcAryazrIe jeTha vada-10nA zubha divase pAlItANAnI puNyabhUmi para pagalA karatAM ja tapadharmanA maMDANa thaI cUkyA. tapasvI zrI surezacaMdra caMdulAle 68 upavAsanI ugra tapazcaryAno prAraMbha karyo. cAturmAsa daramyAna sA. zrI dhanyayazAzrIjI tathA sA. zrI matiSeNAzrIjIe 45 upavAsa, sA. zrI kalpazrutAzrIjIe, sA. zrI tejayazAzrIjIe 30 upavAsa, sA. zrI yazasvinIzrIjI e 23 upavAsa, bIjA sAdhvIjIoe zreNItapa, bhadratapa, 107 vagere vardhamAna tapanI oLI, 68 jeTalA pU. sAdhu sAdhvIjI ma. nA yogoddhahana, caturvidha zrI saMghamAM mAsakSamaNa, 20, 15, 11, 10, 9, 8 upavAsa, zrI zatruMjaya tapa, zrI AdinAtha kaMThAbharaNa tapa, mokSadaMDa tapa, vardhamAna tapanA pAyA AgamanI ArAdhanA Adi tapasyAnA raMge sau raMgAyA. tapasvI sAdhu-sAdhvIjInA pAraNA prasaMge zrI zAMtibhAI-nalinIbena sahita 45 ArAdhakono sajoDe AjIvana brahmacarya vrata svIkAra, vIza sthAnaka tapa prAraMbha, kroDa namaskAra mahAmaMtranA jApa, 3 kroDa arihaMta padano jApa, 1aa lAkha sAmAyika, upavAsa, rAtribhojana tyAga, jinapUjA, guruvaMdanAdi zIladharmane japanI sAdhAnAthI raMgAyA devadravya, jJAnadravyanI vRddhimAM temaja abhayadAna, jIvadayA, pakSIone caNa, anukaMpAdi pravRtimAM manumUkIne dAnanI gaMgA ArAdhakoe vahevaDAvI. ArAdhanAnA aitihAsika avasaro * pUjyazrI Adi caturvidha zrI saMgha sahita ArAdhakonA cAturmAsa pravezanI bhavya zobhAyAtrA 3nA saghaLA tapasvIo sAthe zistabaddha rIte da22oja taLeTInI yAtrA navakA2nI jIvaMta racanA sAthe taLeTInI bhavya mahApUjA * tapasvIonA sAmudAyika pAraNA pAlItANAmAM birAjamAna sarva pUjya AcArya ma. Adi sAdhu-sAdhvIjI ma.nI. nizrAmAM tapasvIo sahita sAmudAyika bhavyAtibhavya rathayAtrA - jayapu2thI AvatA sevAbhAvI DaoNkTaro dvArA thayela polIyo kempa Adi vividha kempa saurASTra vihArabhUminA upakrame vihArakSetramAM 27 jeTalA navA upAzrayo banAvavAnI jAherAta zrI zAMticaMda bAlubhAI jhaverI rIlIjIyarsa TrasTa taraphathI vi.saM. 2051mAM pAlItANAmAM thayela yazojjavala cAturmAsanI smRtine sadAya jIvaMta rAkhavA puNyavaMtonA saujanyapUrNa sahakArathI AMtararASTrIya khyAti pAmela "zrI 108 jaina tIrthadarzanAvalI" pustakanI bIjI AvRtti prakAzita thaI rahI che.
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________________ ' vi.saM. 2047mAM zrI girirAjanA mahAbhiSeka samaye kalyANamitra zrI zAMticaMda bAlubhAI jhaverInI sAthe dharmamitra sva. zrI rajanIkAMta jhaverI vIsamI sadInA 'jAvaDazA"nA mAnavaMtA birudane pAmela, temaja vi.saM. 2011mAM pAlItANAmAM cAturmAsa samaye "jaina ratna" tarIke prasiddhi meLavela suratanivAsI dAnavIra zreSThi zrI zAMticaMdabhAI bAlAbhAI jIvorIne temanA sahadharmacAriNI a.sau. nalinIbena zAMticaMda jhaverIne sAdara samarpaNa zrI zatruMjaya tIrthoddhAraka zrI jAvaDazA, puNya zloka mahAmaMtrI zrI vastupAla-tejapAla, dharmavIra zeTha zrI motIzAha jevA mahAjanoe je rIte zrI siddhAcala mahAtIrthanI bhakti ja potAnA jIvanamAM prANavAna banAvI hatI, te rIte teonI yAdane smRtipathamAM satata ghuMTanArA, potAnA tana-mana-dhanane zrI zatruMjayagirirAja tathA sakala zrI saMghanA caraNe jeoe samarpita kare che, tevA surata (hAla : vilepArlA, muMbaI) nivAsI, vizAporavADa jJAtIya, svanAmadhanya zreSThivarya, zrI zAMticaMdabhAI bAlubhAI jhaverIe, potAnA sahadharmacAriNI a.sau. nalinIbena, putraratna zrI harezabhAI, putravadhU a.sau. darzanAbena, pautra ci. kuNAla, ci. karaNa, putrI a.sau. zIlA mukezakumAra sukhaDiyA, a.sau. prIti rAjenakumAra vakIla, dauhitra sunIta, RSita, dauhitrI sejala, aditi AdinA sahakArathI taraNa tAraNa zrI siddhagirinI chAyAmAM pa.pU. AcArya zrI vijaya caMdrodayasUrIzvarajI mahArAjanA gurubaMdhu pa.pU. AcArya zrI vijaya azokacaMdra surIzvarajI mahArAjanI nizrAmAM vi.saM. 2051mAM 450 uparAMta ArAdhako sahita cAturmAsanI ArAdhanA anupama udAratAthI, anekavidha zAsanaprabhAvanA pUrvaka karI ane karAvI, teonA A aitihAsika cAturmAsanA yazojjavalakAryane jIvaMta rAkhavAnI saMbhAvanAthI zrI 108 jaina tIrtha darzanAvalInI A pustikA teonI tIrthabhakti, sakala zrI saMgha pratyeno samarpaNa bhAva ane zAsanodyotakara mahAkAryonI smRtimAM samarpaNa karatA amo gaurava saha AnaMda anubhavIe chIe. che. koI nA 0 0 0 0 nI no ji0 Tana!]
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________________ naM. tIrthanuM nAma 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. .. 9. 10. zrI ziyANI tIrtha zrI siddhigiri pAlitANA tIrtha zrI AdIzvara bhagavAna zrI hastagiri tIrtha zrI AdIzvara bhagavAna zrI zatruMjaya Dema tIrtha zrI zatruMjaya pArzvanAtha bhagavAna zrI kadambagiri tIrtha zrI AdIzvara bhagavAna zrI tAladhvajagiri tIrtha zrI mahuvA tIrtha zrI dAThA tIrtha zrI ghoghA tIrtha zrI vallabhIpura tIrtha 11. zrI ajArA tIrtha 12. zrI prabhAsapATaNa tIrtha 13. zrI giranAra tIrtha 14. zrI vaMthalI tIrtha 15. zrI jAmanagara tIrtha 16. zrI bhadrezvara tIrtha 17. zrI sudharI tIrtha 18. zrI kaccha-bhuja tIrtha 19. zrI mAMDavI tIrtha 20. zrI koThArA tIrtha 21. zrI jakhau tIrtha 22. zrI naliyA tIrva 23. zrI terA tIrtha 24. zrI bhIDiyA nIce 25. zrI prahalAdanapura tIrtha 26. zrI zaMkhalapura tIrtha 27. zrI tAraMgA nIce 28. zrI zaMkhezvara tIrtha zrI 108 jaina tIrthonI nAmAvalI / anukramaNikA mULanAyaka bhagavAna zrI sAcA sumatinAtha bhagavAna zrI mahAvIra bhagavAna zrI zAMtinAtha bhagavAna zrI navakhaMDA pArzvanAya bhagavAna zrI AdIzvara bhagavAna zrI zAMtinAtha bhagavAna zrI pArzvanAtha bhagavAna zrI caMdraprabhU bhagavAna zrI neminAtha bhagavAna zrI zitalanAtha bhagavAna zrI AdIzvara bhagavAna zrI mahAvIra bhagavAna zrI dhRtA.kallola pArzvanAtha bhagavAna zrI ciMtAmaNI pArzvanAya bhagavAna zrI zAMtinAtha bhagavAna zrI zAMtinAtha bhagavAna zrI mahAvIra bhagavAna zrI caMdraprabhu bhagavAna zrI jIrAvAlA pArzvanAtha bhagavAna zrI bhIlaDiyA pArzvanAtha bhagavAna zrI prahalaviyA pArzvanAtha bhagavAna zrI zAMtinAtha bhagavAna zrI ajitanAtha bhagavAna zrI zaMkhezvara pArzvanAtha bhagavAna naM tIrthanuM nAma 29. zrI kaMboI tIrtha 30. zrI cANasmA tIrtha 31. zrI pATaNa tIrtha 32. zrI cArUpa tIrtha 33. zrI pAnasara tIrtha 34. zrI vAmaja tIrtha 35. zrI mahesANA tIrtha 36. zrI gAMbhu tIrtha 37. zrI upariyALA tIrtha 38. zrI bhoyaNI tIrtha OM zrI seriyA nIrdha 40. zrI IDara nIpa 41. zrI bhorola tIrtha 42. zrI dhoLakA tIrtha 43. zrI sarakheja tIrtha 44. zrI karNAvatI tIrtha amadAvAda 45. zrI mAtara tIrtha 46. zrI pArolI tIrtha 47. zrI khaMbhAta tIrtha 48. zrIkAvI tIrtha mULanAyaka bhagavAna 10 zrI manamohana pArzvanAtha bhagavAna zrI bhaTevA pArzvanAtha magavAna zrI paMcAsarA pArzvanAtha bhagavAna zrI zyAmalA pArzvanAtha bhagavAna zrI mahAvIra bhagavAna zrI AdIzvara bhagavAna zrI sImaMdhara svAmI zrI gaMbhIrA pArzvanAtha bhagavAna zrI AdIzvara bhagavAna zrI mallinAtha bhagavAna zrI pArzvanAtha bhagavAna zrI zAMtinAtha bhagavAna zrI neminAtha bhagavAna zrI kalikuMDa pArzvanAtha bhagavAna zrI vAsupUjya bhagavAna zrI dharmanAtha bhagavAna zrI sAcAdeva sumatinAtha bhagavAna zrI neminAtha bhagavAna zrI staMbhana pArzvanAtha bhagavAna zrI AdIzvara bhagavAna zrIdharmanAtha bhagavAna zrI amIjharA pArzvanAtha bhagavAna zrI munisuvratasvAmI bhagavAna zrI AdInAtha bhagavAna 49. zrI gaMdhAra tIrtha 50. zrI bharUca tIrtha 51. zrI jhagaDiyA tIrtha 52. zrI amarolI tIrtha zrI vAsupUjya bhagavAna 53. zrI AgamamaMdira surata tIrtha zrI mahAvIra bhagavAna 54. zrI 108 jainatIrthadarzanamaMdira zrIsuvidhanAtha bhagavAna surata
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________________ naM. IrthanuM nAma 55. zrI devavADA Abu tIrtha 56. zrI acalagaDha tIrtha 57. zrI kuMbhAriyAjI tIrtha 58. zrIjIrAvAlAtIrtha 59. zrI bAmaNavADa tIrtha 60. zrI divALA nI 1. zrI lauTANA nIpa 62. zrI noMdiyA tIrtha 63. zrI nANA tIrtha 64. zrI koTA tIrtha 65. zrI varakANA tIrtha 66. zrI mUchALA mahAvIra tIrtha 67. zrI rAdhAkapura tIrtha 6. zrI suDI tIrtha 69. zrIlIdhI nIce 70. zrI svarNagiri tIrtha 31. zrI kAparaDAnItha 72. zrInADAnIma 73. zrI sAcora tIrtha 74. zrI osiyA tIrthaM rUpa. zrI bodavA tIrtha 36. zrI jesalamera nIrtha 77. zrI jammu tIrtha 78. zrI hastinApura tIrtha 79 zrI saurIpura tIrtha 80. zrI kAMgaDA tIrtha 81. zrI svarNamaMdira tIrtha 82. zrIsametazikhara tIrtha mULanAyaka bhagavAna zrI AdIzvara bhagavAna zrI AdIzvara bhagavAna zrI neminAtha bhagavAna zrIjIrAvAlApArzvanAtha bhagavAna zrI mahAvIra bhagavAna zrI mahAvIra bhagavAna zrI AdIzvara bhagavAna zrI mahAvIra bhagavAna zrI mahAvIra bhagavAna zrI mahAvIra bhagavAna zrI pArzvanAtha bhagavAna zrI mahAvIra bhagavAna zrI AdIzvara bhagavAna zrI rAtAmahAvIra bhagavAna zrIphaLavRddhipArzvanAtha bhagavAna zrI mahAvIra bhagavAna zrIsvayaMbhU pArzvanAtha bhagavAna zrInAkoDA pArzvanAtha bhagavAna zrI mahAvIra bhagavAna zrI mahAvIra bhagavAna zrI sahastraphaNA ciMtAmaNi pArzvanAtha bhagavAna zrIciMtAmaNipArzvanAtha bhagavAna zrI mahAvIra bhagavAna zrI zAMtinAtha bhagavAna zrI neminAtha bhagavAna zrI AdIzvara bhagavAna zrI vAsupUjya bhagavAna zrIzAmaLiyApArzvanAtha bhagavAna 11 naM. IrthanuM nAma 83. zrI pAvApurI tIrtha 84. zrI rAjagRhI tIrtha 85. zrI ayodhyA tIrtha 86. zrI pATalIputra tIrtha 87. zrI caMpApurI tIrtha 88. zrI kSatriyakuMDa tIrtha 89. zrI. kalakattA tIrtha 90. zrI kAmpilyapura tIrtha 91. zrI banArasa tIrtha 92. zrI cittoDagaDha nIrtha 93. zrI udayapura tIrtha 4. zrI kesariyA nIrgha 95. zrI kareDA tIrtha 6. zrI undela tIrtha 97. zrI makSI tIrtha 8. zrIujjainanIpa mULanAyaka bhagavAna zrI mahAvIra bhagavAnanA caraNapAdukA zrI munisuvratasvAmI bhagavAna zrI ajitanAtha bhagavAna zrI vizAlanAtha bhagavAna zrI vAsupUjya bhagavAna zrI mahAvIra bhagavAna zrI zitalanAtha bhagavAna zrI vimalanAtha bhagavAna zrI pArzvanAtha bhagavAna zrI AdIzvara bhagavAna zrI bhAvitIrthaMkara zrI padamanAbha svAmI zrI AdInAtha bhagavAna zrI kareDA pArzvanAtha bhagavAna zrI nArIzvara pArzvanAtha bhagavAna zrI makSI pArzvanAtha bhagavAna zrIavaMtI pArzvanAtha bhagavAna 99. zrI bhopAvara tIrtha zrI zAMtinAtha bhagavAna 100. zrI mAMDavagaDha tIrtha zrI supArzvanAtha bhagavAna 101. zrI bhADuMka (bhadrAvatI) tIrtha zrI kesariyA pArzvanAtha bhagavAna 102. zrI zirapura tIrtha zrI aMtarIkSa pArzvanAtha bhagavAna zrI mahAvIra bhagavAna 103. zrI kulapAlakA tIrtha 104. zrI kuMojagiri tIrtha 105. zrI thANA tIrtha 106. zrI goDIjI tIrtha 107. zrI mombAsA AphrikA tIrtha 10. zrI kobe jApAna tIrtha zrI jagavallabha pArzvanAtha bhagavAna zrI munisuvrata svAmI bhagavAna zrI goDIjI pArzvanAtha bhagavAna zrI ciMtAmaNi pArzvanAtha bhagavAna zrI mahAvIra bhagavAna
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________________ 1. SHRI ADISHWAR BHAGAVAN (2ll2lEl eq12 64019_) 12
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________________ 1. SHRI SIDDHAGIRI PALITANA TIRTHA (SHRI ADISHWAR BHAGAVAN) That which sublimates is TIRTHA (Place of pilgrimage). One who promotes Tirtha is TIRTHANKARAS. Shatrunjaya Tirtha, situated at a distance of 48 kms, from Bhavnagar and 29 kms, from Sihor in Saurashtra, is generally looked upon as a Tirtha of all times. The first ever Tirthankara of Jains dharma and the for most of persons to give rise to human civilization, Shri Rishabhadeva Bhagavan visited this sacred place ninety nine times. All the twenty three Tirthankaras, except Shri Neminath Bhagavan, delivered to all humanity the auspicious, message of Jaina dharma. Being a great city of temples, Shatrunjaya Tirtha is Siddhakshetra of all times as defined and approved by the Agamas. The central figure in this complex is Shri Adishvara Bhagavan with his white and pure complexion, seated on a lotus-shaped SEAT. The mountain consists of a height of 1640 feet and the expanse of the castle over it is spread over twenty acres. It has nine hill-tops and consists of 108 large temples and 872 small shrines, with some 7000 images of Shri Jina. In the whole world, you will not come across such a vast number of images, all at one place, or, just at one place and this height; temples, consisting of such lovely architecture in such a vast number. In ancient times it is said, that Pundarikaswami, the Ganadhara of Bhagavan Rishabhadeva renounced the world to attain to emancipation at this holy place. The mountain is therefore named as Pundarikagiri after him. In the Avasarpini period this great Tirtha consisting of 108 names, was repaired as many as sixteen times. A pilgrimage to this Tirtha is said to be an equivalent to 100 pilgrimages. Every year to-day, more than 4 lakhs of pilgrims, observing six restraints in form of Sanghas pay a visit to this unique tirtha for pilgrimage. The road leading to the top from the valley is 2/4 miles in length and has 3750 steps. Perhaps, we can look upon this tirtha as unparallelled in the whole world as created by a keen spirit of religion without state patronage and of course without forced labour. 1. zrI siddhigiri pAlitANA tIrtha (zrIAdIzvara bhagavAna). tAre te tIrtha. tIrthane pravartAve te tIrtha kara. AvAM tIrthomAM saurASTranA bhAvanagarathI 48 ki.mI. dUra ane zihorathI 29 ki.mI. dUra AveluM zrI zatruMjaya tIrtha e prAya: zAzvatuM tIrtha gaNAya che. jaina dharmanA prathama tIrthakara ane mAnava-saMskRtinA Adi sthApaka zrI RSabhadeva bhagavAna A tIrthamAM pUrva navvANuM vAra samosaryA hatA. covIsa tIrtha kAromAMthI zrI neminAtha bhagavAna sivAyanA trevIsa tIrtha kAroe A tIrtha parathI vizvane jaina dharmano maMgalakArI saMdeza Apyo hato. maMdironI mahAnagarI jevuM zatruMjaya tIrtha e AgamamAnya prAya: zAzvata siddhakSetra che. enA mULanAyaka zvetavarNaya padhamAsanastha zrI AdIzvara bhagavAna che. girirAjanI UMcAi 1640 phUTa che ane enA parano gaDha vistAra vIsa ekaramAM patharAyelo che. enI nava TUMkomAM 108 moTAM derAsara ane 872 nAnI derIo AvelI che ane sAteka hajAra jeTalI jina pratimA che. vizvamAM koi paNa sthaLe ATalI badhI pratimAjI nahi maLe ane e ja rIte ATalI UMcAie ATalI vipula saMkhyAmAM kamanIya kArIgarI dharAvanArAM derAsaro jagatamAM maLaze nahIM. prAcIna samayamAM A tIrtha para bhagavAna RSabhadevanA gaNadhara puMDarika svAmI mokSe padhAryA hatA tethI ene puMDarikagiri tarIke paNa oLakhavAmAM Ave che. 108 nAma dharAvatA A mahAtIrthano avasarpiNI kALamAM soLa vAra jIrNoddhAra thayo. A tIrthanI eka yAtrA eka so yAtrA barAbara gaNAya che. Aje prati varSa cAra lAkhathI paNa vadhu yAtrALuo charI pALatA saMgho mAraphate ane anya rIte A ajoDa tIrthanI yAtrAe Ave che. taLeTIthI zikhara sudhI pahoMcavAno rasto savA be mAilano tathA 3750 pagathiyAM dharAvato che. kazAya rAjayAzraya vinA ke majUro pAse veTha karAvyA vinA lokasamUhanI dharmabhAvanAthI thayeluM A tIrtha jagatamAM ajoDa gaNAya. tIrthanaMdanA - 1 (3) popaTalAla catrabhuja bAbarIyA (baravALA ghelAzAha) - muMbaI (1) vRjalAla popaTalAla bAbarIyA (baravALA ghelAzAha) - muMbaI (4) samaratabahena popaTalAla bAbarIyA (baravALA ghelAzAha)- muMbaI (2) a.sau. IndumatIbahena vRjalAla bAbarIyA (baravALA ghelAzAha) -muMbaI (5) kIrITabhAIvRjalAlabAbarIyA (baravALA ghelAzAha) - muMbaI 13
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________________ tyasta vaizAkhamA akSaya tRtIya dine prati mahodaya sari jinavijayapa 2. SHRI ADISHVARA BHAGAVAN (zrImahIzvara bhagavAna ) 14 sa tuM zani mahile mahAyo samA devacca .
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________________ 2. SHRI HASTAGIRI TIRTHA (SHRI ADISHVARA BHAGAVAN CHARANAPADUKA) The confluence of three rivers in form of nature, sacredness and old past is what constitutes the Hastagiri tirtha. On one side of the tirtha there stand the temples of the complex of Shatrunjaya, and on the other the Kadambagiri. The slow moving breeze of the scared Shatrunji river joins the atmosphere to give rise to spiritual feelings in the inner consciousness. This tirtha, situated as it is on a hill on the northern side of the river, is a unique spot of Sadhana on the self (Atmasadhana). Here is installed the CHARANAPADUKA, approximately 33 kms. in size, of sapphire colour, of Tirthankara Shri Adishvara Bhagavan. There is no Inscription on it though it seems to be pretty old. It is said that Adishvara Prabhu paid a visit here so many times. His eldest son, Bharata Chakravarti raised this tirtha and attained emancipation here. It is also said that the elephant of Bharata Chakravarti undertook fast and attained liberation here. The mountain therefore is known as Hastangiri. Some look upon this tirtha only as just one peak of the Shatrunjaya and this Hastagiri tirtha too is included in the circumambulation of the Shatrunjaya mountain spread over some twelve Kosas or eighteen miles. The glory of this tirtha is unique indeed because it is pretty old. With the renovation of this tirtha, we have a Jina temple of Adishvara Bhagavan which has peaks and is octagonal and which has 72 shrines. It is so very much artistic that one is easily reminded of the Ranakapura tirtha. This complex consists of five Jina temples of all the five KALYANAKAS and is constructed in such a manner that one will have a clear idea of the construction of Samavasarana. The novel tirtha is constructed at the instance and under the inspiration derived from the noble sermons of Shri Vijayamanatunga Suri-an expert master of the Agamas. The renovation of the new Jina temple and ceremonious installation was done at the sacred hands of most revered Acharya Maharaj Shri Vijayaramachandra Surishvarji, on the auspicious sixth day of the Vaishakha of V.S. 2045 2. zrI hastagiri tIrtha (zrIAdIzvara bhagavAna caraNapAdukA) prakRti, pavitratA ane prAcInatAno triveNI saMgama eTale zrI hastagiri tIrtha. A tIrthanI eka bAju zatruMjaya girirAjanAM maMdiro che to bIjI bAju kadambagiri parvata che. sAthosAtha pAvanakArI zatruMjI nadIno maMda maMda samIra aMtaramAM AdhyAtmikatA pragaTAve che. zatruMjI nadInA uttara kinAre AvelI eka TekarI paranuM A tIrtha AtmasAdhanA mATe anupama sthaLa che. ahIM Azare 33 se.mI.nI pirojI raMganI tIrthakara zrI AdIzvara bhagavAnanI caraNapAdukA che. ati prAcIna samayanI lAgatI A caraNapAdukA para koi lekha nathI. ahIM AdIzvara prabhuaneka vAra padhAryA hatA. emanA jayeSTha putra bharata cakravartI e A tIrthanI sthApanA karI ane teo ahIMthI mokSa pAmyA hatA. cakravartI bharatano hAthI paNa anazana karIne ahIMthI mokSa pAmyo hato tethI A pahADane hastagiri kahevAmAM Ave che evI vAyakA maLe che. A tIrthane zrI zatruMjaya parvatanuM ja eka zikhara mAnavAmAM Ave che ane zrI zatruMjaya girirAjanI bAra kozanI pradakSiNAmAM hastagiri tIrtha paNa Ave che. zrI AdIzvara bhagavAnanA samayanuM A tIrtha ati prAcIna tIrtha hovAthI eno mahimA ghaNo mahAna che. A tIrthano tIrthoddhAra thatAM ahIM 72 derIo sahita aSTakoNa zrI AdIzvara bhagavAnanuM uttuMga zikharayukata jinamaMdira rANakapura tIrthanuM smaraNa karAve tevuM kalAyukata banyuM che. samavasaraNanI racanAno khyAla maLI rahe te rIte tema ja pAMceya kalyANakanA pAMca jinamaMdiroyukata A tIrtha pUjaya AgamavizArada zrI vijayamAnatuMgasUrinA sadupadezathI taiyAra thayuM che, jayAre A nUtana jinAlayanI prANapratiSThA sadupadezaka pU.A. mahArAja zrI vijayarAmacaMda sUrIzvarajInA varada haste vi.saM. 2045nA vaizAkha suda chaThanA zubha dine karavAmAM AvI che. tIrthanaMdanA - 2 (3) a.sau. viNAbahena vijayabhAI motIcaMda jhaverI suratavALA-muMbaI (1) sumatibahena motIcaMda hIrAcaMda jhaverI suratavALA - muMbaI (4) a.sau. suparNAbahena sunIlabhAI jhaverI haHpujA, ci. tAraka (2) samIrabhAI vijayabhAI jhaverI suratavALA-muMbaI (5) a.sau. hemAbahena samIrabhAI jhaverI ha : kSamA,yazmA suratavALA-muMbaI 15.
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________________ thra pAyAmamA imateriumm maratmaramananAdamaraNAsanamA LINE nivAsabAremAhArAjenyAna-sAmipyAvasanajArAjArAma jImAna ra zrIpAnIparamera punalamA samAcAra nivAminIvaloma garina vastrakaNa zrIjaga pAjAya thiya pani kina yamAgrI vijayadanaziyana gariyodayavi gAmi JNa kIrticara vimaNi paM-svAdayani-gaNi, pratIkacaMda vijaNi TaarammonASijaya zivAjInIpisAgara Sto-bAjevAya jalatIpadApavAsyamA masI socanIyAmarA nInAmeva svAmasI-bIjIpI sura ra navalaparApolApurANa prmuyii| vizAla mAdhusodhthI paridhAra buta anadhi munikozImA vijayena 3. SHRI SHATRUNJAYA PARSHVANATH BHAGAVAN (zrIzatru45 pArzvanAtha bhagavAna) 16
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________________ 3. SHRI SHATRUNJAYA DAM TIRTHA (SHRI SHATRUNJAYA PARSHVANATH BHAGAVAN) Shatrunjaya Tirtha is situated near the Shartunjaya dam on way to Talaja from Palitana. This is a vast Jina temple in which there is the lofty, vast, black and charming image of Shri Shatrunjaya Parshvanatha Bhagavan, the foremost of Jinas. This idol and the other idols all-round were installed on the tenth day of the bright half of the month of Vaishakh in V.S. 2030. Under the inspiration and sermonizing of the most revered Achary Deva Shri Vijayanandanasurishvaraji this tirtha was raised at a distance of six miles from Palitana and about 2 furlong from the Shatunjaya river. Shah Khumchand Ratanchand Joraji and Shah Somchand Chunibhai had the good fortune to get orders of the Sangha and to construct this temple and instal the image there. We also have an inn, a canteen and Upashraya at the place. Devoted pilgrims who undertake nineteen pilgrimages of Shri Shatrunjaya Giriraja complex, do not fail to pay a revered visit to Shri Dada going up the bridge near Rohitashala after paying worshipful respects to the PADUKAS of the feet of Shri Adishvar Bhagavan on the banks of the river after taking a dip in the Shatrunjaya river. In this Rohitashala, it was at the sacred hands of Acharya Shri Vijayanemisurishvaraji Maharaj, a master of all Scriptures, that the temple of Bhagavan Shri Adishvara, the inn etc. were constructed. All these temples, inn etc. were feared to be submerged in waters due to construction of the Shatrunjaya dam. This novel Tirtha was therefore constructed and all the idols of the Jina temple complex were religiously installed in this new Jaina temple. This dam-tirtha continues to develop and flourish under the able administration of the business-house of Sheth Shri Jinadasa Dharmadasa. 3. zrI zatruMjaya Dema tIrtha (zrI zatruMjaya pArzvanAtha bhagavAna) pAlitANAthI taLAjA jatAM zatruMjaya Dema Ave che. A Dema para zrI zatruMjaya tIrtha AveluM che. A eka vizALa jinamaMdira che ane temAM mULanAyaka zrI zatruMjaya pArzvanAtha bhagavAnanI bhavya, vizALa, zyAma ane manohara mUrti che. A mULanAyakajInI pratimAnI tema ja anya pratimAonI vi.saM. 2030nA vaizAkha suda 10nA divase sthApanA karavAmAM AvI hatI. pa. pU.AcArya deva zrI vijayanaMdasUrIzvarajI ma. sA. nA upadezathI pAlitANAthI lagabhaga 7 mAila dUra ane zatruMjaya nadIthI lagabhaga be pharlA ga dUra A tIrthanuM nirmANa karavAmAM AvyuM che. zAha khUmacaMda ratanacaMda jorAjI ane zAha somacaMda cunIbhAie zrI saMghanoAdeza meLavIne pratiSThA karAvavAnuM dhanya bhAgya meLavyuM hatuM. ahIM dharmazALA, bhojanazALA, upAzraya vagere Avela che. zrI zatruMjaya girirAjanI 99 yAtrA karanAra bhAviko zatruMjaya nadImAM snAna karI rohIzALA gAmamAM nadIkinAre rahelA zrI AdIzvara bhagavAnanI caraNapAdukAnI pujA karI rohIzALAnI pAjethI upara caDI dAdAnI yAtrA avazya kare che. A rohIzALAmAM zAsana mATaA. zrI vijayanemIsUrIzvarajI ma. sA. nA zubha haste zrI AdIzvara bhagavAnanuM jina maMdira tathA dharmazALA vagerenuM nirmANa thayuM hatuM, paraMtu zatruMjaya Dema thatAMe badhuM pANImAM DUbI jatuM hatuM tethI A abhinava tIrthanI sthApanA karavAmAM AvI ane te jinamaMdiranAM tamAma pratimAjI DemanAA nUtana jinAlayamAM padharAvavAmAM AvyAM che. zeTha zrI jinadAsa dharmadAsanI peDhInA saMcAlana heThaLa A Dema tIrthano vikAsa thai rahyo che. tIrthanaMdanA - 3 (3) vipulakumAra pravINabhAI zAha bhadrAvaLavALA - aMdherI muMbaI ', (1) pravINabhAI bAbulAla zAha bhadrAvaLavALA - aMdherI muMbaI (4) sau. mItAbahena vipulakumAra zAha bhadrAvaLavALA - aMdherI muMbaI (2) a.sau. jayAlakSmI pravINabhAI zAha bhadrAvaLavALA - aMdherI muMbaI (5) ci. mihira vipulakumAra, ci. vatsala vipulakumAra - muMbaI - 17
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________________ mULanAyaka 9 zrI vAkIya kAma kare eka tArApAtha prAtija thAvAya 4. SHRI ADISHVARA BHAGAVAN (zrI AdIzvara bhagavAna) 18
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________________ 4. SHRI KADAMBAGIRI TIRTHA (SHRI ADISHVARA BHAGAVAN) The great Shatrunjaya tirtha has five tirthas of which one is the age-old Kadambagiri tirtha. It is one of the tirthas in the 18 miles circumambulation of the Shatrunjaya mountain. It is said that the Ganadhara of the second Tirthankara, Shri Kadamba Muni attained to emancipation-NIRAVANA-along with so many munis. The mountain is known as Kadambagiri. It is known as Siddhakshetra because so many munis attained NIRVANA here. The mula-nayaka of this Tirtha is Bhagavan Adishvara of white complexion. His idol is lofty and will certainly inspire spiritual feelings. This image, almost two meters in height, is seated in Padmasana posture. His facial expression is extremely calm and tranquil and highly inspiring. Acharya Shri Vijayanemi Surishvaraji, a master of the Scriptures has got this tirtha renovated. On this mountain, there are five lofty temples, five Meru mountains as also five ASHTAPADAS; these are very much impressive. The ancient CHARANAPADUKA of Rishabhadeva Prabhu is gloriously installed on a peak higher than even the new Jina temples; so is there the CHARANAPADUKA of Kadamba Ganadhara. This tirtha is situated at a distance of some 19 kms from Palitana in the vicinity of the village Bodanonera, in a secluded spot in the jungle. In the village in the valley there is a vast temple of Shri Viraprabhu. It is administered by the Sheth Shri Jinadas Dharamdas Religious Trust. It has the facility of lodging and boarding as also DOLI (Swinging cot). As this tirtha is looked upon only as one peak of the Shatrunjaya complex, its ancient age and importance are far great. 4. zrI kadambagiri tIrtha (zrI AdIzvara bhagavAna) zrI zatruMjaya mahAtIrthanA paMcatIrthamAM sthAna pAmela kadambagiri tIrtha eka ati prAcIna tIrtha che. zatruMjaya girirAjanI bAra kozanI pradakSiNAmAM kadambagiri tIrtha gaNAya che. A covIsInA dvitIya tIrthakaranA gaNadhara zrI kadamba muni ahIM aneka munio sahita mokSa pAmyA hatA tethI A parvatanuM nAma kadambagiri paDayuM che. aneka munivaro paNa ahIMthI mokSa pAmyA hovAthI A siddhakSetra gaNAya che. A tIrthanA mULanAyaka zvetavarSIya bhagavAna AdIzvara che. emanI pratimAjI atyaMta bhavya ane AdhyAtmikatA jagADanArI che. lagabhaga be mITara jeTalI UMcAinI A pratimAjI padamAsanastha che. emanI mukhAkRti atyaMta prazAMta ane prabhAvazALI che. zAsanasamATaA. zrI vijayanemIsUrIzvarajI ma. e A tIrthano uddhAra karyo hato. A parvata para anya pAMca bhavya maMdira, pAMca meru parvata temaja aSTApadanI racanA darzanIya che. nUtana jinamaMdirothI paNa uparanI Toce RSabhadeva prabhunI prAcIna caraNapAdukA birAjamAna che. kadamba gaNadharanI caraNapAdukA paNa birAjamAna che. pAlitANAthI lagabhaga 19 ki.mI. dUra AvelA bodAnonerA gAmanI pAse ekAMta jaMgalamAM A tIrtha AveluM che. taLeTInA A gAmamAM zrI vIraprabhunuM vizALa maMdira che. zeTha zrI jinadAsa dharmadAsa dhArmika TrasTa saMcAlita A tIrthamAM bhojana-nivAsanI sagavaDa che temaja DoLInI vyavasthA paNa prApta che. zrI kadambagiri tIrthane zrI zatruMjayagirinuM ja eka zikhara mAnavAmAM AvatuM hovAthI enI prAcInatA ane mahattA vizeSa che. tIrthanaMdanA - 4 (3) bhAveza kAMtilAla zeTha pAlitANAvALA - muMbaI (1) kAMtilAla cunIlAla zeTha (ke.sI.zeTha) pAlitANAvALA - muMbaI (4) jAgRti kAMtilAla zeTha pAlitANAvALA - muMbaI (2) a.sau.guNavaMtIbahena kAMtilAla zeTha pAlitANAvALA-muMbaI (5) hemAlI kAMtilAla zeTha pAlitANAvALA - muMbaI 19
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________________ 5. SHRI SACHA SUMATINATH BHAGAVAN (21241 H-114 401911) 20
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________________ 5. SHRI TALADHVAJAGIRI TIRTHA (SHRI SACHA SUMATINATH BHAGAVAN) In the days of old the Taladhvajatirtha was looked upon only as a peak of the Shatrunjaya Tirtha. Today it is one of the sacred five Tirthas of the Shatrunjaya tirtha. The Talaja village is situated on the confluence of the rivers Shatrunji and Talaji and the sacred mountain is considered to have a hoary past; so many of its 36 small and big caves stand as witnesses of this. The eldest son of the first Tirthankara Shri Adishvara Bhagavan paid a visit to this place while on a pilgrimage. It is said that he got a temple constructed here. In the year 640, the renowned Chinese pilgrim Hu-en-tsang has referred to this Tirtha. We also get a reference which states that the present temple at the spot was got constructed by King Kumarapala in the twelfth century (V.S.). The idol of Shri Prabhu in this tirtha is considered to be full of miracles. It is said that the idol of Shri Sacha Sumatinath Bhagavan, black in complexion, 79 cms. in size and in the Padmasana posture was unearthed in the village. Immediately epidemic disappeared, all evil was quelled. People therefore began to know this as idol of Sacha Sumatinath. In V.S. 1872, on the thirteenth day of the bright half of the month Vaishakha, the last renovation of the tirtha took place. Then it was that the idol of Shri Sacha Sumatinath was installed here. From that time was commenced the unending lamp-flame (Akhanda Jyot) and it continues even to-day. Under the grand inspiration of Acharya Suri Vijayanemisurishvaraji, one grand temple of Shri Chintamani Parshvanath Bhagavan is constructed here. It also consists of an idol of emperor Kumarpal. The atmosphere round this tirtha and stories of its miracles, its beauty of nature will certainly conduce to the engrossment of the Sadhaka in ATMASADHANA. The tirth has boarding and lodging facility. 5. zrI tAladhvajagiri tIrtha (zrIsAcA sumatinAtha bhagavAna) prAcIna samayamAM zrI zatruMjaya tIrthanI eka TUMka mAnavamAM AvatuM zrI tAladhvajagiri tIrtha Aje zatruMjaya paMcatIrthanuM eka pAvana tIrthasthaLa che. zatrujI ane taLAjI nadInA saMgamasthAna para AvelA taLAjA gAmanI pAseno A pAvana parvata ati prAcIna gaNAya che ane enA para AvelI aneka nAnI-moTI 36 guphAo enI prAcInatAnI sAkSI Ape che. prathama tIrtha kara zrI AdIzvara bhagavAnanA jayeSTha putra bharata cakravartI ahIM yAtrArthe AvyA hatA ane emaNe ahIMyA eka suMdara maMdira baMdhAvyuM hovAnuM kahevAya che. 640mAM prasiddha cInI yAtrI hyu-ena-sAMge A tIrthano ullekha karyo che tema ja AjanuM maMdira vikramanI 12mI sadImAM rAjA kumArapALe baMdhAvyuM hovAno ullekha maLe che. A tIrthanI prabhupratimA khUba camatkArika manAya che. zrI sAcA sumatinAtha bhagavAnanI, zyAma varNanI, 79 se.mI.nI padhamAsanastha pratimA gAmamAM jamInamAMthI pragaTa thatAM ja rogacALo ane aniSTanuM nivAraNa thatAM loko A pratimAne sAcA sumatinAthanI pratimA kahevA lAgyA. vi.saM. 1872 nA vaizAkha suda 13nA divase A tIrthanA aMtima uddhAra vakhate sAcA sumatinAthajInI pratimAne ahIM pratiSThita karavAmAM AvI ane te divasathI avirata akhaMDa jayota Aje paNa cAlu che. tIrthoddhAraka zAsanasamrATa A. zrI vijayanemIsUrIzvarajI ma.nI sabheraNAthI ahIM zrI ciMtAmaNi pArzvanAtha bhagavAnanuM eka bhavya maMdira nirmANa pAmyuM che, jemAM samrATa kumArapALanI paNa mUrti che. A prAcIna ane camatkArika tIrthanI mahattA ane enuM prAkRtika sauMdarya AtmasAdhanAmAM lIna kare tevuM che. A tIrthamAM bhojana ane nivAsanI vyavasthA paNa che. tIrthanaMdanA - 5 (1) sva. maNibahena pItAMbaradAsa zAha (2) a sau prabhAbahena anopacaMda pItAmbara zAha - ghATakopara (3) a.sau. nayana,dineza zAha putro,dharmena, pUrvika zAha (4) a.sau. bhAratI caMdrakAnta zAha, putrIo, mIlonI, prArthavI . (5) e sau smitA hiteza zAha putra - AkAza noMdhaNavadara (vALu kaDa) 21
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________________ OB9129066000 6. SHRI MAHAVIR BHAGAVAN (ell Heidz 401911) 22
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________________ 6. SHRI MAHUVA TIRTHA (SHRI MAHAVIR BHAGAVAN) Mahuva town is situated on the sea-shore and the green lap of cocoanut trees. Its old name was Madhumati. In the midst of this town is the temple of Shri Jeevit Swami. The Mahuva tirtha is considered to be one of the five tirthas of Shatrunjaya. This tirtha has an idol of Shri Mahavira Swami Bhagavan. It is white in complexion, 91 cms. in size and in the Padmasana posture. The idol is known as Jivita Swami and it is referred to as such in the fourteenth century by Upadhyaya Shri Vinayaprabhavijayaji in "Tirthamala". The last renovation of the tirtha was inspired and arranged by Shri Nemisurishvaraji Maharaj Saheb in the year 1885 (V.S.) on the thirteenth day of the bright half of the month Maha. Conventionally this town is renowned for giving birth to and presenting to the Jina order great jewels of the Jinas. It is also the birth-place of the saviors of the tirthas like Acharya Shri Vijayanemisurishvaraji and Acharya Shri Vijayadharmasurishvaraji. The last renovator of this tirtha is, emperor of the Jina order Shri Vijayanemisurishvaraji, and the grand Jina temple named "Shri Nemivihara" has become a place of pilgrimage for devotees of the Jaina faith. Just the same way, since reverd Acharya Shri Vijayanemisurishvaraji breathed his last in this same town, a lofty Jina temple is constructed at the spot where his last funeral rites tooks place. This temple betrays the sacred and inspiring memory of this great Acharya. There is again, in this town, a vast temple-complex of Shri Keshariaji Adinatha Bhagavan. . zrI mahuvA tIrtha (zrImahAvIra bhagavAna) samudrakinAre nALiyerInAM vRkSonI hariyALI godamAM AveluM mahuvA gAma eka prAcIna ane mahimAvaMtu gAma che. enuM prAcIna nAma hatuM madhumatI. A gAmanI vacce birAjamAna zrI jIvitasvAmI maMdira ghaNuM prAcIna che temaja A mahuvA tIrtha zatruMjaya paMcatIrthInuM eka tIrtha gaNAya che. mahuvA tIrthamAM zrI mahAvara svAmI bhagavAnanI zveta varNanI lagabhaga 91 se.mI.nI padamAsanastha pratimA che. A pratimAne jIvita svAmI kahevAmAM Ave che, jeno ullekha 14mI sadImAM upAdhyAya zrI vinayapravijayajIe 'tIrthamALAmAM karyo che. A tIrthano chello jIrNoddhAra tIrthoddhAraka zrI nemisUrIzvarajI ma. sA. e karAvyo. vi. saM. 1885nA mahA suda 13 pratiSThA karAvAmAM AvI hatI. Ameya A gAma jinazAsanamAM mahAna jInaratno pedA karavA mATe khyAtanAma che, evI ja rIte tIrthoddhAraka A. zrI vijayanemIsUrIzvarajI tathA A. zrI vijayadharmasUrIzvarajI jevAM zAsanasamrATonuM A janmasthAna che. A tIrthanA aMtima uddhAraka zAsanasamrATa zrI vijayanemIsUrIzvarajInA janmasthaLe racAyeluM zrI nemivihAra nAmanuM bhavya jInamaMdira bhAvikone mATe yAtrAdhAma banI rahyuM che. e ja rIte pU. A. zrI vijayanemIsUrIzvarajI ma. kALadharma paNa A gAmamAM ja thayo hovAthI emanA agnisaMskAranA sthaLe eka bhavya jInamaMdira racavAmAM AvyuM che, je zAsanasamrATa AcAryazrInI pAvana ane preraka smRtine darzAve che. A uparAMta A gAmamAM zrI kesariyAjI AdinAtha bhagavAnanuM paNa vizALa maMdira AveluM che. tIrthavaMdanA - 6 (3) dozI godAvarIbahena durlabhadAsa hai, maMgaLAbahena haThIcaMda- mahuvA (1) catrabhuja bhavAnabhAI tathA hemakuMvara- harajIvana - mahuvA (4) dozI zAMtilAla vanamALIdAsa ha ; vinayacaMda, bIpIna -mahuvA (2) dozI vanamALIdAsa bhavAnabhAI ha; cImana-bharata - mahuvA (5) dozI mahAsukhalAla bAbulAla ha,siddhArtha,aMkita, dIna-mahuvA :
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________________ 7 7. SHRI SHANTINATH BHAGAVAN (1) 24
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________________ 7. SHRI DATHA TIRTHA (SHRI SHANTINATH BHAGAVAN) The tirtha is situated at a distance of one mile from Datha road. Mulanayaka Bhagavan Shantinath reigns in the peak-temple over there. Here are also installed fourteen images of stone and eight of metal. The local Sangha got constructed a temple and ceremoniously got installed the idol of Shri Shantinath Bhagavan in V.S. 1905. An Inscription of V.S. 1892 is registered on the idol; it is extremely exquisite and very happy to view. The temple, with lofty construction is a temple of glass and the glass-work is rarely beautiful and attractive to the eyes. Datha is on the road leading to Mahuva from Talaja and has facility of an inn, a canteen and an Upashraya. 3. zrI dAThA tIrtha (zrIzAMtinAdha bhagavAna) dAThA roDathI eka mAila dUra A tIrtha AveluM che. enA zikharabaMdhI derAsaramAM mULanAyaka bhagavAna zAMtinAtha birAjamAna che.ahIM cauda pASANanI ane ATha dhAtunI pratimAo che. ahIMnA zrI saMdhe vi. saM. 1905mAM zikharabaMdhI derAsara baMdhAvIne bhagavAna zAMtinAthanI pratimAjI pratiSThita karI. mUrti para vi. saM. 1892no lekha noMdhAyelo che. A mUrti atyaMta bhavya ane darzanIya che. UMcI bAMdhaNInuM A maMdira kAcanuM maMdira cheaneenuM kAcanuM kAma suMdara ane AkarSaka che. taLAjAthI mahuvA jatAM vacce AvatA dAThAmAM dharmazALA, bhojanazALA ane upAzraya AvelA che. dAThAe zatruMjaya mahAtIrthanI paMcatIrthInuMeka tIrtha che. A paMcatIrthImAM zrI kadambagirijI, zrI dAThA tIrtha tathA zrI mahuvA tIrtha vagereno samAveza thAya che. A jinamaMdiramAM jayapuranI paddhati mujabanuM ati suMdara kAcakAma thayuM che ane Aje bIje paNaA prakAranA kAryakAmanuManukaraNa thavA lAgyuM che.A jinamaMdira tIrtha tarIke prasiddha pAmyuM hovAthI prati varSa se kaDo yAtriko yAtrAe Ave che. mULa dAThAnA nivAsI evA jaino vyApAra nimitte dezanA dUra dUranA pradezomAM gayA, paraMtu teo arthopArjana karIne potAnI janmabhUminA vikAsamAM rasa le che ane A kSetranuM gaurava vadhArI rahyA che. nIrdhavaMdanA - 7 (1) zAha rukSmaNIbahena phulacaMda kAlIyAvADI - mutyunDa (2) zAha kAMtilAla phulacaMda kAlIyAvADI - mulunDa re (3)zAha bAbulAla phulacaMda ha.niraMjanA bAbulAla kAlIyAvADI mulunDa (4)zAha kalpeza,abhaya, miteSa, alakA,hemAM,kavitA kAliyAvADI-mulundra (5) zAha bhAvika, kavina smita kAlIyAvADI - mulunDa 25
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________________ 8. SHRI NAVAKHANDA PARSHVANATH BHAGAVAN (sllquist heute ROLL) 26
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________________ 8. GHOGHA TIRTHA (SHRI NAVAKHANDA PARSHVANATH BHAGAVAN) At a distance of 21 kms. from Bhavnagar, is situated port Ghoga. There is, in the Ghogha town, a black-coloured image of Shri Navakhanda Parshvanath Bhagavan in a vast temple. It is 91 cms. in height and in Padmasana posture. It was taken out, from a well in the Vadava village in ancient times. It is said that during an invasion by muslims, the idol was broken into nine pieces. The Shravakas of the village won the favour of the ruling deities and preserved the pieces in LAPASI (of wheat). As a result, the idol came to the original shape, but with permanent marks at nine spots. Even to-day these marks are visible. Devotees therefore know it by the name of Prabhu Navakhanda Parshvanath. The structure of the temple is majestic and vast; its quadrangle is expansive. Now, because of four other temples on the complex, its appearance is like that of a peak. The Anjanashalaka of this temple was performed in V.S. 1168 at the auspicious hands of Shri Mahendrasurishvaraji. Shreshthi Veera and Purna took out a Sangha from here to Shri Shatrunjaya and Girnar in the august presence of Acharya Shri Jinendrasurishvaraji in 1430. It is thus proved that this tirtha is earlier than the 12th century and the idol in it is older than it. There is a cluster of typically artistic and ancient idols of five-metals in the temple. In its vicinity there is the temple of Neminath Bhagavan in which are installed a number of idols found from underground. Nereby there is a beautiful samava-sarana made of metal and of the beginning of the 16th century. In the vicinity of the main temple there are temples of Shri Suvidhinath Bhagavan and Shri Shantinath Bhagavan. There are also two other Jina temples in the village. 8. zrI ghoghA tIrtha (zrInavakhaMDA pArzvanAtha bhagavAna) bhAvanagarathI 21 ki. mI. dUra ghoghA baMdara gAmamAM AvelA vizALa maMdiramAM birAjamAna zyAma varNanI 91 se.mI.nI padamAsanastha zrI navakhaMDA pArzvanAtha bhagavAnanI A pratimA prAcIna samayamAM vaDavA gAmanA eka kUvAmAMthI maLI hatI. ema kahevAya che ke musalamAnonA AkramaNaMdaramiyAna A pratimAnuM khaMDana karavAmAM AvyuM hatuM ane tenA nava TukaDA thayA hatA. zrAvakoe adhiSThAyaka devonI kRpA meLavIne A TukaDA lApasImAM rAkhyA. pariNAme A pratimA jevI hatI tevI banI gai, paraMtu nava jagyAe enAM cihano haMmezane mATe rahI gayAM. Aje paNa A cihano jovA maLe che.AthI bhAviko prabhune navakhaMDA pArzvanAthanA nAmathI oLakhe che. A maMdiranI bAMdhaNI bhavya ane vizALa che temaja eno raMgamaMDapa vistAravALo che. A maMdiramAM bIjAM cAra derAsaronI racanA hovAthI eno dekhAva derAsaronA jhumakhAne kAraNe TUMka jevo lAge che. vi. saM. 1168mAM A. zrI mahendrasUrIzvarajInA zubha haste AnI aMjanazalAkA thai hatI. vi. saM. 1430mAMA. zrI jinendrasUrIzvarajInI nizrAmAM vIrA ane pUrNA nAmanA zreSThIoe ahIMthI zrI zetruMjaya tathA giranArano saMgha kADhayo hato. Ama A tIrtha bAramI sadIthI paNa pahelAnuM che ane enI pratimAjI to enAthI paNa prAcIna che. maMdiramAM AvelI paMcadhAtunI aneka prAcIna ane viziSTa kalAkRtiyukata pratimAo che.AnI najIkamAM AvelA neminAtha bhagavAnanA maMdiramAM bhUgarbhamAMthI maLelI ghaNI pratimAjIo che. bAjumAM ja dhAtunuM soLamI sadInA AraMbhanuM suMdara samavasaraNa che. mukhya maMdiranI bAjumAM zrI suvidhinAtha bhagavAna ane zrI zAMtinAtha bhagavAnanuM derAsara che. A gAmamAM bIjuM paNa be jinamaMdiro che. tIrthanaMdanA - 8 (3) a.sau. pravINA harezakumAra pArekha (vAdhAvALA) - mATuMgA (1) a.sau. puSpAbahena bhUpatarAya ratilAla pArekha ghoghAvALA-mATuMgA(4) a.sau. divyA bharatakumAra pArekha (ghoghAvALA) - mATuMgA (2) a.sau. caMdrikA ajitakumAra pArekha (dhodhAvALA) - mATuMgA (5) a.sau. pArula zaileSakumAra pArekha (dhodhAvALA) - mATuMgA 27
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________________ 9. SHRI ADISHVAR BHAGAVAN (zrIAdIzvara bhagavAna) 28 valabhIpa bAia ramata ho be A
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________________ 3. SHRI VALLABHIPUR TIRTHA (SHRI ADISHVAR BHAGAVAN) The old and historic town of Vallabhipur is situated at a distance of some 21 kms. from Dhola Junction and about 50 kms. from Palitana. A Jina temple of exquisite appearance is there on the main road of the town. In this temple is installed the idol of the MULANAYAKA Shri Adishvar Bhagavan; the idol is white in complexion, with a height of 91 cms. and it is in PADMASANA posture. Vallabhi is an old town, as old as Girinagar, Dwarka and Prabhasa in Saurashtra. It is said that once upon a time this town and this tirtha constituted the valley of Shatrunjaya tirtha. Its ancient name was Vallabhipur. King Shiladitya of this region had got initiated to Jaina dharma and he had renovated Shri Shatrunjaya tirtha. At that time flags of victory fluttered over 84 Jina temples as some evidences record. In V.S. 510, a golden event took place here. At the instance and request of the Sangha, Shri Devardhigani Kshamashramana and 500 other Acharyas came together at this place and put to script the Jaina Agamas for the first time. The crown-prince of King Dharuvasena of the Maitreya family died at Anandapura in V.S. 584. At this time the fourth Kalakacharya was present in Vallabhi for Chaturmasa. He delivered consoling sermons to the King and got him free from the sorrow of the loss of his son; he got several Jaina temples repaired and renovated by him. We get historical and other references which prove that between V.S. 610 and 625, during the time of the rule of a very powerful king, Guhsena by name, there were several Jain temples and a vast temple of Adishvara Bhagavan in this town. Kshamashramana Shri Jinabhadragani wrote "Visheshavashyaka Bhashya" here. The last repairs and renovation of his glorious historical tirtha was undertaken under the noble and sacred inspiration of renovator of tirthas (tirthoddharaka), the emperor of the Jain order (Shasana-samrat) Acharya Shri Nemisurishvaraji. In the inner downward part of the temple are found the charming idols of Devardhigani Kshamashramana and other five hundred Acharyas. We also find the temple of the revered preceptor Shri Vijayanemisurishvaraji here; so do we have an ancient temple of Shri Parshvanathaji. 9. zrI vallabhIpura tIrtha (zrIAdIzvara bhagavAna) dhoLA jaMkazanathI lagabhaga 21 ki.mI. dUra ane pAlitANAthI lagabhaga 50 ki.mI. dUra AvelA prAcIna ane aitihAsika vallabhIpura gAmamAM mukhya mArga para AveluM muLanAyaka zrIAdIzvara bhagavAnanI padamAsanastha zveta varNanI Azare 91 se.mI.nI pratimAjI dharAvatuM A jinamaMdira atyaMta darzanIya che. saurASTranA girinagara, dvArakA ane prabhAsa jeTaluM ja A prAcIna nagara che. kahevAya che ke eka samaye A nagara ane A tIrtha e zatruMjaya tIrthanI taLeTI hatI. AnuM prAcIna nAma vimalapura hatuM, ahIMnA zIlAditya rAjAe jaina dharma aMgIkAra karyo hatoane zrI zatruMjaya tIrthano uddhAra paNa karyo hato. e samaye ahIM 84 jinamaMdiro potAno vijayadhvaja pharakAvI rahyAM hatAM evA ullekho maLe che. vi. saM. 510mAM A nagaramAMeka suvarNa avasara sarjAyo. ahIM zrI devardhigaNi kSamAzramaNa ane bIjA pAMcaso AcAryo zrI saMghanI vinaMtIne kAraNe ekaThA thayA ane pahelI vAra jaina Agamone lipibaddha karyA. vi. saM. pa84mAM maitreyavaMzI rAjA senanA yuvarAjanuM ANaMdapuramAM mRtyu thayuM, A samaye cothA kAlakAcArya vallabhImAM cAturmAsa mATe sthita hatA. temaNe rAjAne upadeza ApIne putra-zokamAMthI mukata karyA tema ja enI pAse paNAM jinamaMdirono uddhAra karAvyo. vi. saM. 610 thI 625 sudhI gusena nAmanA pratApI rAjAnA rAjayakALamAM ahIM aneka jainamaMdiro hovAno ane AdIzvara bhagavAnanuM vizALa maMdira zrIvAno ulloba maLe che. ahIM vizeSaAvazyaka bhASyanI racanA zrI jinabhadraSThi kSamAzramaNe karI hatI.A prAcIna mahimAvaMtA aitihAsika tIrthano aMtima uddhAra tIUhAraka zAsanasamrATa A. zrI nemisUrIzvarajInI sagherAthI thayo. maMdiranA nIcenA bhAgamAM devarSi gaNi kSamAzramaNa tema ja anya pAMcaso AgAvaiMnI darzanIya pratimA che. zAsanasamATe A. zrI vijayanemisUrIzvarajI mAnuM gurumaMdira paNa che. A gAmamAM zrI pArzvanAthajInuM zikhara prAcIna derAsara che. tIrthavaMdanA - ha (1) navInacaMdra umedacaMda zAha parivAra surendranagara - muMbaI (2) sarojabena navInacaMdra zAha parivAra surendranagara - muMbaI (3) rasIkalAla umedacaMda zAha parivAra surendranagara - muMbaI (4) vinayacaMdra umedacaMda zAha parivAra surendranagara - muMbaI (5) ramAbena caMpaklAla zAha parivAra surendranagara - muMbaI 29
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________________ bhAvanagara niyAgAmA majamArapatraNamA isari mipi sunanani phannI mAmI kAlAyi sarakAra 10. SHRI SHANTINATH BHAGAVAN (zrIzatinAtha bhagavAna) 30
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________________ 10. SHRI SHIYANI TIRTHA (SHRI SHANTINATH BHAGAVAN) The Shiyani tirtha is situated at a distance of just 13 kms. from Limbdi on the road leading to Palitana via Shankheshvara and Lakhtar. This majestic temple situated in the very heart of the Shiyani village, is said to have been constructed as early as in the times of emperor Samprati. So many stories and anecdotes of the miracles of Mulanayaka Shri Shantinath Bhagavan installed here, are current. The Jina temple faces the eastern quarter. There are entrance-doors on the eastern and northern sides of the temple. On the door of the southern quarter we have an image of goddess Saraswati--the very exquisite model of modern art and architecture. The temple consists of three storeys and in the underground cellar, thee is a temple known as the "Underground cellar temple". In this we have a charming idol, 13 inches in height, of Shri Shantinath Bhagavan; it inspires sacred feelings in the heart. Around this idol we have the idols of Shri Muni Suvrata Swami, Shri Parshvanath Bhagavan, Shri Rishabhadeva etc. On the ladder of this ancient cellar we come across a memorial stone (Palio). It seems that this must have been constructed in memory of some religious hero who laid down his life while defending this tirtha. In the middle part of the complex we have the main temple in which we view the idol of MULANAYAKA Shri Shantinath Bhagavan in all its majesty and charm pleasing to the eyes. The assembly-hall and decoration hall of the temple, though small is simply excellent. On the upper portion of the majestic Jaina temple, we have a vast peak, a 13 inch image of Bhagavan Parshvanath and a four-faced pillar. Here too we find facility of boarding and lodging. - 10. zrI ziyANI tIrtha (zrIzAMtinAtha bhagavAna) lIMbaDIthI mAtra 13 ki.mI. dUra ane zaMkhezvarathI lakhatara thaine pAlitANA javAnA sugama mArga para ziyANI tIrtha AveluM che. ziyANI gAmanA madhya bhAgamAM AveluM A bhavya derAsara cheka saMprati mahArAjanA samayamAM nirmANa pAmyAnuM kahevAya che. A tIrthamAM birAjamAna mULanAyaka zAMtinAtha bhagavAnanA camatkAronI aneka kathAo ane kiMvadaMtIo pracalita che. mULanAyaka zrI zAMtinAtha prabhunA jinamaMdiranuM mukha pUrvAbhimukha che. derAsaranI pUrva ane uttara bAjue praveza mATenAM dvAra che. dakSiNa dizAnA daravAjA para Adhunika zilpakalAnA namUnArUpa sarasvatIdevInI pratimA che.A prAcIna maMdira traNa mALamAM AveluM che. emAM derAsaranA bhoMyarAvALA bhAgane hAlamAM 'bhoMyarAvALuM prAcIna maMdira' kahevAmAM Ave che. AmAM zrI zAMtinAtha bhagavAnanI 13 I ca UMcI pavitra bhAvo jagADatI suMdara pratimAjI che. tenI AjubAju zrImunisuvrata svAmI, zrI pArzvanAtha bhagavAna ane zrISabhadeva bhagavAna vagerenI pratimAjIo che. prAcIna bhoMyarAnI sIDI pAse ghoDesvArano pALiyo maLe che, tIrthanI rakSA karatA vIra gati pAmelA koi dharmavIranI smRtimAM enI racanA thai haze. vaccenA bhAganuM maMdira mukhya maMdiranuM sthAna bhogave che, jemAM mULanAyaka zrI zAMtinAtha bhagavAnanI nayanaramya ane AkarSaka pratimA birAjamAna che. maMdirano sabhAmaMDapa ane zRMgAramaMDapa nAno paNa darzanIya che. bhavya jinAlayanA uparanA bhAgamAM vizALa zikhara, bhagavAna pArzvanAthanI 13 IcanI pratimA tema ja caturmukha sthaMbha Avelo che. ahIM bhojana ane nivAsanI paNa vyavasthA che. tIrthanaMdanA - 10 (1) sva. ratilAla paramANaMdadAsa zeTha - pAlitANA (2) nirmaLAbahena ratilAla zeTha - pAlitANA (3) sva. harSadabhAI ratilAla zeTha - pAlitANA (4) sva. paramANaMda mAdhavajIbhAI zeTha - pAlitANA (5) atula klotha senTara - bhAvanagara 31
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________________ JOE 11. SHRI PARSHVANATH BHAGAVAN (1) bhagavAna) 32
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________________ 11. SHRI AJAHARA TIRTHA (SHRI PARSHVANATH BHAGAVAN) Ajahara-majara town is at a distance of 5 kms. from Una and 2 kms. from Delvada in Saurashtra. The town proves that the Jainas were very much prosperous in good old days. So many Jain images found from this area give to us a glimpse of the glorious past. On the outskirts of Ajahara, there is a Jaina temple with an awe-inspiring idol of Shri Ajahara Parshvanath Bhagavan; it is 46 cms. in height and of saffron colour. In the hoary past there was king Ajayapala of the Raghu family who was overcome by several diseases. Then it was that he got free from the diseases by the waters with which Shri Parshvanath Bhagavan was bathed. The king therefore raised the Ajaynagar on the spot, got constructed a vast Jina temple there and got the sacred idol installed there. Till to-day, the installation has taken place fourteen times. Here, we come across hundreds of ancient stepwells; one large bell is acquired and on it are carved the words: "Shri Ajara Parshvanath, Samvat 1034, Shah Raichand Jechand." This reveals how old and ancient the tirtha is. The original sanctuary of the Jaina temple with its majestic peak, open square etc. is really charming. The ancient idol of MULANA YAKA Shri Parshvanath Bhagavan is made of sand-stone. It has a red paste on it and is therefore pleasing to the eye. Again, on the head of the idol there is an Umbrella of the hood of snakes. Many miracles are noted to have taken place here. On the Sunday of 17-9-78, Shri Dharanendradeva appeared in form of a snake and was found to be in a state of meditation for hours before Shri Prabhu. The main tirtha of the five tirthas is this one in Ajahara. 11. zrI ajAharA tIrtha (zrIpArzvanAtha bhagavAna) prAcIna samayamAM jainonI jAhojalAlI hatI evuMajAharA-ajArA gAma saurASTranA unAthI pAMca ki.mI. ane delavADAthI aDhIki.mI. dUra AveluM che. A pradezamAMthI maLatI aneka prAcIna jaina pratimAo bhavya bhUtakALanI jhAMkhI karAve che, ajIrA gAmanA eka cheDe AvelA jinamaMdiramAM zrIajAharA pArzvanAtha bhagavAnanI kesaravarNanI Azare 46 se. mI. UMcI prabhAvazALI pratimA che. ati prAcInakALamAM raghukuLanA ajayapAla nAmano rAjA rogagrasta banI gayo hato tyAre zrIpArzvanAtha bhagavAnanI pratimAnA nahavaNa jaLathI roganivAraNa thayuM hatuM. AthI rAjAe A sthaLe ajayanagara vasAvyuM eka moTuM jinamaMdira baMdhAvyuMane temAM pratimAjanI sthApanA karI.e pachI atyAra sudhImAM A pratimAnI cauda vakhata pratiSThA thai che. ahIMyAM seMkaDo prAcIna vAva maLe che tema ja ahIMthI maLI AvelA eka ghaMTa para "zrIe jArA pArzvanAtha saM. 1034 zAha rAyacaMda jecaMda'ema kotareluM che je A tIrthanI prAcInatA darzAve che. A tIrSanA bhavya zikharabaMdhI jaina maMdirano mULa gabhAro, raMgamaMDapa ane zikhara ramaNIya che. mULanAyaka zrIpArzvanAtha bhagavAnanI prAcIna mUrti vaibunI banAvelI che ane tenA para lAla lepa karyo hovAthI prabhunI pratimA nayanamanohara lAge che. vaLI pratimAne mAthe bhAmaMDaLa AgaLa nAnI phaNAnuM chatra che. ahIM aneka camatkAro thayAnuM noMdhAyuM che. tA. 13-9-8 ne ravivAre zrIdharaNendradeva nAganA rUpamAM maMdiramAM pragaTa thaine prabhunI sAme kalAko sudhI dhyAnAvasthAmAM rahelA jovA maLyA hatA. ajAharAnI paMcatIrthImAM A sthaLe e mukhya tIrthadhAma che. tIrthavaMdanA 11 (1) a.sau. zrImati anopabahena jagajIvanadAsa bhagavAnadAsa zAha (2) cAvALA-je. bI. grupa, bhAvanagara 33 (3) nareza TI sTorsanA saujanyathI - bhAvanagara (4) ha : zazIkAntabhAI, caMdrakAntabhAI, narezakumAra, mIteza, cetana (5) je. bI. mukhya-bhAvanagara
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________________ 12. SHRI CHANDRAPRABHU BHAGAVAN (elleic4cy coat) 34
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________________ 12. SHRI PRABHASPATAN TIRTHA (SHRI CHANDRAPRABHU BHAGAVAN) This tirtha at a distance of some 400 metres from Prabhaspatan town and its renowned Somnath temple is said to have been raised by Shri Bharata Chakravarti, the son of Shri Adinath Prabhu. Right from the time of the first tirthankara to the last, so many Chakravartis, kings, ministers and Shreshthis have come for pilgrimage to this tirtha. This tirtha has an idol of Shri Chandraprabhu Bhagavan, white in complexion, some 115 cms. in height and in Padmasana posture. Other exquisitely fine idols are also found here and the idol of Shri Parshvanath Prabhu is extremely pleasing to the eyes and the heart. The art and architecture of the idols of metal and the finely shaped waist-bands is simply indescribable, even lovers of art will feel spell-bound. There are two idols of quartz in the temple of Chandraprabhu Bhagavan constructed. Later on Sagara Chakravarti, Chandrayasha, Chakradhara, King Dasharatha, Pandavas and Hastisena kings are said to have visited this spot. Even the 'Prabandhachintamani' composed by Shri Merutungasuriji refers to this tirtha. There are also references to Siddharaj Jaisingh, the ministers Vastupal and Tejpal, Pethadshah, Samarashah and other Shreshthis had come for pilgrimage to this place. In the 14th century, Shri Dharmaghoshasuriji composed a eulogy with secret mantras and awakened to consciousness the old Kapardiyaksha of the Shatrunjaya mountain. Most revered Acharya Shri Vijayodayasurishvaraji Maharaj Saheb as also most revered Acharya Shri Vijayanandanasurishvaraji gave guidance and inspiration for the last renovation of this tirtha and the ceremonious renovation took place at the sacred hands of Pattavibhushana Acharya Shri Chandrasagarasuriji, the pupil of renovator of the Agamas Acharya Shri Anandasagarasurishvaraji. Seven other temples are there in the vicinity of this temple. 12. zrI prabhAsapATaNa tIrtha (zrIcaMdraprabhu bhagavAna) prabhAsapATaNa gAma ane tenA suvikhyAta somanAtha maMdirathI lagabhaga cAraso mITara dUra AvelA tIrthanI sthApanA zrIAdinAdha prabhunA putra zrI bharata cakravartIe karI hovAnuM kahevAya che. prathama tIrthaM karanA samayathI carama tIrthaMkaranA kALa sudhI aneka cakravartIo, rAjavIo, maMtrIo ane zreSThIoe A tIrthanI yAtrA karI che. A tIrthamAM zrIcaMdraprabhu bhagavAnanI zveta varNanI lagabhaga 115 se.mI. UMcI padamAsanastha pratimA che. bIjI paNa suMdara AkRtinI pratimAo ahIM maLe che jemAM zrIpArzvanAtha prabhunI zyAma varNanI ramaNIya mUrti nayanamanohara che.A maMdiramAMnI dhAtunI mUrtio ane suMdara paDelA pirakonuM zilpa avarNanIya che. kalArasika vidvAnone mugdha kare tevuM che. A maMdiramAM sphaTikanI paNa be pratimAo maLe che. bharata cakravartIe A nagara vasAvI caMdraprabhu bhagavAnanA maMdiranuM nirmANa karyA bAda sagara cakravartI, caMdrayazA, cakradhara, rAjA dazaratha, pAMDavoane hastisena rAjAo ahIM padhAryAnA ullekho maLe che. zrIrmarunuMgasUrijI racita " zrI prabaMdha ciMtAmaNi'mAM paNa tIrthano ullekha maLe che. gurjara nareza siddharAja jayasiMha, maMtrI vastupALa tejapALa, pethaDazAha, samarAzAha jevA zreSThIo paNa A tIrthanI yAtrAe AvyAnA ullekho maLe che. 14mI sadImAM zrI dharmaghoSasUrine maMtra garbhita smRtinI racanA karIne zatruMjaya girinA jUnA kapardi pakSane pratibodhita karyo hato. pa. pU.A. zrI vijayaudasUrIzvarajI ma. sA. tathA pa. pU. A. zrI vijayanaMdanasUrIzvarajI ma. sA.nA mArgadarzana ane preraNAthI A tIrthano aMtima uddhAra vi. saM. 2008 mahA suda 6nA divase AgamAMhAraka A. zrIAnaMdasAgarasUrijInA padmavibhUSaNa A zrI caMdrasAgarasUrijInA suhaste thayo hato. A maMdiranI najIkamAM bIjAM sAna maMdiro AvelAM che. nIryavaMdanA-12 (3) Ara pI. ozavALa :ramIlA, nirdeza bhAratI,anItA (1) kAMtilAla pratApacaMda covaTIyAhaH subhASa jitendra mizAla. pUra (4) jainaHprabhAvaMtI, anitA, kalpanA - dhulIyA (2) eca. pI. jainaHmaniSa nIleSa,anila dhulIyA (5) pratApacaMda makAi covaTIyA ha. caMcaLabhAI maMDAvALA 35
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________________ RHIN 13. SHRI NEMINATH BHAGAVAN (NA SOLA) 38
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________________ 13. SHRI GIRNAR TIRTHA (SHRI NEMINATH BHAGAVAN) The Girnar mountain in the neighberhood of Junagadh in Saurashtra is referred to as Ujjayantagirior Raivatagiri in the Scriptures. This is considered to be Neminath mountain or fifth peak of the Shatrunjay mountain. There are references to so many Chakravartis, monarchs and Shresthis going on pilgrimage to and around the Raivata mountain, from the time of the first trithankara to the time of the last tirthankara. In this tirtha we have an idol of Shri Neminath Bhagavan; it is black in complexion, 140 cms. in height and in Padmasana posture. The peaks of this lofty mountain have grown sacred and blessed because of the religious ceremony of initiation to munihood, acquirement of absolute knowledge and attainment to Nirvana-emancipation of Shri Nemingtha being performed at the same spot. The peaks touching the skies fill to the brim the hearts of devotees with sacred feelings. It is said that this idol of Neminath Bhagavan was brought to shape by the Indra of the fifth divine world on the sermonizing rendered by the tirthankara of the last group of twenty four. It is also believed that this idol remained in the world of Indra till the time of Neminath Bhagavan and then was installed in the home-temple of Shri Krishna. When the city of Dwarka was consumed to ashes, Goddess Ambika kept it well protected. Being delighted by the severe austerities of Ratnashah, goddess Ambika handed over this idol to him and it was ceremoniously installed once more. There are references to the reparation and renovation of this tirtha by Ratnashah and Ajitshah in the sixth century and by Vastupal and Tejpal as also Sajjanshah, a minister of Siddharaj in the twelfth century. We also get references to renovation by so many kings, ministers and Shreshthis. We come across two other Shvetambara temples. The art and architecture of the peaks of the temples, ceilings and pillars is simply marvellous and delighting. 13. zrI giranAra tIrtha (zrI neminAtha bhagavAna) saurASTranA jUnAgaDhanI pAse AvelA giranAra parvata vize zAstromAM ujajayaMtagiri ane raivatagiri Adi nAme ullekha maLe che. Ane neminAtha parvata athavA to zatruMjayagirinI pAMcamI TUMka paNa gaNavAmAM Ave che. prathama tIrtha karanA samayathI carama tIrtha kara sudhInA samayamAM aneka cakravartIo, rAjAo ane zreSThIoe raivatAcalanI yAtrA karyAnA ullekho maLe che. ema kahevAya che ke bhAvi covIsImAM vIsa tIrtha karo ahIM mokSa meLavaze. A giranAra tIrthamAM zrIneminAtha bhagavAnanI zyAma varNanI 140 se.mI. UMcI padamAsanastha pratimA che. neminAtha bhagavAnanA dIkSA kalyANa ka, kevaLa jJAnakalyANaka ane nirvANa kalyANa kathI pAvana A girirAjanAM gaganacuMbI zikharo bhAvikonA hRdayane bhAvanAothI chalochala bharI de che, neminAtha bhagavAnanI A pratimA gai covIsInA tIrthakara zrI sAgaranA upadezathI pAMcamA devalokanA indrae ghaDAvI hatI ema kahevAya che. A pratimA bhagavAna neminAthanA samaya sudhI indralokamAM rahI ane pachI zrIkRSNanA gRhamaMdiramAM hatI. dvArakAnagarI bhasma thai tyAre zrI aMbikAdevIe A pratimAne surakSita rAkhI. ratnAzAhanI tapazcaryAthI prasanna thayelAM aMbikAdevIe ratnAzAhane ApI jenI pharI pratiSThA karavAmAM AvI. vi. saM. 609mAM kAzmIranA zreSThI ratnAzAha ane ajitazAhe ane te pachI bAramI sadImAM vastupALa-tejapALa tathA siddharAjanA maMtrI sajajanazAhe Ano jIrNoddhAra karAvyAnA ullekho maLe che. aneka rAjAo, maMtrIo ane zreSThIoe jIrNoddhAra karAvyAnA ullekho maLe che. ahIM bIjAM be zvetAmbara maMdiro paNa maLe che. A dareka maMdiranA zikhara para, chata para ane staMbho para karelI zilpakaLA AhalAdaka che. tIrthanaMdanA - 13 (1) bhUpatarAya bhAyacaMda pArekha - muMbaI (2) sarojabahena bhUpatarAya pArekha - muMbaI (3) kizora bhUpatarAya pArekha - muMbaI (4) kejala kizorabhAI pArekha - muMbaI (5) aMkitA darzita kizorabhAI pArekha - muMbaI 39
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________________ 14. SHRI SHITALNATH BHAGAVAN (sllella4114 4401914) 40
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________________ 14. SHRI VANTHALI TIRTHA (SHRI SHITALNATH BHAGAVAN) This is the birth-place of Sajjan Shreshthi, a minister of King Siddharja, who got the Girnar tirtha repaired and renovated. It is stated that the flag of the story of renown of Jaina Shreshthis was fluttering in this town. Vanthali was famed as 'Vamanasthali' in ancient days. When Siddharaj, the emperor of Gujarat came to know that his chief minister Sajjan Shreshthigot the Girnar tirtha repaired and renovated with the income earned from Sorath, he was enraged. Siddharaj Jaisimha came to Sorath to punish him, but before he could reach there, a Jain Shreshthi declared his determination to donate lakhs of rupees together with interest. But Siddharaj came to know that the temple of Girnar was named as "Karnavihar" after his father King Karnaraj and immortalised him; he was immensely delighted towards his minister Sajjana. He was delighted to write off the entire expense of renovation. He also did not accept the amount of money kept ready by the minister. It is said that the wealth in question was used towards the construction of the Jaina temple at Vanthali. But to-day this temple is not visible anywhere. Only a view of the architecture of the mosque over there creates a guess that this mosque must have been the Jain temple once. An idol of Shri Shitalnath Bhagavan is unearthed from the local Gandhi garden here. In the portico of the Suryakund, three idols of Jinas engrossed in surrendering the body (Kayotsarga) are found. To-day there are two Jina temples on the same spot and all old idols have been ceremoniously installed here. Even in the Oram mountain there is a castle in which the stones of the Jina temple seem to have been used. This temple of Shitalnath Bhagavan blesses, with an experience of extreme coolness and quietude, all the beings tormented by the sorrows of moral life. 14. zrI vaMthalI tIrtha (zrIzItalanAtha bhagavAna) giranAra tIrthano jIrNoddhAra karanAra siddharAja jayasiMhanA maMtrI sajajana zreSThInI A janmabhUmi che. ema kahevAya che ke jaina zreSThIonI kIrti gAthAno dhvaja A gAmamAM laherAto hato ane prAcInakALamAM vaMthalI gAma 'vAmanasthalI' tarIke prasiddha hatuM. gurjaranareza siddharAjane ema paNa thai ke mahAmAtya sajajana zreSThIe soraThanI upajanA dhanathI giranAra tIrthano jIrNoddhAra karyo tyAre e gusse thayA. paraMtu ene zikSA karavA mATe siddharAja jayasiMha soraTha AvyA, paNa e pahelAM vaMthalInAeka jaina zreSThIe vyAja sAthe lAkho rUpiyA ApavAno sajajana maMtrI samakSa nirNaya jAhera karyo. siddharAje jayAre giranAra paranuM maMdira potAnA pitA karNarAjanA smaraNa rUpe 'karNavihAra'ne nAme prasiddha thayeluM sAMbhaLyuM tyAre emane sajajana maMtrI tarapha apAra harSanI lAgaNI thai. siddharAja jayasiMhe khuza thaine tamAma kharca mAMDI vALyuM. sajajana maMtrIe taiyAra rAkhelA paisAno asvIkAra karyo. kahe che ke e dhana vaMthalImAM jaina maMdira karavA mATe vAparavAmAM AvyuM. paraMtu Aje A maMdira kyAMya dekhAtuM nathI. mAtra ahIMnI masjidanuM sthApatya jotAM ema lAge che ke A masjida pUrve jinamaMdira ja haze. ahIM gAMdhI bagIcAnI jamInamAMthI zrI zItalanAtha bhagavAnanI pratimA maLI che. ahIMnA sUryakuMDanA gokhalAmAM paNa traNa kAyotsarga lIna mUrtio che, Aje ahIM eka ja sthaLe be jinamaMdira che jemAM prAcIna mUrtio pratiSThita karavAmAM AvI che. ahIMthI sAta gAu dUra orama pahADa para AvelA killAmAM paNa jinamaMdironA paththarano upayoga thayelo jaNAi Ave che. saMsAra nA saMtapta prANIone zItalanAtha bhagavAnanuM zikharabaMdhI maMdira zItaLatA Ape che. tIrthavaMdanA - 14 (3) jekuMvarabahena kezavalAla jIvaNalAla dozI ha. ramaNikabhAI dAThAvALA -muMbaI (1) harilAla hAlacaMda gAMdhI pArlA - muMbaI (4) nirmaLAbahena bApAlAla manasukhalAla zAha - surendranagara | valasADa (2) mumukSu alpAbahena mAMgIlAla zAha - selavAsa | (5) zrImatI vasaMtabahena pratAparAya jasANI parivAra.ziva - muMbaI
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________________ 15. SHRI ADISHVAR BHAGAVAN (All LLEL 892 491941) 42
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________________ 15. SHRI JAMNAGAR TIRTHA (SHRI ADISHVAR BHAGAVAN) The Jamnagar tirtha is renowned as a place of pilgrimage for the Jainas with its 14 majestic Jain temples. The city has Jain temples which give a glimpse of the ancient peak of Shatrunjaya. Jam Raval raised this city in the year V.S. 1596 on the 7th day of the bright half of Shravan, and named it as Navanagar. Jains have contributed a lot towards the development of this city. Actually, the history of the Jain temples starts with the birth of this city. Six out of the fourteen Jina temples are 300 to 350 years old. while the rest were constructed some fifty or more years back. The Jina temple situated in the heart of the city is known as the temple of Sheth. The foundation-laying ceremony of this temple was performed by Shri Anand Sheth during the reign of Jam Sataji in V.S. 1633 and Adinath Bhagavan was ceremoniously installed as the MULANAYAKA at the auspicious hands of Shri Vijayadevasuri. Just nearby stands the vast Jaina Chaitya got constructed by Shri Vardhaman Shah and Padmasinh Sheth. Shri Shantinath Bhagavan is installed here. Fifty two Shrines are constructed all around. Here, in the temple known as choriwala, a fine stone-pandal with an altar is constructed near the shrine of Shri Neminath Bhagavan. From the viewpoint of vastness and beautiful structure, this Jina temple stands unique in art and architecture. A total number of fourteen temples add to the beauty of the city and religious fervour of pilgrims. 15. zrI jAmanagara tIrtha (zrIAdIzvara bhagavAna). cauda bhavya jinAlayothI prasiddha evuM jAmanagara tIrtha jainonA yAtrAdhAma tarIke jANItuM che. zatruMjayanI prAcIna TUMkano khyAla Ape tevAM bhavya ane anokhAM jinAlayo A nagaramAM AvelAM che. vi. saM. 1956nA zrAvaNa suda 7nA divase jAma rAvaLe A nagaranI sthApanA karI. tene navAnagara evuM nAma ApyuM. A nagaranI sthApanA ane vikAsamAM jainono phALo ghaNo mahatvano banI rahyo. eka rIte to nagaranI sthApanA sAthe ja jinAlayonA itihAsano AraMbha thayo che. caudamAMthI cha jinAlayo to 300-350 varSa pahelAMno che, jayAre bAkInAM pacAseka varSa pahelAMnA che. nagaranA madhya bhAgamAM AveluM jinAlaya zeThanA maMdiranA nAme jANItuM che. A jinAlayanuM khAtamuhUrta vi. saM. 1633mAM jAma satAjInA rAjayakALamAM zrI ANaMda zeThe karyuM hatuM. vi. saM. 16 51mAM zrI vijayadevasUrijInA suhaste AdinAtha bhagavAnanI mULanAyaka tarIke pratiSThA karavAmAM AvI hatI. A jinAlayanI najIkamAM ja zrIvardhamAna zAha ane zrIpadamasiMha zeThe banAveluM vizALa jina caitya che. zrI zAMtinAtha bhagavAnanI AmAM pratiSThA karavAmAM AvI che, ane AjubAju bAvana derIo racavAmAM AvI che. ahIMnA corIvALA maMdira tarIke jANItA jinamaMdiramAM zrIneminAtha bhagavAnanI derI pAse paththaranI corInI suMdara racanA karavAmAM AvI che. A jinAlayanI zrIneminAtha bhagavAnanI derI pAse paththaranI corInI suMdara racanA hovAthI tenuM AvuM nAmAbhidhAna thayuM che. vizALatA ane kamanIya bAMdhaNInI daSTie A jinAlaya jaina zilpakaLAmAM AgavuM sthAna meLave che. A uparAMta anya jinAlayo maLIne Aje cauda jeTalAM maMdiro nagaranI zobhAmAM ane yAtrALuonI bhAvanAmAM abhivRddhi kare che. tIrthavaMdanA- 15 (3) lIlAbahena naTavalAla pI. cAvALA hadIpaka, rAjeza,girIza (1) puSpAbahena rasikalAla zAhanA comAsAnimitte - zAntAkrujha (4) haMsAbahena jayaMtIlAla vorA ha: vibhA, mehula, razmi,dIpaka, dakSA (2) sarojabahena kasturacaMda paTevAha: jInendra, hemaMta,nikuMja parivAra (5) sau. kusumabena rasikalAlanA comAsA nimitte ha. dilIpa, rAjeza 3
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________________ Cote eesee 16. SHRI MAHAVIRA BHAGAVAN (sllheidz 40144) 44
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________________ 16. SHRI BHADRESHVAR TIRTHA (SHRI MAHAVIRA BHAGAVAN) This beautiful tirtha is situated at a distance of almost one km. outside the Bhadreshvar town standing on a vast seashore. In the temple is installed a very impressive idol of Shri Bhagavan Mahavir in Padmasana posture; it is white in complexion and 61 cms. in height. The town was renowned as Bhadravati in old days; it was an important place of pilgrimage of Jainism. The fabric of story of the raising of this tirtha is as old as 2500 years. On a vast ground 2lakh squarefeet in size, the lovely temple decorated so nicely as if it were a divine plane, is simply majestic and charming. Its gate of entrance is small, but so constructed that the DARSHAN of Shri Prabhu is possible even from outside. In the town of Bhadravati, some 2500 years back, a devout Jain Shreshthi nourished in his heart a desire, religiously to install an idol of Bhagavan Parshvanatha, the 23rd tirthankara. 23 years after the emancipation of Bhagavan Mahavira, he got a majestic Jain temple constructed and got installed at the auspicious hands of Kapila Kevali, an idol of Bhagavan Parshvanatha and thus gave a concrete shape to his dream. It is from this time that Bhadravati-Bhadreshvar became a famed tirtha of the Jainas. In 1314 (V.S.) Shrimali brothers and in 1313-14 (V.S.), the hero amongst donors Shri Jagadushah got this temple repaired and renovated. The same was done by Shreshthi Vardhaman Shah and the last repairs and renovation were undertaken in V.S. 1939 by Sheth Monaji Tejasi who brought about blessedness by this in his life. The" Bhadrashvar temple consists of 52 shrines, 218pillars, and 53 domes. The idol of Shri Mahavira Swami, in white marble is serene, symmetrical and yields delight to the mind. 16. zrI bhadrezvara tIrtha (zrImahAvIra bhagavAna) vizALa samudra kinAre AvelA bhadrezvara gAmanI bahAra pUrvamAM lagabhaga eka ki. mI. dUra A ramaNIya tIrtha AveluM che. emAM mULanAyaka zrImahAvIra bhagavAnanI zveta varNanI 61 se. mI.nI UMcAi dharAvatI padamAsanastha prabhAvaka pratimA che. prAcIna kALamAM A nagara bhadrAvatIne nAme vikhyAta hatuM ane jaina dharmanuM moTuM tIrthasthAna hatuM. A tIrthanI sthApanAno kathAtaMtu cheka 250 varSa jeTalo jUno che. lagabhaga aDhI lAkha corasa phUTanA vizALa medAnamAM suzobhita devavimAna tulya A maMdira adabhuta ane manohara lAge che, enuM pravezadvAra nAnuM hovA chatAM prabhunA darzana bahArathI karI zakAya che. 250 varSa pahelAM bhadrAvatI nagarImAM devacaMdra nAmanA dharmAnurAgI jaina zreSThIne 63mA tIrthaMkara bhagavAna pArzvanAyanI pratimAnI pratiSThA karAvavAnI bhAvanA jAgI. bhagavAna mahAvIranA nirvANa pachI tevIsamA varSe eka bhavya jinamaMdira caNAvIne emAM bhagavAna pArzvanAthanI pratimAnI kapila kevaLInA hAthe pratiSThA karAvI potAnuM svapna sAkAra karyuM. tyArathI bhadrAvatI-bhadrezvara kacchanI bhUminuM eka prasiddha jaina tIrthe banyuM e pachI vi. saM. 1134mAM zrImALI bhAioe ane vi. saM. 1313-14mAM prasiddha dAnavIra jagaDuzAe Ano jIrNoddhAra karI puna: pratiSThA karI. vi. saM. 1682mAM zreSThI vardhamAna zAne pratiSThA karAvI. aMtima to hAra ane pratiSThA vi. saM. 1936mAM mAMDavI nivAsI zeTha monazI tejasane karIne potAnuM jIvana dhanya banAvyuM bhadrezvara maMdiramAM para derI, 218 staMbha, ane 53 zikharoAvelAM che. zveta saMgemaramaramAM ghaDelI mULanAyaka bhagavAna zrImahAvIra svAmInI pratimA gaMbhIra, sapramANa ane cittane AhalAda upajAve tevI che. I tIrthavaMdanA-16 (3) gaM.sva.maMgaLAbahena hIrAbhAImakabArI, ci.mahendranA mAsa.mazanimitte (4) nIlAkhonadhanapatibhAIjhaverI-muMbaI (1) A. sau praviNAbaThena vinodabhAI dIpacaMda zAha, (2) mIsarImala, motIlAla ha. baMsIbahena, prakAza,kAnti,-maMDAra (5) lalitakumAra umeracaMda zAha, ha. dakSAbahena, himAMzu, jIjJA - muMbaI 45
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________________ uscula Da Bao 2010.0 Qian Nian 17. SHRI GHRUTAKALLOLA PARSHVANATH BHAGAVAN (lynnse wedia morant) 46 19
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________________ 17. SHRI SUTHARI TIRTH (SHRI GHRUTAKALLOLA PARSHVANATH BHAGAVAN) This is one of the main tirthas of the five in Kutch-Bhuj; it is very much renowned because of the miraculous idol of Shri Prabhu. The temple, situated in the heart of the town Ruthari was religiously installed and opened on the eighth day of the month of Vaishakh in V.S. 1895. The art within the peak of the temple is exquisitely attractive. The structure of the temple and the art-work from bottom up to the top in golden-brown colour is indeed charming to view. The temple has an idol of Mulanayak Shri Ghrutakallola Parshvanath Bhagavan in Padmasana posture, it is 30 cms. high. A miraculous event is associated with the typical name. A Shravaka, Uddeshi by name, purchased an idol of Shri Parshvanath Bhagavan from a poor man. He placed it in the godown of corn. On the next day it was found that the whole godown of corn was full to the brim. Surprised as he was, Uddeshi talked of this to a Yati in Suthari. The Yati got constructed a small Shrine and ceremoniously installed the idol in it. On this auspicious occasion a SWAMI-VATSALYA was organized. Ghee, placed just in one vessel, was freely used but not exhausted; it got lessened not in the least. The same idol of Shri Parshvanatha Prabhu was found in the vessel; it was taken out and ceremoniously installed with cries of victory. This popularised the name in the common masses as "Ghrutakallola Parshvanath" In the temple we also have very ancient and typical idols of Gautamaswami and Padmavatidevi. 17. zrI sucarI tIrtha (zrIdhRtakallola pArzvanAtha bhagavAna) kaccha-bhujanA abaDAsA paMcatIrthInuM A eka mukhya tIrtha camatkArika prabhu pratimAne kAraNe khUba khyAti pAmyuM che. vi. saM. 1895nA vaizAkha suda AThame pratiSThA pAmeluM A maMdira sutharI gAmanI vacce AveluM che. maMdiranA zikharanI kalAatyaMtaAkarSaka che. maMdiranI bAMdhaNI ane cheka nIcethI mAMDIne zikhara sudhI ka2vAmAM AveluM sonerI bhUrA raMganuM kAma darzanIya che. A tIrthamAM mULanAyaka zrIdhRtakallola pArzvanAtha bhagavAnanI zvetavarNavALI lagabhaga 30 se.mI. UMcI padamAsanastha pratimAjI AvelI che. zrIpArzvanAtha bhagavAnanA vizeSaNanI pAchaLa eka camatkArapUrNa kathA rahelI che. udezI. nAmano zrAvaka eka garIba mANasa pAsethI zrIpArzvanAtha bhagavAnanI mUrti kharIde che.eNe poTalAmAM bAMdhelI e mUrtine potAnAanAjanA bhaMDAriyAmAM mUkI. bIje divase joyuM to Akhoya annabhaMDAra khAdhapadAryo thI bharAi gayo hato. Azcaryacakita banelA udezIne sutharImAM birAjamAna eka patijIne A vAta karI. yatijIe eka nAnI derI baMdhAvI e mUrtine emAM pratiSThita karI. A zubhaavasare yojelA svAmI - vAtsalyamAMeka ja vAsaNamAM rAkheluM pI khUba vaparAyuM chatAM saheje ghaTayuM nahIM. e vAsaNamAM hAtha nAkhIne joyuM tyAre e ja pArzvanAtha prabhunI mUrti jovA maLI ane tene bahAra kADhI pharI jobaNA sAthe vidhipUrvaka pratiSThA karI. AthI tenuM nAma 'dhUnakallola pArzvanAya" tarIke janasamUhamAM jANItuM banyuM, A maMdiramAM gaunamasvAmijI ane padamAvatIdevInI prAcIna ane anokhA prakAranI mUrtio paNa maLe che. tIrthavaMdanA-17 (1) prabhAvaMtI vimalabhAI sutariyA ci. snehalanA smaraNArthe (2) kAMtilAlacunIlAla harakhacaMdabhAIzAha-ghATakopara (3) saMghavI jayasukhalAla, traMbakalAla ajhAinapa nimitte ha. savitAbahena (4) pU. mA. jasakuMvara mohanalAla dozI pre.- harSapUrNAzrIjI, saumya guNAzrIjI (5) kesarIcaMdachaganalAla zAhanA comAsA nimitte ha.pramIlAbahena 47
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________________ nI maNI 2328543 18. SHRI CHINTAMANI PARSHVANATH BHAGAVAN (zrIciMtAmaNi pArzvanAtha bhagavAna) 48 . jvAlA samasa
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________________ 18. SHRI KUTCH-BHUJ TIRTHA (SHRI CHINTAMANI PARSHVANATH BHAGAVAN) There are three temples in the VANIYAVAD area in the Bhuj city in Kutch. One temple is decorated by the idol of MULAYAYAKA Shri Adishvar Bhagavan. In this temple belonging to the TAPA GACCHA, we have 14 idols structured in stone and 12 carved in metal. Again, portraits of Shri Vijayananda Suri (Shri Atmaramaji) and Shri Khantivijayaji Dada. The other temple belongs to the ANCHALA GACCHA. In this temple are found 23 idols in stone and 32 in metal. We havehere again portraits of Shri Kalyanasagarasuri and Shri Gautamasagarasuri. The third belongs to the KHARATARA GACCHA and has Shri Shantinath Bhagavan installed in it. Here, we find 8 idols in stone and 13 in metal. Further, portraits of Shri Jinaratnasagarasuri and Shri Jinaanandasagarasuri are found in it. All these temples are constructed in the nineteenth century and all idols are exquisitely fine to look at. On the outskirts of the town there is DADAVADI of KHARATARA GACCHA. It has in it a Jain temple, sacred foot-steps and Shri Ghantakarna installed. Here we have a large idol of ANCHALA GACCHA and a small Jina temple in it. In Bhuj, we also have an inn, a canteen and a PANJARAPOLE. 18. zrI kaccha-bhuja tIrtha (zrIciMtAmaNi pArzvanAtha bhagavAna) kacchanI rAjadhAnI bhuja zaheramAM AvelI vANiyAvADamAM traNa zikharabaMdhI derAsara AvelAM che. AmAM eka derAsaramAM mULanAyaka tarIke zrIJAdIzvara bhagavAna birAjamAna che. tapagacchanA A derAsaramAM cauda pASANanI ane bAra dhAtuonI pratimAjI maLe che. vaLI ahIM vijayAnaMdasUrijI (zrI AtmArAmajI) tathA zrI khAMtivijayajI dAdAnI chabIo cItarelI che. bIjuM derAsara aMcaLagacchanuM che, jemAM mULanAyaka tarIke zrI ciMtAmaLi pArzvanAthanI pratimA che. A maMdiramAM 23 pASANanIane 32 dhAtunI pratimAjI birAjamAna che. vaLI ahIM zrI kahyANasAgarasUrijI navA zrI gautamasAgarasUrijInI chabIo paNa maLe che. trIjuM derAsara kharataragacchanuM zrIzAMtinAya bhagavAnanuM che.ahIM pASANanI Ta ane dhAtunI 13 pratimAo maLe che. vaLI A jinamaMdiramAM zrI jinaratnasAgarasUrijIane zrI jinanaMdasAgarasUrijInI chabIo cItarelI che. A badhAM maMdiranuM nirmANa 19mI sadImAM thayeluM che ane badhI ja pratimAjI suMdara ane darzanIya che. A gAmanI bahAra kharataragacchanI dAdAvADI che temAM jinamaMdira pagalAM tathA zrI ghaMTAkarNanI sthApanA karelI che. vaLI ahIM aMcalagacchanI moTI poSALa che. A poSALamAM eka nAnuM jinamaMdira maLe che. bhujamAM dharmazALA, pAThazALA, bhojanazALA ane pAMjarApoLa paNa che. tIrthavaMdanA - 18 (3) prItibahena nitInakumAra zAha - muMbaI (1) caMpaklAla khubacaMda jhaverI parivAra derI naM. 43 vALA - surata (4) gAMdhI maganalAla dIpacaMda - ramIlAbahena gAMdhInA comAsA nimitte mahuvA (2) indirAbahena bhUpendrakumAra zAha - muMbaI (5) mahetA harajIvanadAsa premacaMda-maMgaLAbahenanA comAsA nimitte - bhAMDupa 49
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________________ 19. SHRI SHANTINATH BHAGAVAN (elluila-ue colan) 50
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________________ 19. SHRI MANDAVI TIRTHA (SHRI SHANTINATH BHAGAVAN) in Kutch, Mandavi is renowned as a glorious city of Jaina dharma. Mandavi, the famous portin Kutch has seven temples of Jain in it. In Ambabazaar, in the vicinity of Vora Lane, we have the temple in which is installed the idol of Bhagavan Shantinath. This charming and majestic Jina temple has three idols of stone and four of metal. The local Sangha had constructed this temple in V.S. 1850. In the Dadavadi here, we have an idol of MULANAYAKA Bhagavan Parshvanath. Here also are found installed three idols in stone and four in metal. This temple was got constructed in V.S. 1960 by the widow of Rayasi Amarachand. In the city there are four temples of Bhagavan Shri Dharmanath, Bhagavan Shri Shitalanath, Bhagavan Shri Shantinath and Shri Mahavir Swami. On the port we have the temple of Shri Ajitnath Bhagavan. In the city we have inns, canteens, Jainavadi, Pathashala, Upashrayas and also some libraries of manuscripts. The small Panchatirtha of Kutch consists of the tirthas at Mundra, Bhujapur, Moti Khakhar as also Nanikhakhar, Bidada and Kutch. 19. zrI mAMDavI tIrtha (zrI zAMtinAtha bhagavAna) mAMDavI e kacchamAM jaina dharmanA mahimAvaMtA gAma tarIke vikhyAta che. kacchanA nAmAMkita baMdara mAMDavImAM sAta jina derAsaro AvelAM che. emAM aMbAbajAranI vorA zerInI najIka AvelA derAsaramAM mULanAyaka bhagavAna zAMtinAthajInI pratimAjI birAjamAna che. zAMtinAtha bhagavAnanuM A suMdara ane vizALa jinamaMdira traNa pASANanI ane cAra dhAtunI pratimAjI dharAve che. A maMdiranuM nirmANa vi. saM. 1850mAM sthAnika saMghe karyuM hatuM. mAMDavImAM AvelI dAdAvADImAM mULanAyaka bhagavAna pArzvanAthanI pratimA che.ahIM paNa traNa pASANanI ane cAra dhAtunI pratimAo maLe che. bhagavAna pArzvanAthanuM A maMdiranuM vi. saM. 1960mAM rAyasI amaracaMdanI vidhavA strIe nirmANa karyuM. mAMDavI zaheramAM zrImahAvIra svAmInuM, bhagavAna zrIdharmanAthanuM, bhagavAna zrIzItaLanAtha ane bhagavAna zrI zAMtinAtha - ema cAra derAsaro AvelAM che. baMdara upara zrIrUjItanAtha bhagavAnanuM derAsara che, mAMDavImAM dharmazALA, bhojanazALA, jainavADI, pAThazALA, upAzrayo ane keTalAMka hastalikhita pratanA bhaMDAro paNa che. kacchanI nAnI paMcatIrthImAM muMdrA, bhujapura, moTI khAkhara tathA nAnI khAkhara, bIdaDA ane mAMDavI ema pAMca tIrthono samAveza thAya che. tIrthavaMdanA- 19 (3) ramaNabahena caMpakalAla bAlubhAI jhaverInA comAsA nimitte-surata (1) hiMmatalAla velacaMda mahetA parivAra sA.kuMDalA - porzAvesTa (4) vimaLAbahena maNilAla popaTalAla dozInA cAturmAsa nimitte (2) ci. bharatanA AtmazreyArthe ha, lIlAbahena bAbubhAI kaDIvALA(5) sva. zAha vinayacaMda harilAla, ha. jayAbahena - mahuvA 51
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________________ 20. SHRI SHANTINATH BHAGAVAN (szula-uell 6401911)
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________________ 20. SHRI KOTHARA TIRTHA (SHRI SHANTINATH BHAGAVAN) Kothara is situated at a distance of 80 Kms. from Bhuj. In the heart of the town we have Shri Kothara tirtha; it is one of the five (Panchatirtha) in Abadasa of Kutch-Bhuj. In this Panchatirtha also the tirtha is more attractive and artistic because of inner and outer art decoration with its eight peaks. From a far-off distance pilgrims are delighted by the flags fluttering on the temples. The peaks and the festival-pandal (Rangamandapa) with their exquisitely nice art and architecture, merge the hearts of the pilgrims in exquisite delight. The sky-scrapper temple is 76 x 64 feet in length and breadth; it is 74 feet in height. Here we have the idol of MULANAYAKA Shri Shantinath Bhagavan; it is white in colour, 90 cms. in height and in Padamasana posture. In the temple we have a festival-pandal, arched-gates and pillars with all exquisite artistry, its glass-work is also pleasant. The construction of this temple was mainly due to the important part played by Sheth Keshavaji Nayak, a resident of this town itself and the one who got constructed the 'Keshavaji Nayak Tunk' on the Shatrunjaya mountain. Shet Valaji Malu and Sheth Shivji Nenasi co-operated with him and got the temple constructed and the idols ceremoniously installed in V.S. 1918, at the sacred hands of Acharya Ratnasagarasurishvaraji of ANCHALA GACCHA on the auspicious day of the 13th of the bright half of the month of Maha. 20. zrI koThArA tIrtha (zrI zAMtinAtha bhagavAna) bhujathI 80 ki. mI. dUra AvelA koThArA gAmanA madhya bhAgamAM AveluM zrI koThArA tIrtha kaccha-bhujanA abaDAsA paMcatIrthInuM eka tIrthasthaLa che. A paMcatIrthImAM paNa ATha zikharavALA A gaganacuMbI maMdiranI AMtarabAhya kalAkArIgarIne kAraNe A tIrtha vizeSa kalAtmaka lAge che. ghaTTa bAMdhaNInuM A tIrtha enI vizALatA ane bhavyatAmAM kacchanAM tIrthomAMAgavuM tarI Ave che. dUrathI A maMdiranAM ATha zikharo para laherAtI dhajA yAtrALuone praphullita kare che to maMdiranA zikhara-saMyojana ane raMgamaMDapanI zilpakaLA yAtrALuone AnaMdavibhora karI de che. A gaganasparzI maMdiranI laMbAi ane pahoLAI 78864 phUTanI che. UMcAi 74 phUTanI che. AmAM mULanAyaka zrI zAMtinAtha bhagavAnanI zveta varNanI lagabhaga 90 se. mI.nI UMcAi dharAvatI padamAsanastha pratimAjI maLe che. maMdiramAM raMgamaMDapa, toraNo ane staMbhonI zilpakalA viziSTa che to emAMnuM kAcanuM kAma paNa eTaluM ja darzanIya che. A maMdiranA nirmANakAryamAM A ja gAmanA vatanI, rahevAsI ane zatruMjayagiri para 'kezavajI nAyakanI Traka'ne nAme oLakhAtI TUMkanA nirmAtA zeTha kezavajI nAyake mahattvano bhAga bhajavyo che. A uparAMta zeTha vAlajI mAluane zeTha zivajI neNazIe paNa zeTha kezavajI nAyaka sAthe vi. saM. 1918mAM A maMdira baMdhAvI tenI pratiSThA karAvI hatI. A pratiSThA vi. saM. 1918nA mahA suda 13nA zubha dine aMcalagacchanA A. zrI ratnasAgarasUrIzvarajInA zubha haste thai hatI. tIrthavaMdanA- 20 (3) dozI zAntAbahena pratAparAya mulunDa- muMbaI (1) a.sau. sUraja dalIcaMda mahetAnA smaraNArthe ha mahendra, azvina (4) zAha phakIracaMda talakacaMda kacarAha, bhadrA, vimaLAnA cAturmAsa nimitte (2) dozI prabhudAsa maganalAla tathA maNilAla maganalAla (5) pU. yazasvInIzrInA upa.thI vIramati zAMtIbhAI, gItA - surata 53
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________________ zrI muLanAyaka maNavIra svAmI 21. SHRI MAHAVIRA BHAGAVAN (zrI mahAvIra bhagavAna) 54
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________________ 21. JAKHAU TIRTHA (SHRI MAHAVIRA BHAGAVAN) Jakhau tirtha, one of the panchatirthas in Abadasa (Kutch), is situated at a distance of some 108 kms from Bhuj. The temple is in the heart of the town and has in the Jina temple an idol of MULANAYAKA Shri Mahavira Bhagavan; it is white in complexion, some 84 cms. in height and in Padmasana posture. The temple is also known as Ratnatunka DERASARA. The temple was got constructed by Sheth Jivaraj Ratansi and Sheth Bhimasi Ratansi. An annual religious festival is celebrated every year here on the fifth day of the bright half of the month of Maha. In V.S. 1905, Jivaraj Ratansi got the central temple constructed and gave it the name Ratnatunk after the name of his father. There are eight other temples in the same complex. This group of nine temples looks majestic as if it were one group of temples on the Shatrunjaya mountain. A lustrous heart-touching atmosphere is created on all sides when the rays of the sun fall on the pinnacle-flags on the twenty peaks of the central temple of Shri Mahavira Swami. After 1905, the temple was religiously renovated in V.S. 2028. In the rest of the eight temples reside these MULANAYAKAS-(1) Shri Suvidhinath, (2) Shri Adinath, (3) Shri Jiravala Parshvanatha, (4) Shri Chitamani Parshvanatha, (5) Shri Godi Parshvanatha, (6) Shri Gautama Swami, (7) Shri Shantinath Bhagavan and (8) Shri Chandraprabhu Swami. So many idols are there in these temples, coming to a total of idols 126 of stone, 80 of metal, 2 of quartz and one of gold. 21. zrI jakhau tIrtha (zrImahAvIra bhagavAna) kacchanI abaDAsA paMcatIrthImAM AveluM zrI jakhau tIrtha bhujathI Azare 108 ki. mI. dUra AveluM che. jakhau gAmanI vacce AvelA jinamaMdiramAM mULanAyaka zrImahAvIra bhagavAnanI sveta varNanI Azare 84 se. mI. UMcI padamAsanastha pratimAjI che. A derAsarane ratnaTUMka derAsara paNa kahe che. AnuM nirmANa zeTha jIvarAja ratanazI ane zeTha bhImazI ratanazIe karAvyuM hatuM. dara varSe mahA suda pAMcamanA divase ahIM vArSikotsava ujavAya che. vi. saM. 1905mAM jIvarAja ratanazIe mukhya maMdira baMdhAvyuM. potAnA pitAnA nAma parathI ratnaTUMka evuM nAma ApyuM hatuM. e pachI ahIM eka ja koTanI aMdara bIjAM ATha maMdiro che, nava derAsarono A samUha jANe zatruMjayagirinI eka Traka UbhI karI hoya tevo bhavya dekhAva 2ce che. mULanAyaka zrImahAvIra svAmI : bhagavAnanA mukhya maMdiranI uparanAM vIsa zikharonI kaLaza -dhajAo para jayAre sUryanAM kiraNo paDe che tyAre copAsa tejabharyuM jhaLAMhaLAM vAtAvaraNa sarjAya che. vi. saM. 1905 pachI AnI puna: pratiSThA vi. saM. 2008mAM thai hatI. bAkInAM ATha derAsaromAM A pramANenA mULanAyaka bhagavAna birAjamAna che : (1) zrIsuvidhinAtha (2) zrIAdinAtha (3) zrIjIrAvalA pArzvanAtha (4) zrIciMtAmaNi pArzvanAtha (5) zrIgoDI pArzvanAtha (6) zrIgautama svAmI (7) zrI zAMtinAtha bhagavAna ane (8) zrI caMdraprabha svAmI. A badhAM maMdiromAM aneka pratimAjI maLe che, badhAM ja maMdironI pratimAjI maLIne kula 126 pASANanI, 80 dhAtunI, be sphaTikanI ane eka suvarNanI mUrti maLe che. '? CAS - tarthavaMdanA- 21 (3) haMsAbahena udayabhAI,bhAratIbahena zAMtilAla,rUpa, prakAza, (1) pU. yazasvinIzrInA vIzasthAnakanimitte jayaNA mahetA-surata (4) varSA zaradabhAI, kArtika-pratIka,pU. rAjavallabhavi,nA upa.thI (2) samarathabahenavADIlAla mahetAha. kRpeza,nimISA,pUrvI, nyUyorka-surata (5) vIramatIbahena zAMtilAla saMghavI pU. somacaMdra vi. nA upa thI 55
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________________ 22. SHRI CHANDRAPRABHA BHAGAVAN ( ) 56
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________________ 22. SHRI NALIA TIRTHA (SHRI CHANDRAPRABHU BHAGAVAN) Nalia tirtha is situated at a distance of some 97 kms. from Kutch-Bhuj. There we come across a idol of Shri Chandraprabha Bhagavan, the idol of MULANAYAKA Bhagavan is white in complexion, almost 75 cms. in height. Since Nalia is one of the tirthas of the five in Abadasa, it has greater importance. The temple, with its sixteen peaks and fourteen festival squares is simply majestic. Again, in this Jina temple, architecture in gold is carved on stones. This is indeed a uniquely peculiar art. In the same way the glasswork over here is really beautiful. In V.S. 1897, the majestic temple constructed by Narasimha Natha was religiously inaugurated. The name of Sheth Narasimha Natha is well-known due to the vast inn got constructed by him in Palitana. In the vicinity of this main temple again, there is Shri Ashtapadaji's unique temple constructed by Harabham Narsimha Natha in V.S. 1918. The inner apartments of all the three temples are separate, but the temple should be considered to be just one. In the frontal square of the temple, marble statues of Sheth Narasimha Natha and his wife are installed. Here, there are some 176 other Jina idols installed. There are again a total of 138 Shri SIDDHACHAKRAS-132 made of silver, 4 of metal and two of sandal-wood. 22. zrI naliyA tIrtha (zrIcaMdraprabha bhagavAna) kaccha-bhujathI Azare 97 ki.mI. dUra AvelA zrI naliyA tIrthamAM mULanAyaka zrI caMdraprabhu bhagavAnanI zveta varNanI lagabhaga 75 se.mI. UMcAinI pratimA maLe che. kaccha-bhujanA abaDAsA paMcatIrthI nuM naliyA eka tIrthasthaLa hovAthI tenuM vizeSa mahAmya che. soLa zikharo ane cauda raMgamaMDapothI zobhatuM A raMgamaMdira bhavya lAge che. vaLI A jinamaMdiramAM paththara para suvarNakalAthI kArIgarI karavAmAM AvI che. AvI kalA ghaNI viziSTa ja gaNAya. e ja rIte ahIMnuM kAcanuM kAma paNa suMdara che. vi. saM. 1897mAM narasI nAthA dvArA nirmita A bhavya maMdiranI pratiSThA thai hatI. zeTha narasI nAthAnuM nAma emaNe pAlitANAmAM baMdhAvelI vizALa dharmazALAthI suvikhyAta che. A mukhya maMdiranI bAjumAM vi. saM. 1910mAM mULanAyaka zrI zAMtinAtha bhagavAnanuM derAsara che. je zeTha bhAramala teja zIe nirmANa karyuM hatuM. enI najIkamAM ja zeTha harabhama narazI nAthAe vi. saM. 1918mAM baMdhAveluM zrIaSTApadajInuM anokhuM derAsara che. A traNe maMdiranA gabhArAo alaga che, paNa maMdira to eka ja gaNAya. maMdiranI AgaLanA cokamAM zeTha narazI nAthA ane emanI patnInIArasanI mUrtio mUkelI che. AmAM 176 jeTalI anya jina pratimAo paNa maLe che. vaLI cAMdInA 132, dhAtunA cAra ane caMdana kASThanA be ema kula 138 jeTalAM zrI siddhacakrajI maLe che. tIrthavaMdanA - 22 (3) zAha pArasamala - pArasa mArakITa - beMgalora (1) DaoN. caMdrakAnta dalIcaMdanA varSItapa nimitte ha. sudhAbahena - surata (4) zAha puSpAbahena naTavaralAla jo ItArAma parivAra - vilepArle (2) vADIlAla rAyacaMda coksInA varSItapa nimitte ha. hIrAvaMtI - surata (5) DaoN. harSadarAya ramaNIkalAla daDIyA ha. vasumatI, - ghATakopara 57
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________________ 23. SHRI JIRAVALA PARSHVANATH BHAGAVAN (Illuq med float) 58
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________________ 23. SHRI TERA TIRTHA (SHRI JIRAVALA PARSHVANATH BHAGAVAN) The Tera town is situated at a distance of some 84 kms. from Bhuj. In the middle of the town is installed in a temple, the idol of MULANAYAKA Shri Jiravala Parshvanath Bhagavan; it is almost 68 cms. in height and in Padmasana posture. In addition to this Jina temple, the Tera town is famous on all sides because of its strong castle. It enhances the glory of its being one of the five tirthas in Abadasa. The art of the nine peaks of this temple is renowned; its flags fluttering on its nine peaks become a piece of delight and attraction for pilgrims from a far-off distance. The temple, with it majesty and beautiful art also attracts attention. Here also the art and external appearance of the nine peaks fills our eyes and hearts with all delight. There is a vast quadrangle around the temple. We also come here across 110 Jina idols and 74 SIDDHACHAKRAS. In V.S. 1915 Sheth Hirajibhai Dosabhai and Sheth Pasavira Raimal-two Jaina Shreshthis got this temple constructed. Even the eulogy of these two is carved on the walls of the temple-square. The last renovation of this temple took place in 2027 V.S. at the auspicious hands of Acharya Shri Gunasagarasurishvarji. In the vicinity of this temple we see a beautiful temple of Shri Shamalia Parshvanath Bhagavan. The glass-work with its picturousness here is extremely beautiful. This temple was constructed some 300 years back by Goraji Hirachand Tarachand. There are 13 other idols in the temple. In the Jnanamandira here, we have an artistic Tirthapata. 23. zrI terA tIrtha (zrIjIrAvalA pArzvanAtha bhagavAna) bhujathI Azare 84 ki.mI. dUra AvelA terA gAmanI madhyamAM mULanAyaka zrI jIrAvalA pArzvanAtha bhagavAnanI lagabhaga 68 se.mI. UMcI padamAsanastha pratimA maLe che. terA gAmanI khyAti A jinamaMdira uparAMta enA majabUta killAne kAraNe sarvatra vyApelI che. zrI terA tIrthaabaDAsA paMcatIrthInuM eka tIrthasthaLa hovAnuM gaurava dharAve che. A maMdiranAM nava zikharonI kalA vikhyAta che. vaLI e nava zikharo para laherAtI dhajAo dUra dUrathI yAtrIo mATe AnaMda ane AkarSaNanuM sthAna bane che. A maMdira enI bhavyatA ane enAM kalAsauMdarya mATe paNa ApaNuM eTaluM ja dhyAna kheMce che. emAM paNa maMdiranAM nava zikharonI kalA ane tenI bahAranuM dazya netradIpaka che. maMdiranI AsapAsa eka moTo coka che. vaLI ahIM 110jinapratimAo ane 74 siddhacakro paNa maLe che. vi.saM. 1915mAM zeTha hIrajI DosAbhAi ane zeTha pAsavIra rAyamala nAmanA be jaina zreSThIoe A maMdiranuM nirmANa karyuM che. A baMne zreSThIonI prazasti paNa raMgamaMDapanI bhIMtamAM kotarelI che. A maMdirano chello jIrNoddhAra vi.saM. 2017mAM A. zrI guNasAgarasUrIzvarajInA suhaste thayo hato. A maMdiranI najIka zikharabaMdhI zrI zAmaLiyA pArzvanAtha bhagavAnanuM manohara maMdira che. enA raMgamaMDapanA kAca para kareluM citrakAma ati suMdara che. A maMdiranuM traNaso varSa pUrve gorajI hIrAcaMda tArAcaMde nirmANa karyuM hatuM. ahIM anya tera jeTalI pratimA maLe che. ahIMnA jJAnamaMdiramAM rahelo kalAtmaka tIrthapaTa paNa jovAlAyaka che. tIrthavaMdanA - 23 (1) madhukAntA jayaMtIlAla kasturacaMda zAha - muMbaI (2) jayaMtIlAla kasturacaMda zAha - muMbaI (3) manadIpa jayaMtIlAla zAha - muMbaI (4) phAlganI manadIpa zAha - muMbaI (5) pArtha manadIpa zAha - muMbaI 59
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________________ SCS OVE VACAN STREZ 24. SHRI BHILADIYA PARSHVANATH BHAGAVAN (lokalul 4120114 419U) 60
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________________ 24. SHRI BHILADIYAJI TIRTHA (SHRI BHILADIYA PARSHVANATH BHAGAVAN) Bhiladiyaji tirtha is situated at a distance of 40 kms. from Bhiladi town in the Deesa Taluka of Banaskantha district. In this tirtha we have an idol of MULANAYAKA Shri Bhiladia Parshvanath Bhagavan; the idol is of black complexion, 53 cms. in height and in Padmasana posture. It is believed that this town, the Jina temple and the idol therein are very old. It is believed that the idol of Shri Bhiladia Parshvanath Bhagavan was ceremoniously installed at the auspicious hands of revered Shri Kapila Kevali. According to one ancedote, the idol of Shri MULANAYAKAJI was ceremoniously installed by King Samprati. One story runs thus. Shri Shrenikakumar had married a beautiful, youthful Bhil girl and he established this town after her name. In this town then there were so many temples with high peaks; there were wells and step-wells also. In the Jain Scriptures this tirtha was known in the ancient days as Bhimapalli. We also get a reference to the effect that in V.S. 1218, Shri Jinachandrasuriji had given the initiation into monkhood to Shri Jinapatisuriji in this very Jina temple. We also get references which state that in V.S. 1317, Oswal Shreshthi Shri Bhuvanpal Shah got this temple repaired and renovated. The town got demolised because of muslim invasions. Later, in V.S. 1872, Shri Dharmachandra Kamdar inspired the resettlement of this town in the vicinity of the ancient temple. The temple was in a dilapidated state and encircled by a jungle. But in V.S. 1936, the Shravakas of Bhiladi town got it repaired and renovated. The last renovation took place in V.S. 2027 and on the sacred day of the tenth of the bright half of the month of Jeth, the ceremonious installation took place at the auspicious hands of Acharya Shri Bhadrasurishvaraji. This temple, with its three peaks and two storeys and its very much impressive idol has become a source of solace and faith to so many devotees and pilgrims. 24. zrI bhIlaDiyAjI tIrtha (zrIbhIlaDiyA pArzvanAtha bhagavAna) banAsakAMThA jillAnA DIsA tAlukAnA bhIlaDI gAmanA relave sTezanathI 40 ki.mI. dUra zrIbhIlaDiyAjI tIrtha AveluM che. A tIrthamAM mULanAyaka zrIbhIlaDiyA pArzvanAtha bhagavAnanI zyAma varNanI 53 se.mI. UMcI padamAsanastha pratimA maLe che. A gAma ane A jinamaMdira tema ja prabhupratimA ati prAcIna hovAnuM manAya che. pUjaya zrI kapila kevalInA suhaste zrIbhIlaDiyA pArzvanAtha bhagavAnanI pratimAjI pratiSThita thai hatI ema manAya che. eka kiMvadaMtI pramANe sammati rAjAne hAthe mULanAyakajInI pratimA pratiSThita thayelI mAnavAmAM Ave che. daMtakathA evI che ke zrI zreNika kumAre eka rUpavatI bhIla kanyA sAthe lagna karyuM ane tenA nAma parathI A nagara vasAvyuM. e samaye A nagaramAM ghaNAM zikharabaMdhI maMdiro vAva- kUvA vagere hatAM. jaina zAstro mujaba AnuM prAcIna nAma bhImapallI hovAno ullekha maLe che. vi. saM. 1218 mAM bhImapallIpura jinAlayamAM zrI jinacaMdrasUrijIe zrI jinapatisUrijIne dIkSA ApI hatI evo ullekha che. vi. saM. 1317mAM ozavAla zreSThI zrI bhuvanapALa zAha dvArA A maMdirano jIrNoddhAra karAvyAno ullekha maLe che. muslima AkramaNone kAraNe A nagarano nAza thayA bAda vi. saM. 1872 mAM zrI dharamacaMdra kAmadAranI preraNAthI A prAcIna maMdira pAse bhIlaDiyA gAma pharI vasyuM. e samaye maMdira jIrNa avasthAmAM hatuM ane AsapAsa jaMgala hatuM, paraMtu bhIlaDInA zrAvakoe vi. saM. 1936 mAM Ano jIrNoddhAra karyo. chello jIrNoddhAra vi. saM. 2017mAM thayA bAda jeTha suda dasamanA zubha divase A. zrI bhadrasUrIzvarajI ma.nA suhaste tenI pratiSThA thai. traNa zikhara ane be mALathI yukata evuM prabhAvazALI pratimA dharAvanAra A maMdira ane kanuM zraddhAsthAna banyuM che. tIrthanaMdanA- 24 (3) vorA hasamukhabhAI jayaMtIlAla - udyotayazAzrIjInA upa.thI (1) vorA hIrAbahena jayaMtIlAla narazIdAsanA cAturmAsa nimitte (4) vorA harSola hasamukhabhAI tarUNayazAzrIjInA upadezathI (2) vorA arUNAbahenahasamukhabhAInAnI godanA pAraNA nimitte (5) vorAcArmI hasamukhabhAI muni jInezacaMdra vi.nA upadezathI 61
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________________ 25. SHRI PRAHLAVIYA PARSHVANATH BHAGAVAN (slluclaui uued tuu 401914) 62
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________________ 25. SHRI PRAHLADANAPURA TIRTHA (SHRI PRAHLAVIYA PARSHVANATH BHAGAVAN) In the first half of the thirteenth century of the Vikrama era, Prahladana, the brother of Dharavarsha of the Paramar dynasty raised this town named Prahladanapura, the modern Palanpur. King Prahladana became disrespectful to the divine powers, and as a consequence, suffered from white leprosy. But a great Acharya, Shalibhadrasuri by name, consoled him and also reassured him. As a penance he advised him to build a temple of Shri Parshvanath Bhagavan and then to apply on his body the bath-waters of the idol. As a result the King embraced the Jain faith. We have the temple of Prahladana Parshvanath here which brings this incident to our memory even to-day, even after the changes brought about in the temple in course of time. In view of certain circumstances this idol was removed, and, in V.S. 1274, on the fifth day of the bright half of Falguna, the present idol was installed at the auspicious hands of Acharya Kakkasurishvaraji of the Korantagaccha. To-day, the Prahladana Parshvanath temple is known as the temple of Prahlavia Parshvanath temple. It has in it an idol of MULANAYAKA Shri Prahlavia Parshvanath; it is white in complexion, about 45 cms. in height and it is in Padmasana posture. The temple with its three storeys is wide and also majestic. In its Bhamati we have an idol of Godi Parshvanath. On the upper storey there are the ancient idols of Shri Shantinath Bhagavan and Shri Shitalnath Bhagavan. Worth our view indeed is one ancient PANCHA-TIRTHA of mela. Palanpur can take pride in the fact that it is the birthplace of the renowned Acharya Shri Somasundarasurishvaraji of the Ranakapur tirtha and of Acharya Shri Hiravijayasurishvaraji who delivered sermons to the moghul emperor Akbar. 25. zrI prahalAdanapura tIrtha (zrIprahalaviyA pArzvanAtha bhagavAna) vikramanI teramI sadInA pUrvArdhamAM Abu pradezanA paramAra vaMzanA rAjA dhArAvarSanA bhAI prahalAdane potAnA nAma parathI prahalAdanapura-pAlanapura vasAvyuM. prahalAdana rAjAe devamUrtinI AzAtanA karatAM ene koDha thayo, paraMtu zrI zAlibhadrasUri nAmanA mahAna AcAryae ene AzvAsana ApyuM. prAyazcittarUpe zrI pArzvanAtha bhagavAnanuM maMdira baMdhAvI e mUrtinuM havaNajaLa zarIre lagADavAnuM kahyuM. rAjavIe surijInI AjJA mAthe caDAvI. pariNAme rAjavIe jaina dharmano svIkAra karyo ane Aje je prahalAdana pArzvanAthanuM maMdira che temAM kALanA vArApherAthI pheraphAra thayA haze, paraMtue prasaMganI Aje paNa yAda Ape che. saMyogavazAta A pratimAnuM utthApana karavAmAM AvyuM ane vi. saM. 1274nI phAgaNa suda pAMcamanA divase kora-gacchI AcArya zrIkakaka sUrIzvarajInA zubha haste vartamAna pratimAnI pratiSThA saMpanna thai ane zrIprahalAdana pArzvanAthanuM maMdira Aje zrIprahalaviyA pArzvanAthanA maMdira tarIke oLakhAya che. ahIM mULanAyaka zrIprahalaviyA pArzvanAtha bhagavAnanI zvetavarNanI lagabhaga 45 se.mI. UMcAI dharAvatI padamAsanastha pratimAjI maLe che. traNa mALanuM A maMdira vizALa ane bhavya che. enI bhamatimAM zrIgoDI pArzvanAthanI pratimA che. mALa upara zrI zAMtinAtha bhagavAna ane zrIzItalanAtha bhagavAnanI prAcIna mUrtio che. dhAtunI eka prAcIna paMcatIrthI paNa darzanIya che. suprasiddha rANakapura tIrthanA pratiSThAcArya somasuMdarasUrIzvarajInI janmabhUmi hovAnuM gaurava pAlanapura dharAve che. tIrthavaMdanA- 25 (1) caMdrakaLAbahena premacaMda jIvaNacaMda malajI surata-bhAyakhalA (2) naitikabhAI premacaMda malajI sA. zubhodayAzrIjInA upadezathI (3) sva. sA. mayaNAzrIjInI smRtimAM ha, jayazrI naitikabhAI malajI (4) bInalanaitikabhAI malajI sva.sA prazamazrIjInI smRtimAM :(5) priyaMkA naitikabhAI malajI nirvedazrIjI kalpavidA zrI upa.. 63
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________________ Well B ser 64 40 LED 17122 10100 C 26. SHRI SHANTINATH BHAGAVAN ()
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________________ 26. SHRI SHANKHALAPUR TIRTHA (SHRI SHANTINATH BHAGAVAN) In the village Shankhalapur situated at a distance of one mile from the Becharaji station, there is a vast temple with an underground cellar. Here is installed a very impressive idol of MULANAYAKA Shri Shantinath Bhagavan. Idols are installed here also in the original inner apartment, underground cellar and the 25 porticos of the BHAMATI. King Laxman raised this village and it was named Salakhanapur after his name; later on it became Shankhalpur. There was a big population of Shravakas here in this village and the Jainas were very rich and prosperous. In V.S. 1687 the poet Shri Gunavijayaji composed "Kocharavyavahari Rasa." It tells us that Shreshthi Kochara heared a lecture of Shri Sumatisadhu Suri (V.S. 1494-1551). In his sermonizing, Suriji talked about non-violence. Kochara Shreshthi referrred to violence taking place in Bahucharaji. Guruji asked Sajanasimha, made use of his influence and received orders from the Sultan and made Kochara an officer in command of 12 towns and villages. On getting the command, he proclaimed non-violence, and, as a consequence, killing of animals stopped in villages and towns like Bahucharaji. In the 14th century, Pethadakumar, a minister from Mandavagadh, constructed a Jina temple here. Jina idols excavated from underground are an ample evidence of ancient temples. A new temple was constructed in V.S. 1876 and the ceremonious installation took place in V.S. 1905. 26. zrI zaMkhalapura tIrtha (zrI zAMtinAtha bhagavAna) uttara gujarAtanA becarAjI sTezanathI eka mAila dUra AvelA zaMkhalapura gAmamAM traNa zikharavALuM bhoMyarAbaMdhI vizALa maMdira AveluM che. mULanAyaka zrI zAMtinAtha bhagavAnanI prabhAvazALI pratimA ahIM birAjamAna che. ahIM mULa gabhAro, bhoMyarU ane bhamatinA 25 gokhalAomAM paNa mUrtio birAjamAna che. mULa to lakSmaNa nAmanA rAjAe potAnA nAma parathI vasAvelA A gAmanuM nAma salakhaNapura hatuM. emAMthI enuM nAma zaMkhalapura banI gayuM. caudathI sattara saikA sudhI A gAmamAM zrAvakonI vastI ghaNI moTI hatI ane jainonI jAhojalAlI hatI. kavizrI guNavijayajIe vi. saM. 1687mAM racelA kocaravyavahArI rAsamAM evI hakIkata maLe che ke zreSThI koyare zrI sumatisAdhusUri (janma vi. saM. 1494 ane svargavAsa vi. saM. 1551) nuM vyAkhyAna sAMbhaLyuM. sUrijIe upadezamAM ahiMsA vize kahyuM tyAre kocara zreSThIe bahucarAjI pAse thatI hiMsAnI vAta karI. e samaye gurujIe sAjaNasiMha nAmanA khaMbhAtanA saMghanA pratiSThita AgevAnane A aMge kaMika karavA kahyuM. sAjaNasiMhe potAnA prabhAvano upayoga karIne sulatAna pAsethI pharamAna meLavyuM. eNe kocarane bAra gAmano adhikArI banAvyo.adhikAra maLatAMnI sAthe ja bAre gAmamAM amArI paDaha vagaDAvyo ane e divasathI bahucarAjI vagere gAmomAM thatI jIvahiMsA baMdha thai. caudamA saikAmAM mAMDavagaDhanA maMtrI pethaDakumAre ahIM eka jinamaMdira banAvyuM hatuM. ahIMnAM bhoMyarAomAMthI ghaNI jinapratimAo maLatAM e prAcIna maMdirono purAvo Ape che. vi. saM. 1876 mAM nUtana maMdiranuM nirmANa thayeluM che ane vi. saM. 1905mAM enI pratiSThA karavAmAM AvI hatI. tIrthanaMdanA - 26 (3) vimaLAbahena hiMmatalAla bAvacaMda ha: dilIpabhAI- sAvarakuMDalA (1) yazavaMtabhAI mohanalAla parivAra - vilepArle (4) a.sau. dhIrajabALA zazIkAMta cunIlAla zAha dhodhA-ghATakopara (2) maMjulAbahena zAMtilAla rAmacaMda ha : narendra, saMjaya gorasavALA) (5) nipuNa mahendrakumAra zAha pU. tilakaprabhAzrIjInA upa.thI- muMbaI 65
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________________ 27. SHRI AJITNATH BHAGAVAN (1) 66
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________________ 27. SHRI TARANGA TIRTHA (SHRI AJITNATH BHAGAVAN) The Taranga tirtha is situated in the midst of the Arvalli hills in the midst of beautiful sceneries of nature, exquisite prosperity of art and architecture. The main temple in the tirtha is 150 ft. in length, 100 feet wide and 142 ft. in height. The structure of the temple is like that of Mahameru-palace. The temple has in it an idol of Shri Ajitnath Bhagavan; it is 2.75 metres in height, of white complexion and in Padmasana posture. The temple is therefore known as Ajitaprasad or Ajitnath Vihara. On no hill in the country do we have a temple as high as the Taranga tirtha. We would naturally consider and wonder as to how much labour and effort must have been put in the construction of this temple at such a spot, with all its majesty and supreme art. One of the Mahatirthas in the chief five Mahatirthas of the Jainas is the tirtha at Taranga. In the first century of the Vikrama era, the Jain king Vatsaraja constructed here a temple of Siddhayika devi. Thereafter, in V.S. 1221, King Kumarpala constructed this vast temple which is very rich in sculptural art. We also have a reference which states that in V.S. 1284, on the second day of the dark half of Falguna, Vastupala-Tejpala installed the idols of Shri Adinath Prabhu in two porticos at the auspicious hands of Shri Vijayasenasuriji. We also get records to show that there were ceremonious installations in V.S. 1479, at the auspicious hands of Acharya Shri Somachandasuriji through Shri Govinda Shreshthi and also in V.S. 1642 at the auspicious hands of Acharya Shri Vijayasensuriji. In the vast quarter of the temple we have the temple of Kunthunatha Bhagavan as also the Sahasrakuta temple, the Nandishvara dvipa etc. and Kotishila, Moksha window etc. outside. - 27. zrI tAraMgA tIrtha (zrIajitanAtha bhagavAna) ramaNIya kudarata, utkRSTa zilpasamRddhi ane aravallInI girimALAo vacce tAraMgA tIrtha AveluM che. A tIrthanuM mukhya maMdira 150 phUTa lAMbuM, 100 phUTa pahoLuM ane 142 phUTa UMcuM che. maMdiranI racanA mahAmeru prAsAdanI che. A maMdiramAM bIjA tIrtha kara zrI ajitanAtha bhagavAnanI 2.75 mITara UMcI, zveta varNanI padamAsanastha prabhAvazALI pratimA AvelI che. AthI A maMdira ajitaprAsAda ke ajitanAtha vihAra tarIke oLakhAya che. bhAratanA koi paNa DuMgara para tAraMgA tIrtha jeTaluM UMcuM maMdira jovA maLaze nahIM. e jamAnAmAMAvuM bhavya ane utkRSTa bAMdhaNIvALuM derAsara ATalA dUra ane vikaTa sthaLe racavAmAM keTalo badho parizrama karyo haze, tevo vicAra sahaja ja thAya. jainonA pAMca mukhya tIrthomAMnuM eka mahAtIrtha tAraMgA che. vikramanI pahelI zatAbdImAM jainadharmI mahArAjA vatsarAje ahIM siddhAyikA devInuM maMdira baMdhAvyuM. e pachI vi. saM. 1221mAM mahArAjA kumArapALe sthApatyakalAthI paripUrNa evuM A vizALa maMdira baMdhAvyuM. vi. saM. 1284nA phAgaNa vada bIje mahAmAtya vastupALa-tejapALe zrI vijayasenasUrijInA haste A jinAlayanA be gokhalAmAM zrI AdinAtha prabhunI pratimAonI pratiSThA karAvyAno ullekha maLe che. vi. saM. 149mAM iDaranivAsI zrI goviMda zreSThI dvArA A. zrI somasuMdarasUrijInA haste tema ja vi. saM. 1642mAM A. zrI vijayasenasUrijInA hAthe pratiSThA karAvyAnA ullekho maLe che. A maMdiranA vizALa prAMgaNamAM kuMthunAtha bhagavAnanuM maMdira, sahagnakUTa maMdira, naMdIzvara dvIpa, caumukhajI bhagavAna vagere tathA maMdiranI bahAra koTizilA, mokSabArI vagere darzanIya che. tIrthavaMdanA - 27 (3) dhaneza,bIpIna,sureza jasavaMta, ravIndra AsIta - moTAkhuMTavaDA (1) zAntAbahena mohanalAla nAgajIbhAI zAha- moTAkhuMTavaDA - mulajha (4) haMsA IndumatI, jyoti, cetanA, prIti, dezanA - moTA khuMTavaDA (2) ratilAla nAgajIbhAI zAha, vasaMta mohanalAlanI smRtimAM . (5) tuSAra, darzana, piyuSa, cetana, kamaLa, bIjala, akSaya, bebI 67
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________________ W13 28. SHRI SHANKHESHVAR PARSHVANATH BHAGAVAN (elleizeaz ured-414 419) 68
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________________ 28. SHRI SHANKHESHVARA TIRTHA (SHRI SHANKHESHVAR PARSHVANATH BHAGAVAN) This is a majestic and vast temple of MULANAYAKA Shri Shankeshvar Parshvanath Bhagavan in the heart of the Shankheshvara town. The idol is of white complexion and about 1.82 metres in height; it is in Padmasana posture, it is miraculous. In the days of old, a Shravaka, Ashadhi by name had got installed Jina idols in Charoopa, Stambhapura and Shankheshvara; so say the references in Jaina works. According to one story, in the battle between Jarasandha and Shri Krishna, when the former threw Jara on the army of the latter, the calamity was quietened by spraying the bathing water of the idol of Shri Prabhu on the army. The history of Shri Parshvanatha is therefore very old and highly impressive. We also get several stories of the miracles associated with this idol. In the central part of the vast fort, a lovely temple with peaks is found with its 52 Jinalayas. The Minister-in-Chief of King Siddharaj Jaisinha, Sajjanshah got this tirtha repaired and renovated in V.S. 1155. Round about V.S. 1286, Vastupal-Tejpal installed gold-pinnacles on the Shrines of the 52 Jinalayas and carried out the necessary repairs. In the 14th century when the soldiers of Allauddin broke this tirtha, the Shri Sangha kept the idol of Shri Shankheshvara Prabhu well protected. In V.S. 1656 emperor Shahjehan issued an ordinance regarding the town, in the name of Sheriff Shantidasa. Thereafter in V.S. 1628 and 1760 renovations took place again. Remnants of the old temple are seen to-day on way to the temple. The new temple was built in the 17th century. Even to-day its impressiveness as the destroyer of the threefold miseries is well-known. 28. zrI zaMkhezvarajI tIrtha (zrIzaMkhezvara pArzvanAtha bhagavAna) zaMkhezvara gAmanI vacce AvelA A bhavya ane vizALa maMdiramAM mULanAyaka zrIzaMkhezvara pArzvanAtha bhagavAnanI sveta varNanI Azare 1.82 mITaranI UMcAi dharAvatI gai covIsInI padamAsanastha ane camatkArika pratimA maLe che. prAcIna samayamAM ASADhI nAmanA zrAvake cArU5, staMbhapura ane zaMkhezvaramAM jinapratimAo birAjamAna karAvI hatI, evo jaina graMthomAM ullekha maLe che. eka daMtakathA anusAra jarAsaMgha ane zrIkRSNa vaccenA yuddha samaye jarAsaMghe zrIkRSNanI senA para jarA pheM kI tyAre A prabhupratimAnA havaNajaLane tenA para chAMTIne upadravane zAMta karyo hato. Ama zrIzaMkhezvara pArzvanAthanI pratimAno itihAsa ati prAcIna ane prabhAvazALI che. tema ja ene vizenI aneka camatkArika kathAo maLe che. vizALa koTanA madhya bhAgamAM suMdara devavimAna jevuM zikharabaMdha bAvana jinAlaya maMdira AveluM che. siddharAja jayasiMhanA mahAmaMtrI, sajajanazAha vi. saM. 1302 mAM jhIMjhuvADAnA rAjA durjanazalya Ano pharI jIrNoddhAra karAvyo. 14mI sadImAM allAudInanA sainikoe A tIrthane kSati pahoMcADI tyAre zrI saMghe zaMkhezvara prabhunI pratimAne surakSita rAkhI. vi. saM. 1656 mAM zAhajahAMe amadAvAdanA nagarazeTha zAMtidAsajInA nAme zaMkhezvara gAmanuM pharamAna banAvIne ApyuM. A pachI vi. saM. 1628 ane vi. saM. 1760mAM ahIM jIrNoddhAra karAvyAnA ullekho maLe che. Aje prAcIna maMdiranAM khaMDera caMduranA mArge jovA maLe che, nUtana maMdira 17mI sadImAM thayuM ane vyAdhi ane upAdhino nAza karanArI enI prabhAvakatA Aje sarvatra prasiddha che. tIrthavaMdanA - 28 (1) jayAbahena rAmajIbhAI zAhanA saM. 2051 cAturmAsa nimitte (2) ramezacaMdra rAmajIbhAI zAha ghATakopara - muMbaI muMbai (3) paMkajakumAra rAmajIbhAI zAha ghATakopara- muMbaI (4) ajitakumAra rAmajIbhAI zAha ghATakopara - muMbaI (5) caMdanakumAra rAmajIbhAI zAha ghATakopara - muMbaI 69
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________________ 29. SHRI MANAMOHANA PARSHVANATH BHAGAVAN (11214164 410-114 0401911) 70
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________________ 29. SHRI KAMBOI TIRTHA (SHRI MANAMOHANA PARSHVANATH BHAGAVAN) At a distance of 16 kms. from Chanasma is situated the Kamboi village. The tirtha is in its centre. Here we have the idol of MULANAYAKA Shri Manamohana Parshvanatha Bhagavan; it is 76 cms. in height, white in complexion and in Padmasana posture. Kamboi tirtha is considered to be pretty old and the structure and art of the idol show that it belongs to the times of King Samprati. The virtues of the idol are in tune with the name, Manamohana Parshvanatha. There is no Inscription on the idol. But it is considered to be of the time of Samprati. There are supports below the idol and on the throne are carved lotus leaves of artistic designs of creepers and plants. The original inner apartment of the temple, the assembly platform, four shrines inside a dome on the Upper part and peaks are found with the temple. Very attractive indeed is the inlaid artistic, colourful glasswork. White marble is spread in the temple. There are four shrines on the four sides. It seems that so many repairs and renovations of this tirtha must have taken place. Its last renovation was undertaken in V.S. 2003. A fair is held here every year on the second day of the bright half of Falguna and pilgrims in their thousands come here. 16th century writings are found on the other idols in the temple. On one metal idol of V.S. 1638 there is a reference to the Kamboi village. One gift-record proves that the Kamboi village belongs to a period earlier than the eleventh century. 29. zrI kaMboi tIrtha (zrImanamohana pArzvanAtha bhagavAna). cANasmAthI 16 ki. mI. dUra AvelA kaMboi gAmanI vacce A tIrtha AveluM che. ahIM mULanAyaka zrI manamohana pArzvanAtha bhagavAnanI 76 se.mI. UMcI zveta varNanI padamAsanastha pratimAjI maLe che. kaMboi tIrtha eka prAcIna tIrtha gaNAya che ane mULanAyakajInI pratimAnI AkRti tathA kalA parathI te sammati rAjAnA samayanI mAnavAmAM Ave che. manamohana pArzvanAthanI pratimAmAM yathA nAma tathA guNa che.A pratimAjI khUba ja zAMta tathA suMdara lAge che. A lAvaNyamayI mUrti para koi lekha nathI, paraMtu e mUrti nIce TekA hovAthI ane gAdImAM kaMDArelA vela-buTTAyukata kamalapatranI koNI vagere lakSaNothI te samratinA samayanI hovAnuM kahevAya che. A maMdira mULa gabhAro, sabhAmaMDapa, aMdara cAra derIo ane uparanA bhAgamAM ghummaTa ane zikharayukta che. mULa gabhArAmAM ane bahAra raMgaberaMgI kAcanuM manohara jaDAu kAma AkarSaka lAge che. maMdiramAM sapheda Arasa bichAvavAmAM Avyo che. cAre khUNe cAra derIo UbhI che. A tIrthanA keTalAya jIrNoddhAra thayA haze, paNa chellA be jIrNoddhAranI vigata maLe che. eno chello jIrNoddhAra vi. saM. 2003mAM thayo hato. ahIMyAM dara varSe phAgaNa suda bIjanA divase meLo bharAya che tyAre hajAro yAtrALuo ekaThA thAya che. maMdiranI anya pratimAo para 16mI sadInA lekho che. vi. saM. 1638nI eka dhAtapratimA para kaMboi gAmano ullekha che. eka bheTapatra parathI ema sAbita thAya che ke kaMboi gAma vikramanI 11mI sadI pahelAM vaseluM hovuM joie. tIrthavaMdanA - 29 (1) dIpacaMda lallubhAI tAsavAlA suratavALA - muMbaI (2) vIramatI dIpacaMda tAsavAlA suratavALA - muMbaI (3) a.sau. bhAratI nipuNa tAsavAlA suratavALA - muMbaI (4) a.sau. rUpala mItena tAsavAlA suratavALA - muMbaI (5) a.sau. nayanA dIpaka tAsavAlA suratavALA - muMbaI 71
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________________ heD [4 070807 OOOD hobo 06600 pArzvanAtha 30. SHRI BHATEVA PARSHVANATH BHAGAVAN (zrIbhaTevA pArzvanAtha bhagavAna) 72 003
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________________ 30. SHRI CHANASMA TIRTHA (SHRI BHATEVA PARSHVANATH BHAGAVAN) The Chanasma tirtha is situated at a distance of one mile from the Chanasma Railway station. Here we have an idol of MULANAYAKA Shri Bhateva Parshvanath Bhagavan, it is some 23 cms. in height, of tobacco colour and in Padmasana posture. In this idol with waist-band, we also see Dharanendra and Padmavati. It seems that the idol of MULANAYAKA is carved from sand-stone. We get evidence from different eulogistic prayers that the idol must have been known as Bhateva because it was procured from Bhatuar village. It is said that in the Bhatuar village near Idar there was one poor Shravaka Surchand by name from whose house the idol of Bhagavan Parshvanath was discovered and he became prosperous and happy. On getting information of this the King of Idar asked for it. The Shravaka was afraid of disrespect to the idol and so Surchand buried it on the outskirts of the village. Ravichand of Chandravati (Chanasma) got indications of the idol. He brought it, built a temple in Chanasma and got it ceremoniously installed in it on the Akshayatrutiya day in V.S. 1535. One other probable conjecture is that there is one village Bhateva near Palini in Marwad. Residents of the place might have come here with the idol, might have built this temple and installed the idol here with this name. According to one tradition, the idol was ceremoniously installed following the preaching of Acharya Shri Ajitasinhasuriji of the Anchala Gaccha. The temple with its fine artistic structure was repaired and renovated some 150 years back. 30. zrI cANasmA tIrtha (zrIbhaTevA pArzvanAtha bhagavAna) mahesANA hArIja mArgamAM cANasmAnA relave sTezanathI eka mAila dUra zrI cANasmA tIrtha AveluM che. A tIrthamAM mULanAyaka zrIbhaTevA pArzvanAtha bhagavAnanI lagabhaga 23 se.mI. UMcI tamAku varNanI padamAsanastha pratimA maLe che. A maMdiranuM dvAra uttara dizAmAM che. temAM mULanAyakanI pratimA retInI banAvelI hoya tevI lAge che. bhATuAra gAmamAMthI maLelI pratimA hovAthI tenuM nAma 'bhaTevA'paDayuM haze evuM pramANa judAM judAM stavanomAMthI maLI rahe che. ema kahe che ke iDara pAsenA bhATuAra gAmamAM sUracaMda nAme eka garIba zrAvakane tyAM pArzvanAtha bhagavAnanI pratimA maLI AvatAM te sukhI ane saMpanna thayo. AnI khabara iDaranA rAjAne paDatAM emaNe A pratimAnI mAgaNI karI. AzAtanA thavAnA bhayathI sUracaMde e pratimA rAjAne na ApatAM gAmanA pAdare jamInamAM bhaMDArI dIdhI. caMdrAvatI (cANasmA)mAM vasatA ravicaMdra nAmanA zrAvakane e pratimAnI bhALa maLatAM te laI Avyo ane teNe cANasmAmAM maMdira baMdhAvI vi. saM. 1335nI akhAtrIje e mUrtinI pratiSThA karAvI. eka evI paNa hakIkata che ke mAravADanA mAlinI pAse AvelA bhaTevA gAmanA vatanIo A tarapha AvyA hoya ane sAthe mUrti lAvyA hoya. emaNe ahIM maMdira baMdhAvI tenuM nAma bhaTevA pArzvanAtha rAkhyuM hoya. eka paraMparA anusAra aMcalagacchIya A. zrI ajitasiMhasUrijInA sada upadezathI vi. saM. 1335mAM bhaTevA pArzvanAtha prabhunI pratimAnI pratiSThA thai hatI. suMdara nirmANakalA dharAvatA A maMdirano jIrNoddhAra doDhaso varSa pahelAM thayo. jA tIrthavaMdanA - 30. (3) zAha padamAbahena amRtalAla melApacaMda kaThora - surata (1) sva. rAyacaMda tArAcaMda ha.patnI,moghIbahena/hasamukha, lIlAbahena sedaraDA(4) zAha 2maNabahena caMdulAla - bhogIlAla kaThora - surata (2) naMdalAla chaganalAla mahetA ha, kAntAbahena, priyakAnta, azvina,bhUpendra (5) dozI dalIcaMda mANekacaMda (dhANAdALavALA) vilepArle ghATakopara - muMbaI 13
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________________ ass Ktor's 31. SHRI PANCHASARA PARSHVANATH BHAGAVAN (1) HERG 74
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________________ 31. SHRI PATAN TIRTHA (SHRI PANCHASARA PARSHVANATH BHAGAVAN) The city of Patan, right from old days, is rich in knowledge and wealth, a glorious history and a sublime spirit of Dharma. It was the capital of King Kumarpal and the land of activities of Acharya Hemachandra. In V.S. 802, after from the name of Shepherd Anahil, this city was installed on monday, on Akshayatrutiya day, with the ceremony and chanting of Mantras according to the Jaina dharma by Acharya Shri Shilagunasuriji, head of the Nagendra Gaccha. The hero that he was, Vanaraj Chavada became the first ruler of Anahilpur Patan. He brought this idol of Shri Parshvanath Bhagavan from Panchasara, the Kingdom of his ancestors and got it installed here ceremoniously at the auspicious hands of Shri Shilagunasuriji in this newly-constructed shrine. The tirtha therefore became renowned after the name of Panchasara Parshvanath. This tirtha and its temple as also the other temples were demolished because of muslim invasions. But Patan was settled again in V.S. 1730 and temples in hundreds were constructed. As the "Patana Chaitya Paripati" composed by Shri Lalitaprabhusuri in V.S. 1648 tells us, there were in the city some 101 big Jina temples and 99 smaller shrines. Idols installed were in thousands. The "Chaitya Paripati" composed by Shri Harshavijayaji in V.S. 1929, notes that Patan had then 95 bigger temples and 500 smaller shrines. It is said that Patan is renovated, but the idol is the same ancient one. The idol is that of MULANAYAKA Shri Panchasara Parshvanath Bhagavan, it is about 1.2 metres in height, of white complexion and in Padmasana posture. Added to this there are 84 big temples and 134 shrines in 55 streets. We have also Institutions like Shri Hemachandracharya Jnanamandir here. 31. zrI pATaNa tIrtha (zrIpaMcAsarA pArzvanAtha bhagavAna) jJAna ane lakSmI, bhavya itihAsa ane udAtta dharmabhAvanAthI samRddha evuM A nagara mahArAjA kumArapALanI rAjadhAnI ane kalikAlasarvajJa AcArya zrI hemacaMdracAryanI karmabhUmi hatuM. A nagaranuM prAcIna nAma aNahilapura hatuM. aNahila nAmanA bharavADanA nAma parathI vi. saM. 802mAM akSayatRtIyAne somavAre nAgendra gacchAcArya zrI zIlaguNasUrijInA jaina vidhividhAna sAthenA maMtroccArathI A nagaranI sthApanA karI. parAkramI vanarAja cAvaDA aNahilapura pATaNano prathama rAjA banyo. potAnA pUrvajonI rAjadhAnI paMcAsarAthI zrI pArzvanAtha bhagavAnanI A alaukika pratimAne pATaNa lAvIne navA baMdhAyelA jinAlayamAM zrI zIlaguNasUrijInA haste pratiSThA karAvI ane tethI A tIrtha paMcAsarA pArzvanAthanA nAme vikhyAta banyuM. muslima AkramaNane kAraNe A nagara ane maMdirono vidhvaMsa thayo, paraMtu vi. saM. 1730mAM pharI pATaNa vasyuM ane seMkaDo maMdiro nirmANa pAmyAM. vi. saM. 1648mAM zrI lalitaprabhusUrijIe racelA 'pATaNa caitya paripATI'mAM te samaye A nagaramAM 101 jeTalAM moTAM jinamaMdiro ane nAnAM 99 nAnAM derAsaro hatAM tema ja maMdiramAM hajAro pratimAo hatI. jemAM 38 ratnonI pratimAo paNa hatI. vi. saM. 1929mAM zrI harSavijayajI racita caitya paripATImAM pATaNamAM 95 moTAM maMdiro ane 500 nAnAM derAsaro hovAnuM noMdhyuM che. kahe che ke pATaNano punaruddhAra thayo, paraMtu pratimAjI to e ja prAcIna che. mULanAyaka zrI paMcAsarA pArzvanAtha bhagavAnanI Azare 1.2 mITara UMcI Tveta varNanI padamAsanastha pratimA che.A uparAMta A nagaranA 55 mahollAmAM 84 moTAM maMdiro tathA 134 derAsaro che tema ja zrI hemacaMdrAcArya jJAnamaMdira jevI saMsthAo che. tIrthavaMdanA-33 (3) zAha caMdrAvatI amRtalAla nA 21 upavAsanimitte -pasarvIvALA (1) bharata,piMkI,milana,Anala,nirmaLA, surezacImanalAla parIkha (4) zAha vimaLAbahena rasikalAlanA cAturmAsa nimitte - aMdherI vesTa (2) bAbulAla lakSmIcaMda mahetA- memadapuravALA-navasArI (5) zAha rasikalAla maNilAlanA svargavAsa tithI nimitte-aMdherI 75
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________________ 32. SHRI SHYAMALA PARSHVANATH BHAGAVAN ( 414C4 Wed 114 240191) 76
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________________ 32. SHRI CHAROOPA TIRTHA (SHRI SHYAMALA PARSHVANATH BHAGAVAN) In this Jina temple, situated in the middle of Charoopa village, the idol of Shri Shyamala Parshvanath Bhagavan is 1.20 metres in height, of black complexion and in Padmasana posture. The idol is very old and majestic; it is considered to be miraculous. It is said that this is one of the three idols got installed by Shri Ashadhi Shravaka in ancient times. In the ninth century Shri Devachandrasuriji is said to have installed the Parikara of Shri Parshvanath Prabhu. There is also a reference to the effect that, in the thirteenth century Shreshthi Devachandra got constructed here the temple of Shri Adinath Bhagavan. We also have a reference which states that around 1320 V.S. Shreshthi Pethadshah got constructed the temple of Shri Shantinath Bhagavan. This Tirtha was in complete disarray after the 18th century. But in V.S. 1938, the Shravakas of Patan took over the administration of this temple and tirtha. Thereafter the vast temple-complex was constructed here and re-installed on the fifth day of the bright half of the Jeth month of V.S. 1984. In this tirtha, situated at a distance of 10 kms. from Patan the idol of the MULANAYAKA is of the nature of an unparallelled specimen of ancient sculptural art. The art of the black idol carved from marble is simply unique. The head of the idol right up to the shoulders is very vast and covered by hood. In the idol we find the thinness of a tapasvi, absence of all diseases and serious demeaneur. Again, it was at this spot that the Jain Acharya, Shri Viracharya coming at the invitation of King Siddharaj to Patan, was welcomed at a great festival at Charoopa. Several such references reveal that this tirtha is ancient and glorious. 32. zrI cArUpa tIrtha (zrIzyAmalA pArzvanAtha bhagavAna) cArUpa gAmanI vacce AvelA A jinamaMdiramAM zrI zyAmalA pArzvanAtha bhagavAnanI 1.20 mITara UMcI zyAma varNanI padamAsanastha pratimA che. A pratimA ati prAcIna, bhabhaane camakArika manAya che, ema kahevAya che ke prAcInakALamAM zrI ASADhI zrAvake je bA pratimAonI pratiSThA karAvI hatI. temAMnI eka A pratiSThA che, navamI sadImAM zrI devacaMdrasUrie A mahAtIrthamAM zrIpArzvanAtha prabhuno parrikara sthApita karAvyAno ullekha che jayAre teramI sadImAM zreSThI devacaMdra dvArA ahIMyAM zrImAdinAtha bhagavAnanuM maMdira nirmANa karAvyAno ullekha che. vi. saM. 1320nI AsapAsa zreSThI zrI pethaDazAhe zrI zAMtinAtha bhagavAnanuM maMdira baMdhAvyAno ullekha che. 18mI sadI pachI A tIrtha astavyasta thai gayuM hatuM, paraMtu vi. saM. 1938mAM pATaNanA zrAvakoe A tIrthanI vyavasthA pharIthI saMbhALI lIdhI. e pachI ahIM vizALa maMdiranuM nirmANa karIne vi. saM. 1984nA jeTha suda pAMcamanA divase puna: pratiSThA karAvI, pATAthI dasa ki.mI. dUra AvelA A tIrthamAM mULanAyakanI mUrti prAcIna zilpakaLAnA advitIya namUnArUpa che. mUrtinuM mastaka khabhA sudhI suvizALaane phaNAthI acchAdita che jayAre mUrtinA udaramAM tapasvInI kRzatA, nIrogitA ane gAMbhIrya pragaTa thAya che. vaLI A sthaLe jainAcArya zrI vIrAcArya rAjA siddharAjanA nimaMtraNathI pATaNa AvatA hatA tyAre cArUpamAM temano bhavya svAgata-mahotsava karyo hato.AvA aneka ullekhoA tIrthanI prAcInatA ane garimAne pragaTa kare che. nIryavaMdanA - 32 (1) dozI dalIcaMda bAicaMda (dhANAdALavALA) mahuvA - muMbaI (2) dozI nemakuMvarabahena dalIcaMda (dhANAdALavALA) - muMbaI (3) dozI mahendrabhAI dalIcaMda (dhANAdALavALA) - muMbaI (4) dozI nimeza mahendrabhAI (dhANAdALavALA) - muMbaI (5) dozI nIkhala mahendrabhAI (dhANAdALavALA) - muMbaI 77
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________________ 33. SHRI MAHAVIRA BHAGAVAN (1) 78
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________________ 33. SHRI PANASARA TIRTHA (SHRI MAHAVIRA BHAGAVAN) This tirtha is situated near the village Pansar on the Ahmedabad-Mehsana high-way. There sits the lord of the tirthas, Shri Mahavir Bhagavan; the idol is white in complexion, 91 cms. in height and in Padmasana posture. It is attractive and miraculous. This ancient idol of Bhagavan Mahavira revealed itself in the house of Raval Shri Jala Teja on Sunday, the 9th of the bright half of Shravana in V.S. 1966. A majestic temple was built and it was installed on the sixth day of the bright half of Vaishakh in V.S. 1974. Thereafter in V.S. 1991, five other ancient idols were unearthed. This proves decisively that there must have been several Jain temples on the spot. Many other miracles followed the miraculous revelation of the idol of MULANAYAKA Mahavira Bhagavan; so many pilgrims started coming and the importance of the tirtha was on the ascent. There was actually a flow of pilgrim because of the vicinity of Ahmedabad. To-day this temple has three peaks and seven inner apartments. In all the seven, white marble-idols of Shri MULANAYAKA are installed. The rest of the idols of metal are of Panchatirthi etc. At a distance of two furlongs from here, in the Pansar village, there is a temple with a dome and MULANAYAKA Shri Dharmanath Bhagavan is installed in it. Looking around on all sides, it seems that there must have been a time when this place was very prosperous. 33. zrI pAnasara tIrtha (zrImahAvIra bhagavAna) amadAvAda-mahesANA mArga para AvelA pAnasara gAmanI najIka A tIrtha AveluM che. tIdhirAja zrImahAvIra bhagavAnanI zveta varNanI 91 se.mI. UMcI padamAsanastha pratimA cittAkarSaka ane camatkArika che. bhagavAna mahAvIranI A prAcIna pratimA vi.saM. 1966nA zrAvaNa suda nomane ravivAranA divase ahIMnA rAvaLa zrI jalA tejAnA gharamAMthI pragaTa thai. eka bhavya maMdiranuM nirmANa karIne vi.saM. 1974nI vaizAkha suda chaThanA divase enI pratiSThA karavAmAM AvI. e pachI vi.saM. 1991mAMahIM jamInamAMthI bIjI pAMca prAcIna pratimAo maLI AvI. AthI siddha thAya che ke ahIMyA pahelAM aneka jainamaMdiro hovAM joie. mULanAyaka mahAvIra bhagavAnanI pratimAnuM camatkArika prAgaTya thatAM kahevAya che ke ahIMyAM aneka camatkAro thavA lAgyA. ghaNA yAtrALuo darzanArthe AvavA lAgyA. mUrtino mahimA vadhato gayo. vaLI amadAvAda jevuM zahera najIka hovAthI paNa yAtrALuono ghasAro thavA lAgyo. Aje traNa zikhara ane sAta gamArA dharAvatuM A bhavya maMdira zobhe che. sAte gabhArAmAM mULa nAyaka tarIke ArasanI sAta mUrtio padharAvelI che. bAkInI mUrtio dhAtunI paMcatIrthI vagerenI che. A maMdirathI be phalAMga dUra pAnasara gAmaAveluM che tyAM paNa ghummaTabaMdhI derAsara che jemAM muLanAyaka zrIdharmanAtha bhagavAna birAjamAna che. eka samaye A gAmanI bhAre jAhojalAvI haze evuM enI AsapAsano vistAra jotAM lAge che, nIrdhavaMdanA - 31 (1) mahendrabhAI dalIcaMda dozI (dhANAdALavALA) - mahuvA - muMbaI (2) a.sau. raMbhAgorI mahendrabhAI dozI (pANAdALavALA) - muMbaI (3) alkA mahendrabhAI dozI (vAlAdALavALA) - muMbaI (4) hInA mahendrabhAI dozI (dhANAdALavALA) - muMbaI (5) vijaya mahendrabhAI dozI (thANAdALavALA) - muMbaI 79
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________________ D 34. SHRI ADISHVAR BHAGAVAN (s.l2uElea? Mora) 80
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________________ 34. SHRI VAMAJ TIRTHA (SHRI ADEEHVAR BHAGAVAN) The Vamaj tirtha is situated at a distance of six kms from the Shreisha tirtha near Vamaj, situated at a distance of 16 kms, from Kalol in north Gujarat. Here is installed an idol of Mulanayaka Shri Adeeshvara Bhagavan; white in complexion, 1.07 metres in height and in Padmasana posture. The art and structure of the idol seem to be of the time of King Samprati. An anecdote states that this divine idol remained invisible in the ground from so many centuries. Some great man got hints of this and due discoveries were undertaken. The idol was discovered from the same spot. There was a time, we are told, when this tirtha was very much renowned and it had within it an underground passage that led to Sherisha. Remnants spread all-around even to-day, give an indication that in the old days this must have been a very prosperous town. This great tirtha is referred to by poet Shri Lavanyagani in his poetic compostion as early as in V.S. 1562. Later history is not available. In V.S. 1979, this idol was traced from the Kanabi Mohulla. No inscription is found on it. People say that it is the idol of Bhagavan Shantinath, but actually it is an idol of Adeeshvar Bhagavan. In this temple that was renovated in V.S. 2002, the idol was ceremoniously installed at the auspicious hands of Shri Vijaya-Udayasurishvaraji. On both sides of the idol there is mark of KAYOTSARGA and this leads us to the possibility that the idol actually belongs to the times of the MULANAYAKA 34. zrI vAmaja tIrtha (zrIAdIzvara bhagavAna) uttara gujarAtanA kalolathI soLa ki.mI. dUra AvelA vAmaja gAmanI pAse zerIzA tIrthanI cha ki.mI. dUra zrI vAmaja tIrtha AveluM che. ahIM mULa nAyaka zrIAdIzvara bhagavAnanI sveta varNanI 1,07 mITara UMcI padamAsanastha pratimA AvelI che. A pratimAnI kalAkRti rAjA sammati kALanI lAge che. A divya pratimA aMge evI kiMvadaMtI che ke e keTalAMya varSo sudhI jamInamAM adazya rahI. puNya yogathI koi mahAtmAne Ano saMketa maLyo ane tene AdhAre zodha karavAmAM AvI. je sthAnano saMketa maLyo hato te sthAna parathI ja pratimAjI maLyA. ema paNa kahevAya che ke eka samaye A tIrtha ati prasiddha hatuM ane ahIM thI zerIzA jai zakAya tevuM bhoMyaruM hatuM. Aje paNa ahIM jovA maLatAM aneka prAcIna khaMDeronA avazeSo evI jhAMkhI Ape che ke prAcIna samayamAM A eka jAhojalAlIbharyuM nagara haze. vi.saM. 1562mAM kavivara zrI lAvaNyagaNie emanA kAvyamAM A tIrthAdhirAjano ullekha karyo che, paraMtu e pachI eno kazo itihAsa maLato nathI. vi.saM. 1979mAM A pratimA ahIM kaNabIonA mahollAmAMthI prApta thai. enA para koi lekha nathI. loko tene bhagavAna zAMtinAthanI pratimA kahe che, paraMtu te pratimA AdIzvara bhagavAnanI che. vi.saM. 20OOnA vaizAkha suda terasanA divase zrI vijayaudayasUrIzvarajInA hAthe navanirmANa thayelA A bhavya maMdiramAM A pratimAnI pratiSThA karavAmAM AvI hatI. A pratimAnI baMne bAju e kAusagiyA che ane te mULanAyakanA samayanA hovAno saMbhava che. tIrthavaMdanA - 34 (1) zAha rAyacaMda prAgajIbhAI parivAra - TANAvALA (2) zAha paramANaMda rAyacaMda - TANAvALA (3) zAha kaMcanacabahena paramANaMda - TANAvALA (4) zAha saubhAgyabahena paramANaMda - TANAvALA (5) zAha bhUpatarAya paramANaMda - TANAvALA 81
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________________ oleloba OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 35. SHRI SIMANDHARA SWAMI (salauz 20141) 82
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________________ 35. SHRI MEHSANA TIRTHA (SHRI SIMANDHARA SWAMI) This majestic sky-scraping temple is in the fore-front of Jain temples; outside Mehsana on the national high way to Ahmedabad. Here is seated the idol of MULANAYAKA Shri Simandhara Swami; white in complexion, 3.68 metres in height and in Padmasana posture. This can well be considered to be the foremost of the temples in the whole country with its majestic art and with the present (roving) tirthankara and the lord of the mahatirtha Shri Simandhara Swami presiding over it. In the science of architecture such a temple is known as KAILASAPRASADA because of its vastness. The art of the idol 145, inches in height. Its flag fluttering 125 feet high, sends as if the message of dharma to far-off places and attracts devotees. The inner part of this Jina palace is proportionate, rich in living pieces of architecture; with its outer part and also rich in art pleasing to the eyes and the heart. In the pavilion, vast deep one will have DARSHAN of revered six Jineshvaras and a view of artistic subtle carving in the dome yields unparallelled delight to the viewer; experiencing as if a feeling of sublimity. The installation of the tirtha took place on the sixth day of the bright half of Vaishakha in the year 2028 V.S. under the able inspiration of the most revered Acharya Maharaj Shri Kailasasagarasuriji. An ancient temple is also located in the market-yard of Mehsana and the MULANAYAKA over there is Shri Manamohana Parshvanath Bhagavan. Thus, in this tirtha there are 14 other temples in addition to the Jain temple of Shri Simandhara Swami. 35. zrI mahesANA tIrtha (zrIsImaMdhara svAmI) mahesANA gAmanI bahAra amadAvAdanA mukhya mArga para AveluM kalApUrNa gaganacuMbI zikharavALuM A bhavya maMdira jainamaMdiromAM AgavuM gaNAya tevuM che. ahIM mULanAyaka zrIsImaMdhara svAmInI zveta varNanI 3.68 mITara UMcI padamAsanastha pratimA birAjamAna che. jaina dharmanA vartamAna (viharamAna) tIrthaMkara ane A mahAtIrthanA adhipati zrIsImaMdhara svAmInuM bhavya manohara zailInuM AvuM maMdira bhAratamAM prathama gaNI zakAya. zilpazAstramAM AvA maMdirane enI vizALatAne kAraNe kailAsaprAsAda kahevAmAM Ave che.enI 145 IMca UMcI prabhupratimAnI kalA khUba AkarSaka che. lagabhaga 125 phUTanI UMcAie laherAtI enI dhajA jANe dUra dUra sudhI dharmano saMdeza mUkapaNe saMbhaLAvIne bhAvikajanone AkarSe che. A jinaprAsAdano aMdarano bhAga sapramANa ane jIvaMta zilpothI samRddha che e ja rIte eno ja bahArano bhAga paNa nayanamanohara zilpakaLAthI manane harI le che, vizALa gUDha maMDapamAM birAjamAna cha jinezvara devonA darzana karIne enA moTA ghummaTanI jhINI koraNIne nihALI AhalAda anubhave che. nRtyamaMDapanI chatamAM padharAvavAmAM AvelI pAMca zAsanadevIonI tathA bIjI kalAkRtione nIrakhIne dhanyatA anubhave che. pa. pU. A. ma. zrI kailAsasAgarasUrijI ma.nI preraNAthI vi.saM. 2028 vaizAkha suda chaThanA divase AnI pratiSThA saMpanna thai. mahesANAnuMeka prAcIna maMdira gAmanI bajAramAM che jenA mULanAyaka zrImanamohana pArzvanAtha bhagavAna che. Ama zrI sImaMdhara svAmI jaina maMdira uparAMta bIjAM kula 14 maMdiro che. tIrthavaMdanA 35 (1) kusumabahena caMpakalAla mahetAnA cAturmAsa nimitte - goregAMva (2) zrImatI caMdrAbona ramezacaMdra nAnAlAla sahaparivAra - khaMbhAta (3) giradharalAla haMsarAjazAhaH phatecaMda, tArAmatInA comAsA nimitte (4) devayAnI rohitabhAI'dherI muMbaI (pa) vaizAlI vijayabhAI jhaverI-muMbaI 83
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________________ 36. SHRI GAMBHIRA PARSHVANATH BHAGAVAN ( ) 84
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________________ 36. SHRI GAMBHU TIRTHA (SHRI GAMBHIRA PARSHVANATH BHAGAVAN) This tirtha is situated in the middle of the Gambhu village at a distance of 16 kms. from Mehsana. In the Jaina works, the village is known by two names-Gambhu and Gambhota. There was a time when Gambhu was the central place of Jainas. It was again the capital in the midst of a group of 144 villages. There are references to the existence of so many temples here in ancient times. The history of the village is stated to go to as early as the ninth century of the Vikrama era. The village is earlier in its existence than Patan. The broken remnants on the spot are an ample proof of the remote past of the place. The idol of Shri Gambhira Parshvanath Bhagavan is considered to be of the times of King Samprati. Many idols belonging to the times of the King are found here; many of these are sent elsewhere. In V.S. 919Acharya Shri Shilankacharya wrote a commentary on the "Acharanga Sutra'. The ancient work "Sushruta" was composed here. It was again in this village that in V.S. 1228 Parshvanaga, the pupil of Saiddhanti Yakshadeva wrote commentaries on "Shravaka Pratikramana Sutra" on palm-leaves under his patronage. Just the same way in V.S. 1305 the commentary on "Upangapanchaka' was composed here. So many other works are also written here. Again, there are clear indications that this town must have been the very centre, and an important one, of so many religious activities of the Jainas and the several Jain temples must have been built here. The art of the idol of MULANAYAKA Shri Parshvanatha Prabhu over here is so very unique as if Shri Prabhu himself is present with a smiling face before the devotees. Such is the experience of the devotees. The group of idols too is very large. 36. zrI gAMbhU tIrtha (zrIgaMbhIrA pArzvanAtha bhagavAna) mahesANAthI 16 ki.mI. dUra AvelA gAMbhu gAmanI madhyamAM tIrtha AveluM che. jaina graMthomAM gAMbhune gaMbhutAevA enA nAmono ullekha maLe che. eka samaye A gAMbhU gAma jainonuM kendrasthAna hatuM. vaLI 144 gAmanA jUthamAM AveluM mukhya nagara hatuM. prAcIna kALamAM ahIM aneka jainamaMdiro hovAno ullekha che. A gAmano itihAsa vi.saM. navamI sadI pUrveno manAya che. pATaNa nagara pUrve A nagara AveluM hatuM. ahIMnA bhagna avazeSo A sthaLanI prAcInatAnuM pramALa Ape che. zrIgaMbhIrA pArzvanAya bhagavAnanI pratimA rAjA sammati kALanI manAya che. A sthaLethI mahArAjA sampatikAlInaaneka pratimAo prApta thai hatI jene anyatra mokalavAmAM AvI che. vi. saM. 919mAM A. zrI zIlAMkAcAryajIe ahIM 'AcArAMga sUtra'nI TIkAnI racanA karI hatI. prAcIna vaidakarA 'suna'nI racanA paNa nagaramAM thai hatI. vi. saM. 1228mAM saiddhAMti kSadevanA ziSya pArzvanAgaA gAmamAM jaMbu nAmanA zrAvakanA jinAlayamAM tenI sahAyatAthI 'zrAvaka pratikramaNasUtra' paranI vRtti tADapatra para lakhI hatI. evI ja rIte vi.saM. 1305mAM 'upAMga-paMcaka'nI vRttio paNa ahIM ja lakhAi hatI. A sivAya anya keTalAka graMthoahIM racAyA hovAnI hakIkata prApta thAya che.A rIte prAcIna kALamAM A nagara jaina dharmanI pravRttionuM eka mahatvanuM kendra hovuM joie ane aneka jinamaMdiro hovAM joie. A tIrthanA mULanAyaka zrIpArzvanAtha prabhunI kalA evI anupama che ke jANe prabhu sAkSAta hasanA hoya tevI bhakatane anubhava thAya che. enA zikharanI kaLA paNa nirALI che ane e ja rIte A maMdiramAM mUrtiono parivAra ghaNo moTo che. tIrthavaMdanA - 36 amArA pitAzrInA cosaThTha pahorI pauSadha tathA aThThAi nimitte (1) a.sau. kalpanA ramaNIkalAla motA - bArAmatI tathA (2) a.sau. mRdulA narendra zamajI motA - bArAmatI (3) a.sau. gItA praphula rAmajI motA - bArAmatI (4).a.sau. aruNA mahendra rAmajI motA - bArAmatI (pa) a.sau. jyoti saMjaya lakhamazI deDhIyA- bArAmatI 85
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________________ 37. SHRI ADISHVAR BHAGAVAN (sl24Eleq? C401911) 86
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________________ 37. SHRI UPARIYALA TIRTHA (SHRI ADEESHVAR BHAGAVAN) The time of this tirtha is believed to be the 15th century before the Vikrama era. The tirtha is referred to in the "Chaitya Paripati" written by Shri Jayasagaraji Upadhyaya in the 15th century (V.S.) There are references to the construction of Jaina temples at several places in the 16th century. In V.S. 1919, on the 15th day of Vaishakh, a farmer of this village, Ratna Kumbhara, had, in a dream, indications of Jaina idols lying buried in the fields. The idols revealed themselves when the work of digging was done. In Utter devotion and respect, he presented the Shravakas with these idols. The Shravakas accepted these with joy and ceremoniously installed them on the Kartiki purnima day in V.S. 1920. Here presides the idol of MULANAYAKA Shri Adishvar Bhagavan; of sandalwood colour, 76 cms. in height and in Padmasana posture. Marble statues of Shantinath Bhagavan on the right in white colour, of Parshvanath Bhagavan on the left in yellow colour and of Neminath Bhagavan beneath Shri Mulanayaka in black can be seen. In the assembly pandal we have very beautiful and artistic scenery in marble of Sametashikhara and Girnar mountain. There is a fort 42 feet long and 37 ft. wide round the temple. In the midst is the temple with its basic inner apartment, the assembly pandal, three side-doors, with watch-gates, one peak, four domes and the middle watch-gate in Samarana structure. In V.S. 1944, Shri Prabhu was ceremoniously installed in the newly constructed temple on the thirteenth day of the bright half of the month Maha. A constant lamp-flame is shining for the last so many years and a fair is held on the eighth day of the bright half of Falguna every year. 37. zrI upariyALA tIrtha (zrIAdIzvara bhagavAna) vikramanI 15mI sadI pUrvenuM A tIrtha manAya che. zrI jayasAgarajI upAdhyAya dvArA 15mI sadImAM racAyelA caitya paripATImAM A tIrthano ullekha che. 16mI sadImAM ahIMnA zrAvakoe Thera Thera jainamaMdiro baMdhAvyAno ullekha prApta thayo che. vi.saM. 1919mAM vaizAkhI pUnamane divase A gAmanA kheDUta 2nA kuMbhArane svapnAmAM potAnA khetaramAM rahelI jinapratimAono saMketa thayo. saMketane AdhAre khetaramAM khodakAma karavAthI mUrtio pragaTa thaI. A kheDUte bhakita ane Adara sAthe e mUrtio jaina zrAvakone ApI. zrAvakoe AnaMdabhera eno svIkAra karyo ane vidhipUrvaka vi.saM. 1920nI kAratakI pUrNimAne divase enI sthApanA karI. mULanAyaka zrIAdIzvara bhagavAnanI caMdanavarNanI 76 se.mI. UMcI padamAsanastha pratimA ahIM birAjamAna che. jamaNI bAjue zAMtinAtha bhagavAnanI zveta ArasanI ane DAbI bAjue pArzvanAtha bhagavAnanI pILA ArasanI tathA mULanAyakanI nIce neminAtha bhagavAnanI zyAma ArasanI mUrtio che. enA sabhAmaMDapamAM Arasa para korelo sametazikhara ane giranAra parvatano paTa suMdara ane kalAmaya che. maMdirane pharato 42 phUTa lAMbo ane 37 phUTa pahoLo koTa che. tenI vacce mULa gabhAro, sabhAmaMDapa, traNa bAjunA daravAjAo, upara cokIo, eka zikhara, cAra dhummaTo ane vacalI cokI upara sAmaNayukata bAMdhaNIvALuM A maMdira che. vi. saM. 1944mAM mahAsuda terasanA divase prabhune suMdara navanirmita maMdiramAM pratiSThita karyA. ahIM varSothI akhaMDa jayota jale che tema ja prati varSa phAgaNa suda AThamano meLo bharAya che. India. tIrthavaMdanA - 37 (1) jaTAzaMkara DuMgarazI pArekha sAyana - muMbaI (2) nirmaLAbahena jaTAzaMkara pArekhanA cAturmAsa nimitte sAyana - muMbaI (3) punama rAjeza pArekha sAyana- muMbaI (4) rITA kamaleza pArekha sAyana - muMbaI (5) nInA bakula pArekha sAyana - muMbaI 87
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________________ 38. SHRI MALLINATH BHAGAVAN (:ll H[
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________________ 38. SHRI BHOYANI TIRTHA (SHRI MALLINATH BHAGAVAN) This tirtha is in the vicinity of the Bhoyani village situated at a distance of 8 kms. from Kadi on the Kalol-Bahucharaji way. Here we have an idol of MULANAYAKA Shri Mallinath Bhagavan; white in complexion, 104 cms. in height and in Padmasana posture. There was a time when the place was known as Padmavatinagar. The broken ruins and idols found here indicate that this spot is ancient and that there were many Jain temples over here. The miraculous idol of MULANAYAKA Bhagavan Mallinatha was unearthed when a well was being dug in a field in V.S. 1930. A beautiful, majestic Jain temple was constructed and in all joy and enthusiasm, the idol was ceremoniously installed, on the tenth day of the bright half of the month Maha in V.S. 1943. It has a unique art and charm of its own; blesses the viewers, the Jivas of this mortal world suffering from sorrows experience extreme calm here. This temple has three peaks which are wide and lovely. The original inner apartment and the festival pandal are very wide. The decorated watch-gates on the doors on three sides add to the majesty of the temple. Every year, on the tenth day of the bright half of the month of Maha and on the Purnima of Shravana, the blessed day of the birth of Shri Bhagavan, fairs are held and devotees throng here in thousands. At this spot so many ruins lie scattered. One other idol, 372 ft. in height and extremely artistic is acquired. A cluster of hairs on the shoulders creates an impression that the idol is of Bhagavan Rushabhadeva. Other idols are also found. - 38. zrI bhoyaNI tIrtha (zrImallinAtha bhagavAna) kalola ane bahucarAjInI vacce kaDI gAmathI ATha ki.mI. dUra AvelA bhoyaNI gAmanI pAse A tIrtha AveluM che. ahIM mULanAyaka zrImallinAtha bhagavAnanI zveta varNanI 104 se.mI. UMcI padamAsanastha pratimA che. eka samaye A sthaLa padamAvatInagarane nAme prasiddha hatuM.enI AsapAsamAM maLI AvatAM khaMDita avazeSo ane mUrtio parathI A sthaLa prAcIna hovAnuM ane te samaye aneka jinamaMdiro hovAnuM pratIta thAya che. mULanAyaka bhagavAna mallinAthanI alaukika mUrti vi.saM. 1930mAM ahIMnA eka khetaramAM kUvo khodatAM jamInamAMthI pragaTI hatI. vi.saM. 1943nA mahA suda dasamanA divase eka suMdara ane bhavya jinAlaya nirmita karIne utsavapUrvaka enI pratiSThA karavAmAM AvI hatI. bhagavAna mallinAthanI pratimAnI kalA khUba ja manohara ane AkarSaka che tema ja saMsAranA saMtapta jIvone zAMti pradAna kare che. A maMdira traNa zikharabaMdhI, vizALa ane ramaNIya che. mULa gabhAro ane raMgamaMDapa vistAravALA che. traNe taraphanA daravAjAonI zRMgAra cokIoenI bhavyatAmAM umero kare che. dara varSe mahA suda dasamanA divase ane bhagavAna mallinAthanA janmakalyANaka dina zrAvaNI pUname ahIM meLo bharAya che tyAre hajAro bhakatajano umaMgabhera prabhubhakita kare che. A sthaLe bIjA keTalAya avazeSo hajI paDelA che. darzanIya zilpavidhAna dharAvatI Azare sADA traNa phUTa UMcI eka prAcIna pratimA maLela che. emanA khabhA AlekhelA kezagucchathI A mUrti RSabhadeva bhagavAnanI hovAnuM jaNAya che. A sivAya paNa bIjI mUrtio maLe che. tIrthanaMdanA-38 | (3) mANekalAla bhAyacaMda vorA zrI malayayazAzrIjInA upa.thI - muMbaI (1) hasumatIbahena rAyacaMda zAha ha. praphula, kauzika, pInAkina-kaDoda (4) niraMjanA vasaMtarAya prANalAla zAha vilepArle IsTa-muMbaI (2) bAbulAla phakIracaMda zAhanA smaNArthe ha. prabhAbahena kAMdIvalI (5) prabhAbahena popaTalAla cunIlAla zAha cAturmAsa nimitte- surata 89
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________________ 39. SHRI PARSHVANATH BHAGAVAN (allwed 119 491) 90
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________________ 39. SHRI SERISA TIRTHA (SHRI PARSHVANATH BHAGAVAN) Shri Serisa tirtha is situated on the eastern side of Serisa town situated at a distance of 8 kms, from Kalol on the Ahmedabad Mehsana road. Here we have an idol of MULANAYAKA Shri Parshvanath Bhagavan; black in complexion, 165 cms. in height and in Padmasana posture. It is said that at one time Serisa was a part of Sonpurtown. To-day we have no trace of the existence of Sonpur, Serisa is renowned even to-day as a majestic and beautiful tirtha. The ruins, remnants, pillars etc. visible here seem to belong to old past. In the 18th century of the emanicipation of Lord Mahavira, Shri Devendra Suriji ceremoniously installed this image of Shri Parshva Prabhu, as one reference tells us. As one inscription available here tells us, in the thirteenth century of the Vikrama era, Vastupal-Tejpal of Gujarat got the image of Shri Neminatha Bhagavan ceremoniously installed in this sacred tirtha for the uplift of his brother Maladeva as also that of his son Punasinha in this great tirtha. Shri Lavanyasamaya, a poet amongst poets, composed, in all devotion a eulogistic poem, Stavana-on Serisa Tirtha in V.S. 1562. Now and again repairs and renovation continued to take place in this tirtha, broke down because of the attacks of muslims. Shri Sarabhai Dahyabhai, a Shreshthi from Ahmedabad got constructed a new Jina temple and in V.S. 2002, the new temple was ceremoniously installed and inaugurated at the auspicious hands of the upholder of the tirthas, an emperor in the Jaina order Shri Vijayanemisurishvaraji Maharaj on the tenth day of the bright half of Vaishakh, through the firm of Sheth Anandaji Kalyanji. The original sanctuary of the temple was constructed in red stone of Jodhpur and its festival-pandal was constructed in Makrana stones. The image of Bhagavan Parshvanath installed in the underground cellar is extremely beautiful. 39, zrI serisA tIrtha (zrIpArzvanAtha bhagavAna) amadAvAda-mahesANA mArga para AveluM ane kalolathI ATha ki.mI. dUra serisA gAmanI pUrva dizAmAM zrI serisA tIrtha AveluM che. ahIM mULanAyaka zrI pArzvanAtha bhagavAnanI zyAma varNanI 165 se.mI. UMcI padamAsanastha pratimA che. ema kahevAya che ke serisA eka samaye sonapura nagarIno eka bhAga hatuM. Aje e sonapura nagarInuM astitva jaDatuM nathI, paNa serisA eka bhavya ane manorama tIrthasthaLa tarIke Ajeya khyAtanAma che. ahIM jovA maLatA khaMDero, avazeSo, ane staMbho vagere prAcIna hovAnuM lAge che. vIra nirvANanI 18mI sadImAM zrI devendrasUrijI dvArA zrI pArzvanAtha maMdiranI pratiSThA karyAno ullekha maLe che. ahIMyAM maLatA eka lekha parathI ema jaNAya che ke vikramanI teramI sadImAM gujarAtanA tejasvI maMtrI vastupALatejapALe potAnA bhAi mAladeva tathA temanA putra punasiMhanA zreyArthe serisA mahAtIrthamAM zrI neminAtha bhagavAnanI pratimAne pratiSThita karAvI hatI. kavivara zrI lAvaNyasamaye vi.saM. 156 2mAM atyaMta bhakitapUrvaka serisAtIrtha stavananI racanA karI hatI. muslima AkramaNone kAraNe khaMDita banelAA tIrthano vakhatovakhata jIrNoddhAra thato rahyo. amadAvAdanA zreSThI sArAbhAi DAhyAbhAi nirmita nUtana jinAlayamAM vi.saM. 2002mAM tIrthoddhAraka zAsanasamrATa zrI vijayanemisUrizvarajI ma.nA suhaste vaizAkha suda dasamanA divase zeTha ANaMdajI kalyANajInI peDhI taraphathI A maMdiranI pratiSThA karavAmAM AvI. Ano mULa gabhAro jodhapurI lAla paththarano ane raMgamaMDapa makarANAnA paththarathI banAvelo che. ahIM bhoMyarAmAM birAjelI bhagavAna pArzvanAthanI pratimA atyaMta suMdara che. tIrthavaMdanA- 39 | (3) sA. bhadraguNAzrIjInI preraNAthI zarada, dIpaka, nItina, ilA (1) koraDIA ratilAla bhagavAnajInA cAturmAsa nimitteha : sahaparivAra (4) svITu,mAnasI,citala, aMkita,kalpeza,kilola,anerI (2) koraDIA zAradAbahene ratilAlanA cAturmAsa nimitte - ghATakopara (5) sA. zrI kalpezapadamAzrIjInA cAturmAsa -navANayAtrA nimitte 91
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________________ 40. SHRI SHANTINATH BHAGAVAN (xxiifa-cu 401911) 92
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________________ 40. SHRI IDAR TIRTHA (SHRI SHANTINATH BHAGAVAN) Besides being a tirtha of antiquity Shri Idar tirtha, situated in the midst of mountains encircled by exquisite charms of nature, is also renowned because it is the birth-place of famous revered Acharyas and liberal Shravakas. In this tirtha we have an idol of MULANAYAKA Shri Shantinath Bhagavan; white in complexion, about 68 cms. in height and in Padmasana posture. The whole temple looks like a divine plane; 160 ft. in length, 125ft. in breadth and 55 ft. in height. Modern Idar town is not situated at its original spot. Actually, the remnants of the ancient Idar lie in the valley of the montain in the north of the present town. They are silent evidence of history. We have a reference which states that 285 years after the emancipation of Bhagavan Mahavira, King Samprati got ceremoniously installed this idol of Shri Shantinath Bhagavan. Shri Jinapatisuri, of the days of King Kumarapala has written in "Tirthamala" that Kumarpala got installed, on the Idar mountain, idol of the first Jineshvara. "Stavana of Rishabhadeva of Idar" composed by Muni Sundarasuri states that Govinda Shreshti had got renovated the temple constructed by king_Kumarapala. Thereafter, in V.S. 1681, Acharya Shri Vijayadeva Surishvaraji ceremoniously installed a new idol of Shri Adeeshvara Prabhu as another reference tells us. After the seventeenth century Shri Sangha repaired and renovated it and installed the image of Shri Shantinath Bhagavan. The last renovation of the temple took place at the auspicous hands of revered Acharya Shri Vijayalabdhisurishvaraji Maharaj in V.S. 1970. Devotees experience here a unique peace of mind by the sanctifying DARSHAN of MULANAYAKA Bhagavan Shantinath. 40. zrI IDara tIrtha (zrIzAMtinAtha bhagavAna) ramaNIya prakRtithI yukata pahADonI vacce AveluM zrI iDara tIrtha prAcInatAnI sAthosAtha samartha AcArya bhagavaMto ane dAnezvarI zrAvakonI janmabhUmi hovAne kAraNe vizeSa gaurava dharAve che.A tIrSamAM mULanAyaka zrIzAMtinAtha bhagavAnanI zveta varNanI lagabhaga 68 se.mI. UMcI padamAsanastha pratimA maLe che. AkhuMye maMdira devavimAna samuM lAge che.enI laMbAi 160 phUTa, pahoLAi 125 phUTa tathA UMcAi 55 phUTa che. AjanuM iDara nagara enA prAcIna sthaLa para nathI. prAcIna iDaranA avazeSo to AjanA iDaranI uttara dizAmAM pahADanI taLeTImAM paDelA che. A avarNo ja e itihAsagAthAnA mUka sAkSI che. bhagavAna mahAvIranA nirvANanA 285 varSa bAda zrI sammati rAjAe zrIzAMtinAtha bhagavAnanI pratimAnI pratiSThA karAvI hatI evo ullekha maLe che. jayAre mahArAjA kumArapALanA samayamAM vidyamAna zrI jinapatisUrie tIrthamALAmAM lakhyuM che ke iharigira para kumArapALe banAvelA maMdiramAM prathama jinezvara sthApita karyA. zrI munisuMdarasUrie racelA "iDaranAM RSabhadeva stavana'mAM kumArapALe baMdhAvelA maMdirano blaoNdvAra goviMda zreSThIe karAvyo tevo ullekha che, e pachI vi.saM. 1681mAM A. zrI vijayadevasUrIzvarajI dvArA zrI AdIzvara prabhunI navIna pratimA pratiSThita karyAno paNa ullekha che. 17mI sadI pachI zrI saMgha dvArA maMdirano pharI jIhAra thayo ane temAM zrI ninAya bhagavAnanI pratimA pratiSThita karavAmAM AvI. Ano aMtima jIrNoddhAra vi.saM. 1970mAM pU.A. zrI vijayalabdhisUrIzvarajI ma.nA suhaste thayo hato. ahIM mULanAyaka bhagavAna tinAthanA pAvana darzanathI bhakatajana anupama AdhyAtmika zAMtino anubhava kare che. tIrthavaMdanA-40 (3) vIracaMdacaMpakalAlajhaverIsaM.2051cAturmAsanimitte muMbaI (4) jayAbArDana vIracaMdajhaverIsa 2051dasa upavAsanimitte-muMbaI (1) a.sau.sva. muktAbahenamaNilAlasalota-moracupaNA (2) nemIbonaratilAla vanamALI ramaNa, kiriTa, taLAjA -madrAsa (5) lIlAvaMtI zAMtilAlarAmajI zAha caturthavratasvIkAracAturmAsanimitte 93
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________________ 41. SHRI NEMINATH BHAGAVAN (I-AI C401911) 94
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________________ 41. SHRI BHOROL TIRTHA (SHRI NEMINATH BHAGAVAN) The tirtha stands in the very heart of Bhorol situated at a distance of 60 kms. from Deesa. Here stands an idol of MULANAYAKA Shri Neminath Bhagavan; black in complexion, about 76 cms. in height and in Padmasana posture. In ancient days this tirtha was known by the names Pipalpur-Patan, Pipalagrama etc. So many ancient images and remnants excavated from the land over here stand as an evidence of the fact that this tirtha is very old. There was a time when there were so many Jain temples and places of residence of Jain Shravakas. It seems that upto the fifteenth century this tirtha was very rich and gorgeous. The idol of MULANAYAKA Shri Neminath Bhagavan is highly impressive and full of miracles. Fairs are held here every year on the fifteenth day of Kartak and Chaitra. All other idols of the tirtha were excavated from the ground. We have here unbroken images of the times of King Samprati; extremely charming. We have a reference which tells us that at the instance of the sermonizing of Acharya Shri Punyatilaka surishvaraji, Sheth Punjalal of Shrimal got constructed a temple in V.S. 1302 outside the city: with 1444 pillars and 72 shrines for Gods. Earlier in V.S. 1261, Shri Jayaprabhu surishvaraji ceremoniously installed an image of Shri Neminath Bhagavan as another reference tells us. Thus, it is clear that the temple must have been in existence earlier before Sheth Punjalal got constructed this vast temple. In V.S. 1922, on the third day of the bright half of Bhadrapada, a broken hillock of an old tank was dug and from it an unbroken idol of Shri Neminath Bhagavan in black complexion was found. It was installed in the Bhorol temple. Both Jains and non-Jains propitiate it in all faith and devotion. 41. zrI bhorola tIrtha (zrIneminAtha bhagavAna) DIsAthI 60 ki.mI. dUra AvelA bhorola gAmanI vacce A tIrtha AveluM che. ahIM mULanAyaka zrIneminAtha bhagavAnanI zyAma varNanI lagabhaga 76 se.mI. UMcI pahmAsanastha pratimA che. prAcInakALamAM A tIrtha pIpalapura-pATaNa, pIpalagrAma vagere nAmothI vikhyAta hatuM. ahIMnI jamInamAMthI prApta thayelI aneka prAcIna pratimAo ane avazeSo paNa A tIrthanI prAcInatAnI khAtarI Ape che. eka samaye ahIM aneka jaina maMdiro ane jaina zrAvakonAM nivAsasthAno hato tema ja 15mI sadI sudhI A tIrtha bhAre jAhojalAlI dharAvatuM haze ema lAge che. mULanAyaka zrI neminAtha bhagavAnanI pratimA atyaMta prabhAvaka ane camatkArika che. dara varSe kArataka ane caitra mahinAnI pUname ahIM meLo bharAya che. A tIrthanA maMdiranI bIjI badhI ja pratimAo jamInamAMthI prApta thayelI. rAjA sammati kALanI manorama ane akhaMDa pratimAo che. A. zrI puNyatilakasUrIzvarajInA upadezathI vi.saM. 1302mAM zrImAla zeTha pUMjAzAhe zaheranI bahAra 1444 staMbhovALuM 72 devakulikAovALuM maMdira baMdhAvyAno ullekha che. e agAu vi.saM. 126 1mAM zrI jayaprabhasUrIzvarajI dvArA neminAtha bhagavAnanA biMbanI pratiSThA karyAno ullekha che. Ama zeTha pUMjAzAhe vizALa maMdira baMdhAvyuM te pahelAM A tIrtha astitvamAM hovuM joie. vi.saM. 1922 nA bhAdaravA suda trIjanA divase eka tUTelA jIrNa taLAvano Tekaro khodatAM zyAma varNanI zrIneminAtha bhagavAnanI akhaMDa pratimA maLI AvI hatI, je Aje bhorolanA maMdiramAM sthApita karI che. jaino ane jainetaro baMne zraddhApUrvaka emanI upAsanA kare che. tIrthanaMdanA-41 (3) minala, amISa desanA,varSI, surezabhAI zAha- muMbaI (1) savitAbahena caMdulAla zAha-surendranagara (4) vipula,jIteza,kokIlAbahena, pravINacaMdra zAha- surendranagara (2) surezacaMdra caMdulAla zAhanA 68 upavAsanimitte -muMbaI (5) jAgRti, vaizAlI, parezA, rUpA, priyaMkA, IndraratnA, bhAvikA ramezacaMdra zAha 95
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________________ 42. SHRI KALIKUNDA PARSHVANATH BHAGAVAN (ssless weddill 1451914) 96
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________________ 42. SHRI DHOLAKA TIRTHA (SHRI KALIKUNDA PARSHVANATH BHAGAVAN) The ancient name of Dholka was Dhavalakapura and according to the stories current there, this Dholka is the Viratanagara of the times of Mahabharata period. To-day there are three Jain temples in this ancient town. The Jina temple got constructed by Vastupal-Tejpal is situated in Ambaji Pole. To-day, in this temple we have an idol of Shri Sumatinath Bhagavan; 4 ft. in height, tawny in colour and with PARIKARA. Shri Shantinath Bhagavan is installed in a temple with a dome and a unique type of structure, in Panchabhai Pole. In Bhala Pole we have a domestic temple of Shri Adishvara Bhagavan; pretty old. This town is the birth-place of the renowned Acharya Dada Shri Jinadattasuri and the place of initiation into monkhood of the most revered Acharya Shri Dharmadev Upadhyaya. Vastupal-Tejpal, Pethadashah, Jivanashah and other Shreshthis are also known to have constructed Jina temples. Shri Kalikunda Parshvanath Tirtha is situated at a distance of one km. from the station Dholaka. Here we have an idol of MULANAYAKA Shri Kalikunda Parshvanath Bhagavan; white in complexion, about 120 cms. in height and in Padmasana posture. In the limbs of this image there lies such unsually exquisite art that we would have the impression that Shri Prabhu is obliging, by his sweet smile, his devotees who view him attentively. In the 12th century, so many renowned Acharayas paid a visit to this Tirtha and got several Jina temples duly constructed. The idol of Shri Kalikund Parshvanath Bhagavan is pretty old. We have no information or record as to who ceremoniously installed it and when. 42. zrI dhoLakA tIrtha (zrIkalikuMDa pArzvanAtha bhagavAna) dhoLakA gAmanuM prAcIna nAma dhavalakapura hatuMane lokavAyakA pramANe to dhoLakAne ja mahAbhArata kALanuM virATanagara hatuM.A prAcIna nagaramAM Aje traNa jinAlaya vidhamAna che. enI aMbAjInI poLamAM maMtrIzvara vastupALa-tejapALe baMdhAveluM jinamaMdira che. Aje A jinamaMdiramAM mULanAyaka zrIsumatinAtha bhagavAnanI badAmI varNanI savA phUTa UMcI saparikara pratimA birAjamAna che. paMcabhAinI poLamAM AveluM ghummaTabaMdhI zrIzAMtinAtha bhagavAnanuM nirALI bAMdhaNI dharAvatuM maMdira che to bhAlA poLamAM AveluM zrI AdIzvara bhagavAnanuM dhara derAsara prAcIna che.A nagara e yugapradhAnAcArya prathama dAdA zrI jinadattasUrinuM janmasthaLaane pa.pU.A. zrI dharmadeva upAdhyAyajInuM rIkSAsthaLa che. vastupALa-tejapALa pethaDazA, jIvaNazAha tathA anya zreSThIoe dhoLakAmAM jinamaMdira baMdhAvyAnA graMthamAM ullekha che. dhoLakA relave sTezanathI eka ki.mI. dUra zrI kalikuMDa pArzvanAtha tIrtha AveluM che. ahIM prAcIna mULanAyaka zrI kalikuMDa pArzvanAtha bhagavAnanI zveta varNanI lagabhaga 120 se.mI. UMcI padmAsanastha pratimAjI birAjamAna che. A pratimAnA aMga-pratyaMganA rekhAMkanamAMekaevIanokhI kalA che ke jo thoDI vAra ekITase prabhune nIrakhIe to ema lAge ke bhagavAna madhura smita sAthe bhakatone upakRta karI rahyA che. 12mI sadImAM aneka samartha AcAryonuM ahIM Agamana thayuM hatuM ane aneka jinamaMdironI racanAnA ullekha maLe che. kalikuMDa pArzvanAtha bhagavAnanI pratimAati prAcIna che. tenI koNe, kayAre pratiSThA karAvI haze tenI mAhitI sAMpaDatI nathI. || tIrthavaMdanA - 42 (1) sArAbhAI cImanalAla jhaverI - zAntAkrujha - muMbaI (2) nIlAbahena sArAbhAI jhaverI - zAntAkrujha - muMbaI 7707 (3) sva. cImanalAla icchAcaMda jhaverI - mATuMgA muMbaI sva. savitAbahena cImanalAla jhaverI - mATuMgA muMbaI (4) (5) ketana sA. jhaverI, DaoN.mItA, divItA, urmItA,jhaverI - zAntAkrujha - muMbaI 97
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________________ Y 43. SHRI VASUPUJYA BHAGAVAN ( ) 98
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________________ 43. SHRI SARKHEJ TIRTHA (SHRI VASUPUJYA BHAGAVAN) The tirtha is situated in Sarkhej that is at a distance of some eight kms. from Ahmedabad. This tirtha is sanctified by the touch of the feet of so many learned divine Acharyas like Shri Hiravijayasurishvaraji Maharaj who delivered sermons to emperor Akbar. Here Shri Premabhai Hemabhai constructed a new Jina temple and ceremoniously installed MULANAYAKA Bhagavan Vasupujya in V.S. 1911. An inscription of V.S. 1903 is found on the idol. We have here 5 idols of stone and eight of metal. The place is really charming. The renovation of this temple was done at the auspicious hands of Acharya Shri Vijayachandrodayasurishvaraji in the line of Shri Vijayanemisurishvaraji-Vijnanakasturasuri. Here, gorgeous images of Shri Padmavatidevi and Chakkreshvaridevi are installed and thousands of pilgrims fulfil their cherished desires by their DARSHAN. Here we have a residential accomodation, Pathashala, Upashraya etc. Sarkhej and its Jina temple are referred to in the ancient Chaitya tradition and also Hirasurirasa. It is therefore very much likely that the town and the Jina temple must have been existent in the 12th or 13th century. Revered Acharya, groups of munis who grace Ahmedabad by their visits also pay a visit to Sarkhej when they proceed further. Again, many Sanghas and groups of Ahmedabad pay a visit to Sarkhej and reap, the benefit of devotion to Shri Jina. 43. zrI sarakheja tIrtha (zrIvAsupUjaya bhagavAna) amadAvAdathI Azare ATha ki.mI. dUra AvelA sarakheja mAM AveluM A tIrtha che. akabara pratibodhaka hIravijayasUrIzvarajI ma. Adi aneka dharaMdhara AcAryabhagavaMtono caraNasparzathI pAvana baneluM A pavitra sthaLa che. ahIM nagarazeTha zrI premAbhAi hemAbhAie nUtana jinAlayanuM nirmANa karyuM ane vi.saM. 1911mAM mULanAyaka bhagavAna vAsupUjayane emAM pratiSThita karyA. pratimAjI upara vi.saM. 1903no lekha maLe che. ahIM pASANanI pAMca ane dhAtunI ATha pratimAo maLe che. A sthaLa atyaMta darzanIya che. A tIrthano jIrNoddhAra ane puna:pratiSThA zrI vijayanemisvara-vijJAna-kastUrasUripaTa A. zrI vijayacaMdrodayasUrIzvarajI ma.sA.nA suhaste thayo. ahIM zAsanaprabhAvaka zrI pappAvatIdevI ane cakrezvarIdevInI bhavya pratimA pratiSThita hovAne lIdhe hajAro yAtrALuo darzana karIne potAnI manokAmanA pUrNa kare che. ahIM upAzraya, pAThazALA, dharmazALA Adi dharmasthAno paNa che. prAcIna caityaparipATI tathA hIrasUrirAsamAM sarakheja ane tenAM jinamaMdirono ullekha maLe che. AthI evI zakyatA che ke 12-13mA saikAmAM sarakheja gAma tathA jinamaMdira hovuM joie. rAjanagara amadAvAdamAM padhAratA athavA to amadAvAdathI anyatra jatAM AcArya bhagavaMto, munimaMDaLo tathA sAdhvIjI mahArAjo ghaNI moTI saMkhyAmAM sarakheja padhAre che. vaLI amadAvAdanA aneka saMgho tathA maMDaLo sarakheja AvIne jinabhakitano lAbha le che. tIrthavaMdanA - 43 (1) ramaNIkalAla tribhovanadAsa salota (pAlitANA) - muMbaI (2) jayAbahena ramaNIkalAla salota (pAlitANA) - muMbaI (3) kirITakumAra ramaNIkalAla salota (pAlitANA) - muMbaI (4) atulakumAra ramaNIkalAla salota (pAlitANA) - muMbaI (5) bharatakumAra ramaNIkalAla salota (pAlitANA) - muMbaI
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________________ 1811 44. SHRI DHARMANATH BHAGAVAN (-) 100
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________________ 44. SHRI KARNAVATI TIRTHA (AHMEDABAD) (SHRI DHARMANATH BHAGAVAN) This tirtha is situated in the Hatheesing Vadi outside the Delhi gate in Ahmedabad city. The architecture of this Jina temple holds a unique place and greatness. Unusually fine indeed is the beauty of this vast complex with fifty two Jina temples. There is no equal of its structure and its art and architecture bring to our memory, the temples at Abu-Delvada. Fergusson, James Samulson, Ananda Kumaraswami and Ratnamanirao Jote etc. have freely eulogized it. There is a fine pandal with one storey on the complex. The carving on the middling pandal and underground cellar is the best to be had. There is an upper floor and underground cellar. The art of the divine plane is also pleasing and artistic. The gods and goddesses installed on the outskirts are simply charming. There is here an abundance of gorgeous ornaments, lovely shapes, delightful beauty and girdles with types full of variety. Nertwork of windows is in abundance. There is no end to extremely elevated carving with exiquisite taste. On the death of Sheth Hutheesing his wife Harakunvar spent lakhs of rupees on the temple and held a 21 day celebration on a vast scale and got the installation ceremony performed at the auspicious hands of Acharya Shri Shantisagara surishvaraji on the sacred eleventh day of the bright half of Maha in V.S. 1903. At one time this city was a centre of the Jaina faith. In the 10th century there was here a vast temple of Parshvanath Bhagavan. Minister Udayana constructed here a vasta Jain temple "Udayana Vihara" by name. Jain temples here were in hundreds. To-day also there are more than 225 Jina temples over here. Of all the temples in the city the temple of Shri Sambhavanatha is considered to be the oldest of the Jaina temples. 44. zrI karNAvatI tIrtha (amadAvAda) (zrIdharmanAtha bhagavAna) amadAvAda zaheramAM dilhI daravAjAnI bahAra zeTha haThIsiMhanI vADImAM A tIrtha AveluM che. zeTha haThIsiMha jinAlaya gujarAtanAM sthApatyomAM viziSTa gaurava dharAve che. A anupama vizALa bAvana jinAlaya maMdiranI zobhA anerI che.enI nirmANakalA ajoDa che ane enI zilpakalA Abu-delavADAnuM smaraNa karAve che. phargyusana, jemsa sempalasana, AnaMdakumAra svAmI ane ratnamaNirAva joTe Adie ahIMnI zilpakalAnI mukatakaMThe prazaMsA karI che. A jinAlayamAM eka mALavALo suMdara maMDapa che. vacalA maMDapa ane gabhArAnI kotaraNI uttama prakAranI che. upara mALa ane nIce bhoMyaruM che. devavimAnanuM kAma paNa kalAtmaka che. maMdiranI bahAranI devakulikAonI AkRtio suMdara ane lAvaNyamayI che. ThassAdAra alaMkAro, sauSThavapUrNa AkAro, manamohaka sauMdarya ane vaividhyabharI bhAtonI vipulatA ahIM pragaTa thAya che. judA judA prakAranI jALIo paNa puSkaLa pramANamAM dekhAya che. ucca saMskAra ane surucibharI koraNIno to ahIM pAra nathI. zeTha haThIsiMhanA avasAna pachI emanAM dharmapatnI harakuMvara zeThANIe lAkho rUpiyA kharcIne 21 divasanA virATa mahotsava sAthe vi.saM. 1903nI mahA vada 11nA zubha dine A. zrI zAMtisAgarasUrIzvarajInA suhaste pratiSThA karAvI. eka samaye A nagara jaina dharmanuM kendra hatuM. 10mI sadImAM pArzvanAtha bhagavAnanuM eka vizALa maMdira ahIM hatuM. udayana maMtrIe udayanavihAra nAmathI eka vizALa jainamaMdiranuM ahIM nirmANa karyuM hatuM. ahIM seMkaDonI saMkhyAmAM jaina maMdiro hatAM. Aje paNa Azare 225thI vadhAre jinAlaya che.A badhAM ja maMdiromAM jhaverIvADamAM AveluM zrI saMbhavanAtha bhagavAnanuM maMdira zaheranuM sauthI prAcIna jainamaMdira gaNAya che. tIrthanaMdanA - 44 (3) lalItAdevI jayacaMda, kasturacaMda solaMkI parivAra - pinDavADA (1) harSapUrNAzrIjInI 72mI oLI nimitte ha.tejasa-valasADa (4) sva. saMghavI revAbahena maNilAlanA smaraNArthe ha.caMpakabhAI, (2) maMjulA jayaMtIlAla saMghavI :nikeza, rAgiNI, priyaMka, phorama (5) padamAbahena caMdulAladurlabhadAsa vAsA comAsA nimitte ha. vijaya 101
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________________ 45. SACHA DEV SHRI SUMATINATH BHAGAVAN (242LL PSa ally-A-14 0401911) 102
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________________ 45. SHRI MATARA TIRTHA (SACHA DEV SHRI SUMATINATH BHAGAVAN) This tirtha is situated in the heart of the village Matar on the main road. It has the idol of MULANAYAKA Shri Sumatinath Bhagavan; white in complexion, some 16 cms. in height and in Padmasana posture. The history of the idol of Sacha Deva Shri Sumatinath Prabhu is miraculous and full of all interest. The idol revealed itself from the ground of Sihunja Village in the vicinity of Mahudha in Kheda district. There is evidence of writing which states that its ceremonious installation was performed on a Sunday on the seventh day of the bright half of the month of Vaishakh in V.S. 1523. This miraculous idol was brought to Matar. A majestic temple was constructed here and a second religious installation took place on a Thursday on the third day of the bright half of the month of Jeth in V.S. 1854. The idol was placed in a Chariot and brought to Matar from Sihunj. Just at the time, there was very heavy rain on the confluence of the rivers Vatrak and Shedhi. But the charioteer saw only sands in place of rain-water, proceeded, and all the devotees who followed forded river without any obstacle whatsoever. All devotees proclaimed victory in all delight-"This is the True God!" and from that day the god became known as Sacha Deva Sumatinath on all sides. So many stories of later miracles follow. In V.S. 1977 the fifty two temples were again renovated and the religious ceremonies of installation and ANJANASHALAKA took place. In this Shri Jamnabhai Bhagubhai took leading part. The temple of the MULANAYAKA was reinstalled cermoniously on the fifth day of the bright half of Vaishakh in the year V.S. 2007 at the auspicious hands of Acharyashri Vijayasiddhisurishvaraji. In front of this idol, in the underground Cellar there are five idols of Sumatinath Bhagavan. Idol of a goddess of the 12th-13th century is also found in the temple. 45. zrI mAtara tIrtha (sAcA deva zrIsumatinAtha bhagavAna) mAtara gAmanI madhyamAM mukhya mArga para A tIrtha AveluM che. mULanAyaka zrIsumitanAtha bhagavAnanI zveta varNanI lagabhaga 76 se.mI. UMcI padamAsanastha pratimA birAjamAna che. atyaMta camatkArika gaNAtI sAcA deva zrIsumitanAtha prabhunI pratimAno rasaprada itihAsa che. kheDA jillAnA mahudhA gAmanI pAse AvelA sihaMja gAmanI jamInamAMthI A pratimA pragaTI hatI. enA upara vi.saM. 1523 vaizAkha suda sAtamane ravivAranA divase zrI lakSmIsAgarasUrijInA hAthe prANapratiSThA karAvyAno lekha che. A camatkArika pratimAne mAtara lAvavAmAM AvI. ahIM bhavya maMdira baMdhAvIne vi.saM. 1854 jeTha suda trIja guruvAranA divase pharIthI tenI pratiSThA thai. A pratimAne rathamAM besADIne sahuMja gAmathI mAtara lAvavAmAM AvatI hatI tyAre vAtraka ane zeDhI nadInA saMgama pAse mUzaLadhAra varasAdane kAraNe pUra AvyuM, paNa ratha calAvanArane pANIne badale retI dekhAtI hatI ane tenI pAchaLa cAlyA AvatA badhA ja bhakatajano nirvighne nadI pAra karI gayA. AthI ja sau bhAvikajanoe jayajayakAra karIne kahyuM ke, 'A sAcA deva che'ane te divasathI prabhu sAcA deva sumatinAtha tarIke sarvatra jANItA thayA. e pachI paNa ahIM aneka camatkAronI kathA maLe che. vi.saM. 1977mAM zAsanasamrATa zrI nemisUrIzvarajI ma.nA zubha haste bAvana jinAlayono puna:jIrNodvAra, pratiSThAaneaMjanazalAkA thayAM.AmAM zrI jamanAbhAi bhagubhAie moTI lAbha lIdho. vi.saM. 2007nA vaizAkha sudI pAMcamanA roja A. zrI vijayasiddhisUrIzvarajI ma.nA hAthe nA muLanAyakanA maMdiranI puna: pratiSThA thai. mULanAyakajInI sAme gabhArAmAM pAMcamAM sumatinAtha bhagavAnanI pratimAjI che.A maMdiramAM bAramA-teramA saikAnIeka devInI prAcIna mUrti paNa maLe che. nIrthavaMdanA-45 (1) damayaMtIbahena DaoN. anaMtarAya dozI - muMbaI (2) zAntAbAI ratanacaMda maMchA muthAiH caMdanamala, mahendra, (5) sva. gopALa, jIvarAja (jasaparAvALA) - muMbaI (3) sva.puSpAbahena naTavaralAla caMdulAla zAhanA caitapanimitte-bAlAsinora (4) zAha amRtalAla nagInadAsa tathA sUryAbahenanA comAsA nimitte-puMjAparA 103
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________________ 46. SHRI NEMINATH BHAGAVAN (sl-A-1 C401911) 104
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________________ 46. SHRI PAROLI TIRTHA (SHRI NEMINATH BHAGAVAN) This tirtha is situated at a distance of just 16 kms. from Vejalpur near Godhra. Here, in the heart of the town there stands the temple with an ancient idol of MULANAYAKA Shri Neminath Bhagavan. The history of this divine image is as old as history and full of miracles. The Prabhu here is known as "Sacha Deva Shri Neminath"; the art of the idol is extremely pleasing. It is said that in the times of Sultan Mahummad Begada, in V.S. 1540, the idol was in Dhaneshvar village. It was kept well protected in the river through the fear of attacks by muslims. After a lapse of some years the family members of Shri Nathabhai of Chhani village got an indication about the idol in a dream. On excavation, the idol of Shri Neminath Bhagavan revealed itself. Residents of Vejalpur and other villages insisted on taking the idol to their own villages. Ultimately it was resolved and accepted that the sacred idol should be installed in a cart and a temple be constructed where the cart stopped. It is said that the cart stopped at this spot in Paroli village. The Shri Sangha of the place therefore constructed this majestic temple and ceremoniously installed the idol therein. So many non-Jain devotees also come here for DARSHAN. Devotees here experience that Sacha Deva Bhagavan Neminath has showered limitless favour on them. 46. zrI pArolI tIrtha (zrIneminAtha bhagavAna) A tIrtha godharA najIka AvelA vejalapurathI mAtra 16 ki.mI. dUra che ane ahIM gAmanI madhyamAM mULanAyaka zrI neminAtha bhagavAnanI ati prAcIna pratimA che. A prabhupratimAno itihAsa paNa eTalo ja prAcIna, bhavya ane camatkArapUrNa che. A prabhune AthI ja 'sAcA deva zrI neminAthakahevAmAM Ave che. pratimAnI kalA paNa ati nayanamanohara che. ema kahevAya che ke sulatAna mahaMmada begaDAnA samayamAM vi.saM. 1540mAM dhanezvara nAmanA gAmamAM A pratimA hatI. muslima AkramaNanA bhayane kAraNe ene nadImAM surakSita rAkhI hatI. keTalAMka varSo bAda chANI gAmanA zrI nAthAbhAinAM kuTuMbIone svapnamAM jinapratimA nadImAM hovAno daivI saMketa maLyo. e sthaLe zodha karatAM zrIneminAtha bhagavAnanI pratimA pragaTa thai. vejalapura ane bIjA gAmanA nivAsIoe pratimAjI potAnA gAmamAM lAvavAno Agraha rAkhyo. chevaTe evuM nakakI thayuM ke eka baLadagADImAM A pratimAjIne birAjamAna karavA. e jayAM aTake tyAM maMdira banAvavuM. ema kahe che ke A baLadagADuM pArolI gAmanI jagA para aTakI gayuM. AthI ahIMnA zrI saMgha dvArA bhavya maMdiranuM nirmANa karavAmAM AvyuM ane temAM pratimAjInI vidhipUrvaka pratiSThA karavAmAM AvI. ahIM ghaNA jainetara bhakato paNa darzanArthe Ave che. sAcA deva bhagavAna neminAtha bhakatane asIma kRpAno anubhava karAve che. 4 ke kadIka krAphI tIrthavaMdanA - 46 (3) dozI hIrena praviNacaMdra, komala, hIrena, sonala, hIreza - (1) anopabahena durlabhadAsa dozI, raMbhAbahena ratilAla, durlabhadAsa (4) dozI jyoti manasukhalAla ratilAla, pArasa, monA hemala (2) dozI pravINacaMdra ratilAla, mRdulAbahena vibhA ghATakopara - muMbaI (5) dozI raMbhAbahena ratilAla durlabhadAsa ha, pravINacaMdra ghATakopara 105
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________________ 47. SHRI STAMBHANA PARSHVANATH BHAGAVAN (Bllzricht wied-414 401914) 106
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________________ 47. SHRI KHAMBHATA TIRTHA (SHRI STAMBHANA PARSHVANATH BHAGAVAN) In this tirtha, situated in the Kharvada Mohalla of the city of Khambhat, we have an idol of MULANAYAKA Shri Stambhana Parshvanath Bhagavan; dark-blue in complexion, 23 cms. in height and in Padmasana posture. There was a time when the flag of sixty four ports was fluttering here. Contribution of liberal Shreshthis was vital in the prosperity of the port-city, the ancient name of which was Trambavatinagari. History of the impressive divine idol is written in letters of gold in the Scriptures. So many miraculous events took place here from the time of the 20th to the 24th Tirthankara. Then, for years the idols remained invisible. In V.S. 1111, Navangi commentator Shri Abhayadevasurishvaraji had divine inspiration; when the ruling deities were propitiated and pleased the idols revealed themselves before him. According to an Inscription found in the present temple, inV.S. 1165, the wife Bidada of Khela Sheth of the Modh family got constructed this majestic temple of Shri Stambhana Parshvanatha in V.S. 1165. In V.S. 1650, the Shri Sangha reconstructed the whole temple in all enthusiasm. Then the tirtha was renovated several times. Its last renovation took place in V.S. 1984 at the sacred hands of Acharya Shri Vijayanemisurishvaraji Maharaj. In Khambhata there are other 64 Jina temples. The Smrutimandir of Shri Hemachandracharya is also found here. It is said that the body of Shri Abhayadevasurishvaraji was freed from disease when he applied the bathing-water of the idol on his body. Kalikalasarvajna Hemchandracharya Maharaj was initiated into monkhood here and minister Udayana spread Jainism from here. This is also the birth-place of th poet Rishabhadasa. 47. zrI khaMbhAta tIrtha (zrIstaMbhana pArzvanAtha bhagavAna) khaMbhAta zaheranA khAravADA mahollAmAM AvelA A tIrthamAM mULanAyaka zrI staMbhana pArzvanAtha bhagavAnanI nIlavarNanI 23 se.mI. UMcI padamAsanastha pratimAjI che. eka kALe cosaTha baMdarano vAvaTo jayAM pharakato hatoane je nagaranI jAhojalAlImAM dAnavIra nagarazreSThIono mahattvano phALo hato te A nagaranuM prAcIna nAma traMbAvatI nagarI hatuM. ahIMnI prabhAvaka prabhu pratimAno itihAsa zAstromAM suvarNAkSare aMkita che. vIsamA tIrthaMkarathI covIsamA tIrthaMkaranA samaya sudhImAM ahIM aneka camatkArika ghaTanAo banI hatI. e pachI varSo sudhI A pratimAo adazya rahI. vi.saM. 1111mAM navAMgI TIkAkAra zrI abhayadevasUrIzvarajIne daivI preraNA maLI aneadhiSThAyaka devo prasanna thatAMemanI sAme pratimA pragaTa thai. hAlanA maMdiramAM maLatA eka zilAlekha anusAra vi.saM. 1165mAM moDha vaMzanA khelA zeThanI dharmapatnI biDAe staMbhana pArzvanAthanuM bhavya maMdira baMdhAvyuM hatuM. vi.saM. 1630mAM zrI saMghe ahIM pharIthI maMdira banAvIne utsAhapUrvaka pratimAnI pratiSThA karAvyAno ullekha che. A pachIaneka vAra jIrNoddhAra thayo.eno aMtima jIrNodvAra vi.saM. 1984mAM tIrthodvAraka zAsanasamrATa A. zrI vijayanemIsUrIzvarajI ma.nA suhaste thayo. A sivAya khaMbhAtamAM 64 jinamaMdiro che. zrI hemacaMdrAcAryanuM smRtimaMdira paNa ahIM che. A pratimAnA nhavaNajaLathI zrI abhayadevasUrIzvarajIno de nIrogI thayo hato. kalikAlasarvajJa hemacaMdrAcArya mahArAje ahIM dIkSA grahaNa karI hatI ane udayana maMtrIe ahIM dharmaprabhAva phelAvyo hato. kavivara RSabhadAsanI janmabhUmi che. tIrthavaMdanA - 47 (1) sva. canabahena kAMtilAla (gavADAvALA) - pArlA (2) kAMtilAlarAjapALa mahetA zAntAbona comAsA nimitte (3) kezavajI khImajIbhAI tathA dAmajI bhANajIbhAI - mulunDa (4) zAhasva. occhavalAla je. nA AtmazreyArthe ha, kAntAbahena umA- malADa (5) caMdanabahenabhAIlAla choTalAla zAha - vaDodarA 107
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________________ . '' che 48. SHRI ADISHVARA BHAGAVAN AND SHRI DHARMANATH BHAGAVAN (zrI AdIzvara bhagavAna tathA zrIdharmanAtha bhagavAna) 108
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________________ 48. SHRI KAVI TIRTHA (SHRI ADISHVARA BHAGAVAN AND SHRI DHARMANATH BHAGAVAN) This tirtha is situated on the sea-shore in the vicinity of Kavi village which is at a distance of 96 kms. from Baroda and 80 kms. from Broach. The ancient name of Kavi is kanakavati. It has two vast Jina temples; one is named Sarvajitaprasad and the other Ratnatilakaprasad. In the former resides MULANAYAKA Shri Rushabhadeva Bhagavan. Its renovation took place at the auspicious hands of Shri Vijayasenasurishvaraji in V.S. 1649. At this time Shreshthi Badua Gandhi converted this temple of wood and bricks into a majestic temple with peaks of stone. The temple is 90 ft. on east-west and 61 ft. in north and south in length and breadth. The temple of Shri Dharmanatha Bhagavan was got constructed by Smt. Virabai, the wife of Shri Kunvarji Gandhi, a descendent of Ladaka Gandhi, in V.S. 1655. Its ceremonious installation took place at the auspicious hands of revered Acharya Shri Vijayasenasurishvaraji. In this temple, Shri Dharmanath Bhagavan presides as Mulanayaka. This temple has a tall peak and 52 small temples of gods. It is stated that this temple was named as Ratnatilakaprasad. Now and again the temple is renovated and repaired. According to an anecdote, this is known as a temple of mother-in-law and daugther-in-law. There was a rivalry between Smt. Hirabai and her daugther-in-law Veerabhai and this resulted in the construction of this temple. The art of the peaks of the temple as also the atmosphere all-around is very beautiful and inspires sacred feelings. 48. zrI kAvI tIrtha (zrIAdIzvara bhagavAna tathA zrIdharmanAtha bhagavAna) vaDodarAthI 16 ki.mI. ane bharUcathI 80 ki.mI. dUra AvelA kAvI gAma pAse samudrataTa para A tIrthaAveluM che. kAvInuM prAcIna nAma che kaMkAvatI.ahIM be vizALa jinamaMdiro AvelAM che. ekanuM nAma che sarvajItaprAsAda ane bIjAnuM nAma che ratnatilakaprAsAda, sarvajItaprAsAdamAM mULanAyaka zrI RSabhadeva bhagavAna birAje che. Ano jIrNoddhAra vi.saM. 1649mAM zrI vijayasenasUrIzvarajI ma.nA suhaste thayo hato. A samaye zreSThI baDu gAMdhIe kASTha ane ITonA banAvelA maMdirane paththaranA zikharabaMdhI bhavya maMdiramAM pheravI nAMkhyuM. A maMdira pUrva-pazcima 90 phUTa ane uttara-dakSiNa 61 phUTa lAMbuMpahoLuM che. zrIdharmanAtha bhagavAnanuM maMdira vi.saM. 1655mAM lADakA gAMdhInA vaMzaja zrI kuMvarajI gAMdhInAM dharmapatnI zrImatI vIrAbAie nirmANa karAvyuM ane enI pUA. zrI vijayasenasUrIzvarajI ma.nA suhaste pratiSThA karAvI.A maMdiramAM mULanAyaka tarIke zrI dharmanAtha bhagavAna birAje che. A maMdira zikharabaMdhI ane bAvana devakulikAvALuM che. AnuM nAma ratnatilakaprAsAda rAkhavAmAM AvyuM hatuM tevo ullekha maLe che. samaye samaye A maMdirano jIrNoddhAra thayo che. eka daMtakathA anusAra Ane sAsu-vahunuM maMdira kahevAmAM Ave che. zrImatI hIrAbAi ane emanI putravadhU vIrAbAI vacce maMdira bAMdhavAnI spardhA thaI ane tene pariNAme A maMdira baMdhAyuM. A maMdiranAM zikharonI kalA tema ja enI AsapAsanuM dazya atyaMta ramaNIya ane pavitra bhAvapreraka che. tIrthanaMdanA - 48 (1) jasavaMtalAla khuzAladAsa zAha ha. surezabhAI - vaDodarA (2) premacaMdabhAI khuzAladAsa zAha ha, surezabhAI - vaDodarA (3) vinubhAI khuzAladAsa zAha ha, surezabhAI - vaDodarA (4) kirITabhAI khuzAladAsa zAha ha. surezabhAI - vaDodarA (5) surezabhAI khuzAladAsa zAha - vaDodarA 109
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________________ 49. SHRI AMIJHARA PARSHVANATH BHAGAVAN (=[1247losa uued-le 401911) 110
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________________ 49. SHRI GANDHARA TIRTHA (SHRI AMIJHARA PARSHVANATH BHAGAVAN) This tirtha is situated on the sea-shore near the Gandhara village at a distance of 26 kms. from Broach; in the jungle in the midst of beautiful and impressive natural surroundings. Here we have an idol of MULANAYAKA Shri Parshvanath Bhagavan; white in complexion, in Padmasana posture. There was a time when Gandhara was renowned as a port. There were many Jina temples and quite a good population of Shravakas. According to the Inscription on the idol installed here, the idol was ceremoniously insalled at the hands of Jagadguru Shri Hiravijayasuriji in the seventeenth century of the Vikrama era; he was present here for CHATURMASA along with his vast group of pupils. The Moghul emperor Akbar invited him to Fattehapur Sikri and he accepted the invitation on the advice of the Sangha and its consent, considering the possibility of spread of Dharma. In the beginning of the 18th century, pirates from Khambhat looted this place and burnt it. To-day, such ruins are visible round the place. In the ancient days there were two temples over here-One of MULANAYAKA Shri Mahavir Swami and the other of Shri Amijhara Shri Parshvanath Bhagavan. Records available show that the former was of wood and raised in V.S. 1500. When the temple grew old and was in ruins, Harakunvar Shethani got it repaired and renovated in V.S. 1810. Thereafter, when there were cracks in the walls and saltishness was visible, Shri Sangha got it repaired again. At a distance of 19 kms. from here there is the village Dahej where many of the idols were taken from Gandhar. Prominent amongst these is the 30 cms. high image of Shri Hiravijayasuriji. 49. zrI gaMdhAra tIrtha (zrIamIjharA pArzvanAtha bhagavAna) bharUcathI 26 ki.mI. dUra samudranA kinAre gaMdhAra gAmanI pAse A zrI gaMdhAra tIrtha AveluM che. sAgarakAMThe nAnakaDA gAmanI pAse jaMgalamAM AvelA A sthaLanuM dazya bahu suMdara ane manamohaka che. ahIM mULanAyaka zrI pArzvanAtha bhagavAnanI zveta varNanI padamAsanastha pratimA che. A pratimA khUba suMdara ane prabhAvazALI che. eka kALe baMdhAranI baMdara tarIke sArI evI nAmanA hatI. jinamaMdirI ane zrAvakonI vastI paNa ghaNI hatI. ahIMnI sthApita pratimA paranA eka lekha anusAra vi.saM. 1664 mahA suda dasamanA divase zrI vijayasenasUrijInA hAthe AnI pratiSThA thai hatI. vikramanI 17mI sadImAM jagadaguru zrI hIravijayasurIjI ponAnA vizALa ziSyasamudAya sAthe ahIM cAturmAsamAM birAjamAna hatA. mogala bAdazAha akabare temane phatehapura sikrI AvavA nimaMtraNa mokalyuM tyAre zrI saMghanI salAha ane anumati laine tema ja dharmabhAvanI saMbhAvanA joine emaNe svIkAra karyo. 18mA saikAnI zarUAtamAM cAMciyAoeA zahera para lUMTa calAvIne ene bALI nAMkhyuM. Aje AvA bhagna avazeSo AsapAsa jovA maLe che. ahIM prAcIna be jinamaMdiro hatAM.eka mULanAyaka zrImahAvIra svAmI ane bIjuM zrIamIjharA pArzvanAtha bhagavAnanuM. paheluM lAkaDAnuM maMdira hatuMane te vi.saM. 1500mAM banAvyAno ullekha maLe che. A maMdira jarjA thatAM vi.saM. 1810mAM harakuMvara zeThANIe eno jIrNodvAra karyo. te pachIvi.saM. 1925mAM bhIMtomAM tirADa paDavAthI ane luNo lAgavAthI zrI saMdhe enuM karI samArakAma karAvyuM ahIMthI 19 ki.mI. dUra AvelA daheja gAmamAM gaMdhArathI lai javAmAM AvelI aneka pratimAomAM zrI hIravijayasUrijInI 30 se.mI. UMcI prAcIna pratimAno paNa samAveza thAya che. nIrthavaMdanA - 49 (1) araviMdAbahena jasavaMtalAla zAha che. surezabhAI - vaDodarA (2) haMsAbahena premacaMdabhAI zAha che. surezabhAI - vaDodarA (3) puSpAbahena vinubhAI zAha ha. surezabhAI - vaDodarA (4) sarojabahena kirITabhAI zAha ha. surezabhAI - vaDodarA (5) hemAbahena surezabhAI zAha ha. surezabhAI - vaDodarA 111
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________________ 50. SHRI MUNISUVRATASWAMI BHAGAVAN (Elyse 29141 Cat) 112
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________________ 50. SHRI BHARUCH TIRTHA (SHRI MUNISUVRATASWAMI BHAGAVAN) This tirtha is situated in the Bharuch city on the rail and road path, in the Shrimali Pole. Here we see the idol of Muni Suvrata Swami; black in complexion and in Padmasana posture. In the history of the Jainas, this ancient city is important from many points of view. Guru Gautama Swami has eulogized Muni Suvrata Swami, who is installed in Bharuch, in his "Jagachintamani Stotra" composed on the eight tirthas, Bhagavan Muni Suvrata Swami gave sermons to a horse here itself. Further, many prominent Acharyas have raised temples in this tirtha and have composed works also. At so many places do we come across ancient pieces of art because this is an ancient town. in Bharuch we are shown the Ashvavabodha tirtha of the times of Muni Suvrata Swami, Shakunika Vihara of princess Sudarshana of Simhaladvipa and also the Vihara which was ceremoniously raised by Acharya Hemchandra in which Kumarapala has waved ARATI; is now coverted into a mosque. In the opinion of the archaeologists, the Jamamasjid of present Bharuch is probably this ancient temple. It is believed that in times of such invasions the idol of Shri Prabhu was kept at a safe spot, and, as time passed, new temples were constructed and the old idols were installed. To-day the idol is found in the new temple. There are here eleven other temples besides this. 50. zrI bharUca tIrtha (zrImunisuvratasvAmI bhagavAna) amadAvAda - muMbaI relave tema ja saDaka mArga para AvatA bharUca gAmanI zrImALI poLamAM A tIrtha AveluM che. ahIM mULa nAyaka zrImunisuvratasvAmInI zyAma varNanI padamAsanastha pratimA maLe che. A prAcIna nagara aneka rIte jaina itihAsamAM mahatvanuM sthAna dharAve che. guru gautamasvAmIe aSTApada tIrtha para racelA jagaciMtAmaNi stotramAM bharUcamAM birAjelA bhagavAna munisuvratasvAmInI stuti karI che, to bhagavAna munisuvratasvAmIe ghoDAne ahIMyA ja pratibodha karyo hato. vaLI A tIrthamAM aneka samartha AcAryoe maMdiranI pratiSThA karAvI che tathA graMthonI racanA karI che. A prAcIna nagara hovAne kAraNe ahIMyAM Thera Thera prAcIna kalAkRtionAM darzana thAya che. A bharUcamAM bhagavAna munisuvratasvAmInA samayanuM azvAvabodha tIrtha, siMhaladvIpanI rAjakumArI sudarzanAno zakunikAvihAra tathA kalikAlasarvajJa hemacaMdrAcArye jenI pratiSThA karI hatI ane kumArapALe jenI AratI utArI hatI te vihAra Aje masjidanA rUpamAM parivartana pAmyo che. purAtatvavettAonA mata mujaba bharUcanI atyAranI jummA masjida ja A prAcIna maMdira haze. ema mAnavAmAM Ave che ke AvA AkramaNakALe prabhu pratimAne kayAMka surakSita rAkhavAmAM AvI haze ane samaya jatAM navuM maMdira baMdhAvIe prAcIna pratimAnI pratiSThA karavAmAM AvI haze, je Aje maMdiramAM : birAjI rahI che. A maMdira sivAya bIjAM agiyAra maMdiro ahIM AvelAM che. tIrthavaMdanA - 50 (3) bAlubahena khuzAladAsa zAha ha.surezabhAI - vaDodarA (1) bAlubahena khuzAladAsa zAha ha.surezabhAI - vaDodarA (4) bAlubahena khuzAladAsa zAha ha, surezabhAI - vaDodarA (2) bAlubahena khuzAladAsa zAha ha surezabhAI - vaDodarA (5) bAlubahena khuzAladAsa zAha ha, surezabhAI - vaDodarA 113
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________________ SoloDOO 51. SHRI ADINATH BHAGAVAN (BLUE-414 Holan) 114
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________________ 51. SHRI JHAGADIYA TIRTHA (SHRI ADINATH BHAGAVAN) This tirtha is situated in the Jhagadia village which is at a distance of 32 kms. from Bharuch on the Ankleshvar-Rajpipla road. Here is installed an idol of MULANAYAKA Shri Adinath Bhagavan; white in complexion, 104 cms. in height and in Padmasana posture. Though a little small in size the idol is in no way less charming. Again, the art and architecture of the peaks of the temple as also the entrance gate is really excellent to view. An idol of Shri Chakreshvari Devi was unearthed from a field nearby in V.S. 1921. On this we have an inscription of the 10th day of the bright half of the month of Maha in V.S. 1200. The detail discovered is that the image was installed by Mantri Shri Pruthvipala. In V.S. 1928, the then King Shri Gambhirasinhaji ceremoniously re-installed it. In administration of the temple Shravakas got it from Rana Chhatrasinha and once more repaired and renovated the temple. It is said that on learning of the procurement of ancient idols by the Rana, Shravakas of Baroda and Bharuch approached the Rana to get possession of these. The Rana said that the absence of a Jina temple or the house of Jaina householder is indeed very painful. But handing over the idols to others would be a blot on the state. The Rana therefore gave all facilities of business to the Shravakas and constructed the temple. He looked after the care of the temple for thirty years and then handed it over to Shri Sangha. 51. zrI jhagaDiyA tIrtha (zrIAdinAtha bhagavAna). bharUcathI 32 ki.mI. dUra ane aMkalezvara-rAjapIpaLA relave mArga para AvelA jhagaDiyA gAmanI vacce A tIrtha AveluM che. ahIM mULanAyaka zrIAdinAtha bhagavAnanI sveta varNanI 104 se.mI. UMcI padamAsanastha pratimA che. A mUrti zilpazAstranI daSTie bhavya ane AkarSaka che. e pramANamAM nAnI hovA chatAM enI suMdaratAmAM ochI Utare tevI nathI. vaLI maMdiranAM zikharoane bahAranA toraNadvAranI kalA paNa darzanIya che. vi.saM. 1921mAM A gAmanI najIkanA khetaramAMthI maLelI zrI cakrezvarI devInI mUrti para vi.saM. 1200 mahA suda 10no lekha maLe che ane te maMtrI zrI, pRthvIlAla dvArA pratiSThita thai hatI tevI vigata maLe che. vi.saM. 1928mAMe samayanA rAjA zrI gaMbhIrasiMhajIe enI pharI vAra pratiSThA karI. vi.saM. 1959mAM ahIMnA zrI saMghe rANA chatrasiMha pAsethI maMdirano vahIvaTa laine pharI jIrNoddhAra karAvyo. ema kahevAya che ke rANAnI pAse prAcIna pratimAo prApta thai eTale vaDodarA ane bharUca nagaranA zrAvako rANAnI pAse pratimAo levA AvyA. rANAe kahyuM ke mArA nagaramAM koi jinamaMdira nathI ane koi jinazrAvakanuM ghara nathIe du:khada vAta che. paraMtuA pratimAo tamane ApavI e mArA mATe ane rAjaya mATe kalaMka kahevAya. AthI rANAe zrAvakone vyApAranI badhI sagavaDa karI ApI ane maMdiranuM nirmANa karyuM. trIsa varSa sudhI A jinamaMdiranI saMbhALa lIdhA bAda te zrI saMghane suprata karyuM. tIrthanaMdanA-51 (3) sva, khuzAladAsa tribhovanadAsanA AtmazreyArthe -vaDodarA (1) sva. khuzAladAsa tribhovanadAsanA AtmazreyArthe vaDodarA .. dara surezabhAI ja (4) sva. khuzAladAsa tribhovanadAsanA AtmazreyArthe -vaDodarA (2) sva. khuzAladAsa tribhovanadAsanA AtmazreyAthe -vaDodarA | (5) sva. khuzAladAsatribhovanadAsanAAtmazreyArthe - vaDodarA 115
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________________ svAminazrI vAsumUlyasyAdhi jita bhivaM mahAbhiyAna navImAmAni paramyAnayugA mInala nalImAdiparivAra CAN namUsyAcArya zrI vijaya bilAnasUrI shiitkaar'ykaalkesrt kbidhaa hy'| suvArI- mAyarInagInabhAIrAjIcarabhAIna yusanAnagara nikalI yAhArakA maharasilona mahoradhyAcAo milakasAna 52. SHRI VASUPUJYA BHAGAVAN (zrIvAsupU4ya mAvAna) 116
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________________ 52. SHRI AMAROLI TIRTHA (SHRI VASUPUJYA BHAGAVAN) The tirtha is situated in the Amaroli village which is north of Surat. Here we have an idol of Shri Vasupujya Bhagavan with a PARIKARA; white in complexion. The temple constructed recently with its peaks is simply beautiful and lustrous. In the festival-pandal of the temple there are two majestic idols of Shri Nageshvar Parshvanath and Shri Adinath Bhagavan. The idols are 81 inches in height and of black complexion. The idols satiate fully the eyes and hearts of the visiting pilgrims. With the efforts of the local Sangha and the inspiration of most revered Acharya Shri Vijaychandrodaya Surishvaraji, on the seventh day of the bright half of the month of Vaishakh in V.S. 2038 the new Jina temple was ceremoniously inaugurated. The Amroli village was given an award as an ideal village. The first President of India, Dr. Rajendra Prasad paid a visit to the village and was deeply impressed. So many activities of public welfare are undertaken here. Under the inspiration of Acharya Maharaj Shri Vijayachandrodayasuriji, a Jain nagara is under construction at a cost of a crore of rupees. We have here the best facility of Dharmashala and canteen. para. zrI amarolI tIrtha (zrIvAsupUjaya bhagavAna) suratanI uttara dizAmAM AvelA amarolI gAmamAM A tIrtha AveluM che. ahIM parikaravALI sveta varNanI zrIvAsu pUjaya bhagavAnanI pratimAjI che. A maMdiranA raMgamaMDapamAM 81 IcanI UMcAivALI zyAma raMganI zrInAgezvara pArzvanAthajI tathA zrIAdinAtha bhagavAnanI be bhavya mUrtio che. A mUrtio atyaMta prabhAvaka hovAthI darzanArthI onA hRdayane saMtRpta kare che. pa. pU. A. zrI vijayacaMdrodayasUrizvarajI ma. sA.nI preraNAthI nUtana jinAlayanI pratiSThA thai hatI. amarolI gAmane Adarza gAma tarIke evorDa prApta thayo che. bhAratanA prathama rASTrapati Do. rAjendraprasAda A gAmane joine khUba prabhAvita thayA hatA. ahIM aneka prakAranI sArvajanika pravRttio cAlI rahI che.A. ma. zrI vijayacaMdrodayasUrIjI ma. sA.nI preraNAthI eka karoDanA kharce ahIM jainanagaranuM nirmANa thai rahyuM che. ahIM dharmazALA tathA bhojanazALAno paNa uttama prabaMdha che. tIrthavaMdanA - para (3) siddhi vipulabhAI zAha - vaDodarA (1) lAbhubahena vinayacaMda zAha priyacaMdravijaya tathA kairavayazAzrIjInA upa.thI (4) palakavipulabhAI zAha -vaDodarA (2) nitAbahena vipulabhAI zAha - vaDodarA (5) bAlubahena khuzAladAsa zAha parivAra surezabhAI-vaDodarA 117
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________________ BORREDITS 53. SHRI MAHAVIR BHAGAVAN (xllH61d2 6401911) 118
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________________ 53. SHRI AGAMAMANDIR-SURAT TIRTHA (SHRI MAHAVIR BHAGAVAN) The Agama-mandir in constructed under the good preaching of most revered Agamoddharaka Acharya Shri Anandasagarasurishvaraji Maharaj Saheb. In this temple, 45 Agamas are carved on copperplates and these are nicely portrayed on the walls. A figure of Agamapurusha is also prepared by lofty imagination. Side by side 45 Agamas are preserved at one place. In this Agama-mandir we have an idol of MULANAYAKA Shri Mahavir Swami Bhagavan. In the cellar we see an idol of Shri Parshvanath Bhagavan, while on the Upper storey we have an idol of Shri Adishvar Bhagavan. There are other 120 attractive idols. Side by side with this there is Siddhachakramandal in two lotus shapes. Colours are painted according to the colours of the five Parameshthis. Thousands of pilgrims are attracted to this place of pilgrimage, 53. zrIAgamamaMdira surata tIrtha (zrImahAvIra bhagavAna). surata zaheramAM pa. pU. AgamoddhAraka A. zrI AnaMdasAgarasUrIzvarajI ma. sA.nA sadaupadezathI Agama maMdiranuM nirmANa karavAmAM AvyuM che. A maMdiramAM 45 Agamone tAmrapatramAM utkIrNa karIne ene suMdara rIte dIvAlo para lagADavAmAM AvyAM che. potAnI bhavya kalpanAthI AgamapuruSanI paNa AkRti banAvI che. enI sAthosAtha eka sthaLe 45 Agamo rAkhavAmAM AvyAM che. A Agama maMdiramAM mULanAyaka zrImahAvIra svAmI bhagavAnanI pratimAjI che. bhoMyarAmAM zrI pArzvanAtha bhagavAnanI pratimA che, to uparanA mALe zrI AdIzvara bhagavAnanI pratimA che. bIjI 120 jeTalI cittAkarSaka pratimAo che. AnI sAthosAtha be kamaLanI AkRtimAM siddhacakramaMDaLa che ane emAM paMca parameSThinA raMga mujaba raMgo karavAmAM AvyA che. A tIrthasthaLa hajAro yAtrikone enI nayanaramya racanAthI AkarSita kare che. tIrthanaMdanA - 53 (1) sva. maMgaLadAsa giradharadAsa zAha - vaDodarA (2) sva. samarathabahena maMgaLadAsa zAha - vaDodarA (3) mahendrabhAI maMgaLadAsa zAha - vaDodarA (4) rekhAbahena mahendrabhAI zAha - vaDodarA (5) jigara - mahendrabhAI zAha - vaDodarA 119.
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________________ 50000 54. SHRI SUVIDHINATH BHAGAVAN (alla) 120
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________________ 54. SHRI 108 JAINA-TIRTHADARSHAN MANDIR SURAT (SHRI SUVIDHINATH BHAGAVAN) The Jina temple of Shri Suvidhinath Bhagavan, in the Desai Pole, Surat, is one of the famous 108 tirthas of India. At the time when the Managing Trustee of the Jain firm of Desai Pole, Sheth Shri Dahyabhai Ratanchand Kinariwala and the worthy Muni Shri Kushalachandravijayaji Maharaj Saheb were looking after the repairs of the temple, one good thought struck in their mind. They nourished a sacred thought that since the original salutation mantra consists of 68 letters, MULANAYAKAS of 68 tirthas throuhgout India be selected and their pictures be made and exhibited, so that devotees can have the benefit of their magnanimous, awe-inspiring sacred DARSHANA. They gave expression to this their feeling before the late most revered Acharya Shri Vijnanasurishvaraji Maharaj and revered Acharya Shri Vijayakasturisurishvaraji Maharaj Saheb (Present Acharya). They gave their consent and opined that a complex not of 68 tirthas but of 108 tirthas should be created. Thus, a unique guidance was available from the great munis. Sheth Shri Dahyabhai Ratanchand Kinariwala started his work in no time. Extremely expressive images of two to three feet and captivating to the eyes were got prepared. On Sunday, the second day of the dark half of Kartika in V.S. 2024, the fourfold Sangha was present. Ceremonious opening took place at the sacred hands of most revered Acharayashri Vijayakasturasurishvaraji Maharaj and Upadhyaya Vijaychandrodayaganiji. 54. zrI 108 jainatIrthadarzanamaMdira surata (zrIsuvidhinAtha bhagavAna) suratanI desAi poLamAM AveluM zrI suvidhinAtha bhagavAnanuM jinAlaya bhAratanA suprasiddha 108 jaina tIrthanuM darzana paTanI pAvana bhUmi che. je samaye desAi poLa jaina peDhInA menejiMga TrasTI zeTha zrI DAhyAbhAi ratanacaMda kinArIvALA tema ja yathA nAma tathA guNa evA muni zrI kuzalacaMdravijayajI ma. sA. A maMdirano jIrNoddhAra karI rahyA hatA, tyAre emanA manamAM eka pAvana vicAra pragaTyo.emane evI bhAvanA jAgI ke namaskAra maMtranA 68 akSara hovAne lIdhe 68 tIrthonA mULanAyakonI bhAratabharamAMthI pasaMdagI karIne emanI citrAvalI banAvavAmAM Ave to bhakatone bhavya-punita darzanano mahAna lAbha prApta thai zake, teozrIe potAnI A bhAvanA vi. saM. 2021mAM khaMbhAtamAM cAturmAsa arthe birAjamAna sva. 5. pU. A. zrI vijJAnasUrIzvarajI ma. tathA pU. A. zrI vijaya kastUrasUrIzvarajI ma. sA.nI samakSa pragaTa karI. surivaryoe A bhAvanAnuM anumodana karyuM ane kahyuM ke 68 tIrtha nahi, balka 108 tIrthono paTa taiyAra karavo joie. Ama munivaro pAsethI ucita mArgadarzana maLyuM ane zeTha zrI DAhyAbhAI ratanacaMda kinArIvALAe kArya zarU karI dIdhuM. be-traNa phUTanI bhAvavAhI nayanaramya pratikRtio taiyAra thai gai. vi. saM. 2024nA kArataka vada bIja ane ravivAranA divase caturvidha saMghanI vizALa upasthitimAM zrI kAMtilAla chaganalAla cokasInA nAmAkaraNanI sAthe pa. pU. A. zrI vijayakastUra sUrIzvarajI ma. tathA upAdhyAya zrIcaMdrodayavijayajI gaNijI (vartamAna AcAryazrI)nA suhaste enuM vidhipUrvaka udaghATana thayuM hatuM. thI 108 tIrtha maMdira. SiApaka tIrthavaMdanA - 54 (1) hetalabhAI mahendrabhAI zAha - vaDodarA (2) jayezAbahena hetalabhAI zAha - vaDodarA (3) pInalabhAI mahendrabhAI zAha - vaDodarA (4) Analabahena pInalabhAI zAha - vaDodarA | (5) dIpala pInalabhAI zAha - vaDodarA 121
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________________ PAVA 55. SHRI ADISHVARA BHAGAVAN (@HEL eq2 6401911) 122
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________________ 55. SHRI DELVADA (ABU) TIRTHA (SHRI ADISHVARA BHAGAVAN) At a height, some 1220 metres above mean sea level in the lap of Mount Abu is situated the Delvada Tirtha, which is famous as a tirtha of renown, not only in India but in the whole world. The art and architecture carved in the temple over here, enraptures and captivates equally the residents of India and abroad both. There is no temple in the whole of India which can be equal to the architectural beauty of Vimalavasahi. Three great Jainas are associated with the construction of these temples. They are Vimalashah, Vastupal and Tejapal. The Mantri of King Bhimadev of Gujarat, Shri Vimalashah got constructed these temples at a total cost of Rs. 18 crores and 53 lakhs. The temple, renowned as Vimalavashi in the whole world, continued also to be repaired and renovated. No words can possibly describe the delicacy, subtlety and nicety of the sculpture work of the ceilings of the temples, their domes, doors, pillars, arched gates, and walls; it captivates the eyes and heart and creates an experience of divinity in us. Just in front of this Vastupal-Tejpal got constructed, at an expense of thirteen crores and 55 lakh rupees, the temple complex known as Lavanyavasahi and got its ceremonious inauguration performed at the hands of Shri Vijayasenasurishvaraji. Both the brothers were heoric and liberal. Vastupal was a poet. Awe-inspiring indeed is the loveliness of the delicate engraving and architecture that oozes out. The life of Shri Krishna, dancing girls, groups of singing girls and the images in the porticos of Derani-Jethani are some peculiar traits over here. There are also Pitalhar, Shri Mahavir Bhagavan and Kharataravasahi temples. According to the Jaina scriptures, this is an old important tirtha. 55. zrI delavADA (Abu) tIrtha (zrIAdIzvara bhagavAna). samudranI sapATIthI Azare 12 20 mITaranI UMce Abu parvatanI godamAM AveluM delavADA tIrtha mAtra bhAratanuM ja nahIM, paraMtu samagra vizvanA mahAna ane darzanIya tIrthomAM sthAna dharAve che. ahIMnAM maMdiromAM AlekhAyelI zilpakalA deza ke videzanA vAsIone eka sarakhI mohita kare che. emAMye zilpakalAmAM vimalavasahInI barobarI kare tevuM koi maMdira samagra bhAratamAM nathI. A maMdironA nirmANanI sAthe traNa pratApI jaina jayotirdharo saMkaLAyelA che ane te vimaLazAha, vastupALa ane tejapALa. gujarAtanA rAjA bhImadevanA maMtrIzrI vimaLazAhe vi. saM. 1088mAM 18 karoDa 53 lAkha rUpiyA kharcIne maMdironuM nirmANa karAvyuM. vimalavasahIne nAme jagavikhyAta A maMdirano jIrNoddhAra paNa thato rahyo. vimalavasahI maMdiranI chato, guMbaja, daravAjAo, staMbho, toraNo ane dIvAlonA netradIpaka ane aizvaryayukta nakazIkAmanI komaLatA ane bArIkInuM varNana zabdothI karI zakAya tevuM nathI.AnI sAme ja vi. saM. 1287nA phAgaNa vada trIjanA divase vastupALa-tejapALe 13 karoDa 55 lAkha rUpiyA kharca karI lAvaNyavasahIne nAme oLakhAtAM maMdironI zrI vijayasenasUrIzvarajInA hAthe pratiSThA karAvI. baMne bhAio vIra ane udAra hatA. vastupALa svayaM kavi hatA. A lAvaNyavasahInI racanA, enI bArIka kotaraNI ane zilpamAMthI nItaratuM lAvaNya adabhuta che. bhagavAna zrIkRSNanuM jIvana, nartakIoane gAyikAono samUha tathA derANI jeThANInA gokhalAnI AkRtio ahIMnI vizeSatA che. A uparAMta ahIM pitalahara maMdira, zrImahAvIra bhagavAna maMdira ane kharataravasahI maMdira che. jaina zAstra anusAra A eka prAcIna ane mahattvapUrNa tIrtha che. tIrthanaMdanA - 55 (1) sva. zAMtilAla maMgaLadAsa zAha - vaDodarA (2) jayaMtIlAla maMgaLadAsa zAha - vaDodarA (3) jitendrabhAI maMgaLadAsa zAha - vaDodarA (4) vidyAbahena zAMtilAla zAhanA cAturmAsa nimitte - vaDodarA (5) AnaMdIbahena jitendrabhAI zAha - vaDodarA 123
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________________ 56. SHRI ACHALGADH TIRTHA (SHRI ADISHVAR BHAGAVAN) This tirtha is situated in the castle got constructed by Rana Kumbha on the highest peak of Mount Abu. It gives a unique type of experience of spiritualism to pilgrims because of the charming nature allaround and complete peace. In the tirtha we have an idol of MULANAYAKA Shri Adishvar Bhagavan; of golden colour, about 1.5 metre in height, of metal and in Padmasana posture. This castle was constructed by Rana Kumbha in V.S. 1509. The temple of Chaumukhiji was constructed by Sahasa, the son of Sanghavi Saliga, ar inhabitant of Achalgadh. He also got carved a metal idol of Rishabhdeva Bhagavan and got it ceremoniously inaugurated on the foruth day of the dark half of Vaishakh in V.S. 1518, as one record tells us. The idol at the entrance in the eastern direction was constructed by the Sangha of the village. The idol of MULANAYAKA Shri Adishvar Bhagavan was constructed by Karmade and was ceremoniously installed in V.S. 1518. The extremely lovely idol of MULANAYAKA Shri Adishvar Bhagavan was ceremoniously installed in V.S. 1529, at the auspicious hands of Shri Lakshmisagarasuriji. All these idols equal in shape and size, are simply majestic and attractive. We also find an idol of Pundarikaswami. There are three other temples also. 56. zrI acalagaDha tIrtha (zrIAdIzvara bhagavAna) ramaNIyaAbu parvatanA UMcAmAM UMcA zikhara para rANA kuMbhAe baMdhAvelA killAmAM zrI acalagaDha tIrtha AveluM che. copAsanI ramaNIya prakRti ane nIrava zAMtine kAraNe yAtrALuone ahIM eka judo ja AdhyAtmika anubhava thAya che. mULanAyaka zrI AdIzvara bhagavAnanI suvarNa varNanI lagabhaga 1.5 mITara UMcI evI padamAsanastha dhAtu-pratimA birAjamAna che. vi. saM. 1509mAM rANA kuMbhAe A killo banAvyo. caumukhajInuM maMdira acalagaDha nivAsI saMghavI sAliganA putra sahasAe banAvyuM ane traSabhadeva bhagavAnanI dhAtunI bhavya mUrti banAvIne vi. saM. 1566nA phAgaNa suda 10nA divase A. zrI janakalyANasUrijInA suhaste maMdiramAM birAjamAna karI. pUrva dizAmAM birAjelI zrI AdIzvara bhagavAna ane dakSiNa dizAmAM birAjelI zrI zAMtinAtha bhagavAnanI pratimAonI vi. saM. 1518nA vaizAkha vada cothanA divase zrI lakSmIsAgarasUrijInA suhaste pratiSThA thayAno ullekha maLe che. pUrva dizAmAM birAjIta pratimA alaukika mudrAmAM atyaMta suMdara ane prabhAvazALI lAge che. pUrva dizAnA dvAranI mUrti kuMbhalameru gAmanA saMghe banAvI, jayAre dakSiNa dvAranA mULanAyaka zrI zAMtinAtha bhagavAnanI mUrti karmAdee nirmANa karI ane vi. saM. 1518mAM enI pratiSThA thai. pazcima dvAranA mULanAyaka zrIAdIzvara bhagavAnanI ati ramaNIya mUrti vi. saM. 1529mAM zrI lakSmIsAgarasUrijInA suhaste pratiSThA thayAno ullekha che. samAna AkRti dharAvatI A pratimAo atyaMta bhavya ane AkarSaka lAge che. vaLI ahIM puMDarika svAmInI mUrti paNa maLe che. A sivAya hAla bIjAM traNa maMdiro ahIM jovA maLe che. tIrthavaMdanA - pa dilIpabhAi rasikalAla parivAra - muMbaI (1) kamaLAbahena dIpacaMda zAha lIMbaDI - sAyana (2) pravINabhAI dIpacaMda zAha lIMbaDI - sAyana (3) a.sau. ilA pravINabhAI zAha lIMbaDI - sAyana - muMbaI (4) gautama pravINabhAI zAha labI - sAyana - muMbaI (5) bIjala pravINabhAI zAha lIMbaDI - sAyana - muMbaI 125
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________________ 57. SHRI KUMBHARIAJI TIRTHA (SHRI NEMINATH BHAGAVAN) This tirtha is situated in a jungle with fine natural beauty all-around on the Danta Road at a distance of 24 kms. from Abu Road Railway Station and one km. from Ambaji. It is in the midst of mountains. Here we have an idol of MULANAYAKA Shri Neminatha Bhagavan; white in complexion, 2.13 metres in height and in Padmasana posture. From the stone Inscription it is learnt that right upto the 17th century of the Vikrama era, this village was famous as Arasana and there was also a time when this was a vast city having hundreds of Jina temples. To-day there are only five temples. Again no authentic information is available on how the ancient name of Arasana was converted to Kumbhariyaji. The sculptural art of this Jina temple is indeed of very high order and it immediately puts in our mind the temples at Delvada, Ranakpur and Jaisalmer. A uniquely varied art is visible in the temple of MULANAYAKA Shri Neminath Bhagavan. According to the Tapagaccha Pattavali, Shri Vadi Devasuriji had got the ceremonious installation of the idol of Shri Neminath Bhagavan done at Arasana between V.S. 1174 and 1226. There is a verse in the "Upadesha saptati" which states that Shri Pasila, the son of Goga Mantri constructed the temple of Shri Neminath Bhagavan and got the installation ceremony performed at the auspicious hands of Shri Vadi Devasuriji. In the waist bands, thrones and Shrines of other temples we get records of the periods between V.S. 1118 and 1138. The present temple is of the 12th century. Just adjoining this temple, there are four other vast and artistic Jina temples. In these the subtle sculptural art of the ceiling of the temple of Shri Mahavira Bhagavan is really pleasnt to view. In this, so many events such as the fourteen dreams of Trishalamata, Shri Parshvanath explaining the doctrine of non-violence to Kamatha Yogi, the five Kalyanakas of Shri Neminath, the SAMAVASARANA of Shri Shantinath Bhagavan etc. are very effectively carved and drawn. Ancient art of the temples of Shri Shantinath Bhagavan and Shri Sambhavanath Bhagavan is also exquisite. 57. zrI kuMbhAriyAjI tIrtha (zrI neminAtha bhagavAna) Abu roDa relave sTezanathI 24 ki.mI. dUra ane aMbAjI gAmathI 1 ki.mI. dUra dAMtA mArga para pahADo vacce adabhuta prAkRtika sauMdarya dharAvatA jaMgalamAM A tIrtha AveluM che. ahIM mULanAyaka zrIneminAtha bhagavAnanI zveta varNanI 2.13 mITara UMcAinI padamAsanI pratimA che. zilAlekho parathI ema jANavA maLe che ke vikramanI 17mI sadI sudhI A gAma ArAsaNA gAma tarIke prasiddha hatuM ane koika samaye ahIM seMkaDo jinamaMdira dharAvatI virATa nagarI hatI. Aje to mAtra pAMca ja jinamaMdiro maLe che. vaLI prAcIna nAma ArAsaNAnuM kai rIte kuMbhAriyAjI thayuM tenI koi zraddheya mAhitI maLatI. nathI. A jinamaMdiranI zilpakalA atyaMta ucca kakSAnI che ane e jotAM ja Abu, delavADA, rANakapura ane jesalameranAM jinamaMdironuM smaraNa jAge che. mULanAyaka zrIneminAtha bhagavAnanA maMdiramAM bhinna bhinna prakAranI prAcIna kalA jovA maLe che. tapAgaccha paTTAvali pramANe zrI vAdI devasUrijIe vi. saM. 1174 thI 1226 daramiyAna ArAsaNAmAM zrIneminAtha bhagavAnanI pratimA pratiSThita karAvI hatI. 'upadeza saptati mAM paNa ullekha maLe che ke gogA maMtrInA putra zrI pAsile zrIneminAtha bhagavAnanuM maMdira banAvIne zrI vAdI devasUrijIne suhaste pratiSThA karAvI hatI. bIjAM maMdiranAM parikaro, gAdIo ane derIomAM vi.saM. 1118 thI 1138 sudhInA lekho maLe che, vartamAna maMdira vikramanI bAramI sadInuM che. A maMdiranI pAse ja bIjAM cAra vizALa ane kalAtmaka jinamaMdiro che, jemAM zrImahAvIra bhagavAnanA maMdiranI chata paranI sUkSma zilpakalA jovAlAyaka che. AmAM trizalA mAtAnAM 14 svapna, kamaTha yogIne ahiMsAnI vAta samajAvatA zrI pArzvanAtha, zrI zAMtinAtha bhagavAnanuM samavasaraNa zrIneminAtha bhagavAnanA pAMca kalyANa ka Adi aneka bhAvapurNa prasaMgo AlekhelA che. zrI zAMtinAtha bhagavAna ane zrIsaMbhavanAtha bhagavAnanAM maMdironI prAcIna zilpakalA darzanIya che. tIrthavaMdanA - 57 (3) a.sau. sudhA nitIna parIkha maunIla,virAja lIMbaDI - aMdherI (1) vimaLAbahena ramaNIkalAla, puMjAbhAI parIkha lIMbaDI - aMdherI (4) a.sau. kalpanA praphulacaMdra salota lIMbaDI - aMdherI - muMbaI (2) aMjanA, atula parIkha,maulika,jIjJA, vaizAlI lIMbaDI - aMdherI (5) a.sau. varSA zaileSakumAra zAha lIMbaDI - aMdherI - muMbaI 127
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________________ 58. SHRI JIRAWALA PARSHVANATH BHAGAVAN (ouquued-111 BOLALL) 128
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________________ 58. SHRI JIRAWALA TIRTHA (SHRI JIRAWALA PARSHVANATH BHAGAVAN) The Jirawala tirtha lies in the lap of the Jirapalli hill of the Aravalli mountain range at a distance of 48 kms. from Abu Road. A view of the 52 Jinalaya temple over there is really appealing. Here we have an idol of MULANAYAKA Shri Parshvanath Bhagavan; white in complexion, some 18 cms. in height and in Padmasana posture. In the Jain Scriptures this town is referred to as Jiravalli, Jirapalli, Jurikavalli, Jairapalli etc. This temple was got constructed by Shethshri Amarasa of Kodinagar in V.S. 326. It is said that Amarasa had a DARSHAN in dream of the presiding deity of Parshvanath and he gave an indication of the idol of Shri Parshvanath lying underground. A similar dream came to Acharyashri Devasurivara. Acharyashri and Amarasa excavated at the place indicated and unearthed the idol of Shri Parshvanath Prabhu. There itself a temple was constructed in V.S. 331 and the installation ceremony was performed at the auspicious hands of Shri Devasurivara. Several other installations followed in the centuries to come. The last installation was held at the auspicious hands of Shri Trilokavijayaji in the bright half of the Vaishakh of V.S. 2020. In the Inscriptions, the stotras composed by Acharyas and in the Chaitya tradition the name of Parshvanath Bhagavan comes upto V.S. 1891, but its history is not traceable, one reason there of could be muslim invasions. In the Jaina Scriptures, Parshvanatha is referred to and idols of these 108 are installed in 52 shrines. The Jirawala Gaccha was established in this town. 58. zrI jIrAvalA tIrtha (zrIjIrAvalA pArzvanAtha bhagavAna) Abu roDathI 58 ki. mI. dUra AveluM zrI jIrAvalA tIrtha aravallI parvatamALAnI jIrApallI nAmanA pahADanI godamAM AveluM che. A bAvana jinAlaya maMdiranuM dazya bhAvapUrNa che. ahIM mULanAyaka zrI jIrAvalA pArzvanAtha bhagavAnanI zveta varNanI Azare 18 se.mI. UMcI padhamAsanastha pratimA che. jaina zAstromAM A nagarano ullekha jIrAvallI, jIrApallI, jurikAvallI ane jayarAjapallI jevAM nAmothI maLe che. A maMdira vi. saM. 326mAM koDI nagaranA zeTha zrI amarAsAe baMdhAvyuM hatuM. amarAsAne pArzvanAtha bhagavAnanA adhiSThAyaka devanA darzana thayAM ane bhUgarbhamAM rahelI pArzvaprabhunI pratimAno saMketa Apyo. AcAryazrI devasUrivarajI paNa AvuM ja svapna AvyuM hatuM. AcAryazrI ane amarAsAe sAMketika sthAna para zodha karIne pArzvaprabhunI pratimA prApta karI. adhiSThAyaka devonA Adeza anusAra tyAM ja maMdiranuM nirmANa karAvyuM ane vi. saM. 331mAMA. zrI devasUrivarajI ma.nA haste tenI pratiSThA saMpanna thai. e pachI aneka pratiSThA karavAmAM AvI. chellI pratiSThA vi. saM. 2020nA vaizAkha sudamAM zrI trilokavijayajInA hAthe saMpanna thaI. ahIM maLatA zilAlekho, AcArya bhagavaMtoe racelA stotro tema ja caityaparipATImAM jIrAvalA pArzvanAtha bhagavAnanuM nAma vi. saM. 1891 sudhI Ave che, paraMtu e pachIno itihAsa maLato nathI. enuM eka kAraNa musalamAnonuM AkramaNa paNa gaNI zakAya. jainazAstromAM zrIjIrAvAlA pArzvanAtha bhagavAnanA 108 nAmanI pratimAo vibhinna bAvana derIomAM sthApita che. aneka AcArya bhagavaMto ane saMghoahIM AvI cUkelA che. A nagaramAM jIrAvalA gacchanI sthApanA thai che. tIrthavaMdanA - 58 (1) zAha cImanalAla jhaveracaMda parivAra taraphathI surata - muMbaI (2) zAha cImanalAla jhaveracaMda parivAra taraphathI surata - muMbaI (3) zAha cImanalAla jhaveracaMda parivAra taraphathI surata - muMbaI (4) zAha cImanalAla jhaveracaMda parivAra taraphathI surata - muMbaI (5) zAha cImanalAla jhaveracaMda parivAra taraphathI surata - muMbaI For Priva29 Personal Use Only
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________________ 59. SHRI MAHAVIR BHAGAVAN (all 1991) 130
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________________ 59. SHRI BAMANVAD TIRTHA (SHRI MAHAVIR BHAGAVAN) This tirtha is situated on a hill of a mountain in a Jungle adjacent to Viravada which is at a distance of 7 kms. from Sihori Road in Rajasthan. Here we have an idol of MULANAYAKA Shri Mahavir Bhagavan; of coral colour, about 76 cms. in height and in Padmasana posture. The idol of Shri Prabhu is highly impressive and lustrous. The hearts of devoted pilgrims set filled to the brim by devotion. Even the natural beauty of the jungle all-around is pleasant. It is said that at this spot there ocurred the calamity of pricking of a wooden thorn in the ear. To-day we have foot-steps at the spot of this calamity. At this tirtha and spot Acharya Nagarjunasuriji, Shri Skandilasuriji, Shri Padaliptasuriji and King Samprati used to come for darshan. The tirtha is also known by the name of Jivitaswami. According to the Tapagaccha Pattavali, king Samprati constructed a temple over here. King Samprati had taken the vow to go for pilgrimage of five tirthas four times in a year. The name of Bamanvad tirtha is included in his list. In V.S. 821 Poraval Mantri Shri Samanta Shah got renovated this tirtha under the sermons of Shri Jayananda Suri. The tirtha is eulogized in so many stotras and works. The tirtha must have been renovated several times. Recently its re-renovation took place in 1979 A.D. on fifth may at the auspicious hands of Shri Sushilsurivarji. Very attractive indeed is the PATTA of the 27 births of Bhagavan Mahavira carved in marble. pa9. zrI bAmaNavADA tIrtha (zrImahAvIra bhagavAna). rAjasthAnanA sirohI roDathI 7 ki.mI. dUra AvelA vIravADAnI pAse jaMgalamAM pahADanI TekarI para A tIrtha AveluM che. ahIM mULanAyaka zrImahAvIra bhagavAnanI pravAla varNanI lagabhaga 76 se.mI. UMcAinI padamAsanastha pratimA che. prabhupratimA atyaMta suMdara ane prabhAvazALI che. tema ja enA darzanathI bhAvika yAtrALuonuM hRdaya bhakitabhAvathI ubharAi jAya che.AsapAsa jaMgala hovAthI ahIM prakRti paNa eTalI ja AsAyeza ApanArI che. ema kahevAya che ke A sthaLe bhagavAna mahAvIranA kAnamAM kASThazULa lagAvavAno upasarga thayo hato.atre e upasarga sthaLa para bhagavAnanI caraNapAdukA che. A sthaLe AcArya nAgArjunasUrijI, zrI skaMdilasUrijI, zrI pAdaliptasUrijI tathA rAjA zrI sammati niyamitapaNe darzanArthe AvatA hatA. bAmaNavADAjI tIrtha jIvitasvAmInA nAmathI prasiddha che. tapAgaccha paTTAvali pramANe sammati rAjAe ahIM maMdira baMdhAvyuM hatuM. sammati rAjA prati varSa pAMca tIrthonI cAra vAra yAtrA karavAno niyama dharAvatA hatA jemAM bAmaNavADAjI tIrthanuM nAma Ave che. vi. saM. 821mAM poravAla maMtrI zrIsAmaMtazAhe zrI jayAnaMdasUrijInA upadezathI A tIrthano jIrNoddhAra karAvyo hato. aneka tIrthastotromAM ane graMthomAM A tIrthano mahimA gavAyelo che. A prAcIna tIrthano aneka vAra jIrNoddhAra thayo haze. hAlamAM eno puna:jIrNoddhAra 1979nI pamI menA divase A. zrI suzIlasUrivarajInA suhaste thayo hato. maMdiramAM ArasapahANamAM AlekhAyelo bhagavAna mahAvIranA 27 bhavano paTTa AkarSaka che. tIrthavaMdanA - 59 (1) a.sau.saubhAgyabahena,jayaMtIlAla vanamALIdAsa ha. jagasena (2) madhubahena rajanIkAnta vanamALIdAsa hIrAcaMda - bhAvanagara (3) kailAsabahena manasukhalAla vanamALIdAsa - bhAvanagara (4) mahipatarAya caMdulAla zAha - mulunDa (5) anaMtarAya jayaMtIlAla zAha mahuvAvALA - mulunDa 131
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________________ EC 50 D 00 BORH 1107 60. SHRI MAHAVIR BHAGAVAN ( ) 132
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________________ 60. SHRI DIYANA TIRTHA (SHRI MAHAVIR BHAGAVAN) This tirtha is simply wonderful with full greenery and natural surroundings on all sides in the midst of mountain-ranges on three sides. It is at a distance of 17 kms. from Sarupagunj and in hillocks in deep forests. Here is installed an idol of MULANAYAKA Shri Mahavir Bhagavan; white in complexion, 90 cms. in height and in Padmasana posture. Here Shri Mahavira Swami is known as Jivitaswami. The idol is simply miraculous. 48 shrines in the majestic temple are empty. There are two KAUSAGGIYA idols. On one there is an Umbrella of five fangs and on the other of seven. There must have been quite a large population here before the fifteenth century, no marked population is found here now. The idol of Shri Bhagavan has five waist bands; below the idol Dharmachakra and two deer are carved. An inscription of V.S. 1682 is also found. One peculair trait of this tirtha is that it is believed to go as far as the times of Bhagavan Mahavira. It is one of the five tirthas in the Nani Marawadi. It is said that when Bhagavan Mahavira roamed here, he remained in KAUSAGGA meditation here. His elder brother Nandivardhana, constructed a majestic temple with 52 smaller temples of Jina and had installed this idol. The artistry of the idol proves that it is ancient. We have an ancient Pata and writings of the 13th and 14th centuries are carved. We also have a reference which states that Shri Parshvanatha Charitra was composed here. 60. zrI diyANA tIrtha (zrImahAvIra bhagavAna) traNa bAju pahADonI vacce vanarAjIthI chalochala jaMgalamAM AvelA A tIrthanuM prAkRtika sauMdarya adabhuta che. sarUpagaMjathI 17 ki.mI. dUra gADha jaMgalamAM TekarIo vacce AvelA diyANA tIrthamAM darzanathI divya bhAvonI anubhUti thAya che.ahIM mULanAyaka zrImahAvIra bhagavAnanI sveta varNanI lagabhaga 90 se.mI. UMcI padamAsanastha pratimA che. devavimAna jevA A bhavya maMdiramAM zrIbhagavAna mahAvIra svAmI jIvitasvAmInA nAmathI prasiddha che. A pratimA atyaMta camatkArika che. A bhavya maMdiranI 48 derIo khAlI che. be kAusaggiyA mUrtio che. eka para pAMca pheNanuMane bIjA para sAta pheNanuM chatrache. 15mI sadI pUrve ahIM sArI evI vastI hovI joie. atyAre ahIM koi vastI jovA maLatI nathI. bhagavAnanI mUrti paMcatIrthanA parikaravALI che. nIce dharmacakra ane be haraNa utkIrNa che. vi.saM. 1682no lekha ahIM maLe che. A tIrthanI vizeSatA e che ke te prabhu mahAvIranA samayanuM manAya che. nAnI mAravADanI paMcatIrthImAMnuM eka A tIrtha gaNAya che. ema kahevAya che ke bhagavAna mahAvIra ahIM vicaryA tyAre kAusagga dhyAnamAM atre rahyA hatA. temanA moTAbhAi naMdIvardhane ahIM bAvana jinAlaya bhavya maMdiranuM nirmANa karAvI A pratimA pratiSThita karI hatI. prabhupratimAnI je kalA che te paNa enI prAcInatA siddha kare che. ahIM prAcIna paTa ane 13mI -14mI sadInA lekho kotarelA che. vi.saM. 1436 poSa suda 6 guruvAranA divase ahIM zrI pAzrvanAtha caritra lakhAvyAno ullekha maLe che. tIrthavaMdanA 60 (1) jatInabhAI phakIracaMda jhaverIsurata-muMbaI (2) a.sau. nItAbahena jatInabhAInA varSItapa nimitte (3) sA. ghacayazA zrInA 45 upavAsanimitte caMdulAla cunIlAla vakhAriyA (4) jhamakubahena cunIlAla vAlajIbhAIvakhAriyA-surendranagara (5) kizoracaMdra caMdulAla vakhAriyA-surendranagara 133
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________________ 61. SHRI ADISHVAR BHAGAVAN (ell 241E1242 6401914) 134
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________________ 61. SHRI LOTANA TIRTHA (SHRI ADISHVAR BHAGAVAN) The tirtha is situated on a hillock near the Lotana village which is situated at a distance of 20 kms. from the railway station of Shirohi Road in Rajasthan. Here we have an idol of MULANAYAKA Shri Adishvar Bhagavan; white in complexion, 75 cms. in height and in Padmasana posture. The tirtha is an ancient one, the idol of Shri Adishvara Prabhu is majestic and unique. It is important because it belongs to the time of the 13th renovation of Shri Shatrunjaya tirtha. The idol with unequal artis rare to come across anywhere else. The ancient name of Lotana village is Latipurapattana or Lotanaka. One idol in standing posture (Kayotsarga idol) is found carved an inscription of V.S. 1144. On two other idols of the same type is found a writing of the fifth day of the month Jeth of V.S. 1130. From this it is learnt that the installation of this idol was undertaken and completed by Durlabha, the son of Koreshvara. The idol of Shri Adishvara Prabhu belongs to the period of the 13th renovation of the Shatrunjaya Mahtirtha. It is also said that it was brought from Shatrunjaya and ceremoniously installed here. The last renovation took place in V.S. 2016. The temple has the main inner appartment, a deep enclosed pandal, six chowkis, assembly pandal, peak, Shrungara chowki and a fort. Situated as the temple is on a hillock near the Lotana village, the atmosphere round the temple is simply delightful indeed! 61. zrI loTANA tIrtha (zrIAdIzvara bhagavAna) rAjasthAnanA zirohI roDa para relave sTezanathI 20 ki.mI. dUra AvelA loTANA gAmanI eka TekarI para A prAcIna tIrtha AveluM che. ahIM mULanAyaka zrI AdIzvara bhagavAnanI sveta varNanI 75 se.mI. UMcI padamAsanastha pratimA maLe che. eka to A tIrtha prAcIna che ane temAM vaLI AdIzvara prabhunI bhavya ane anupama pratimA che, je zrI zatruMjaya zAzvata tIrthanA teramA uddhArasamayanI hovAne kAraNe mahatvanI che. anupama kalA dharAvatI parikarayukta pratimA anyatra bhAgye ja jovA maLe che. loTANA gAmanuM prAcIna nAma loTIpurapaTTana ane loTANaka evuM hatuM. eka kAusagiyA mUrti para vi. saM. 1144no lekha utkIrNa che. maMdiramAM bIjI be kAyotsargavALI pratimA para vi.saM. 1130 jeTha suda pAMcamano lekha utkIrNa che. A mUrtinuM nirmANa ane pratiSThAnuM kArya korezvaranA putradurlabha dvArA thayuM hatuM. zrIAdIzvara prabhunI pratimA zatruMjaya mahAtIrthanA teramA uddhAra samayanI hovA uparAMta zrI zatruMjayamAMthI ahIM lAvIne pratiSThita karavAmAM AvI che. eno aMtima jIrNoddhAra vi. saM. 2016mAM thayo hato. A maMdira mULa gabhAro, gUDhamaMDapa, cha cokI, sabhAmaMDapa, zikhara, zRMgAra cokI ane koTathI yukata che, loTANA gAmanI nAnI TekarI para AvelA A maMdiranuM dazya jonAranA cittane AhalAda pamADe che. tIrthanaMdanA 61 (1) zAha durlabhadAsa jhaveracaMda - kAjAvadara - bhAvanagara (2) zAha muktAlakSmI durlabhadAsa - bhAvanagara (3) zAha naTavaralAla durlabhadAsa - bhAvanagara (4) zAha hemalatAbahena durlabhadAsa - muMbaI (5) zAha saralAbahena durlabhadAsa - muMbaI 135
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________________ FROM 62. SHRI MAHAVIRA BHAGAVAN (1) 136
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________________ 62. SHRI NANDIYA TIRTHA (SHRI MAHAVIRA BHAGAVAN) On the outskirts of the Nandiya town, situated at a distance of 10 kms, from the Sirohi Road railway station, there are hills covered on all sides by exquisitely charming forests. Here we have an ancient tirtha in the temple of which there is the idol of MULANAYAKA Shri Mahavira Bhagavan; 210 cms. in height and in Padmasana posture. Nandiya was in the old days known as Nandigrama, Nandivardhanapura, Nandipura etc. As one anecdote tells us, this village was raised by Nandivardhana the elder brother of Bhagavan Mahavira. One other old story current is that the idol installed here belongs to the time of Prabhu Mahavir Swami. The idol is so very much lustrous and artistic that the viewer will feel the very presence of Shri Prabhu. All the idols of 52 Jinalaya are unique in art; the peaks of the temples also betray a charm of their own, as they are in the midst of exquisite greenery and hills. The other name by which this temple is known is Nandishvara Chaitya. Shri Dharanashah and Ratnashah, the patrons of the Ranakpur tirtha were residents of this town. Stone Inscriptions on the pillars of the temple belong to a period between V.S. 1130 and 1210. The temple was repaired and renovated in V.S. 1210 and later on also, from time to time, it has been renovated. The tirtha is at a distance of 58 kms. from Sajjan Road station, and there is no other temple except this tirtha here. But it seems that there must have been a time when this spot was very prosperous. - 62. zrI nAMdiyA tIrtha (zrImahAvIra bhagavAna) zirohI roDa relave sTezanathI 10 ki.mI. dUra AvelA nAMdiyA gAmanI bahAra suMdara vanathI chavAyelA pahADonI vacce AveluM eka ati prAcIna tIrtha che. ahIM mULanAyaka zrImahAvIra bhagavAnanI sveta varNanI parikara sahita lagabhaga 210 se.mI. UMcI padamAsanastha pratimA maLe che. nAMdiyA gAmanuM prAcIna nAma nanTigrAma, nandivardhanapura, nadipura vagere maLe che. eka daMtakathA evI paNa che ke bhagavAna mahAvIranA moTAbhAi naMdIvardhane A gAma vasAveluM che. vaLI bIjI daMtakathA evI paNa che ke ahIMnI mUrti prabhu mahAvIra svAmInA samayanI che. A mUrti eTalI badhI tejasvI ane kalAtmaka che ke darzanArthIne ema ja lAge ke prabhu sAkSAta birAjelA che. A bAvana jinAlaya maMdiranI badhI ja mUrtionI kalAanupama che. tema ja lIlIchama vanarAjI ane pahADanI vacce A tIrthano zikhara samUha anupama zobhA dhAraNa kare che. A maMdirane nandIzvara caitya paNa kahevAmAM Ave che. rANakapura tIrthanA sarjaka zrI dharaNAzAha ane ratnAzAha A nagaranA nivAsI hatA. maMdiranA staMbho para vi.saM. 1130 thI 1210 sudhInA zilAlekho maLe che. vi.saM. 1201mAM Ano jIrNoddhAra karavAmAM Avyo tema ja e pachI paNa eno vakhatovakhata jIrNoddhAra thato rahyo che. sajajana roDa sTezanathI 58 mAila dUra AvelA A tIrtha uparAMta hAlamAM ahIM bIjuM koi maMdira nathI, paraMtu eka samaye A sthaLa jAhojalAlIthI bharapUra haze. tIrthanaMdanA 62 (1) sAMkaLIbahena cunIlAla dAmajI zeTha pAlitANA-ghATakoparA - (2) mahendrabhAI cunIlAla zeTha pAlitANA - ghATakopara - muMbaI | (3) a.sau. damayaMtI mahendrabhAI zeTha pAlitANA-ghATakopara (4) dIpeza mahendrabhAI zeTha pAlitANA - ghATakopara (5) mosamI mahendrabhAI zeTha pAlitANA - ghATakopara 137
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________________ 52 63. SHRI MAHAVIRA BHAGAVAN (sllHeidz 6401911) 138
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________________ 63. SHRI NANA TIRTHA (SHRI MAHAVIRA BHAGAVAN) This tirtha is situated in the heart of the Nana village, which is at a distance of 2.5 kms. from the railway station of the same name. Here, in the temple, we have the idol of MULANAYAKA Shri Mahavira Swami Bhagavan; white in complexion, almost 1.20 metres in height and in Padmasana posture. One trait of the tirtha is that it is believed to belong to the period as early as of the times of Prabhu Mahavira. Again, it is one of the five tirthas of Bamanvad. For this tirtha there is quite a right saying which means that the tirtha is very rich and as old as the times of Shri Mahavira. The art of the idol and impressiveness is unique in arched gate. The stone Patta of the ancient Nandishvara dvipa is extremely artistic. On it there is a carved writing of V.S. 1274. The idol of the time of Shri Mahavira Prabhu is referred to as ceremoniously installed by Shri Shantisurishvaraji on a Saturday, being the ninth day of the dark half of Maha V.S. 1505. The town Nana was gifted to Narayan Moota, a descendent of minister Tribhuvan by King Amarsinh Mayavira. Narayana gave, by way of a gift a water-wheel named Saharava for service and worship to the temple. At this time Acharya Shri Surasinji, an Acharya in the Upakesha Gaccha, was living. One writing is carved on the stone-inscription of the 7th day of the bright half of the Bhadrapada of V.S.1659, and this wheel is in the custody of the Jaina Sangha even to-day. 63. zrI nANA tIrtha (zrImahAvIra bhagavAna) bAmaNavADAthI 25 ki.mI. dUra ane nANA relave sTezanathI 2.5 ki.mI. dUra AvelA nANA gAmanI madhyamAM A tIrtha AveluM che. ahIM muLanAyaka zrImahAvIra svAmI bhagavAnanI zvetavarNanI lagabhaga 1.20 mITara UMcI padamAsanastha pratimA che. tIrthanI vizeSatA e che ke cheke prabhu mahAvIranA samayanuM A tIrtha mAnavAmAM Ave che. vaLI bAmaNavADA paMcatIrthInuM Aeka sthAna che. eka samaye samRddhithI chalochalaevA tIrtha vizeeka kahevata prasiddha che. 'nANA, dIyALA, nAnDiyA jIvita svAmI vAndiyA, eno artha e ja ke A tIrtha cheke prabhu mahAvIranA samaya jeTaluM prAcIna che. ahIM mULanAyaka bhagavAna mahAvIra svAmInI pratimAnI kalAane prabhAvakatAanerI che. pratimAnI AsapAsanA norAnI kalA paNa darzanIya che. vaLI ahIM prAcIna naMdIzvara dvIpano pASANapaGa kalAtmaka che. jenA para vi. saM. 1274no lekha kotarAyelo che. atyAre A sthaLe prabhu mAyarInA jIvanakALanI pratimA birAjamAna nathI, kAraNa ke hAlanI pratimA para vi. saM. 1505 mahA vada 9 zanivAre zrI zAMtisUrIzvara dvArA pratiSThA thayAno lekha maLe che. amarisaMha mAyAvIra rAjAe tribhuvana maMtrInA vaMzaja zrI nArAyaNa mULAne nANA gAma bheTa ApyuM hatuM nArAyaNeeka saharAva nAmanuM reMTa sevA-pujA mATe maMdirane bheTa ApyuM hatuM. A samaye upakezagIya AcArya zrI siMhasUrijI hayAta hatA. zilAlekha para vi.saM. 165 bhAdaravA suda sAtamano lekha utkIrNa che ane A reMTa paNa haju jaina saMghane ja AdhIna che. tIrthavaMdanA 63 (1) hiMmatalAla cunIlAla zeTha pAlitANA - ghATakopara (2) a.sau. indumatI hiMmatalAla zeTha pAlitANA - ghATakopara (3) rAje hiMmatalAla zeTha pAlitANA - ghATakopara (4) jasmIna hiMmatalAla zeTha pAlitANA - ghATakopara (5) jayeza hiMmatalAla zeTha pAlitANA - dhATakopara - amadAvAda 139
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________________ 64. SHRI MAHAVIRA BHAGAVAN (llheid2 401911) 140
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________________ 64. SHRI KORATA TIRTHA (SHRI MAHAVIRA BHAGAVAN) This tirtha is situated in a peaceful lovely forest on the outskirts of the Korata village that is at a distance of 8 kms. from Shivaganj. The idol over here is that of MULANAYAKA Shri Mahavir Bhagavan; about 135 cms. in height, white in complexion and in Padmasana posture. We get references in the scriptures which state that the ceremonious installation of the temple took place seventy years after the Nirvana of the last tirthankara Shri Bhagavan Mahavira at the auspicious hands of Shri Ratnaprabhasuriji on Thursday, being the fifth day of the bright half of the month of Maha. Shri Ratnaprabhasuriji, the person who established the Oswal family took to two forms by his miraculous lore and got the installation of two temples at Korata and Osia both at the same sacred moment. In the year V.S. 1081, poet Dhanapala of the court of king Bhoja, in his "Satyapuriya Shri Mahavirotsava", described the Korata tirtha. We come across a similar description of the tirtha in "Tirthamala' composed by the poet Meghagani in V.S. 1499. There is also a reference which states that in V.S. 1728, under the preaching of Shri Jayavijayaganj the tirtha was repaired and renovated in V.S. 1728 and with the breaking of the ancient idol another one of Shri Prabhu Mahavira was installed. When this idol was installed on the 15th day- PURNIMA- of Vaishakha in 1959 at the auspicious hands of Shri Vijayarajendrasurishvaraji Maharaj Saheb. We also come across references such as these in V.S. 1252, minister Nahada got temples such as "Nahadavasahi" etc. constructed. Korantaka Gaccha was raised in Korata town, once very prosperous, seventy years after the NIRVANA of Bhagavan Mahavira. The town also has an ancient temple of Shri Adinath Bhagavan. The art of some of the idols in the temple is exquisite. 64. zrI koraTA tIrtha (zrImahAvIra bhagavAna) zivagaMjathI 8 ki.mI. dUra AvelA koraTA gAmanI bahAra zAMtaane ramaNIya jaMgalanI vacce nIrthaAvyuM che. mULanAyaka zrImahAvIra bhagavAnanI zveta varNanI lagabhaga 135 se.mI. UMcI padamAsanastha pratimA che.A maMdiranI pratiSThApanA carama tIrthaM ka2 zrI bhagavAna mahAvIranA nirvANa pachI sittera varSa bAda zrI ratnaprabhasUrijInA zubha haste mahA suda 5ne guruvAranA divase thayAno ullekha zAstromAM maLe che. ozavALa vaMzanA saMsthApaka zrI ratnaprabhasUrijIe potAnI alaukika vidhAthI be rUpa dhAraNa karIne eka ja muhUrtamAM koraTAnA ane osiyAnAM maMdironI pratiSThApanA karAvI hatI. vi.saM. 1081mAM rAjA bhojanA kavi dhanapAle 'satyapurIya zrI mahAvIrotsAha'nAmanA stotramAM koraTA tIrthanuM varNana karyuM che. vi.saM. 1499mAM kavi medhagaNi dvArA racita 'tIrthamALA'mAMA nIrthanuM varNana maLe che. vi.saM. 1728mAM zrI jayavijayagaNinA upadezathI A tIrthano uddhAra thayAnuM tema ja prAcIna pratimA lupta thatAM prabhu mahAvIranI bIjI pratimAnI pratiSThA thayAno ullekha che.A pratimA paNa khaMDita thai javAthI vi.saM. 1959nA vaizAkha suda pUnamanA roja navI pratimAnI pratiSThA zrI vijayarAjendrasUrIjI ma.nA suhaste karavAmAM AvI hatI. vi.saM. 1252mAM nAhaDa maMtrI dvArA 'nAhaDavasahI'vagere aneka jaina maMdiro baMdhAvyAno ullekha maLe che. eka samaye bhAre jAhojalAlI dharAvatA koraTA nagaramAM vIra nirvANanA 70 varSa pachI koryaTaka gacchanI sthApanA thai hatI. A uparAMta A gAmamAM zrInAdinAtha bhagavAnanuM prAcIna maMdira che. e maMdiranI keTalIka prAcIna pratimAonI kalA paNa eTalI ja darzanIya che. LABALAR tIrthavaMdanA 64 (1) caitanA manojakumAra ramaNIkalAla zeTha - vAlA muMbaI (2) bhAnumatI jayasukhalAla tribhovanadAsa gAMdhI - dhATakopara (3) dozI talakacaMda durlabhadAsa (barmA) dAThA - bhAvanagara (4) zAha cunIlAla oghaDabhAI (ke.sI.zAha) - bhAvanagara (5) pArekha kAMtilAla ratilAla ha. caMdrakAntabhAI- parivAra - bhAvanagara 141
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________________ 65. SHRI PARSHVANATH BHAGAVAN (-) 142
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________________ 65. SHRI VARKANA TIRTHA (SHRI PARSHVANATH BHAGAVAN) The Varkana town is situated at a distance of 20 kms. from Falna station and 3 kms. from Rani station. The tirtha is in the heart of the town. This is considered to be one of the Tirthas in the Godavala Panchatirthas. The sculptural beauty of its peak is unrivalled. The temple over here has an idol of MULANAYAKA Shri Parshvanatha Bhagavan; white in complexion, some 30 cms. in height and in Padmasana posture. The town was very much prosperous in the ancient days and was known as Varakanakapur or Varakanakanagar. There were so many Jain temples over here. The tirtha was renovated, in the times of Maharana Kumbha, by the Shreshthis of Shrimalapur. It is believed that the idol of MULANAYAKA Shri Parshvanatha Bhagavan was installed here around V.S. 515. The idol is very attractive and conduces to the annihilation of sins. On one of the pillars of the nine Chokis over here we have a carved writing of V.S. 1211. A stone Inscription of V.S. 1686 is found outside the gate. It refers to the abolition of pilgrim tax by Rana Shri Jagatsinh of Mewad through the good offices of revered Acharya Shri Vijayadevasuri Maharaj. The tirtha is also referred to in the "Sakalatirtha-Stotra". Every year a fair is held here on the tenth day of the dark half of Magashirsha. No other Jaina temple is found in the town. 65. zrI varakANA tIrtha (zrIpArzvanAtha bhagavAna) phAlanA sTezanathI 20ki.mI.ane rAnI sTezanathI traNa ki.mI. dUra AvelA vAkANA gAmanI vacce A tIrtha AveluM che. A tIrtha goDavAla paMcatIrthomAMnuM eka tIrtha gaNAya che. enAM zikharo paranI kamanIya zilpakalA anupama sauMdarya dhAraNa kare che. mULanAyaka zrI pArzvanAtha bhagavAnanI sveta varNanI lagabhaga 30 se.mI.nI UMcAi dharAvatI padamAsanastha pratimA maLe che. prAcIna kALamAM atyaMta samRddha evuM A nagara varakanakapura ke varakanakanagara tarIke oLakhAtuM hatuM. ahIM aneka jinamaMdiro hatAM. mahArANA kuMbhAnA samayamAM zrImAlapuranA zreSThIoe Ano jIrNoddhAra karAvyo hato. mULanAyaka zrI pArzvanAtha bhagavAnanI pratimA vi.saM. 515 AsapAsa pratiSThita thayelI mAnavAmAM Ave che. A pratimA atyaMta manohara ane pApazAmaka che. ahIMnI navacokInA eka staMbha upara vi.saM. 1211no lekha utkIrNa che. vi.saM. 1686noeka zilAlekha daravAjAnI bahAra maLe che, jemAM pU.A. zrI vijayadevasUri ma. e mevADanA rANA zrI jagatasiMha pAsethI yAtrAkara mApha karAvyAno ullekha che. 'sakala tIrtha stotra'mAM paNa A tIrthano ullekha maLe che. vaLI ahIM prativarSa mAgazara vada 10nA divase meLo bharAya che. atyAre A gAmamAM anya bIjuM koi jinamaMdira jovA maLatuM nathI. che. nI tIrthavaMdanA- 65 (3) yazavaMta esa., ilAbena,rAjana,siddhArtha ha: narendra,varSA, gaurava (1) zAMtilAla giradharalAla ravAsA, vimaLAbahenanA cAturmAsa nimitte (4) pravINa esa. mIrAbahena - bIjala - malaya -mahuvA (2) ramezacaMdra zAMtilAla ha. kailAsa, abhaya, hirala, aMkita-mahuvA (5) jItendra esa. praviNA, rAju, nimeza, kejala-mahuvA 143
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________________ dhAneSTAvavAlA(AjasthAna) 2rthI zrI ANaMdajI kalyANajI peThIe denAthe bheTa 66. SHRI MAHAVIR BHAGAVAN (zrI mahAvIra bhagavAna) 144
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________________ 66. SHRI MUCHHALA MAHAVIR TIRTHA (SHRI MAHAVIR BHAGAVAN) Dhanerav is situated at a distance of 40 kms. from Falna railway station and 50 kms. from Rani station; it is at a distance of 21 kms. from Ranakpur and 12 kms. from Sadadi. Muchhala tirtha is at a distance of five kms. from Dhanerav. It is considered to be a very ancient tirtha, though this cannot be confirmed in the absence of any authentic Inscription. This is considered to be one of the tirthas in the Godwal Panchatirtha. This ancient charming temple gives rise to unique feelings of devotion in the heart. The pandals, pillars are artistically beautiful. Here we have an image of MULANAYAKA Shri Mahavira Bhagavan; it is white in complexion, some 120 cms. in height, and in Padmasana posture. The miracles of this tirtha are world-renowned. Here, the Maharana of Udaipur came once for DARSHAN. When he was applying TILAK on the forehead, he saw hairs in the bowl of Saffron. Maharana just laughed and remarked: "It seems that Shri Bhagavan has a moustache". The worshipper, deep in devotion to Shri Prabhu replied - 'Yes'!. The Maharana insisted to have darshan of Shri Prabhu with a moustache. He also insisted on having darshan of Shri Prabhu with a moustache and that he would stay there for three days. There were indeed clouds of calamity for the worshipper. He propitiated Shri Prabhu with his unstinted devotion and Shri Prabhu gave darshan to the Maharana with a moustache. The tirtha thereafter came to be known as Muchhala Mahavira tirtha. In this tirtha full of miracles, every year on the 13th day of the bright half of Chaitra, a fair is held. The last renovation of this tirtha took place in V.S. 2017 and once more in V.S. 2022. 66. zrI mUchALA mahAvIra tIrtha (zrImahAvIra bhagavAna) phAlanA relave sTezanathI 40 ki.mI. dUra ane rAnI sTezanathI 50ki.mI. dUra AveluM ghANerAva rANakapurathI 21 ki.mI. ane sAdaDIthI 12 ki.mI. dUra che. ghANerAva gAmathI 5 ki.mI. dUra AveluM zrI mUchALA mahAvIra tIrtha eka ati prAcIna tIrtha gaNAya che, joke koi zilAlekhanA abhAve tenI prAcInatA keTalI che tenuM mApa kADhavuM muzkela che. zrI goDavAla paMcatIrthImAMnuM A eka tIrtha manAya che. baMne bAju pahADothI gherAyeluM A prAcIna manorama maMdira hRdayamAM bhakitanA anerA bhAvo jagAve che. maMdiranA maMDapo, staMbho ane bhamati kalAsaudaryathI bharapUra che. ahIM mULanAyaka zrImahAvIra bhagavAnanI zveta varNanI lagabhaga 120 se.mI. UMcI padamAsanastha pratimA che. A tIrthano camatkAra paNa jagavikhyAta che. udayapuranA mahArANAeka vAra ahIM darzanArthe padhAryA hatA tyAre tilaka karatI vakhate emaNe kesaranI kaTorImAM vALa joyA. mahArANAe hasatAM hasatAM ema kahyuM ke bhagavAnane mUcho hoya ema lAge che. prabhubhakitamAM taraboLa hoya evA pUjArIe hA kahI eTale haThIlA mahArANAe mUchovALA bhagavAnanA darzana karavA haTha lIdhI. rANAe kahyuM ke e mUchovALA bhagavAna jovA mATe ahIM traNa divasano paDAva nAkhaze. pUjArIne mAthe AphatanAM vAdaLa umaTayAM. eNe ananya bhakitathI prabhune prasanna karyA. prabhue mUcho sAthe mahArANAne darzana ApyA, tethI A tIrthanuM nAma zrI mUchALA mahAvIra tIrtha paDyuM. Aje paNa camatkArika gaNAtA A tIrthamAM dara varSe caitra suda 13nA divase meLo bharAya che. A tIrthano aMtima jIrNoddhAra vi.saM. 2017mAM thayo ane vi.saM. 2022mAM enI puna: pratiSThA thai. tIrthavaMdanA 66 (3) ena. sUryakAnta eNnDa kuM, nA saujanyathI - bhAvanagara (1) a.sau. zrImatI hIrAbahena ratilAla giradharalAla zAha, cAvALA (4) a.sau. haMsAbahena, a.sau.kalAbahena,a.sau. bhAvanAbahena, (2) je. bI. grupa - bhAvanagara (5) kauzA,monA, lInA -bhAvanagara 145
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________________ Va TENA 67. SHRI ADISHVAR BHAGAVAN (2) 146
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________________ 67. SHRI RANAKPUR TIRTHA (SHRI ADISHVAR BHAGAVAN) The Ranakpur tirtha is situated in the lap of the Aravalli hill ranges near the Maghai river. It has acquired a unique co-ordination of the natural beauty and the man-made sculptural art. This tirtha has no equal as far as expanse is concerned. It is 313 feet in breadth and 290 feet in length. Still all facilities for air and light are provided in it, - a surprise indeed for the architects of the whole world. In the temple we have an idol of MULANAYAKA Shri Adishvara Bhagavan. It is white in complexion, about 180 cms, in height and in Padmasana posture, it is very much impressive. The temple, of the style of NALINIGULMA plane, was constructed by Dharanashah, who was very much religious and was inspired by revered Acharya Somasundara Maharaj. Nalinigulama plane means a plane of Svargaloka, beautiful in all its parts. Dipaji, the architect of Mundara village planned it. The construction of the temple started in V.S. 1446, it could not be completed in fifty years. However, Shreshthi Shri Dharanashah, considering his own old age performed the ceremonious installation of this temple in V.S. 1496, at the auspicious hands of revered Acharya Shri Somasundarasuriji in all gaiety. A vast town came into being in the vicinity of this temple Ranakpur by name. Later on the tirtha also came to be known by the same name. In V.S. 1499, there were some 3000 houses of Shravakas. We have references which state that the Meghanada pandal was constructed here and renovation took place. Under the sacred sermonizing of revered Acharya Shri Hirajivijayasuriji Maharaj, who had been famous as AKABARA PRATIBODHA (i.e. one who awakened the consciousness of the Jaina faith in Akbar by his sermons). This is the Chief tirtha of the five tirthas of Godawal in Rajasthan. The firm of Anandaji Kalyanji got it repaired and renovated in V.S. 2009. The temple is enriched by 84 shrines, 1444 pillars, four Meghanada pandals, five Merus, 32 arched gates, Sahashrakuta Ashtapadas, four festival-pandals, nine Bhumigruhas and 38 thousand idols. This great temple is therefore known as Trailokyadipakaprasada of Tribhuvanavihara. It was under the very much appealing inspiration of monarch of the Jaina faith Acharyashri Vijayanemisurishvaraji that the firm of Sheth Anandaji Kalyanaji repaired this tirtha constantly for eleven years, renovated it and made it worldrenowned. 67. zrI rANakapura tIrtha (zrIAdIzvara bhagavAna) nAnakaDI madhAi nadInI pAse ane aravallInI girimALAnI godamAM AvelA rANakapura tIrthamAM prakRtinuM svAbhAvika sauMdarya ane mAnavasarjita zilpakalAno adabhuta samaya thayo che. vistAranI bAbatamAM jaina tIrthomAM ajoDa evuM zrI rANakapura tIrtha 313 phUTa pahoLuM ane 290 phUTa lAMbuM che. ane tema chatAM temAM havA-ujAsanI je vyavasthA karavAmAM AvI che te dezavidezanA sthapatione Azcaryamugdha kare che. mULanAyaka zrI AdIzvara bhagavAnanI sveta varNanI lagabhaga 180 se.mI. UMcI padamAsanastha pratimA ati prabhAvaka che. pU.A. zrI somasuMdarasUri ma.nI preraNAthI dharmaparAyaNa dharaNAzAhe nalinI gulmavimAna zailInuM A derAsara banAvyuM che. nalinIgulmavimAna eTale svargalokanuM sarvAMgasuMdara vimAna. muMDArA gAmanA zilpI dIpAjIe AnI racanA karI. vi.saM. 1446mAM maMdiranuM nirmANakArya zarU thayuM pacAsa varSa pUrAM thavA chatAM te pUruM thai zakayuM nahIM, paraMtu zreSThI dharaNAzAhe potAnI vRdhdhAvasthA joine vi.saM. 1496mAM A gaganacuMbI maMdiranI pratiSThA pU. A. zrI somasuMdarasUrijI ma.nA hAthe harSollAsapUrvaka karAvI. A maMdiranI najIka eka virATa nagarInuM nirmANa thayuM, jene rANakapura kahetA ane e pachI enuM nAma rANakapura paDyuM. vi.saM. 1499mAM A gAmamAM zrAvakonAM traNa hajAra gharo vidhamAna hatAM. akabara pratibodhaka pU. A. zrI hIravijayasUrijI ma.nA sadupadezathI ahIM meghanAda maMDapa banAvyAnoane jIrNoddhAra karAvyAno ullekha maLe che. rAjasthAnanA goDavAla paMcatIrthI nA A mukhya tIrthano zrI ANaMdajI kalyANajInI peDhIe jIrNoddhAra karAvIne vi.saM. 2009mAM puna: pratiSThA karAvI. 84 devakulikAo, 1444 staMbho, suMdara toraNa, cAra meghanAda maMDapa, pAMca meru, 32 toraNa, sahastrakUTa aSTApada, cAra raMgamaMDapa, nava bhUmigRha ane 38 hajAra pratimAothI vibhUSita A mahAmaMdirane railokya dIpaka-prAsAda ke tribhuvana vihArane nAme oLakhavAmAM Ave che. zAsanasamrATa A. zrI vijayanemisUrIzvarajI ma.nI atyaMta bhAvavAhI preraNAne pariNAme zeTha ANaMdajI kalyANajInI peDhIe satata agiyAra varSa sudhI AnuM jIrNoddhAranuM kAma karIne A tIrthane jagavikhyAta karyuM. tIrthavaMdanA.67 . (2) caMcaLabahena gIradharalAla zAha, dalAbhAI ThAra, monIka (1) pa.pU.A. zrI vijaya dharma dhuraMdhara sUrIzvarajI ma.sA.nA AzIrvAdathI (3) nIkata -nidhi - bhAvanagara saMtokabahena giradharalAla rUganAtha bhAvanagara, je, bI grupa cAvALA (4) je, bI. grupa bhAvanagara 147
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________________ 68. SHRI RATA MAHAVIRA BHAGAVAN (slandi Heidlz colant) 150
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________________ 68. SHRI HATHUNDI TIRTHA (SHRI RATA MAHAVIRA BHAGAVAN) The Hathundi Tirtha in the Aravalli hills, is situated at a distance of 32 kms. from the Ranakpur tirtha, 28 kms. from Falna and 20 kms. from the Javaibandha railway station. Here in the temple is installed an idol of MULANAYAKA Shri Mahavira Bhagavan. It is red-coral in complexion, 13.5 cms. in height and in Padmasana posture. This city, which was once the capital of Rashtrakutas, has two names-Hastikundi and Hastitundi. Hastitundi means mouth of an elephant. Here, below the idol of MULANAYAKA Shri Rata Mahavira Swami, there is a mark of an ASHTAPADA lion with the face of an elephant. Probably the city derived its name Hastatundi from this. From the point of view of art the idol of Prabhu Mahavira has a typical status. Such a mark is not seen on any other idol. The same idol of the fourth century is there today. There is a reference which states that the temple was got constructed in V.S. 370 by Shri Viradeva Shreshthis under the inspiration of revered Acharya Shri Siddhasuriji. Thereafter, in V.S. 973, Vidagdha, the son of king Harivardhana embraced the Jaina faith, got it repaired and renovated and once more got it ceremoniously installed. The descendents of king Vidagdha were followers of Jainism, and are stated to have looked after its spread and enrichment. There is yet another reference that idol of Shri Adinatha Bhagavan was ceremoniously installed at the auspicious hands of revered Shri Shantyacharyaji Maharaj in V.S. 1053. It is also learnt that the town got the name Hathundi in V.S. 1345. The last repairs and renovation of the tirtha took place in V.S. 2006 at the auspicious hands of the lion of Punjab, revered Acharya Shri Vijayavallabhasurishvaraji in an atmosphere of all gaiety and joy. 68. zrI dhunDI tIrtha (zrIrAtanA mahAvIra bhagavAna) aravallInI TekarIomAM AveluM A hathunDI tIrtha rANakapura tIrthathI 32 ki.mI., phAlanAthI 28 ki.mI.ane javAibaMdha relave sTezanathI 20ki.mI. dUra AveluM che. ahIM mULanAyaka zrImahAvIra bhagavAnanI rakatapravAla varNanI 135 se.mI. UMcI padamAsanastha pratimA maLe che. rASTrakUTonI rAjadhAnI rahI cUkelI A nagarInAM be nAma maLe che ane te che hastikuMDI tathA hastituMDI. hastituMDIno artha che hAthInuM mukha ane ahIM mULanAyaka zrIrAtA mahAvIra svAmInI pratimAnI nIce aSTApada siMhanuM (jenuM mukha rAjAnuM hoya) lAMchana che tethI A nagaranuM nAma hastituMDI paDayuM haze. AvuM lAMchana anya koi pratimA para jovA maLatuM nathI. Aje e ja cothI zatAbdInI prAcIna pratimA vidhamAna che. A maMdiranuM nirmANa vi.saM. 370mAM pU. A. zrI siddhasUrijInI preraNAthI zrI vIradeva zreSThI dvArA thayAno ullekha maLe che. e pachI vi.saM. 973mAM rAjA harivardhananA putra vidagdha rAjAe jaina dharmano aMgIkAra karyo ane A maMdirano jIrNoddhAra karIne tenI pratiSThA karAvI hatI. vidagdha rAjAnA vaMzaja rAjAo jaina dharmanAanuyAyIo hovAthI temaNe paNa dharmaprasAranuM kArya karyAnI noMdha maLe che. vi.saM. 1053mAM pU. zrI zAntyAcArya meM.nA surane AdinAtha bhagavAnanI pratimA pratiSThita thayAno ullekha che. lagabhaga 1345mAM A gAmanuM nAma hathunDI paDayuM tevo ullekha che. Ano chello jIrNodvAra vi.saM. 2006mAM paMjAbakesarI pU.A. zrImada vijayavallabhasUrIzvarajI ma.nA sutane ghaNAM ja ullAsamaya vAtAvaraNamAM thayo hato. nIcaMvaMdanA 68 (1) zAha vallabhadAsa gulAbacaMda taLAjA - bhAvanagara (2) zAha jagubhAI vallabhadAsa taLAjA - bhAvanagara (3) zAha dIpikAbahena jagubhAI taLAjA - bhAvanagara (4) zAha guNavaMta jayaMtilAla kuMvarajI bhAvanagara (5) zAha caMdrAbahena IzvaralAla mANekacaMda dhodhAvALA 151
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________________ 69. SHRI FALAVRUDDHI PARSHVANATH BHAGAVAN (sllsuglom 41ed-1141 6401911) 152
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________________ 69. SHRI FALAUDHI TIRTHA (SHRI FALAVRUDDHI PARSHVANATH BHAGAVAN) This tirtha is situated in the heart of the Falaudhi town that is at a distance of 1 km. from the Medata station of Rajasthan. Here we have in the temple the idol of MULANAYAKA Shri Falavruddhi Parshvanath Bhagavan. It is some 105 cms. in height, black in complexion and in Padmasana posture. This ancient idol is rich in miracles, very much charming to view and salutation in all feelings leads to fruition of all desires. The idol is made of sand and earth. This is a tritha of importance and glory amongst the tirthas in Rajasthan. In the 14th century Shri Jinaprabhasurishvaraji states in his work "Vividha Tirtha-Kalpa' that the darshan at this tirtha yields to the devotee, the reward of visit and darshan in 68 tirthas. It is also recorded here that the presiding deity gave due indication in a dream to Shri Dhandhal Shreshthi. On inquiry and digging at the spot indicated, a miraculous idol of Shri Parshvanath with seven fangs was unearthed. He commenced the construction of the temple, all difficulties came to an end thanks to the presiding deity. A second ceremonious installation took place through the sermonizing of revered Acharya Shri Dharmaghoshasurishvaraji to the local Sangha in V.S. 1181. A fair is held here every year on the 10th day of the dark half of Margashirsha and Bhadrapada. Thousands of men and women propitiate Shri Prabhu in all faith and devotion. The artistry of the BHAVA-PATTA and other PATTAS of Shri Parshvanath Bhagavan and Mahavira Bhagavan is really fine to view. We get details of renovations from time to time of the tirtha in so many works. Just in the vicinity of this temple there are two other ancient temples, with Parshvanath Bhagavan in one and Shantinath Bhagavan in the other. The festival-pandal over here is simply majestic. 69. zrI phalaudhI tIrtha (zrIphaLavRddhi pArzvanAtha bhagavAna) rAjasthAnanA meDatA roDa sTezanathI 1 ki.mI. dUra AvelA phalAvI gAmamAM A tIrtha AveluM che. ahIM mULanAyaka zrIphaLavRddhi pArzvanAtha bhagavAnanI lagabhaga 105 se.mI. UMcI zyAma varNanI padamAsanastha pratimA che. A prAcIna camatkArika prabhu pratimAatyaMta suMdara che tema ja ene bhAvapUrvaka vaMdana karavAthI bhAvanAo phaLIbhUta thAya che. bhagavAnanI pratimA retI ane mATInI banelI che. rAjasthAnanAM prAcIna tIrthomAM A eka mahimAvaMtu tIrtha che. 14mI sadImAM zrI jinaprabhasUrIzvarajIe 'vividha tIrthakalpa'mAM noMdhyuM che ke A nIrthanuM darzana karavAthI 68 tIrthono lAbha maLe che.AmAM ema paNa lakhyuM che ke ahIMnA zrI popala zreSThIne svapnamAM adhiSThAyaka deve saMketa Apyo. saMketanA sthaLe tapAsa karatAM devAdhideva pArzvanAtha bhagavAnanI saptarUNI camatkArika pratimA prApta thai. emaNe maMdiranA nirmANanuM kArya zarU karyuM, emAM AvelI murazkelIo paNaadhiSThAyaka devane kAraNe ochI thai. vi.saM. 1181mAM pU.A.zrI dharmaghoSasUrIzvarajIeahIMnA zrI saMghane upadeza ApIne puna: pratiSThA karAvI. ahIM dara varSe bhAdaravA vada 10nA divase meLo bharAya che ane hajAro nara-nArIo zradhdhApUrvaka zrIphaLavRdhdhi pArzvanAthanI ArAdhanA kare che. ahIM pArzvanAtha bhagavAna ane mahAvIra bhagavAnanA bhava-paTTa tathA anya paTTonI kalAtmakatA darzanIya che.aneka graMthomAM AnA vakhatovakhata thayelA jIrNodhdhAranI vigata maLe che. atyAre A maMdiranI najIka ja be prAcIna maMdira che. ekamAM bhagavAna pArzvanAtha ane bIjAmAM bhagavAna zAMtinAtha che. eno raMgamaMDapa paNa bhavya che. tIrthavaMdanA 69 (3) kuMdana kirITabhAI dozI, DImpI, aditI, dIpa (chApAvALA) (1) prabhAbahena jeThAlAla durlabhadAsa dozI (chApAvALA) mahuvA-muMbaI (4) sonala harSadabhAI jeThAlAla dozI, niyati(chApAvALA) mahuvA (2) kirITabhAI jeThAlAla dozI (chApAvALA) mahuvA-muMbaI (5) pradIpa jeTAlAla dozI (chApAvALA) - muMbaI 153
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________________ eob Be 70. SHRI MAHAVIR BHAGAVAN (sile meoriweeo) 154
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________________ 70. SHRI SVARNAGIRI TIRTHA (SHRI MAHAVIR BHAGAVAN) This tirtha is situated in the Jalore fort on the Svarnagiri mountain near the city of Jalore in Rajasthan. Here we have the idol of MULANAYAKA Shri Mahavira Bhagavan. It is white in complexion, about 1000 cms. in height and in Padmasana posture. The religious pursuits of Jaina kings, ministers and Shreshthis from the second century of the Vikrama era to the eighteenth century are famous in the world. At a height of about 1200 feet from the sea level, there is the fort in the inner castle of which we have the temple in all its charm and magninimity, which is delighting. The idols all-around and ruins betray the great prosperity of the past. The city was known as Svarna-giri or Kanakachala-in ancient times. There was a time when there were several multi-millionaires here. We have a reference to state that the Mahavira-Jina palace was constructed in the time of king Nahada between V.S. 126 to 135. The tirtha is also referred to in the "Vicharashreni" composed by Shri Merutungasuri and in the "Ashtottari Tirthamala" of Mahendrasurishvaraji, composed in the 13th century. There is also a reference which states that the temple of Shri Parshvanath Bhagavan was ceremoniously inaugurated by king Kumarapal in V.S. 1221. Later installations are also reffered to. We also have a note which states that the renovation of the temple of Bhagavan Mahavira was undertaken and brought about by the minister Shri Jayamalji at the auspicious hands of revered Acharya Shri Jayasagaraganiji in V.S. 1681. The last renovation of the tirtha took place at the instance and under the sermonizing of revered Shri Vijayarajendrasuriji Maharaja. Besides this, in the fort on the mountain Svarnagiri there are four other temples while in the valley in Jalore, there are twelve other temples. - 70. zrI svarNagiri tIrtha (zrImahAvIra bhagavAna) rAjasthAnanA jAlora zaheranI najIka svarNagiri parvata para AvelA jAlora durgamAM A tIrtha AveluM che. ahIM mULanAyaka zrImahAvIra svAmI bhagavAnanI zveta varNanI lagabhaga 100 se.mI. UMcI padamAsanastha pratimA maLe che. vikramanI bIjI zatAbdIthI lagabhaga 18mI zatAbdI sudhI ahIMnA jaina rAjAo, maMtrIo ane zreSThIoe karelAM dhArmika kAryo lokavikhyAta che. samudranI sapATIthI lagabhaga 12 phUTa UMce AvelA killAnA pari koTamAM maMdiranuM drazya atyaMta sohAmaNuM ane AhalAdaka lAge che. AsapAsanI pratimAo ane bhagna avazeSo enA bhUtakALanI jAhojalAlInuM darzana karAve che. prAcIna samayamAM A nagara svarNagiri ke kanakAcalanA nAmathI prasiddha hatuM. eka samaye ahIM aneka karoDapati zrAvako rahetA hatA. ahIMnuM zrI mahAvIra jinaprasAda zrI nAhaDa rAjAnA samayamAM vi.saM. 126 thI 135 daramiyAna thayAno ullekha maLe che. zrI merutuMgasUri viracita 'vicAra zreNI'tathA 13mI sadImAM zrI mahendrasUrIzvarajI racita 'aSTottarI tIrthamALAmAM Ano ullekha maLI Ave che. vi.saM. 1221mAM kumArapALa rAjA dvArA zrI pArzvanAtha bhagavAnanA maMdiranI pratiSThAno ullekha maLe che. e pachI thayelI pratiSThAonA ullekho paNa sAMpaDe che. bhagavAna mahAvIranA maMdirano jIrNoddhAra maMtrIzrI jayamalajI dvArA pU. A.zrI jayasAgaragaNijInA suhaste vi.saM. 1681mAM ma.nA upadezathI thayo hato. A sivAya svarNagiri parvatanA killAmAM cAra maMdiro ane enI taLeTI jAloramAM bAra maMdiro maLe che. tIrthanaMdanA 70 (1) kAMtilAla mohanalAla zAha parivAra ghoghAvALA - muMbaI (2) vimaLAbahena kAMtilAla zAha ghoghAvALA - muMbaI (3) maMjulA kAMtilAla zAha dhodhAvALA - muMbaI (4) urmilAbahena bharatabhAI kAMtilAla zAha dhovAvALA - muMbaI (5) haMsAbahena caMdrakAntabhAI kAMtilAla zAha ghoghAvALA - muMbaI 155
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________________ 71. SHRI SVAYAMBHU PARSHVANATH BHAGAVAN (allzquicy uled-114 0401911) 156
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________________ 71. SHRI KAPARADA TIRTHA (SHRI SVAYAMBHU PARSHVANATH BHAGAVAN) The town of Kaparoda is situated at a distance of 50 Kms. from Jodhpur and eight kms. from Siladi Railway station. In this town we have a tirtha of four storeys and 95 feet in height. Here in the temple, we have the idol of MULANAYAKA Shri Svayambhu Parshvanath Bhagavan. It is of snuff-colour, some 55 cms. in height and in Padmasana posture. This idol came out from the grounds of the deep thickest of babul trees adjoining the Kaparada village on the sacred birth-day of Shri Parshvanath Prabhu in V.S. 1674, i.e., on the tenth day of the dark half of the month of Margashirsha. The idol was installed once more in the temple with a magnanimous religious festival at the sacred hands of Acharya Shri Jinachandrasurishvaraji in the presence of Shri Gajasimha, the king of Jodhpur on the Purnima day of Vaishakha in V.S. 1678. The temple was newly constructed by Shri Bhanaji Bhandari. A time came later when devotees started calling this Shri Prabhu as Svayambhu Parshvanatha. Through the adverse effects of time, slowly this tirtha met deterioration. Then it was that the emperor of the Jaina order, the great elevator of tirthas came here and he inspired people for repairs to and renovation of the temple. Following the fervent appeal and deep feelings of the Acharya, Shravakas arranged for the renovation of the temple. On the Vasanta Panchami day of V.S. 1975, the re-installation took place at his auspicious hands. Amichand Gulabchand, the Shreshthi from Paladi spent a big amount in the festival. Other 15 idols were installed at the time. The art of the four storeys is very lovely indeed. The peak which is about 95 feet high is visible from a distance of about 8 kms. One peculiar trait of the peak is the Chowmukhiji in the four storeys. 1. zrI kAparaDA tIrtha (zrIsvayaMbhU pArzvanAtha bhagavAna) jodhapurathI 50 ki.mI. dUra ane silAI relave sTezanathITha ki.mI. dUra kAparaDA gAmamAM AveluM A cAra mALavALuM 95 phUTa UMcuM tIrtha enI bhavyatAthI aneruM che. ahIM mULanAyaka zrI svayaMbhU pArzvanAtha bhagavAnanI chIMkaNI raMganI lagabhaga 55 se.mI. UMcI padamAsanastha pratimA che. kAparaDA gAmanI najIka bAvaLanI gIca jhADInI jamInamAMthI A pratimA vi.saM. 1674mAM prArzvanAtha prabhunA janmakalyANaka divase arthAta mAgazara vada 10nA roja pragaTa thai. jedhapuranareza zrI gajasiMhanI upasthitimAM A. zrI jinacaMdrasUrIzvarajInA haste zrI bhANA bhaMDArI dvArA navanirmita maMdiramAM vi. saM. 1678nA vaizAkhI pUrNimAnA divase virATa mahotsava sAthe enI puna: pratiSThA karavAmAM AvI. bhakatajano A prabhune zrIsvayaMbhU pArzvanAtha kahevA lAgyA. kALanA sapATAmAM tIrtha pIre dhIre latimasta banyuM hatuM, paraMtu tIrtho dvAraka zAsanasamATa zrI nemisUrIzvarajI ma.sA.ahIM padhAryAane emaNe maMdiranA jIrNoddhAranI preraNA ApI. AcAryazrInI bhAvanA anusAra zrAvakIe A maMdirano jIrNoddhAra karAvyo. vi.saM. 1975nA vasaMtapaMcamInA divase teonA haste enI puna: pratiSThA thai. pAlaDIvALA zreSThI amIcaMda gulAbacaMde A utsavamAM sArI evo kharca karyo. A pratiSThA samaye bIjI paMdara pratimAjIne paNa birAjamAna karavAmAM AvI. zikharanA cAra mALanI kalAati ramaNIya che. lagabhaga 5 phUTa UMcuM A zikhara ATha ki.mI.nA aMtarethI paNa dekhAya che. jema zikharanI nirmANakA anya zikharothI viziSTa che, e ja rIte zikharanA cAra mALamAM caumukhI birAjamAna che e paNa enI vizeSatA kahevAya. tIrthavaMdanA 71 (1) suracaMdabhAI pAnAcaMda jhaverI - surata (2) jasavaMtabhAI pAnAcaMda jhaverI - surata (3) pratAcaMda pAnAcaMda jhaverI - surata (4) darcanIbena pratApaMcaMda jhaverI - surata (5) bhAratIbahena suracaMdabhAI jhaverI - surata 157
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________________ 9700 72. SHRI NAKODA PARSHVANATH BHAGAVAN (all nesist uued 14 Flolan) 158
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________________ 72. THE NAKODA TIRTHA (SHRI NAKODA PARSHVANATH BHAGAVAN) This sacred tirtha is at a distance of 10 kms. from Balotara Railway station and one km. from Mewad city. It is situated in the forest in the hills. In this tirtha with a charming natural atmosphere all-around, we have an idol of MULANAYAKA Shri Parshvanath Bhagavan. It is black in complexion, 58 cms. in height and in Padmasana posture. The idol is extremely charming and miraculous. The miracles of the presiding deity of this spot, Shri Bhairavaji Maharaj are well-known. We have a reference which states that the ancient name of Nakoda was Virampur. It is said that in the third century before the Vikrama era, two brothers, Shri Virasen and Shri Nakoresen raised two villages Virampur and Nakorenagar at a distance of twenty miles. They also got constructed two temples of Shri Chandraprabha Bhagavan and Shri Suparshva Bhagavan. The ceremonious installation was performed at the auspicious hands of revered Acharya Shri Sthulabhadra Swamiji; a peculiarity indeed! So many powerful Acharyas and kings came for pilgrimage now and again to this tirtha and undertook renovation whenever found necessary. The temple suffered partial demolition at the hands of muslim invasions. In V.S. 1429, it was that the ceremonious installation took place. In V.S. 1511, when the renovation took place, the presiding god with all his prowess Shri Bhairavadeva was installed. Details of renovations in V.S. 1564, 1638 and 1865 are available. Renovations have continued to take place even later. Every year a big fair is held on the 10th day of the dark half of Margashirsha. On the same temple-complex since 16th or 17th century, we find that temples of Shri Adishvar Bhagavan and Shri Shantinath Bhagavan have sprung up. 72. zrI nAkoDA tIrtha (zrInAkoDA pArzvanAtha bhagavAna) A pavitra tIrthadhAma bAlotarA relave sTezanathI 10 ki.mI. dUra ane mevADanagarathI eka ki.mI. dUra jaMgalamAM parvatonI vacce AveluM che. atyaMta ramaNIya prAkRtika vAtAravaNa dharAvatA A tIrthamAM mULanAyaka zrI pArzvanAtha bhagavAnanI zyAma varNanI 58 se.mI. UMcI padamAsanastha pratimA maLe che. pArzvaprabhunI A prAcIna pratimA atyaMta manorama ane camatkArika che. ahIMnA adhiSThAyaka deva zrI bhairavajI mahArAjanA camatkAro paNa sarvatravikhyAta che. nAkoDAnuM prAcIna nAma vIramapura hovAno ullekha maLe che. ema kahevAya che ke vikramanI pUrve trIjI sadImAM zrI vIrasena ane zrI nAkorasena nAmanA be bhAioe vIsa mAilanA aMtare vIramapura ane nAkoranagara gAma vasAvyAM ane temAM anukrame zrIcaMdraprabha bhagavAna ane zrI supArzva bhagavAnanA maMdiranuM nirmANa karAvyuM. pa.pU. A. zrI sthUlibhadrasvAmIjInA suhaste enI pratiSThA karAvI ane te A tIrthanI eka vizeSatA gaNAya. ane samartha AcAryo ane rAjavIoe vakhatovakhata A tIrthanI yAtrA karI ane jarUra jaNAi tyAre jIrNoddhAra karAvyAno ullekha paNa maLe che. e pachI musalamAnonA AkramaNone kAraNe A maMdirane ghaNI kSati pahoMcI. vi.saM. 1429mAM enI pharI pratiSThA karavAmAM AvI. vi.saM. 1511nA jIrNoddhAra samaye pragaTa prabhAvI adhiSThAyaka deva zrI bhairavajInI sthApanA karavAmAM AvI. vi.saM. 1564, vi.saM. 1638mAM A tIrthanA jIrNoddhAranI vigata maLe che, e pachI paNa vakhatovakhata Avazyaka jIrNoddhAra thatA rahyA che. A ja maMdiramAM lagabhaga 16mI-17mI sadInA zrIAdIzvara bhagavAna ane zrI zAMtinAtha bhagavAnanAM maMdiro paNa AvelA che, tIrthanaMdanA 72 (3) ha, rAjendra dalIcaMda zAha a.sau.mInA rAjendra zAha - surata (1) pU. pitAzrI sva. zAha dalIcaMda devacaMdanA AtmazreyArthe - surata (4) ci. sAMgara, sapanA rAjendra zAha bIlImorA - surata (2) pU. mAtuzrI gaM. sva. zAntAbahena dalIcaMdanI preraNAthI (5) rAjendra dalIcaMda zAha parivAra - bIlImorA 159
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________________ 73. SHRI MAHAVIR BHAGAVAN (1) 160
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________________ 73. SHRI SACHORE TIRTHA (SHRI MAHAVIR BHAGAVAN) Bus facility is available from Jalore, Bhinnamal, Badmer, Jodhpur as also Sirohi for going to Shri Sachore (Satyapur) tirtha which is at a distance of 48 kms. from Ranivada Railway station in Rajasthan. In the heart of the town is installed in the temple an idol of MULANAYAKA Shri Mahavir Swami Bhagavan. It is white in complexion and is really miraculous. It is ancient and is therefore greater in importance, referred to as it is in the "Jagachintamani stotra" composed by Gautamaswami and belongs to the times of Shri Mahavira Swami. The idol of Mulanayaka Bhagavan Shri Mahavira Swami is extremely captivating and gets us lost in devotional feelings. It is renowned by the name of Jivantaswami. There was a time when the tirtha was gorgeous and rich and prosperous with as many as 130 Jina temples. With the passing of time to-day, there are just six Jina temples. The ancient name of the town was Satyapur or Satyapuri. This is again the birth-place of the great poet Upadhyaya Shri Samayasundara Maharaj. The "Vividha Tirtha Kalpa" written in the 14th century by revered Shri Jinaprabhasuri states that around V.S. 130, Shri Nahada Raja constructed a sky-scraping temple and got installed in it a gold-idol of Bhagavan Mahavir Swami. In the 13th century of the Vikrama era, a king of Kanoj is stated to have got constructed a wooden temple of Bhagavan Mahavir. In the present days, we find here a mosque which was a Jain temple in the old days. It is said that we come here across a stone which states that in the year V.S. 1322, on the 13th day of the dark half of Vaishakh, Bhandari Shri Chhada Sheth got the temple of Mahavir Bhagavan repaired and renovated. The gold-idol that Allauddin Khilji took to Delhi is not traceable. The last renovation of the temple took place in V.S. 1963. 73. zrI sAcora tIrtha (zrImahAvIra bhagavAna) rAjasthAnanA rANIvADA relave sTezanathI 48 ki.mI. dUra AvelA zrI sAcora (satyapura) tIrtha javA mATe jAlora, bhinnamAla, bADamera, jodhapura tema ja zirohIthI basanI sagavaDa che. sAcora gAmanI madhyamAM mULanAyaka zrImahAvIra svAmI bhagavAnanI zveta varNanI camatkArika pratimA birAjamAna che. bhagavAna zrImahAvIra svAmInA samayanuM A tIrtha hovAthI tema ja gautamasvAmIe racelA jagaciMtAmaNi stotramAM A tIrthanuM varNana hovAthI enI prAcInatA ane eno mahimA vizeSa che. mULanAyaka bhagavAna zrImahAvIra svAmInI pratimA khUba ja manohara ane bhAvavibhora kare tevI che. e jIvaMtasvAmInA nAmathI paNa prasiddha che. eka samaye A tIrtha bhavya jAhojalAlI dharAvatuM hatuM ane 130 jeTalAM jinAlayothI suzobhita hatuM. samayanA parivartananI sAthosAtha Aje ahIM mAtra cha jinAlaya maLe che. A nagaranuM prAcIna nAma satyapura ke satyapurI hatuM. vaLI A nagara kavivarya upAdhyAya zrI samayasuMdara ma.nI janmabhUmi paNa che. 14mI sadImAM 5, zrI jinaprabhasUrijIe racelAM 'vividha tIrtha kalpa'mAM evo ullekha che ke parAkramI zrI nAhaDa rAjAe vi.saM. 130nI AsapAsa gaganacuMbI maMdiranuM nirmANa karIne bhagavAna mahAvIra svAmInI suvarNamayI pratimAnI pratiSThA karAvI hatI. vikramanI 13mI sadImAM kanojanA rAjA dvArA bhagavAna mahAvIranuM maMdira kASThanuM baMdhAvyAno ullekha che. ahIMyAM vartamAnamAM je masjida che te prAcInakALamAM jaina maMdira hatuM. ema kahevAya che ke enA jUnA paththara paranA zilAlekhomAM vi.saM. 1322 vaizAkha vada 13nA divase bhaMDArI zrI chADA zeTha dvArA mahAvIra bhagavAnanA maMdirano jIrNoddhAra karAvyAno lekha maLe che. allAudIna khilajI je suvarNamayI pratimA dilhI lai gayo hato tenI bhALa maLatI nathI. A maMdira no aMtima jIrNo dvAra vi.saM. 1963mAM thayo hato. tIrthavaMdanA 73 (3) caMdrAbahena kirITabhAI dezI - amadAvAda (1) sva. kAMtAbahena bAbulAla cImanalAla dozI parivAra - amadAvAda (4) pautra DaoN, sephala, kirITabhAI dozI (ema.DI.) - amadAvAda (2) kirITabhAI bAbulAla dozI - amadAvAda (5) pautrI sonA kirITabhAI dozI - amadAvAda 161
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________________ SOVI COR 74. SHRI MAHAVIR BHAGAVAN (llholdlz 2401914) 162
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________________ 74. SHRI OSIA TIRTHA (SHRI MAHAVIR BHAGAVAN) This tirtha, situated at a distance of 65 kms, both from Jodhpur and Falodi, is on the high way between Jodhpur and Falodi. The magnanimous history of this tirtha is associated with the origin of Oswals. This tirtha is world-renowned as regards Dharma, art and history. In the Veera Samvat 70, the seventh Pattadhara in the line of Bhagavan Parshvanatha, revered Acharya Shri Ratnaprabhasurishvaraji had come here with 500 pupils. He sermonized king Upaladeva, Minister Uhada and many other Rajputs and got them converted to the Jaina faith. This Jaina temple of Shri Mahavira was got constructed by king Upaladeva and the installation ceremony was performed by Acharya Shri Ratnaprabhasuriji. This majestic idol is got constructed by king Samprati. When the minister Uhada raised the Osia city, the idol revealed itself from the underground. There is a reference which says that in V.S. 1017, the temple was reconstructed and the idol of Shri Mahavir Bhagavan was ceremoniously installed in it. For each member of the Oswal society, this is the glorious spot that is place of their origin. In the temple of Shri Mahavira, there is the miraculous idol of Shri Adhishthayaka snake and famous by the name of Shri Puniyababa. The idol of MULANAYAKA Shri Mahavir Bhagavan is some 80 cms. in height, of golden colour and in Padmasana posture. The temple of Bhagavan Mahavira and other temples are famous for their majesty, artistry and architectural beauty. The pillars of the festival pandal, the sceneries on the walls and the religious incidents depicted on the outskirts are very much full of life and the artistry of the Bhamati is extremely attractive. 74. zrI osiyA tIrtha (zrImahAvIra bhagavAna) jodhapura-lodhi mukhya saDaka mArga para AveluM A tIrtha jodhapura tema ja phalodIthI 65 ki.mI. dUra che. osavALonI utpatti sAthe A bhavya tIrthano itihAsa joDAyelo che. dharma, kalA ane itihAsa ema traNeya rIte prasiddha A tIrtha vizvavikhyAta che. vIra saMvata 70mAM bhagavAna pArzvanAthanI paraMparAnA sAtamA paTTadhara pU.A. zrI ratnaprabhasUrIzvarajI 500 ziSyo sAthe ahIM padhAryA hatA. ane rAjA upaladeva, maMtrI uhaDaane aneka rajapUtone dharmopadeza ApIne jainadharmI banAvyA hatA. A mahAvIra jinAlaya rAjA upaladeve baMdhAvyuM ane A. zrI ratnaprabhasUrijI ma. tenI pratiSThA karI. A bhavya pratimA rAjA sammati dvArA nirmita che, uhaDa maMtrIe jayAre osiyAnagara baMdhAvyuM tyAre bhUgarbhamAMthI A pratimA pragaTa thaI hatI. maMdiranuM puna: nirmANa karIne vi.saM. 1017mAM zrImahAvIra bhagavAnanI pratimA pratiSThita karAvyAno ullekha maLe che. osavAla samAja nI pratyeka vyakitane mATe potAnA udabhavanI A mahimAvaMtI bhUmi che. zrI mahAvIra jinAlayamAM zrI puniyAbAbAnA nAmathI prakhyAta camatkArika zrI adhiSThAyaka devanI pratimA nAga-nAgaNInA rU5mAM birAjamAna che. mULanAyaka zrImahAvIra bhagavAnanI lagabhaga 80 se.mI. UMcI suvarNa varNanI padamAsanastha pratimA che. to ahIMnuM bhagavAna mahAvIranuM maMdira ane anya maMdiro enI bhavyatA, kalAtmakatA, ane zilpasauMdaryane lIdhe jANItAM che. raMgamaMDapanA staMbho, dIvAlo, gharanAM drazyo tathA raMgamaMDapanI bahAra AlekhAyelA prasaMgo atyaMta sajIva che to maMdiranI bhamatImAM AvelA toraNanI kArIgarI atyaMta AkarSaka che. tIrthanaMdanA 74 (3) caMdrAbahena kirITabhAI dezI - amadAvAda (1) sva. kAMtAbahena bAbulAla cImanalAla dozI parivAra - amadAvAda (4) pautra DaoN, sephala, kirITabhAI dozI (ema.DI.) - amadAvAda (2) kirITabhAI bAbulAla dozI - amadAvAda . (5) pautrI sonA kirITabhAI dozI - amadAvAda 163
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________________ C OURSE WA MARUDIN 1020 75. SHRI SAHASRAFANA CHINTAMANI PARSHVANATH BHAGAVAN. (zrIsahastraphaNA ciMtAmaNi pArzvanAtha bhagavAna) 164
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________________ 75. SHRI LODRAVA TIRTHA (SHRI SAHASRAFANA CHINTAMANI PARSHVANATH BHAGAVAN) The Lodrava town, at a distance of 15 kms. from Jaisalmer and 5 kms. from Amarasagar, breathes itself in the midst of ruins. There was, however, a time when this town was full of the prosperity of Rajputs. At that time there was ancient University over here. Here in the temple we have an idol of MULANAYAKA Shri Sahasrafana Chintamani Parshvanath Bhagavan; black in complexion, about 100 cms. in height and in Padmasana posture. This is an important tirtha in the group of the five tirthas of Jaisalmer. One peculiar trait of its sculptural art is that the sculptors have carved out various models of Rajasthani art in stone. In the days of old, Jain Acharyas were travelling from Lodrava to Multan. They gave sermons to the prince of the state on way. The prince got converted to Jainism and it was he who raised this great tirtha. The tirtha was attacked several times by invaders but it remained intact. In addition t this the tirtha has shown miracles in calamitous times. The presiding deity over here is alert even to-day and has shown his prowess now and then. The arched gates at the entrance, the ceiling, the peak and the pillars-well, every stone has very subtle and beautiful craftsmanship. Again the image of Sahasrafana Parshvanath Bhagavan is made of stone. Rare indeed is the darshan of such a miraculous idol. Sheth Thirushah got the renovation and ceremonious installation of this tirtha made at the auspicious hands of Acharya Shri Jinarajasuriji. 75. zrI lodravA tIrtha (zrIsahastraphaNA ciMtAmaNi pArzvanAtha bhagavAna) jesalamerathI 15 ki.mI. ane amarasAgarathI 5 ki.mI. dUra Avela lodrava gAma Aje bhUtakALanAM khaMDero vacce zvAsa le che, paraMtu eka samaye A gAma rajapUtonI jAhojalAlIbharyuM zahera hatuM. e samaye vizvamAM jANItA A sthaLe bhAratanuM prAcIna vizvavidhAlaya hatuM. ahIM mULanAyaka zrIsahastraphaNA ciMtAmaNi pArzvanAtha bhagavAnanI zyAma varNanI lagabhaga 100 se.mI. UMcI padamAsanastha pratimA che. jesalamera paMcatIrthInuM A eka mahatvanuM prAcIna tIrthasthaLa che, enI zilpakalAnI AgavI vizeSatA e che ke ahIM kArIgaroe rAjasthAnI zilpakalAnA judA judA namUnAone paththaramAM pragaTa karyA che. agAunA jamAnAmAM jainAcAya lodravathI mulatAna jatA hatA ane tethI rastAmAM jatA ahIMnA rAjakumArane upadeza Apyo hato. A rAja kumAra jaina dharmanA anuyAyI banyA ane emaNe A mahAna tIrthanI sthApanA karI. A tIrtha para aneka vAra AkramaNakAroe humalAo karyA, paraMtu maMdirane kazI AMca AvI nathI. eTaluM ja nahi paNa kapare samaye emane aneka camatkAro darzAvyA che. jaina dharmanA adhiSThAyaka Aje paNa jAgRta che teno paraco avAranavAre ahIM sahune maLyo che. A maMdiranA pravezadvAranAM toraNa, chata, zikhara ane staMbhanAeka-eka paththara para sUkama kArIgarI jovA maLe che, vaLI sahastraphaNA pArzvanAtha bhagavAnanI kasoTI pASANamAM banelI AvI camatkArika pratimAnA darzana anyatra durlabha che. vi.saM. 1673nA mAgazara suda 12nA divase A. zrI jinarAjasUrIjInA suhaste zeTha thIrU zAhe Ano jIrNoddhAra karAvyo hato. tIrthavaMdanA 75 (1) sva. mahAsukharAya hIrAcaMda mahuvAvALA - bhAvanagara (2) mAnakuMvarabahena mahAsukharAya mahuvAvALA - bhAvanagara (3) devendrakumAra mahAsukharAya mahuvAvALA - bhAvanagara (4) a.sau. preraNAbahena devendrakumAra mahuvAvALA - bhAvanagara (5) ci. hArdika ci. jharaNA, devendrakumAra mahuvAvALA - bhAvanagara 165
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________________ 76. SHRI CHINTAMANI PARSHWANATH BHAGAVAN ( Fidal Wed 14 6401941) 166
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________________ 76. SHRI JAISALMER TIRTHA (SHRI CHINTAMANI PARSHWANATH BHAGAVAN) This tirtha is situated in the fort on the hill adjoining Jaisalmar town that is at a distance of 140 miles from Jodhpur in Rajasthan. Here in the temple we have an idol of MULANAYAKA Shri Chintamani Parshvanath Bhagavan. It is white in complexion, about 150 cms. in height and in Padmasana posture. There was a time when the town had many wealthy Jain Saravakas in it. A beauty that will make us spellbound is found in the Jain architectures of Jaisalmar. Architects have not left any space on any stone on which art carved on it cannot be shown. Again, the yellow stone of this area is very hard and carving art on it is no small a matter. In the whole country, Jaisalmer is the only place in which artistry is visible not only in temples but also in balconies and porticos of houses in all subtlety. There are about seven thousand Jina idols over here, seven libraries with rare palm-leaf manuscripts; there are eighteen Upashrayas. The idol of Shri Chintamani Parshvanath Bhagavan is simply majestic. At the entrance door there are hundreds of art-pieces on the two attractive pillars; there are inner apartments, Gudhamandapas, festival pandals and Bhamatis in which there are Shrungarachowkis of 51 Shrines. In the Gabharas there is an anointed idol of MULANAYAKA Bhagavan. The unique and majestic idols of a period earlier that the 14th century are uniquely artistic. On the second day of the bright half of falguna in V.S. 1263, there was a fall down of the idol and it was shifted, brought here and ceremoniously installed. There are references of installations in V.S. 1459 and 1473, as well. 76. zrI jesalamera tIrtha (zrIciMtAmaNi pArzvanAtha bhagavAna). rAjasthAnanA mukhya zahera jodhapurathI 140 mAila dUra Avela jesalamera gAma pAse TekarI paranA killAmAM A tIrtha AveluM che. ahIM mULanAyaka zrIciMtAmaNi pArzvanAtha bhagavAnanI zveta varNanI lagabhaga 105 se.mI. UMcI padamAsanastha pratimA che. eka samaye jainonI jAhojalAlI dharAvatA A nagaramAM 27 jeTalA jaina zrAvakonA parivAra rahetA hatA. jesalameramAM jaina zilpakalAnuM adabhuta sauMdarya jovA maLe che. enA pratyeka maMdiramAM toraNo, pUtaLIo, staMbho vageremAM pazcima rAjasthAnanI zilpakalAnI utkRSTatA jovA maLe che. zilpIoe koi paNa paththara para kyAMya eTalI paNa jagyA choDI nathI ke jayAM koi ne koi kalAnuM darzana na thAya. vaLI ahIMno pILo paththara paNa atyaMta kaThaNa hovA chatAMAvI kArIgarI karavI te koi nAnIsUnI vAta nathI. samagra dezamAM jesalamera jevuM eka paNa sthAna nathI ke jayAM maMdiro ja nahi, paNa gharanA chajA ane jhurakhAmAM paNa sUkSma kArIgarI jovA maLe che. ahIM Azare sAta hajAra jinapratimAo che. durlabha tADapatrIya graMtho dharAvatA sAta jJAnabhaMDAra che. 18 upAzraya che, zrIciMtAmaNi pArzvanAthanI bhavya pratimA darzanIya che. enA pravezadvAra para seMkaDo kalAkRtio dharAvatA be AkarSaka staMbho para AkarSaka toraNa che, garbhagRha, gUDhamaMDapa, sabhAmaMDapa ane bhamatimAM 51 devakulikAnI zRMgAra cokI che. gabhArAmAM mULanAyaka bhagavAnanI lepamaya mUrti che. 14mI sadIthI paNa pahelAMnI ananya bhavya pratimAo ane kalAtmaka maMdira cittane AkarSita kare che. vi.saM. 1263nA phAgaNa suda bIje lodravAnA patanane pariNAme mULanAyaka bhagavAnanI pratimA ahIM lAvIne birAjamAna karavAmAM AvI. vi.saM. 1459 ane vi.saM. 1473mAM pratiSThA thayAnA ullekho maLe che. 1' , , , , , , tIrthanaMdanA 76 | (3) kAMtilAlanAnubhAI ha. zakuMtalAbahena, bhAvena,kulIna, aMkitA, (1) nAnubhAIjhaveracaMda, ha:a.sau. hasamukhabahena (beDA-rAjasthAna)-kIma (4) bharatakumAranAnubhAI ha. rekhAbahena, vatsala, rucikA, sUci, nIku. (2) ramezacaMdranAnubhAI ha. sohanabahena, cirAga, racanA, sArikA- kIma (5) dilIpa ,saroja, gaurava, dIpaka, abhiSeka, atula, uSA, priyaMkA . 167
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________________ 77. SHRI MAHAVIR BHAGAVAN (Heidz @tolat) 168
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________________ 77. SHRI JAMMU TIRTH (SHRI MAHAVIR BHAGAVAN) In the Jammu city in Kashmir, there is one Jina temple with peaks. Here is installed the idol of MULANAYAKA Bhagavan Mahavir, it is extremely impressive. The idol was brought from Khambhat and installed here. The local Sangha constructed this new temple. Ten years earlier the tirtha was renovated by the firm of Anandaji Kalyanji and the ceremonious installation took place at the auspicious hands of revered Acharya Shri Samudrasurishvaraji Maharaj Saheb. From that time onwards the local Sangha is constantly flourishing and also enriching itself. On one side of the MULANAYAKA are installed the idols of Shri Neminath Bhagavan and Shri Shantinath Bhagavan and on the other idols of Shri Parshvanath Bhagavan and Shri Rushabhadeva Bhagavan. The idol of MULANAYAKA Shri Mahavir Bhagavan is simply extraordinary and pleasing to the sight. Again, best of facilities are available here for pilgrims. 77. zrI jammu tIrtha (zrImahAvIra bhagavAna) kAzmIra rAjayanA jammu zaheramAM AveluM A zikharabaMdhI jinamaMdira che. ahIM rAjA sammatinA samayanI mULanAyaka bhagavAna mahAvIranI prabhAvazALI pratimA che.A pratimA khaMbhAtathI lAvIne A maMdiramAM pratiSThita karavAmAM AvI tema ja sthAnika saMghe A nUtana maMdiranuM nirmANa karyuM.AjathI daseka varSa pahelAM zrI ANaMdajI kalyANajInI peDhI dvArA A maMdirano jIrNoddhAra karavAmAM Avyo tema ja pU. A. zrI samudrasUrIzvarajI ma.sA.nA suhaste tenI pratiSThA karavAmAM AvI. jayArathI bhagavAnane maMdiramAM pratiSThita karavAmAM AvyA che tyArathI ahIMno zrI saMgha dinapratidina unnati pAmI rahyo che. mULanAyakanI pratimAnI eka bAju zrI pArzvanAtha bhagavAna ane zrI zAMtinAtha bhagavAna ane bIjI bAju zrI pArzvanAtha bhagavAna ane zrI RSabhadeva bhagavAna pratiSThita che. mULanAyaka zrImahAvIra bhagavAnanI pratimA adabhuta ane darzanIya che. vaLI A sthaLe yAtrALuo mATe uttama prabaMdha che. tIrthanaMdanA 77 (1) zAha mAvajIbhAI vazarAmabhAI TANAvALA - bhAvanagara (2) zAha mAvajIbhAI vazarAmabhAI sahaparivAra TANAvALA (3) zAha mAvajIbhAI vazarAmabhAI sahaparivAra TANAvALA (4) zAha mAvajIbhAI vazarAmabhAI sahaparivAra TANAvALA (5) zAha mAvajIbhAI vazarAmabhAI sahaparivAra TANAvALA 169
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________________ TTELIS TILITIE BRUNE 500 78. SHRI SHANTINATH BHAGAVAN (lailua ) 170
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________________ 78. SHRI HASTINAPUR TIRTHA (SHRI SHANTINATH BHAGAVAN) Hastinapur is an ancient city and the Shri Hastinapur tirtha in the present town is as old as the days of the monarch of ages Shri Adishvar Bhagavan. Here we see an idol of MULANAYAKA Shri Shantinath Bhagavan. It is rose-coloured, some 90 cms. in height and in Padmasanaposture. This land has acquired the lucky twelve Kalyanakas - Chyavana, birth, initiation into monkhood and acquirement of absolute knowledge of Shri Shantinath Bhagavan, Shri Kunthunath Bhagavan and Shri Aranath Bhagavan. The city is again, sanctified by the dust of the feet of Shri Adinath Bhagavan and Shri Mahavira Swami. It was here that Shri Shreyansakumar got Shri Adinath Bhagavan Mahavira, so many great Acharyas and devout Sanghas came on pilgrimage of this tirtha. The land is therefore sanctified by the fall of the feet of so many great souls and the birth of so many others. Since this is an ancient spot, idols, coins, inscriptions of ancient days are acquired from the ground. Now and again the idol of MULANAYAKA is installed. Its last renovation took place in V.S. 2021 on the tenth day of the bright half of Magashirsha. Fairs are held here every year on the purnima day of Kartika and on the third day of the bright half of Vaishakh. On a small hill at a distance of one mile from here we have the foot-steps of Shri Shantinath, Shri Kunthunath and Shri Aranath. We come across shrines of Shvetambaras and Digambaras at different places, and in one of these we have the sacred feet of Shri Adinath. As Shri Adinath Prabhu broke his fast here, the procession of Akshayatrutiya comes and stops here. 78. zrI hastinApura tIrtha (zrIzAMtinAtha bhagavAna) hastinApura eka prAcIna nagara che ane A gAmamAM AveluM zrI hastinApura tIrtha yugAdideva zrIAdIzvara bhagavAnanA samaya jeTaluM prAcIna che. ahIM mULanAyaka zrIzAMtinAtha bhagavAnanI gulAbI varSanI vagabhaga 90 se.mI. UMcI padamAsanastha pratimA che. zrIzAMtinAya bhagavAna, zrInAtha bhagavAna ane zrIaranAtha bhagavAnanA cyavana, janma dIkSA ane kevaLajJAna evA bAra kalyANaka hovAnuM mahAbhAgya A bhUmine prApta thayuM che. vaLI bhagavAna mallinAtha ane zrImahAvIra svAmInI caraNarajathI A nagarI pAvana thayelI che. zrIAdinAtha bhagavAnane zrI zreyAMsakumAre ahIM ja irasanA pAraNAM karAvyAM hatAM, je divasa Aje akSayatRtIyAne nAme oLakhAya che. bhagavAna mahAvIra pachIaneka prakAMDa vidhAna AcAryo ane bhAvika saMghoe A tIrthanI yAtrA karI. Ama mahAna AtmAonA janma ane padArpaNathI A bhUmi pavitra banelI che. A prAcIna sthAna hovAthI prAcIna pratimAo, sikakAo, zilAlekho jamInamAMthI prApta thAya che. muLanAyakanI pratimAnI pratiSThA vakhatovakhata thatI AvI che ane eno chello jIrNodvAra vi.saM. 2021 mAgazara suda 10nA divase thayo hato. ahIM dara varSe kArataka suda pUnama ane vaizAkha suda trIjanA divase meLo bharAya che.ahIMthIeka mAila dUra TekarI para zrIzAMtinAya, zrIkuMthunAdhaane zrIaranAthanI caraNapAdukA che, ahIM jude jude sthaLe zvetAmbara ane digambaronI derIo paNa maLe che, jemAM eka prAcIna derImAM zrIAdinAtha prabhunAM caraNa che. A sthaLe zrIdinAtha prabhue pAraNuM karyuM hovAthI akSayatRtIyAno varaSo preahIM AvIne aTake che. tIrthavaMdanA 78 (1) umedacaMda cunIlAla mahetA . a sau. rasIlAbahena kuMbhaNa (2) aruNAbahena saubhAgyacaMdra mahetA ha, paraMza, pArasa kuMbhaNa (3) jyotibahena narendrabhAI mahetA ha. kenIla kuMbhaNa - bhAvanagara (4) vaMdanAbahena dIpakabhAI mahetA haH dhArA, izA kuMbhaNa - bhAvanagara (5) iMdirAbahena locaMda mahetA haH jainI, dila, tanvI, maitrI. 171
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________________ 79. SHRI NEMINATH BHAGAVAN (070-414 491944) 172
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________________ 79. SHRI SAURIPUR TIRTHA (SHRI NEMINATH BHAGAVAN) This tirtha is situated at a distance of 75 kms. from Agra and 25 kms. from Shikohabad. The tirtha is eulogistically referred to in the ancient Agama works like Samavayanga Sutra, Uttaradhyayana Sutra etc. This is the sacred spot of the blessed coming down from heaven - Chyavana Kalyanaka - and the sacred birth of Shri Neminatha, the twenty second tirthankara. This tirtha is situated at a distance of 1.5 kms. hilly road from Bateshvara on the banks of Yamuna. The tirtha has an idol of MULANAYAKA Shri Neminatha Bhagavan; it is black in complexion, about 75 cms. in height and in Padmasana posture. It is said that the last tirthankara Bhagavan Mahavira Swami had also visited this tirtha. It is also said that during their pilgrimage to Sametashekhara, came to Sauripur tirtha great Acharyas like Shri Pradyumnasuri, Shri Bappabhattasuri, Shri Vimalchandrasuri, Shri Udyotanasuri, Shri Nemichandrasuri and Devendrasuri. Shri Hiravijayasuri, who awakened emperor Akbar to human compassion, came on a pilgrimage to this tirtha in V.S. 1640. Through him it was that Sanghavi arranged for the Anjanashalaka and installation of the Charanpaduka of Shri Neminath Bhagavan. In the ancient times, this was a vast city known by two names Sauriyapur and Suryapur. The last installation of the tirtha took place in V.S. 1981 under the august presence of revered Shri Vidyavijayaji and revered Shri Jayantavijayaji, the great munis who were pupils of revered Acharya Shri Vijayadharmasuriji. In this tirtha, MULANAYAKA Bhagavan Neminatha's idol with its black, complexion is extremely charming. We get a glimpse of the great prosperity of this town from its ruins. 79. zrI saurIpura tIrtha (zrI neminAtha bhagavAna) AgrAthI 75 ki.mI. ane zikohAbAdathI 25 ki.mI. dUra AveluM zrI saurIpura tIrtha samavAyAMgasUtra, uttarAdhyayanasUtra jevAM prAcIna Agama graMthomAM paNa gauravabharyo ullekha pAmyuM che. bAvIsamA tIrtha kara zrIneminAtha bhagavAnanA cyavana kalyANaka ane janma kalyANakanI A pavitra bhUmi che. yamunA nadIne kinAre vaselA baTezvarathI pahADI raste 1.5 ki.mI. dUra AvelA A tIrthamAM mULanAyaka zrIneminAtha bhagavAnanI zyAma varNanI lagabhaga 75 se.mI. U cI padamAsanastha pratimA che. carama tIrthakara bhagavAna mahAvIra svAmInuM paNa ahIM padArpaNa thayuM hatuM ema kahevAya che. vaLI A pavitra bhUmi para zrI pradhumnasUri, zrI bappabhaTTasUrijI, zrI vimalacaMdrasUri, zrI udhotanasUri, zrI nemicaMdrasUri, zrI devendrasUri vagere prabhAvazALI AcAryo sametazikharanI yAtrAe jatAM saurIpuramAM AvyA hatA. akabara pratibodhaka zrI hIravijayasUri vi.saM. 1640mAM saurIpura tIrthanI yAtrAe AvyA hatA ane emaNe saMghavI sehila dvArA bharAvelI mUrtinI aMjanazalAkA karI pratiSThA karI hatI. vaLI emaNe zrI neminAtha bhagavAnanI caraNapAdukA paNa tyAM padharAvI hatI. prAcIna samayamAM A eka virATanagarI hatI ane enA sIrIyapura ane sUryapura jevAM nAmo maLe che. A tIrthano aMtima uddhAra ane pratiSThA vi.saM. 1981mAM pU. A. zrI vijayadharmasUrijInA ziSya pU. zrI vidhAvijayajI tathA pU. zrI jayaMtavijayajI Adi munivaroe karI hatI. A tIrthanA mULanAyaka bhagavAna neminAthanI zyAma varNanI pratimA atyaMta darzanIya che. A zaheranA dhvaMsaavazeSomAMthI enI prAcIna kALanI jAhojalAlInI mAhitI sAMpaDe tIrthavaMdanA 79 (3) a.sau. smitAbahena mahendrabhAI dozI nikhila, hAdika logaDIvALA - surata (1) harilAla tArAcaMda dozI loMgaDIvALA - surata (4) a.sau. yazomatI dhanasukhabhAI dozI cirAga loMgaDIvALA - surata (2) caMpAbahena harilAla dozI loMgaDIvALA - surata (5) a.sau. jIjJA mahezabhAI dozI kenIla loMgaDIvALA - surata 173
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________________ Rachna er Cinkuga ww 80. SHRI ADISHVARA BHAGAVAN (1) 174
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________________ 80. SHRI KANGADA TIRTHA (SHRI ADISHVARA BHAGAVAN) This tirtha is situated in the fine hilly regions on the outskirts of the Kangada town on the confluence of the rivers Ravi and Sutlej and at a distance of 120 kms. from Hoshiarpur. Here we have the idol of MULANAYAKA Shri Adishvara Bhagvan; it is in Padmasana posture. Models of ancient art in the temple give us a glimpse of the past, while the tirtha gets endowed with incomparable beauty in the midst of the tops of the Himalayan mountain ranges enveloped by snow, the valleys rich with greenery, the singing rivers and streams. This tirtha is considered to be of the time of Shri Neminath Bhagavan, the 22nd of the 24 Tirthankaras. Its ancient name was Susharmapura as is proved by a reference to the defeat of King Susharmachandra at the time of the battle of Mahabharat who later raised this town. This king got constructed a vast Jina temple and installed Shri Adinath Bhagavan therein. We gather this fact from a reference in "Vijniptitriveni" composed by Shri Jayasagara Upadhyaya in 1484. The "Nagarakota Chaityaparipati" composed in V.S. 1497 refers to the existence of five temples here then. However, at the present time, only one temple exists here. We have herein the darshana of a vast and majestic idol of Shri Adishvara Bhagavan, it was worshipped for centuries by the royal family of Kataucha. There was a time when the idol was under the control of the Government. However, revered Acharya Shri Vijayvallabhsuri Maharaj paid a visit to the tirtha and on witnessing the majestic appearance of the idol resolved to renovate it; the idol of the MULANAYAKA is really majestic. 80. zrI kAMgaDA tIrtha (zrIAdIzvara bhagavAna) hoMziyArapurathI 120 ki.mI. dUra AveluM ane rAvI tathA satalaja nadIonA saMgamasthAne vaselA kAMgaDA gAmanI bahAra AvelA suramya pahADomAM A tIrtha AveluM che. ahIM mULa nAyaka zrIAdIzvara bhagavAnanI padamAsanastha pratimA maLe che. maMdiramAM maLatAM prAcIna kalAnA namUnA vItelA yuganuM darzana karAve che, jayAre himAlayanAM himAcchAdita zikharo, hariyALI khINo, nadI ane jharaNAMnI vacce A tIrtha anupama prAkRtika sauMdarya dhAraNa kare che.A tIrthasthaLa vartamAna covIsInA 22mA tIrtha kara zrI neminAtha bhagavAnanA samayanuM mAnavAmAM Ave che. enuM prAcIna nAma suzarmapura hatuM, kAraNa ke mahAbhAratanA yuddha vakhate suzarmacaMdra nAmano rAjA hArI gayo ane teNe potAnA nAma para A nagara vasAvyuM. A rAjAe vizALa jinamaMdiranuM nirmANa karIne temAM zrIAdinAtha bhagavAnane pratiSThita karyA hatA. vi.saM. 1484mAM zrIjayasAgara upAdhyAyajIe racelI 'nagarakoTa caityaparipATI'mAM tyAM e vakhate pAMca maMdiro hovAno ullekha che. joke hAla to ahIM mAtra eka ja prAcIna maMdira che. A maMdiramAM kaTauca rAjavaMza dvArA sadIo sudhI pUjita zrIAdizvara bhagavAnanI vizALakAya bhavya pratimAnuM darzana thAya che. eka samaye A pratimA sarakArane AdhIna hatI, paraMtu pa. pU. yugadarzI A.zrI vijayavallabhasUrijInA sadupadezathI ane zrI saMghanA prayAsathI e jaina saMghane prApta thai. pU. A. zrI vijayavallabhasUrijI ma. ahIM AvyA ane pratimAnI bhavyatA joi eno punaruddhAra karavAno nizcaya karyo. mULanAyakanI pratimA sAce ja bhavya ane darzanIya che. ra ' tIrthanaMdanA 80 (1) dalIcaMda hIrAcaMda zAha - vaDodarA . (2) a. sau. puSpAbahena pravINacaMda zAha - vaDodarA (3) bhAnubahena, rAkhI, hetA (4) a.sau. pArUla rAjendra zAha - vaDodarA (5) asau. pritI dIpaka tathA artha jainika rAjendra zAha - vaDodarA 175
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________________ 81. SHRI VASUPUJYA BHAGAVAN (sluxury holat) 176
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________________ 81. SHRI SVARNAMANDIR TIRTHA (SHRI VASUPUJYA BHAGAVAN) The tirtha is situated in the heart of Shishamahal Bazaar which is at a distance of 24 kms. from the Hoshiarpur Railway station in Punjab. The temple is constructed by Lala Gujaramalaji and his son Dolatmalaji. Here is installed a very much impressive idol of MULANAYAKA Shri Vasupujya Bhagavan. The entire dome of the peak easily reminds us of the Golden Temple of the Sikhs in Amritsar. Just like the Golden Temple, the entire dome is got decked and covered with sheets of gold by Lala Gujaramalaji who spent lots of wealth on it. That is precisely the reason why this Jina temple is known as Svarnamandir in V.S. 1948. The ceremonious installation of the temple was held in V.S. 1950; and in the templethere is also an idol of quartz colour. On one side of the idol of the MULANAYAKA, we have the idols of Shri Mahavira Swami and Shri Parshvanatha Bhagavan, and those of Shri Rushabhadeva Bhagavan and Shri Sumatinath Bhagavan on the other. Just in the vicinity of this Svarnamandir, Shri Sangha constructed a temple of MULANAYAKA Shri Parshvanath Bhagavan. The temple is 32 feet in height and 36 ft. in breadth. We have here an exquiste Samavasarana in metal brought from the temple at Kota-Kangada; such a one is not visible anywhere else in India. 81. zrI svarNamaMdira tIrtha (zrIvAsupUjaya bhagavAna) paMjAbanA hoziyArapura relave sTezanathI savA be ki.mI. dUra zIzamahala bajAranI vacce A tIrtha AveluM che. A maMdiranuM nirmANa lAlA gujaramalajI ane emanA putra lAlA dolatabhAijIe kareluM che. ahIM mULanAyaka zrIvAsupUjayanI pratimA atyaMta prabhAvazALI ane darzanIya che. enA zikharanA ghummaTano badho bhAga amRtasaranA zIkhonA suvarNamaMdiranI yAda Ape che. suvarNamaMdiranI mAphaka ghummaTanA bhAgane vi.saM. 1948mAM lAlA gujaramalajIe aDhaLaka dhana kharcIne sonAnAM patarAMthI maDhAvelo che. AthI ja A jinamaMdira svarNamaMdiranA nAmathI oLakhAya che. A maMdiranI pratiSThA vi.saM. 1950mAM thayelI che ane maMdiramAM sphaTika ratnanI pratimA paNa che. AmAM mULanAyakanI pratimAnI eka bAju zrI mahAvIra svAmI ane zrI pArzvanAtha bhagavAna ane bIjI bAju zrI RSabhadeva bhagavAna ane zrI sumatinAtha bhagavAna pratiSThita che. svarNamaMdiranI najIka ja zrI saMghe vi.saM. 1950mAM baMdhAveluM mULanAyaka zrIpArzvanAtha bhagavAnanuM maMdira che. A maMdira 32 phUTa UMcuM ane 32 phUTa pahoLuM che. koTa-kAMgaDAnA derAsaramAMthI lAvavAmAM AveluM dhAtunuM suMdara samavasaraNa ahIM che. AvuM samavasaraNa bhAratanAM anya tIrthomAM jovA maLatuM nathI. tet tIrthavaMdanA 81 (1) kaisarIcaMda ratanacaMda zAha - vodarA (2) zrImatI mIndrA dhIrajalAla kaisarIcaMda zAha zihoravALA - muMbaI (5) eka sagRhastha mahuvA (3) ratilAla maNilAla zAha pAlanapura - muMbaI (4) zobhanA ratIlAla zAha pAlanapura - muMbaI 177
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________________ HEEGEE og UDS 82. SHRI SHAMALIYA PARSHVANATH BHAGAVAN (sluuluu uled-114 0401911) 178
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________________ 82. SHRI SAMETASHIKHARA TIRTHA (SHRI SHAMALIYA PARSHVANATH BHAGAVAN) A description of the greatness of this tirtha amongst the tirthas, tirtha the supreme, defies all words; cannot be described in words. This is the tirtha which is the place of the austerities of so many of the tirthankaras and munis, the land of Nirvana of many. The pilgrimage of this tirtha is therefore the endower of merit and destroyer of sins. Twenty of the tirthankaras of the present twenty-four had taken to practice of austerities and attained to emancipation here. The mountain known as Sametashikhara is situated at a height of 4479 from mean sea level, is also known as Parshvanatha mountain. According to the traditional belief, Saudharmendra had installed an idol on each of the spots of the emancipation of the Tirthankaras. It was around the second century that Acharya Padaliptasuri and then Acharya Shri Bappabhattasuri came on a pilgrimage to this tirtha by their Vidya by which they could travel through the sky. In the ninth century of the vikrama era, Acharya Shri Pradyumnasuriji came on pilgrimage seven times here and got the work of renovation completed. History also states that installations took place here on temples were constructed in V.S. 1345, 1659 and 1670. In V.S. 1649, the mughal emperor Akbar presented the Sametashikhara a spot to Jagadguru Shri Hiravijayasuriji. In V.S. 1805, emperor Ahmedshah presented the title of "Jagatsheth" to Sheth Mahetabrai of Murshidabad, and then had presented the Parasanath mountain to him. In the modern days the firm of Anandaji Kalyanji purchased it and brought it under the control and administration of Shri Jain Shvetambar Sangha. The last renovation of the tirtha took place in V.S. 2012 at the efforts of learned Sadhvi Shri Ranjanashriji and Sadhvi Shri Suraprabhashriji in the tradition of Acharyashri Sagaranandasuriji. The temple is situated on a mountain in the midst of natural scenery and beauty, and, in addition, there are eight temples of the Shvetambara sect, two Dadawadis and one temple of Bhomiyaji Maharaj. 82. zrI sametazikhara tIrtha (zrIzAmaLiyA pArzvanAtha bhagavAna) tIrthomAMya tIrthAdhirAja evA sarvopari tIrthanA mahimAnuM varNana zabdAtIta che. aneka tIrtha karo ane munigaNonI tapobhUmi ane nirvANabhUmi hovAthI A tIrthanI yAtrA e pratyekane mATe puNyakArI ane pApavinAzinI che. vartamAna covIsInA vIsa tIrtha karo ane aneka munigaNoahIM tapazcaryA karatAM mokSe sIdhAvyA che. madhuvana pAse samudranI sapATIthI 4479 phUTa UMce Avelo A sametazikhara pahADa pArzvanAtha pahADane nAme paNa oLakhAya che. paraMparAgata mAnyatA anusAra tIrtha kAronAM nirvANasthaLo para saudharmendra pratimAnI sthApanA karI hatI. lagabhaga bIjI sadImAMA. zrI pAdaliptasUri ane e pachI prabhAvaka A. zrI bappabhaTTasUri potAnI AkAzagAminI vidhA dvArA ahIM yAtrArthe AvyA hatA. vikramanI navamI sadImAM A. zrI pradhumnasUrijI ahIM sAta vakhata yAtrAe AvyA hatA ane jIrNoddhAranuM kArya karAvyuM hatuM. vi.saM. 1345mAM, vi.saM. 1659 ane vi.saM. 16 70mAM ahIM pratiSThA karAvyAno ke maMdiro Ano itihAsa maLe che. vi.saM. 1649 mogala bAdazAha akabare jagadaguru zrI harivijayasUrijIne zrI sametazikhara kSetranI bheTa ApIne vijJapti jAhera karI hatI. vi.saM. 1805mAM murzidAbAdanA zeTha mahatAbarAyane dilhInA bAdazAha ahamadazAhe jagatazeThanI upAdhi ApI hatI ane e pachI emane pArasanAtha pahADa bheTa ApyAno ullekha maLe che. vartamAnamAM ANaMdajI kalyANajInI peDhIe A pahADa kharIdIne jaina zvetAmbara saMghane adhIna karyo. eno trevIsamo aMtima uddhAra vi.saM. 2012mAM AgamoddhAraka A. zrI sAgarAnaMdasUrijInI paraMparAmAM viduSI sAdhvI zrI raMjanazrIjI tathA sAdhvIzrI suraprabhAzrIjInA prayAsathI thayo. prAkRtika sauMdaryanI vacce AvelA A pahADa para TUko ane maMdiro hovA uparAMta madhubanamAM ATha zvetAmbara maMdiro, be dAdAvADI ane eka bhomiyAjI mahArAjanuM maMdira che. tIrthanaMdanA 82 (1) rasikalAla jayasukhalAla zAha parivAra ghodhAvALA - muMbaI | (2) subhadrAbahena rasikalAla zAha parivAra dhodhAvALA muMbaI (3) sItApacaMda sArAbhAI dalAla parivAra dhodhAvALA - amadAvAda (4) suzIlAbahena manamohanabhAI chaganalAla zAha - pArlA (5) ci. jaya caMdrakAMta bAbulAla zAha - jAmanagara - pArlA 179
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________________ OCCECOCO 83. SHRI MAHAVIR BHAGAVAN CHARANAPADUKA (oll Huidz 642191111 URRUESI) 182 Jain Education Intemational For Private & Personal use only
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________________ 83. SHRI PAVAPURI TIRTHA (SHRI MAHAVIR BHAGAVAN) The tirtha is situated in the midst of a lake on the outskirts of the Pavapuri Village, 10 kms. from the Pavapuri Road railway station. It is like the sacred spot of the emancipation of Shri Mahavir Swami, the last of the Tirthankaras, who raised the sinners high. In the water-temple we have foot-steps of Shri Mahavir Bhagavan, black in complexion and 18 cms. in size. This spot is the land of the last preaching and emancipation of Shri Bhagavan. A fragrance of sacredness can therefore be experienced in the atmosphere. It is also believed that the first preaching of Bhagavan Mahavir took place here. A new and beautiful temple of Samavasarana is constructed here. Again, this is the place of the first meeting of Indrabhuti Gautama with Mahavir Bhagavan; and being influenced by his personality he got himself in the fold of Shri Prabhu and became his first Ganadhara. On this sacred spot, in the midst of the lake full of lotuses, the scene of the temple naturally brings to our mind the holy impressions of Shri Mahavir Swami. Mahavir Bhagavan delivered here sermons constantly for sixteen days and then attained Nirvanaemancipation. On every day of emancipation every year, on the Dipavali day, a fair of devotees is held here. Besides the water-temple and the temple in the village, there are temples of old Samavasarana, of Mahetabkunvar, new Samavasarana and of Shri Jinayashasuri, also as guru-temple. The idol in five metals, installed by Shri Abhayadevasuriji, is pleasant to view. In the Jain Scriptures, this sacred Pavapuri town is known as "Madhyama Pava." This is because there were three towns of the name "Pava" as "Apapapuri". Yet it seems that this came to be known as "Pavapuri". To-day, the ancient town Pavapuri is divided into two villages - "Pava" and "Puri". A distance of one mile separates the two; the tirtha of the Jainas is in Puri. 83 zrI pAvApurI tIrtha (zrImahAvIra bhagavAna) pAvApurI roDa relave sTezanathI 10 ki.mI. dUra AvelA pAvApurI gAmanI bahAra sarovaranI madhyamAM patitapAvana carama tIrthaMkara zrImahAvIra svAmInI nirvAUbhUmi samuM A tIrtha AveluM che. ahIM jalamaMdiramAM zrImahAvIra bhagavAnanI zyAma varNanI 18 se.mI.nI caraNapAdukA maLe che. A bhUmi e bhagavAnanI aMtima dezanAnI ane nirvANanI bhUmi che. AthI A bhUminA vAtAvaraNamAM pavitratAnI mA~ kaanubhavAya che. bhagavAna mahAvIranI prathama dezanA paNa ahIM thai hovAnuM manAya che. e sthaLa para navIna ane suMdara samavasaraNanA maMdiranuM nirmANa thayuM che. vaLI ja sthaLe bhagavAna mahAvIra sAthe indrabhUti gautamano prathama meLApa thayo hatoane temanAthI prabhAvita thaine prabhu pAse dIkSA lIdhI hatI tathA temanA prathama gaNadhara banyA hatA. AvI pAvana bhUmimAM kamaLano phUlothI khIcokhIca sarovaranI vacce A maMdiranuM drazya nIrthaMkara mahAvIra svAmInuM pavitra smaraNa karAve che.ahIM satata soLa praha2 sudhI akhaMDa dezanA ApyA pachI bhagavAna nirvANa pAmyA hatA. e dIpAvalInA nirvANa dineA sthaLe bhAvika bhakatono meLo ubharAya che. ahIM gAmamaMdira ane jalamaMdira uparAMta ju nuM samavasaraNa maMdira, mahetAbakuMvaranuM maMdira, navuM samavasaraNa maMdira ane zrI jinazasUri gurumaMdira che. zrI abhayadevasUrijI dvArA pratiSThita karavAmAM AvelI paMcadhAtunI mUrti darzanIya che. jaina zAstromAM A pavitra pAvApurI nagarIne 'madhyamA pAvA'tarIke oLakhAvI che, kAraNa ke e samaye pAyA nAmanI traNa nagarIo hatI. keTalAka graMthomAM madhyamA pAvAnuM apApApurI evuM nAma maLe che, paNae pachI enuM nAma pAvApurI paDyuM hoya ema jaNAya che. Aje prAcIna kALanI e pAvApurI pAvA ane purI ema be gAmomAM vibhakta thayelI che, baMne gAma vacceeka mAilanuM aMtara che. jainonuM tIrthadhAma purImAM che. tIrthavaMdanA 83 (1) sva. savitAbahena jayaMtilAla choTAlAla zAha khoDu - pAlamuMbaI (2) dhelIbahena choTAlAla kalyANajI zAha khoDu - pArlA muMbaI (3) a.sau. nehAbahena, vijayabhAI zAha, gaurAMga, AkAza - muMbaI (4) a.sau. prItibahena atulabhAI zAha, hArdika, dIzA - muMbaI (5) a.sau. avani, hIrenakumAra koThArI bhAvika, - muMbaI 183
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________________ SR 84. SHRI MUNISUVRATASWAMI BHAGAVAN (1) 184
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________________ 84. SHRI RAJAGRUHI TIRTHA (SHRI MUNISUVRATASWAMI BHAGAVAN) This is the land sanctified extremely by the dust of the feet of Tirthankara Bhagavan Mahavir and it is the capital of Maharaja Shrenik, the future Tirthankara. Here, on the Vipulachala mountain, we have an idol of Shri Muni Suvrata Swami; black in complexion, 45 cms. in height. In the ancient days this town was known by different names such as Chanakpur, Rushabhapur, Kushagrapur, Vasumati, Panchashaila etc. The history of this ancient tirtha commences with the times of Shri Muni Suvrata Swami, the twentieth Tirthankara. Four sacred events of the great Muni coming down on earth, birth, initiation and acquirement of absolute knowledge took place on this spot. We have here two idols of Muni Suvrataswami - an old and a new one; the old is in front, the new at the back. The construction of the Derasara is like that of Serisa. Shri Mahavira Swami undertook fourteen Chaturmasas in Nalandapada of Rajagruhi. This is the birth-place of emperor Shrenik, Abhayakumar, Nandishena, Puniya Shravaka, Halla-Vihalla, Mammana Sheth, Metarya, Dhannashalibhadra, and Arjunamali. In these five tirthas, on the Ratnagiri mountain, we have an idol of Shri Chandraprabha Bhagavan; white in complexion and in Padmasana posture. On the Vipulachala mountain we have the idol of the same Muni on the Vaibharagiri mountain; it is white in complexion and in Padmasana posture. On the Udayagiri however, we have the sacred foot-steps of Shri Parshvanath Bhagavan and on the Svarnagiri mountain, the sacred foot-steps of Shri Adinath Bhagavan. 84. zrI rAjagRhI tIrtha (zrImunisuvratasvAmI bhagavAna) bhAvi tIrthakara mahArAjA zreNikanI rAjadhAnI ane tIrthaMkara bhagavAna mahAvIranI caraNarajathI pavitra banelI A atyaMta pavitra bhUmi che. ahIM vipulAcala parvata para mULanAyaka zrImunisuvratasvAmInI zyAma varNanI 45 se.mI. UMcI pratimA AvelI che. prAcInakALamAM A nagarI caNakapura, RSabhapura, kuzAgrapura, vasumatI, paMcazaila Adi nAmothI oLakhAtI hatI. A tIrthanI prAcInatAno itihAsa vIsamA tIrthaMkara zrImunisuvratasvAmInA samayathI AraMbhAya che. munisuvratasvAmInA cyavana, janma, dIkSA ane kevaLa jJAna ema cAra kalyANaka A bhUmimAM thayA che. A tIrtha rAjagira gAmanI najIka che. AmAM mULanAyaka zrImunisuvratasvAmInI prAcIna tathA navI mUrtio maLe che. AgaLa prAcIna ane pAchaLa navI moTI mUrti che. derAsaranI bAMdhaNI serisAnA derAsara jevI che. zrImahAvIrasvAmI bhagavAne rAjagRhInA nAlaMdApADAmAM cauda cAturmAsa karyA hatA. mahArAjA zreNika,abhayakumAra, naMdipeNa, puNiyozrAvaka, halla-vihalla, mammaNa zeTha, metArya, dhannA-zAlibhadra, arjunamAlInIA janmabhUmi che. A pAMca tIrthamAM ratnagiri parvata para zrIcaMdraprabha bhagavAnanI zveta varNanI padamAsanastha pratimA che. vipulAcala parvata para mULanAyaka zrImunisuvratasvAmInI pratimA che to vaibhAragira parvata para paNa zrImunivrutasvAmInI zveta varNanI padamAsanastha pratimA che jayAre udayagiri parvata para zrI pArzvanASa bhagavAnanI caraNapAdukA ane svagiri parvata para zrIAdinAtha bhagavAnanI caraNapAdukA che. tIrthavaMdanA 84 (1) sA.zrI puSpAzrImanA praziSyAsA. zrIviSaJatA zrInA upadezathI (2) zAha zAMtilAla bhImajIbhAI pataMgavALA - kolApura (3) jIvarAjajerAjabhAI kanADIyA - kolApura (4) zAntAbahenamAvajIbhAI polacaMdasa. parivAra- kolApura (pa) savAIlAla gopALabhAI -ekagRhastha 185
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________________ dn // hr 10) b 6 . tee 85. SHRI AJITNATH BHAGAVAN (aB5 // 1) 186
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________________ 85. SHRI AYODHYA TIRTHA (SHRI AJITNATH BHAGAVAN) This tirtha is situated in the Katara Mohulla of the Ayodhya city and we have in it an idol of Shri Ajitnath Bhagavan; of copper-colour and is about 30 cms. in height. Here have taken place 19 sacred events of as many as five tirthankaras. This is a sacred tirtha both of Jainas and Hindus. This is the birthplace of the first tirthankara of the present age, Shri Rushabhadeva. Scriptures give these different names for this city -Ikshvakubhumi, Koshala, Vinita, Avadhya, Ramapuri, Saketapuri etc. This land is fortunate enough to witness three sacred events of Shri Adishvara Bhagavan - coming down to earth, birth and initiation and an added fourth sacred event of acquirement of absolute knowledge on part of Shri Ajitnath Bhagavan, Shri Abhinandana Bhagavan, Shri Sumatinath Bhagavan and also Shri Anantanath Bhagavan. Just the same way, it was this land that gave to the world the way of Social, Political and worldy orders. The firts Chakravarti of the Bharatakshetra, Shri Bharata-deva made this city of Ayodhya the centre of his vast empire. This land is sanctified by the dust of the feet of Shri Mahavira Bhagavan and Bhagavan Buddha. The Ramarajya of Ayodhya is world-renowned. This city is again the birth-place of the great Prabhavaka Acharya Shri Padaliptasuri Maharaj. Kind Chandravatasana attained to abosulute knowledge here. The temple of MULANAYAKA Shri Ajitnath Bhagavan looks fine in new appearance. Just opposite, in a Shrine of Samavasarana shape is seated Chaumukiji. In the Shrines from corners, Padukas and Bimbas are brought and installed in the main temple. In the temple of Shri Ajitnath Bhagavan, we have an Inscription of V.S. 1671. 85. zrI ayodhyA tIrtha (zrIajitanAtha bhagavAna) ayodhyA zaheranA kaTarA mahollAmAM AvelA A tIrthamAM zrIajitanAtha bhagavAnanI tAma varNanI lagabhaga 30 se.mI. UMcI pratimA che. jaino ane hiMduonuM A pAvana tIrthasthaLa che. ahIM pAMca tIrtha kAronA 19 kalyANaka thayA che. A yuganA prathama tIrthakara evA zrI RSabhadeva bhagavAnanI A janmabhUmi che. A nagarInAM ikvAku bhUmi, kozala, vinItA, avadhyA, rAmapurI ane sAketapurI jevAM nAmo zAstromAM maLe che. AdIzvara bhagavAnanA avana, janma, dIkSA ane ajitanAtha bhagavAna, abhinaMdana bhagavAna, zrIsumatinAtha bhagavAna ane zrIanaMtanAtha bhagavAnanAM rathavana, janma, dIkSA ane kevaLa jJAna kalyANaka hovAnuM sadabhAgya A pAvana bhUmine maLeluM che. evI ja rIte rAjA RSabha pAsethI jagatane sAmAjika, rAjanaitika ane vyavahArika vyavasthAno mArga maLelo che. bharatakSetranA prathama cakravartI bharatadeva ayodhyAne potAnA sAmrAjayanuM kendra banAvyuM. bhagavAna mahAvIra ane bhagavAna buddhanI caraNarajathI A bhUmi pavitra banelI che. ayodhyAne rAmarAjaya to jagavikhyAta che. mahAna prabhAvaka A. zrI pAdaliptasUri ma.nuMA janmasthAna che. candrAvata: rAjAe A bhUmi para kevaLajJAna prApta karyuM hatuM. mULanAyaka zrI ajitanAtha bhagavAnanuM maMdira navA svAMgamAM zikhara ane bhUmigRhathI zobhI rahyuM che. sAme ja samavasaraNa AkAranI derImAM caumukhajI birAjamAna che. khUNA paranI derIomAMthI pAdukA ane biMbo lAvI ahIM tema ja mULa maMdiramAM padharAvyAM che. ahIM mULanAyaka zrI ajitanAtha bhagavAnanA maMdiramAM vi.saM. 1671no prAcIna lekha maLe che. tIrthavaMdanA 85 (3) a.sau. lakSmIbena punazIbhAI ha. dineza, punazIbhAI muMbaI (1) mAtuzrI jo mAbena vAlajI sAmata parivAra - AdhoI(kaccha) ghATako. (4) a.sau. vaMdanA rAjezabhAI ha. putra. akSaya-rucitA-muMbaI (2) punazIbhAI vAlajI parivAra AdhoI(kaccha) ghATakopara-muMbaI (5) a.sau. kAjala vipulabhAI putrI-guDI ghATakopara - muMbaI 187
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________________ TELEZETEGERI 86. SHRI VISHALANATH SWAMI (Carucie Chalt) 188
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________________ 86. SHRI PATALIPUTRA TIRTHA (SHRI VISHALANATH SWAMI) This tirtha is situated in the Badaki street of the captial city Patna of Bihar on the banks of the Ganges. Here stands installed an idol of mulanayaka Shri Vishalnath Swami; white in complexion, sixty cms. in height and in Padmasana posture. In the days of old the city was known by the names Kusumapur; Pushpapur etc. We have a reference which states that Udayana, the grand-son of King Shrenik settled this city in 444 before the Vikrama era. Being a follower of the Jaina faith, Udayana got constructed a Jina temple also. In the times of King Mahapadmanand, Jaina dharma had spread here far and wide and held deep influence. In his times again Shri Yashobhadrasurishvaraji Maharaj, a pupil of the last Kevali Shri Jambuswami was born here. It was under this same Shri Sambhutivijayaji that Shri Sthulibhadraji, staying at the residence of dancer Kosha was initiated to monkhood. It was again here that this Acharya brought together the Jain Sangha, collected the readings of the Agamas and finalised into a system the eleven Angas. This reading is therefore renowned in Jain literature as the first "Pataliputra reading". In the year 311 B.C., Shri Sthulibhadrasuri breathed his last in this same city and his memorial stands in the Guljar Baug of Patna. So many great Acharyas then took to countless religious works here. They wereSamrat Samprati Pratibodhaka Suhastisuriji, Acharya Shri Vajraswami, Acharya Shri Rakshitasuri, Acharya Shri Umaswami, Acharya Shri Padalipatasuri etc. We have here a memorial of Sheth Shri Sudarshana also. King Udayana of the Jaina faith raised this city. Thereafter, right upto the seventh century, Jainas were very much prosperous here. 86. zrI pATalIputra tIrtha (zrIvizAlanAtha bhagavAna) gaMgA nadIne kinAre AvelA bikcaranA pATanagara paTaNA zaheranI vacce bAkI galImAM A tIrtha AveluM che.ahIM mULanAyaka zrIvizAlanAthasvAmInI svaina varNanI lagabhaga 60 mI. UMcI padamAsanastha pratimA che. prAcIna samayamAMA nagara ku sumapura, yudhdhapura vagere nAmathI jANItuM hatuM. zreNika rALanA pautra udayana pUrve 444nI AsapAsa A zahera vasAvyuMevo ullekha maLe che. jaina dharmanA anuyAyI udayane ahIM jinamaMdira paNa baMdhAvyuM, ane enA pachI gAdI para AvelA mahApadAnaMda rAjAnA samayamAM jaina dharmano ghaNo prabhAva ane prasAra thayo. rAjA mahApadamAnaMdananA samayamAM aMtima kevaLI zrI jaMbusvAmInA ziSya zrI yazobhadrasUrizvarajI ahIM janma thayo. temanA ziSya zrI saMbhUtivijaya ane zrI bhadrabAhusvAmI jaina zramaNa saMghanA netA banyA hatA. teono janma ahIM thayo hato. A ja zrI saMbhUtivijayajI pAse kozA nartakIne tyAM rahetA zrI sthUlibhadrajIe dIkSA lIdhI hatI. Arya zrI sthUlibhadrasUrie jaina saMghane ekaTho karI AgamonI vAcanA ekatrita karI 11 aMga vyavasthita karyAM hatAM AthI A vAcanA jaina sAhityamAM pahelI 'pATalIputra vAcanA tarIke prasiddha che. pUrve 311mAM zrI sthUlibhadrasUri pATalIputramAM svargastha thayA temanuM smAraka paTaNAnA gulajAra bAgamAM che. A pachI samrATa sammati pratibodhaka suhastisUrijI, A. zrI vajrasvAmI, zrI Arya rakSitasUri, A. zrI umA svAmI, A. zrI pAdaliptasUri vagere aneka prakAMDa AcAryagaNoe ahIM dharmaprabhAvanAnAM aneka kAryo karyAM. zeTha sudarzananuM smAraka paNa ahIM jovA maLe che. jaina rAjA udayane A nagaranI sthApanA karI hatI ane e pachI mI sadI sudhI jainonI ahIM khUba jAhojalAlI hatI. zrI jaina zvetAmbara mandira tIrthavaMdanA 86 (1) manamohanabhAI chaganalAla zAha parivAra (verAvaLa)pAla - muMbaI (2) manamohanabhAI chaganalAla zAha parivAra virAvaLa)pArkA - muMbaI (3) manamohanabhAI chaganalAla zAha parivAra verAvaLa (1) manamohanabhAI chaganalAla zAha parivAra verAvaLa (5) manamohanabhAI chaganalAla zAha parivAra verAvaLa 189
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________________ ranAjyavinA 87. SHRI VASUPUJYA BHAGAVAN (zrIvAsupU4ya bhagavAna) 190
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________________ 87. SHRI CHAMPAPURI TIRTHA (SHRI VASUPUJYA BHAGAVAN) This tirtha is known as Champanagar or Champapuri and is situated near Champanala on the bank of the river Ganga near the Bhagalpur station. Here is installed an idol of MULANAYAKA Shri Vasupujya Bhagavan. It is white in complexion and about 45 cms. in height. There are, in the temple, 4 idols of stone and 13 of metal. The temple was renovated in V.S. 1865. This is the sacred spot of coming down on earth, birth, initiation to monkhood, acquirement of absolute knowledge and emancipation of Shri Vasupujya Bhagvan, the twenty second of the present 24 Tirthankaras. This is the only tirtha amongst the tirthas in which all the five sacred events - Kalyanakas - of tirthankara Paramatma took place. Bhagavan Shri Adinath divided the country into 52 Janapadas; of these one was Anga and its capital was Champa. There was a time when the town was very vast and very much prosperous. Shri Adishwar Bhagavan, Shri Parshvanath Bhagavan and Shri Mahavir Bhagavan had come on a visit to this spot. The chief pupil - Pattadhara of Prabhu Mahavir Shri Sudharama Swami and Shri Jambuswami also came here. Shri Bhagavan Mahavira undertook his third and twelfth Chaturmasas here. The fervent devotees of Shri Mahavira, Shravaka Kamadeva, Shri Sudarshan Sheth, emperor Shripala and Satee Chandanbala were born here. So many other heroic Jain kings and Shreshthis were born and flourished here. Old art of the temples does not remain to view here, may be due to renovations even though it was very much prosperous once. In addition to the temple of the Mulanayaka, five other temples of his five Kalyanakas are also there. 87. zrI caMpApurI tIrtha (zrIvAsupUjaya bhagavAna) bhAgalapura sTezananI najIka gaMgA nadIne kinAre caMpAnALA pAse AvelA A sthaLane caMpAnagara (caMpApurI) kahe che. ahIM mULanAyaka zrI vAsupUjaya bhagavAnanI sveta varNanI lagabhaga 45 se.mI. UMcI pratimA maLe che. A maMdiramAM cAra pASANanI ane tera dhAtuonI mUrti che. vi.saM. 1856mAMA maMdirano jIrNoddhAra thayo hato. vartamAna covIsInA bAramA tIrtha kara zrIvAsupUjayasvAmI bhagavAnanAM cyavana, janma, dIkSA, kevaLajJAna ane mokSa ema pAMceya kalyANakonI A pAvana bhUmi che. badhAM tIrthomAM A eka ja tIrtha evuM che ke jyAM tIrthaMkara paramAtmAnAM pAMceya kalyANako eka sAthe thayAM hoya. bhagavAna zrIAdinAthe dezane bAvana janapadomAM vibhAjita karyo tyAre temAM eka aMga janapada paNa hatuM ane enI rAjadhAnI caMpA hatI. eka samayeA nagarano ghaNo vistAra hato ane atyaMta vaibhavasaMpanna hatuM. zrIAdIzvara bhagavAna, zrI pArzvanAtha bhagavAna ane zrI mahAvIra bhagavAna A bhUmimAM vicarI cUkyA hatA. prabhu mahAvIranA paTTadhara zrI sudharmAsvAmI ane zrI jaMbusvAmIe paNa ahIM padArpaNa karyA hatAM. bhagavAna mahAvIre trIjo ane bAramo cAturmAsa A nagarImAM karyo hato. zrImahAvIranA paramabhakata zrAvaka kAmadeva, zrI sudarzana zeTha, mahArAjA zrIpAla ane satI caMdanabALAnIA janmabhUmi che. e uparAMta ahIM aneka zUravIra jaina rAjAo ane zreSThIo thaI gayA. nagarIATalI prAcIna ane prabhAvazALI hovA chatAM jIrNoddhArane kAraNe ke anya kAraNe eTalI prAcIna kalA jovA maLatI nathI. ahIM mULanAyakajInA derAsara sAthe vAsupUjayasvAmInA pAMca kalyANakonAM maMdiro paNa AvelAM che. IL DITITITO tIrthanaMdanA 87. (3) suzIlAbena manamohanabhAI zAha parivAra - pArlA - muMbaI (1) suzIlAbena manamohanabhAI zAha parivAra verAvaLa pArlA - muMbaI (4) suzIlAbena manamohanabhAI zAha parivAra - pArlA - muMbaI (2) suzIlAbena manamohanabhAI zAha parivAra verAvaLa pArlA - muMbaI (5) suzIlAbena manamohanabhAI zAha parivAra - pArlA - muMbaI - | 191.
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________________ CRIND kalriri haggyogyorigyo 192 mulri mulri rigo ririri 88. SHRI MAHAVIR BHAGAVAN (werigo eodieseo) ririririririri
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________________ 88. SHRI KSHATRIYAKUNDA TIRTHA (SHRI MAHAVIR BHAGAVAN) This tirtha is situated in the valley of Kshatriyakunda at a distance of five kms. from Kundaghata. Its holiness is unique because it is the land of the three sacred events - coming down on earth, birth and initiation to monkhood of the life of MULANAYAKA Shri Mahavir Bhagavan; he passed thirty years of his life here. The idol of Shri Mahavira is black in complexion, 60 cms. in height and in Padmasana posture. Lord Mahavir, the saviour of the world was born 543 years before the Vikrama era on the sacred soil of Kundagrama in the Jamui city in the Munger district of Bihar. This unique spot is known by the people as "Janma-Sthana". Not only the temple but every atom on the spot is holy and worth our worship. The calm and secluded atmosphere over here puts to our memory the lustre spread by lord Mahavira all-around, our soul gets overjoyed and elated only by Darshana of the Lord. This ancient idol shows an expression of extreme quiet and dignified joy. In the valley in the Kundaghata there are two smaller temples with idols of Lord Mahavira though on the mountain there is one temple. These two spots are known as Chyavana and Diksha Kalyanaka. In its vicinity there are ancient ruins that remind us of Kumaragraha, Brahmanakunda, Moraka etc. which are ancient spots. 88. zrI kSatriyakuMDa tIrtha (zrImahAvIra bhagavAna) kSatriyakuMDanI taLeTImAM kuMDaghATathI pAMca ki.mI. dUra AveluM zrI kSatriyakuMDa tIrtha vartamAna covIsInA carama tIrtha kara zrI mahAvIra bhagavAnanAM cyavana, janma ane dIkSA jevAM traNa kalyANakanI bhUmi hovAthI enI pavitratA anerI che. potAnA jIvanakALanAM trIsa varSa prabhu mahAvIre A bhUmimAM gALyAM che. ahIM muLanAyaka zrI mahAvIra bhagavAnanI zyAma varNanI lagabhaga 60 se.mI. UMcI padamAsanastha pratimA che. jagadoddhAraka bhagavAna mahAvIrano janma pUrve 547nA caitra suda 13 somavAre uttarA phAlvanI nakSatramAM bihAra prAMtanA muMgera jillAmAM jai nagarInI pAvana dharatI para kaMDagrAmamAM thayo. A vizeSa sthAnane Aje loko 'janmasthAna tarIke oLakhe che.A bhUmi para mAtra jinamaMdira ja nahi, balka eno kaNekaNa pavitra ane vaMdanIya che. enuM zAMta ane ekAMta vAtAvaraNa bhagavAna mahAvIre ApelA prakAzanuM smaraNa karAve che.bhagavAnanI pratimAnAM darzana mAtrathI ja AtmA praphulla thai UThe che. A prAcIna pratimA atyaMta prasannacitta lAge che.enI kalAtmakatA paNa eTalI ja che. hAlamAM kSatriyakuMDa pahADa para A eka ja maMdira AveluM che. taLeTIkuMDa ghATamAM mahAvIra prabhunI pratimA dharAvatAM be nAnAM maMdiro che. A sthAnone cyavana ane dIkSA kalyANakanA nAmathI oLakhavAmAM Ave che. ahIM najIkamAM ja aneka prAcIna khaMDero maLe che, je kumAraprAma, bahmakuMDa gAma, khorAka vagere prAcIna sthaLonI yAda Ape che. tIrthanaMdanA 88 (3) caMdrIkA, harSA, devAMga, pAyala, nehA, kRtikA, priteza, babalu, (1) a.sau. rasIlAbenavRjalAla motIcaMda lAkhANIdIhoravALA-muMbaI(4) ratnayazAzrIjI 106mI onI nimItte (2) a.sau. indIrA,guNavaMta, hInA,vasaMta,jyotsanA,mahendra,zIlpA, (5) zreNIka, khubu, saM.2051 cAturmAsa ArAdhanimitte 193
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________________ 89. SHRI SHITALNATH BHAGAVAN (slelnatie Holant) 194
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________________ 89. SHRI CALCUTTA TIRTHA (SHRI SHITALNATH BHAGAVAN) This temple is situated in the Manektala of Sham Bazaar in Calcutta City. It is known as Badridas temple as also Parshvanath temple. Here is installed an idol of Shri Shitalnath Bhagavan. It is white in complexion, about 70 cms. in height and in Padmasana posture, and simply majestic. From the point of view of sculpture and architecture, this temple in Calcutta is famous throughout the country. The construction of this temple was commenced by Raibahadur Badridas, the son of Lala Kalkadas under the inspiration of his mother. A spot was indicated to him in his dream and the idol was unearthed and discovered from there. With all joy and gaiety it was brought here and ceremoniously installed at the auspicious hands of Acharya Shri Kalyanasurishvaraji in 1867 A.D. All are just stunned by the wonderful art of this majestic temple. There is no spot here where we cannot have a glimpse of the art of the architect. It puts Indians and foreigners, all to wonder and admiration. There is a fine garden round the temple. In front of the temple stands an image of Rai Badridas with folded hands. There is a fountain at the back of the temple with eight dolls at eight corners with marks of sacredness in their hands creating an inkling of a feeling of eight Mangalas; a very much living picture indeed! There is glass enamelling in five colours inside the temple, a vast square of marble, dolls on the outskirts, a lake with pavement and a garden full of all greenery. When we behold all this in the light of electricity, we have an inkling of a plane of gods. Artists from all over the world have honoured it with the epithet "Beauty of Bengal". There are, besides this, six other Shvetambara temples in the city. 89. zrI kalakattA tIrtha (zrIzItalanAtha bhagavAna) kalakattA zaheramAM zAma bajAranA mANikatalAmAM AvelA A maMdirane badrIdAsa Tempala ane pArzvanAtha maMdira paNa kahe che. ahIM mULanAyaka zrIzItalanAtha bhagavAnanI zveta varNanI lagabhaga 70 se.mI. UMcI padamAsanastha bhavya pratimA che. kalakattAnuM A maMdira zilpa ane sthApatyanI daSTie samagra bhAratamAM prasiddha che.A kalAtmaka maMdira lAlA kAlakAdAsajInA putra rAyabahAdura badrIdAsajIe potAnI mAtA pAsethI preraNA meLavIne baMdhAvavAno prAraMbha karyo. emane svapnamAM sUcavAyelA sthAnamAMthI pratimA maLI. A pratimAne bhAre ullAsa ane harSapUrvaka lAvIne 1867mAM A. zrI kalyANasUrIzvarajInA suhaste pratiSThita karavAmAM AvI. A bhavya maMdiranI adabhuta nirmANazailIne mATe sahu stabdhatAno bhAva anubhave che. AmAM koi evI jagyA nathI ke jyAM kArIgare kalAnI jhalaka batAvI na hoya. enI zilpakalA svadezanA ke videzanA pravAsIone paNa mugdha kare che. maMdiranI AsapAsa suMdara bagIco che. maMdiranI sAme rAya badrIdAsajInI mUrti bhaktibhAvathI hAtha beDIne beThelI che. maMdiranI pAchaLaAvelA hojanA ATha khullAmAM ATha pUtaLIonA hAthamAM mAMgalika cihana darzAvIneaSTamaMgalanI bhAvanAnuM jIvaMta citra khaDuM karyuM che. maMdiranIaMdaranI paMcaraMgI kAcanI mInAkArI, Arasano vizALa coka, bAranA bhAganI putaLIo, pharasabaMdhI taLAva ane lIlAchama bagIcAne vIjaLInA prakAzamAM beine tyAre koi daivimAnano bhAsa thAya. jagatanA kalAvidoe Ane 'Beauty of Bengal' (baMgALanuM sauMdarya)thI navAjavuM che. A sivAya zaheramAM kula cha zvetAMbara maMdiro che. nIrvavaMdanA dara (1) ci.sejala mukezabhAInA dasa upavAsa nimitte - surata (2) vIramatIbena pAnAcaMda lallubhAI sukhaDIyA - surata (3) mukezabhAI pAnAcaMda sukhaDIyA - surata (4) a.sau. zIlAbena mukezabhAI sukhaDIyA - surata (5) ci. sunIta mukezabhAI sukhaDIyA - surata. 195
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________________ 9 || 90. SHRI VIMALANATH BHAGAVAN (4) 198
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________________ 90. KAMPILYAPUR TIRTHA (SHRI VIMALANATH BHAGAVAN) This tirtha is situated in the Kampilapura town, at a distance of 10 kms. from the Kayamagunj Railway Station. We have here an idol of MULANAYAKA Shri Vimalnath Bhagavan. It is about 45 cms. in height, white in complexion and in Padmasana posture. It is sanctified by the four Kalyanakas - coming down on earth, birth, initiation into monkhood and acquirement of absolute knowledge of Shri Vimalnath Bhagavan, the thirteenth Tirthankara. It is this land that had Raja Shri Padmanabh, who was initiated into monkhood and he attained to absulute knowledge. This land was again fortunate enough to give birth to the heroic and Chakravarti Shri Hirashena who was extremely devout in his dharma. This was the capital of king Drupad in the times of Shri Neminath Bhagavan, the 22nd Tirthankara. This is therefore the birthplace of Draupadi. This was therefore a prosperous and vast capital of the Panchala country spread over an area of about twenty miles. Ruins that we come across here show that there was a time when there were so many Jain temples here. To-day of course Kampilapur is just a small village. The present temple was inaugurated ceremoniously in V.S. 1904. A fair is held here every year on the sixth day of the month of Posha. On the left of Shri Vimalnatha there stands the idol of Bhagavan Shri Mallinatha and an idol of Shri Shantinatha on the left as also that of Shri Mahavira Swami. Again, on the middling VEDIKA there are pairs of four foot-steps, on all the four sides of the fort round the temple and there are installed four Padukas that bring to memory of Kalyanakas. 90. zrI kAmpibhUpura tIrtha (zrIvimalanAtha bhagavAna) kAyamagaMja relave sTezanathI 10 ki.mI. dUra AvelA kampilapura gAmamAM A tIrtha AveluM che. ahIM mULanAyaka zrIvimalanAtha bhagavAnanI zveta varNanI lagabhaga 45 se.mI. UMcI padamAsanastha pratimA maLe che. A bhUmie teramA tIrtha kara zrIvimalanAtha bhagavAnanAM avana, janma, dIkSA ane kevaLa jJAna A cAra kalyANakothI pAvana banelI che. ahIMnAM maMdiromAM kuzAna ane guptakAlIna pratimAonI kalAtmakatAnA darzana thAya che. A bhUmimAM rAjA zrI padamanAbha thai gayA, jemaNe dIkSA dhAraNa karIne kevaLajJAna prApta karyuM hatuM. pratApI ane cakravartI zrI hariSaNa jevA dharmaniSThane janma ApavAnuM sadabhAgya A bhUmine sAMpaDyuM che. bAvIsamA tIrthakara zrIneminAtha bhagavAnanA samayamAM rAjA drupadanI A rAjadhAnI hatI. draupadInuM A janmasthAna. Ama eka samaye vIseka mAilanA gherAvAmAM patharAyelI dakSiNa pAMcAla dezanI A eka samRddha ane virATa nagarI hatI. ahIMthI prApta thatA avazeSo darzAve che ke ahIM aneka jainamaMdiro hatAM, joke Aje to kapilapura eka nAnakaDuM gAma ja che. ahIMnA maMdiranI pratiSThA vi.saM. 1904mAM thai hatI. dara varSe poSa suda chakke ahIM meLAnuM Ayojana thAya che. mULanAyaka zrI vimalanAthanI pratimAnI DAbI bAju bhagavAna zrImallinAthanI pratimA ane jamaNI bAju bhagavAna zrI zAMtinAtha tema ja zrImahAvIra svAmI bhagavAnanI pratimA pratiSThita che. vacalI vedikA para cAra joDI pagalAM che ane maMdiranA koTanA cAreya khUNe kalyANakonI yAda ApatI cAra pAdukAnI sthApanA karelI che. tIrthanaMdanA 90 (3) a.sau. indu(anupamA) kIrITabhAI zAha parivAra sAyana - muMbaI (1) zAradAbena ramaNalAla zAha parivAra sAyana - muMbaI (4) zItala, saurInabhAI kIrITabhAI zAha parivAra sAyana - muMbaI (2) kIrITabhAI 2maNalAla zAha parivAra sAyana - muMbaI (5) rImA AzISakumAra mahetA - muMbaI 199
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________________ 91. SHRI PARSHVANATH BHAGAVAN (ellyed 14 holat) 200
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________________ 91. SHRI BANARAS TIRTHA (SHRI PARSHVANATH BHAGAVAN) The tirtha is situated in the Bhelupur mohalla in the city of Benaras; the city is also known by the names Varanasi and Kashi. In the name 'Varanasi', there lies the memory of the confluence of the two rivers Varana and Asi. The city is situated on the holy Ganga river at a distance of 765 kms. from Delhi, 565 kms. from Agra and 286 kms. from Lucknow. This land holds greater glory particularly because it is the land of four Kalyanakas of Bhagavan Parshvanatha. According to Jain mythology, in remote past, Shri Suparshvanatha was born here. In the neighbouring Chandrapuri and Simhapuri were born Shri Chandraprabhu Bhagavan and Shri Shreyansanatha Bhagavan. Thus it is that a total of 16 Kalyanakas took place here. This place was the capital city of the Malla kings in the times of Bhagavan Mahavir. In the ancient times this place had so many vast Jina temples; so many of these have been destroyed by the blows of times, though of course we get some information of that old past unearthed by the researches of the archaeological department. Here is installed the idol of MULANAYAKA Shri Parshvanath Bhagavan. Other idols are also found here. There are, in addition, some twelve Shvetambara Jain temples. This spot is a renowned tirtha of Hinduism also. This land is sanctified by the sermonizing words of Shri Parshvanath Bhagavan and Shri Mahavira Bhagavan. 91. zrI. banArasa tIrtha (zrIpArzvanAtha bhagavAna) banArasa zaheranA bhelupura mahollAmAM A tIrtha AveluM che. A zahera vArANasIane kAzInA nAmathI paNa jANItuM che.ahIMnI varaNA ane asI nAmanI be nadIonA saMgamanI smRti vArAkSasI nAmamAM jaLavAyelI che. dilhIthI 765 ki.mI., AmAMthI 565 ki.mI. ane lakhanauthI 286 ki.mI. dUra paramapAvana gaMgA nadIne kinAre A zahera AveluM che. A bhUmi bhagavAna pArzvanAthanAM cAra kalyANakonI bhUmi hovAthI eno vizeSa mahimA che. jaina anuzrutio pramANe to ati prAcIna kALamAM zrIsupArzvanAtha bhagavAnano janma ahIM thayo hato. najIkamAMAvelI caMdrapurImAM zrIcaMdraprabhubhagavAnano ane siMhapurImAM zrIzreyAMsanAtha bhagavAnano janma thayo hato. pUrve navamI sadImAM zrIpArzvanAtha bhagavAnano janma thayo hato. Ama ahIM kula soLa kalyANakI thayelo che. bhagavAna mahAvIranA samayamAM A mahatva rAjAonI rAjadhAnI hatI. prAcIna samayamAM ahIM aneka vizALa jinamaMdirI hatAM, paraMtu kALanA sapATAmAM emAMnAM keTalAka naSTa thai gayAM. joke purAtattva khAtAnA saMzodhanane pariNAme Aje e bhUtakALanI mAhitIo upalabdha thai che.ahIM mULanAyaka zrIpArzvanAtha bhagavAnanI mUrti birAjamAna che ane bI pratimAo paNa maLe che.A uparAMtaatyAre bAra jeTalAM vetAmbara jainamaMdiro che. A sasthaLa e hiMdu dharmanuM prasiddha tIrtha che.A nagarI zrIpArzvanAtha bhagavAnaane zrImahAvIra bhagavAnanI upadezavANIthI pAvana banelI che. tIrthavaMdanA - 91 (1) sva. zAMtIlAla zIvalAla tathA sva. zAntAbena lIbaMDI (2) jagadIzabhAI zAMtIlAla zAhanA okhA - jAmanagara (3) a.sau. caMdrIkAbena jagadIzabhAI okhA - jAmanagara (4) a.sau. mIrA (bi eTrIza ) naSA anulya. ci. puNya karInA (5) a.sau. binAlI tathA rIkhava ci. bhAvI okhA - jAmanagara 201
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________________ Blocco cosa 92. SHRI ADISHWAR BHAGAVAN (Sllleq2 6401911) 202
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________________ 92. SHRI CHITTODAGADH TIRTHA (SHRI ADISHWAR BHAGAVAN) Chittodagadh is renowned in history as the land of adventurous heroes who laid down their lives for the defence of religion and culture. King Chitrangada of the Maurya family got this castle constructed here. Bappa Raval established his own government here in the 8th century of the Vikrama era. Empress Padmini got consumed to fire here and Maharana Pratap proved to be a great hero here. This land is also full to the brim by the unstinted devotion of Mirabai and the liberality of Bhamashah. Acharya Shri Haribhadrasuri lived here and created so much of great literature. The Jain Pillar of fame - KIRTISTAMBHA - with its seven storeys stands as a symbol of the prosperity of the Jainas here. There was a time when there were so many Jaina temples here. To-day only five temples are left. There are the temples of Shri Mahavira Swami with a dome, of Shri Shantinath Bhagavan, of Adishvara Bhagavan renowned by the name Satavira Devari, of Shri Shantinath and Shri Parshva Prabhu. Of these the temple of Satavira Devari is majestically planned with 52 Jinalayas. The idol of MULANAYAKA Bhagavan Adishvara here in is very old and gorgeous. The renovation and ceremonious re-installtion in the three temples took place on the second day of the bright half of Margashirsha in V.S. 1998 at the auspicious hands of Acharya Shri Vijayanitisurishvaraji. Inscriptions of V.S. 1469, 1505, 1513 and 1536 are carved on the idols. The temple of Shri Shantinath was constructed in V.S. 1232. As it went to ruins, Vela, the treasurer of Maharana Kumbha got it repaired, renovated and re-installed. 92. zrI cittoDagaDha tIrtha (zrIAdIzvara bhagavAna) dharma ane saMskRtinI rakSA mATe potAnA prANanuM balidAna ApanArA parAkramI vIronI bhUmi tarIke cittoDagaDha itihAsamAM amara nAmanA dharAve che. A gaDhanuM nirmANa mauryavaMzI rAjavI citrAMgadee karyuM hatuM. vikramanI AThamI sadImAM bApA rAvaLe cittoDagaDha para potAnuM rAjaya sthApyuM. mahArANI padaminInuM jauhara, mahArANA pratApanI vIratA, mIrAMbAinI bhakita ane dAnavIra bhAmAzAnI udAra bhAvanAothI A bhUmi haMmezAM itihAsanuM ujajavaLa pRSTha banI rahI che. A. zrI haribhadrasUrijIe ahIM rahIne vipula sAhityasarjana karyuM. sAta mALavALo jaina kIrtistaMbha jainonI samRddhinuM pratIka che. eka samaye A sthaLe aneka bhavya jinamaMdiro hatAM, paraMtu samayanA pravAhamAM Aje mAtra pAMca ja jinamaMdiro rahyAM che. zrImahAvIra svAmInuM gaMjabavALuM maMdira, zrI zAMtinAtha bhagavAnanuM maMdira, satavIra devarInA nAmathI prasiddha AdIzvaranuM maMdira ane zrI zAMtinAtha tathA zrI pArzvaprabhunuM maMdira maLe che. satavIra devarI maMdira bAvana jinAlayathI suzobhita che. emAM mULanAyaka bhagavAna AdIzvaranI pratimA ati prAcIna ane bhavya che. AmAM traNa maMdirano jIrNoddhAra ane pratiSThA vi.saM. 1988 mAgazara suda bIjanA divase A. zrI vijayanItisUrijInA suhaste thayo.ahIMnI mUrtio para vi.saM. 1469, 1505, 151 3 ane 1536no lekha kotarAyelo che. zrI zAMtinAtha bhagavAnanuM maMdira vi. saM. 1232mAM banyuM hatuM. e khaMDita thatAM mahArANA kuMbhAnA khajAnacI velAe vi.saM. 1505mAM eno jIrNoddhAra karIne pratiSThA karI hatI. tIrthavaMdanA 92 (1) dhIrajalAla bhUdaradAsa vakIla rAghanapura - zAntAkrujha (2) sItAbena dhIrajalAla vakIla rAdhanapura - zAntAkrujha (3) vasumatI dhIrajalAla vakIla rAdhanapura - zAntAkrujha (4) vasaMta dhIrajalAla vakIla rAdhanapura - zAntAkrujha (5) RSita-rAjana vasaMta vakIla rAdhanapura - zAntAkrujha , 203
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________________ 93. FUTURE TIRTHANKARA SHRI PADMANABHA SWAMI. (cua desz el 4E HAIRY 24111) 204
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________________ 93. SHRI UDAYAPURA TIRTH (FUTURE TIRTHANKARA SHRI PADMANABHA SWAMI) This fine city, known after the name of Maharana Udayasinha is the capital of Mevad. This city is attractive for pilgrims and travellers. It is destined that the Jiva of Maharaja Shrenik, a devout worshipper and servant of the religious order is to become the first Tirthankara in the coming twenty four. His name will be Padmanabha. In the temple over here is installed an exquisitely gorgeous idol of Shri Padmanabha, the future Tirthankara. 93. zrI udayapura tIrtha (bhAvi tIrthakara zrIpadamanAbha svAmI) mahArANA udayasiMhanA nAma para vaselI A suMdara nagarI mevADanI rAjadhAnI che. yAtrALuo ane pravAsIone mATe A eka AkarSaka nagara che. A nagarI aneka maMdiro ane rAjamahelothI suzobhita che. bhagavAna mahAvIranA parama upAsaka ane zAsana prabhAvaka mahArAjA zreNikano jIva bhAvi covIsImAM prathama tIrtha kara banavAno che. enuM nAma haze padamanAbha. A jinamaMdiramAM bhAvi tIrthakara zrIpadamanAbhanI pratimA birAjamAna che je atyaMta bhavya che. | | | |D[ 1550hIII), jy jy jyjlib\\\\\_/lD) UI5IiDUDDHI tIrthanaMdanA 93 (1) padamAbahena bAbulAla zAha - jAmanagara - pArlA - muMbaI (2) caMdrakAnta bAbulAla zAha - jAmanagara - pArlA - muMbaI (3) a.sau. mInA caMdrakAnta zAha - jAmanagara - muMbaI (4) ci. jaya caMdrakAnta zAha - jAmanagara - muMbaI (5) hetala, palaka, caMdrakAnta zAha - jAmanagara - muMbaI 205.
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________________ VO 94. SHRI ADINATH BHAGAVAN (sll El-114 6401914) 206
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________________ 94. SHRI KESARIYAJI TIRTHA (SHRI ADINATH BHAGAVAN) This is an attractive tirtha rich in architectural beauties on the Ahmedabad - Udaipur Road, at a distance of 66 kms. from Udaipur city station. This is a great tirtha in the Rushabhadeva town near the hills in the Mevad state. Here is installed an idol of MULANAYAKA Shri Adinath Bhagavan. It is black in complexion, about 105 cms. in height, in Padmasana posture and simply gorgeous! Here pilgrims are bound to be lost in unstinted devotion; both Jain and non-jain visitors and pilgrims experience a sort of sacredness, thanks due to the simply indescribable art of the image of Shri Prabhu. The round face of Shri Prabhu is extremely attractive and pleasing to the mind. The whole temple with the main inner apartment, the deep pandal, nine chowkis, the assembly pandal, the Bhamati, the small shrines of gods, the Shrungara chowki, the peak and the encircling fort is simply majestic. Even from a distance this gorgeous 52 Jinalayas enraptures the viewer. Its peaks, arches, entrances and pillars are extremely artistic. In the compound of the temple there is an image of Shri Marudevi Mata mounted on an elephant; it is installed in V.S. 1688. There stands also a temple of Jagavallabha Parshvanatha Bhagavan. We come across many grand and miraculous stories and anecdotes about the antiquity and history of the image of Shri Adinath Bhagavan. It is said that first the temple was constructed in bricks but later on in stone. There proofs of its renovations is also available. For the last several centuries saffron is applied to Shri Prabhu, so much so that the complexion of Shri Prabhu is therefore known as Keshariyanath or Kesariyalal. This is one very important tirtha of the Jainas in the Mewad state. 94. zrI kesariyAjI tIrtha (zrIAdInAtha bhagavAna) udayapura sITI sTezanathI 66 ki.mI. dUra AveluM evuMamadAvAda-udayapura mArga para AkarSaka zilpakalAyukata tIrtha che.ahIM RSabhadeva gAmamAM pahADanI najIka mevADa rAjayanuM A eka bhavya tIrtha AveluM che. mULanAyaka zrIAdInAtha bhagavAnanI zyAma varNanI lagabhaga 105 se.mI. UMcI padamAsanastha pratimA yAtrALuone bhakitabhAvathI taraboLa kare tevI che. prabhupratimAnI A kalA avarNanIya che ane teno prabhAva eTalo badho che ke jainaane jainetara sahu koi enA darzana karIne pAvana bane che. prabhunuM mukhamaMDaLaatyaMta AkarSaka ane manohArI che. AkhuMye maMdira mULa gabhAro, gUDhamaMDapa, nava cokI, sabhA maMDapa, bhamati, bAvana devakulikAo, zRMgAra cokI, zikhara ane koTabaMdhI racanAvALuM che. A bhavya bAvana jinAlayanuM maMdira dUrathI ja manamohaka lAge che ane enAM zikharo, toraNa, dvAro ane staMbhonI kalA atyaMta kamanIya che. prAMgaNamAM vi.saM. 1688mAM sthApita hAthI para ArUDha zrI marudevI mAtAnI mUrti tathA jagavallabha pArzvanAtha bhagavAnanuM maMdira che. mULanAyaka zrIAdinAtha bhagavAnanI pratimAnI prAcInatA ane enA itihAsa vize ghaNI gauravapUrNa ane camatkArabharI kathAo maLe che. ema kahevAya che ke A maMdira prathama ITonuM baneluM hatuM ane pachI te paththaranuM banAvavAmAM AvyuM. 1431mAM eno jIrNoddhAra thayAnA purAvA maLe che ane tyAra pachI paNa jIrNoddhAranI mAhitI prApta thAya che. bhakatonI bhAvanA pUrNa karatAM A devane sadIothI kesara caDAvavAmAM Ave che. kesarano eTalo badho lepa thai jAya che ke prabhuno varNa kesara jevo pratIta thAya che tethI ja A prabhune kesariyAnAtha ke kesariyAlAla kahevAmAM Ave che. mevADa rAjyamAM AveluM jainonuM A eka pramukha tIrthasthAna che. JURTI IT It ' tIrthanaMdanA 94 (1) padamAbahena bAbulAla zAha - jAmanagara - pArlA - muMbaI (2) caMdrakAnta bAbulAla zAha - jAmanagara - pArlA - muMbaI maga - 1 2 (3) a.sau. mInA caMdrakAnta zAha jAmanagara - muMbaI (4) ci. jaya caMdrakAnta zAha - jAmanagara - muMbaI (5) hetala, palaka, caMdrakAnta zAha - jAmanagara - muMbaI 207
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________________ 29 wwwboos Toomey Cloon po 95. SHRI KAREDA PARSHVANATH BHAGAVAN (all) 208
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________________ 95. SHRI KAREDA TIRTHA (SHRI KAREDA PARSHVANATH BHAGAVAN) This tirtha, situated on the Chittod-Udaipur Road, at a distance of 56 kms. from Chittod is in the heart of the Bhopalsagar town. Here is installed an idol of MULANAYAKA Shri Parshvanath Bhagavan. It is black in complexion, about 90 cms. in height and in Padmasana posture. The temple is gorgeous indeed. This temple with 52 Jinalayas is of white stone and betrays ancient construction. It has the central inner apartment, deep pandal, Chowkis, a vast assembly-pandal and peaks. Recently at the time of repairs and renovation, a writing of V.S. 55 was found on an ancient pillar. There is also a reference which states that the idol of Shri Parshvanath Bhagavan was ceremoniously installed by Bhattaraka Acharya Shri Yashobhadrasurishvaraji in V.S. 1029. In the Bhamati there are some idols with Inscriptions of V.S. 1303, 1341 and 1496. One other reference states that the Chief Minister of Mandavagadh, Shri Pethadashah got constructed here a temple of Shri Parshvanath Bhagavan and that his son Jhanjhanshah got constructed a temple with seven storeys. However no trace of it is to be found to-day. The present temple was renovated once more and once more the idol of Shri Prabhu was installed on the sacred 13th day of the bright half of Maha in V.S. 2033 at the sacred hands of Shri Sushilasurishvaraji. As the Jaina history tells us, the Sanghas going on a pilgrimage of Shatrunjaya come here for the darshan of Shri Parshvaprabhu, who destroys all calamities. The present idol is extremely miraculous. Every year a vast fair is held here on the occasion of the sacred event of the birth of Parshvaprabhu. Then it is that men and women in thousands participate in prayer and devotion towards Shri Prabhu. 95. zrI kareDA tIrtha (zrIkoDA pArzvanAtha bhagavAna) cittoDa-udayapura mArga para AveluM zrI kareDA tIrtha cittoDathI 56 ki.mI. dUra AvelA bhopAlasAgara gAmanI madhyamAM AveluM che. mULanAyaka zrI pArzvanAtha bhagavAnanI zyAma varNanI lagabhaga 90 se.mI. UMcI padamAsanastha pratimA che. A maMdira atyaMta bhavya che. zveta pASANanuM A bAvana jinAlaya maMdira prAcIna bAMdhaNI dharAve che. mULa gabhAro, gUDhamaMDapa, cokIo, vizALa sabhAmaMDapa ane zikhara sAthenI racanAvALuM che. tAjetaramAM jIrNoddhAra samaye ahIMthI vi.saM. 15no lekha dharAvato prAcIna staMbha maLI Avyo. jyAre vi.saM. 1029mAM bhaTTAraka A. zrI yazobhadrasUrIzvarajI dvArA zrI pArzvanAtha bhagavAnanI pratimAnI pratiSThA thayAno ullekha maLe che. bhamatimAM keTalIka mUrtio para vi.saM. 1303, 1341 ane 1496no lekha kotarelo che. evo ullekha maLe che ke mAMDavagaDhanA mahAmaMtrI zrI pethaDazAhe ahIM zrIpArzvanAtha bhagavAnanuM maMdira banAvyuM hatuM ane enA putra jhAMjhaNazAhe sAta mALanuM maMdira banAvyAno ullekha maLe che, paraMtu Aje e bhavya maMdiranI koI bhALa maLatI nathI. hAlanA maMdirano puna:jIrNoddhAra thayo ane vi.saM. 2033 mahA suda terasanA zubha dine A. zrI suzIlasUrIzvarajInA suhaste prabhupratimAnI puna:pratiSThA thai. jaina itihAsamAM zatruMjayanI yAtrAe saMgha laIne janArAahIM upasarga haranAra zrI pArzvaprabhunI pratimAnA darzanArthe AvatA hatA. vartamAna pratimA paNa atyaMta camatkArika ane upasarga dUra karanArI che. dara varSe pArzvaprabhunA janmakalyANakanAavasare ahIM vizALa meLo bharAya che, jayAre hajAro nara-nArIo umaMgabhera prabhubhakitamAM bhAga le che. tIrthanaMdanA95 (1) a.sau. suzIlAbena bApubhAI bAlubhAI jhaverI surata-malADa (2) a.sau. haMsAbena maMgalacaMda jhaverI surata - malADa (3) a.sau. dhAriNI divyeza jhaverI khyAti, ci. namita surata - malADa (4) a.sau. chAyA, ketana, jhaverI ci. izAna surata - malADa (5) a.sau. jasmIna, AziSa, jhaverI ci. darzita surata - malADa, 209
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________________ 96. SHRI NAGESHVAR PARSHVANATH BHAGAVAN (all-ulema uled 114 Croat) 210
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________________ 96. SHRI UNHEL TIRTHA (SHRI NAGESHVAR PARSHVANATH BHAGAVAN) In the present days this tirtha is becoming renowned as a great tirtha. This is due to the unparalleled personality that Shri Nageshvar Parshvanath Bhagavan is. Chaumahala is a station on the railway line from Ratlam to Delhi. We can go to the Unhel Tirtha from here via Alot. After initiation, Tirthankara Shri Parshvanath Bhagavan was totally engrossed in meditation when Kamatha tried hard to disturb his concentration by heavy rains. It was at this time that, as a token of his devotion, Dharnendra raised high Shri Prabhu who was deep in KAYOTSARGA. Kamatha was defeated and begged forgivance of Shri Parshvanath Prabhu. On one side stood Shri Dharanendra Deva with his unstinted devotion; on the other side there was Kamatha, anxious to take life out of Shri Prabhu. But Shri Prabhu viewed both just with the same vision. As a result, the divine inclination in Kamatha nicely revealed itself. A story says that Dharanendra raised this idol to commemorate for all time to come this great event. In the whole world only two sacred idols of the living state of Shri Mahavira Swami and Shri Nageshvar Parshvanath Bhagavan are available. Once this tirtha was in the custody of non-Jains. However, Jainas acquired it back thanks to the constant efforts and inspiration of revered Upadhyaya Shri Dharmasagaragani as also his worthy pupil revered Agamavisharad Pannyasa Shri Abhayasagaraji Maharaj Saheb. He inspired the renovation of the tirtha and the work commenced. The all-sided development of the tirtha and the ceremony of ANJANASHALAKA in the tirtha was performed after decades in V.S. 2037 on the sixth day of the bright half of the month Vaishakha. Again, on the very next sacred day, ceremonious installation of all the Jina images except that of Shri Nageshvar Parshvanath Bhagavan took place. The extremely magnanimous idols of Shri Manibhadra Vira and Shri Padmavatidevi were installed by Shri Jain Shvetambara Nageshvara Parshvanath Tirtha Pedhi in the presence of hundreds of Sadhus and Sadhvis and Shravakas and Shravikas. The sacred work could be completed thanks to the efforts of Shri Sudhakarbhai Dalal of Shri Chowpaty Sangha. Then it was that the fame of this tirtha spread in the whole of India. 96. zrI unhela tIrtha (zrInAgezvara pArzvanAtha bhagavAna) A tIrtha Aje bhAratanA madhyapradezanuM eka mahAtIrtha banI rahyuM che ane tenuM kAraNa che tenA mULanAyaka zrInAgezvara pArzvanAtha bhagavAnano apratima prabhAva. ratalAmathI dilhI taraphanA relavemArga para caumahalA sTezana Ave che. ahIMthI AloTa thaine zrI unhela tIrthe javAya che. tIrtha kara zrI pArzvanAtha bhagavAnane, dIkSA bAda teo dhyAnastha mudrAe sAdhanAmAM lIna hatA tyAre, temanA para kamaThe varasAda varasAvIne upasarga karyo. A samaye dharaNendrane prabhunI bhakita nimite kAusagnamAM rahelA prabhune be hAthathI UMce lai gayo, pariNAme kamaTha hAryo ane zrI pArzvanAtha prabhunI kSamA yAcavA lAgyo. eka bAju akhUTa prabhubhakita dharAvanAra dharaNendra deva hatA ane bIjI bAju prabhunA prANa haravA mAganAra kamaTha hato. paraMtu prabhunI daSTi to baMne para samAna ja rahI. enI prabhutulya manovRtti supere pragaTa thai. A prasaMganI zAzvata smRti mATe dharaNendra prabhu pArzvanAthanI A mUrti bharAvI evI kathA maLe che. jagatamAM tIrthakara zrImahAvIra svAmI ane zrInAgezvara pArzvanAtha bhagavaMtanI jIvaMta avasthAnI be pratimAjI prApta thAya che. eka samaye ajainonA hAthamAM raheluM A tIrtha pU. upAdhyAya zrI dharmasAgarajI gaNi tathA temanA ziSyo pU. AgamavizArada paMnyAsa zrI, abhayasAgarajI ma.sA.nA satata prayatno ane preraNAne kAraNe jainone pAchuM prApta thayuM. teoe tIrthoddhAranI preraNA karIne kAma zarU karAvyuM. A tIrthano sarvAgINa vikAsa pa.pU. zAsanasamrATa A. zrI vijayanemi-vijJAna-kastUra sUrIzvarajInA paTTadhara pa.pU. A. zrI vijayacaMdrodayasUrIzvarajI ma.sA., vi.saM. 2037 nA vaizAkha suda 6nA divase seMkaDo varSa bAda A tIrthamAM aMjanazalAkA mahAvidhAna karAvyuM. vaLI vaizAkha suda 7nA zubha divase mULanAyaka zrInAgezvara pArzvanAtha bhagavAna sivAyanA sarva jinabimbonI tathA zrI maNibhadravIra ane zrI padmAvatIdevInI ati bhavya pratimAonI, se kaDo sAdhu-sAdhvIo ane hajAro zrAvaka-zrAvikAonI upasthitimAM, zrI jaina zvetAmbara nAgezvara pArzvanAtha tIrthapeDhInA upakrame pratiSThA karAvI. e samaye zrI copATI saMghanA agraNI zrI sudhAkarabhAi maNilAla dalAlanA parizramathI A kArya saMpanna thayuM. pratiSThA bAda A tIrthano mahimA samagra bhAratamAM phelAi gayo. tIrthavaMdanA-96 (1) rajanIkAnta bAbulAla zAha bhadrAvaLavALA - muMbaI (2) a.sau. hemalatA rajanIkAnta zAha bhadrAvaLavALA - muMbaI (3) ci. miteza rajanIkAnta zAha bhadrAvaLavALA - muMbaI (4) amI rajanIkAnta zAha bhadrAvaLavALA - muMbaI (pa) e sau. AzA kamalakumAra zAha bhadrAvaLavALA - muMbaI 211
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________________ 97. SHRI MAKSHI PARSHVANATH BHAGAVAN (zrImaNI pArzvanAtha bhagavAna) 212
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________________ 97. MAKSHI TIRTHA (SHRI MAKSHI PARSHVANATH BHAGAVAN) On the Bombay-Agra Road, at a distance of 40 kms. from Ujjain and Devas, there is Makshi Railway Station. This tirtha is at a distance of 12 kms. from here. In the Makshi town there is a fine lake and on its banks is this tirtha where we have an idol of Shri Makshi Parshvanath Bhagavan. It is black in complexion, about 105 cms. in height and it is in Padmasana posture. The art of the image of Shri Prabhu is so living an expressive and the Charm and compassion that ooze out there from touch the very depth of the devotees' heart. The image is simply gorgeous and miraculous. So many stories of miracles are heard. The history of the idol of Shri Prabhu is very old. So many Shravakas and Shravikas were residing here in the second century B.C.. The idol is stated to be of the 7th century A.D. The Parmar Kings had got a Jain temple constructed here. It is stated that when Mohammud Gazanavi came to India, he came with the intention of demolishing this temple along with others. But, on coming here, he was down with a serious ailment; he had an experience of the miracle of Shri Prabhu. As a result, Mohammud Gazanavi ordered his army not to hurt the idol or temple in any way. He further got five Kangaras constructed at the entrance of the temple. It is said that the treasurer of Mandavagadh, Shri Sangrama Soni got this temple constructed. It was ceremoniously installed at the sacred hands of Shri Somasundarasuriji. One opinion states that Sangrama Soni had got this ancient temple renovated. So many incidents of the miracles of the idol and the temple are heard. The idol of MULANAYAKA Shri Makshi Parshvanath Bhagavan is at a distance from the main seat, and this is indeed surprising. 97. zrI makSI tIrtha (zrImakSI pArzvanAtha bhagavAna) muMbai- AgrA mArga para ujajaina ane devAsa zaherathI 40 ki.mI. dUra AvelA malI relave sTezanathI A tIrtha 1.5 ki.mI. dUra che. malI gAmamAM AvelA ramaNIya sarovaranA kinAre mULanAyaka zrImakI pArzvanAtha bhagavAnanI zyAma varNanI lagabhaga 105 se.mI. UMcI padamAsanastha pratimA maLe che. A prabhupratimAnuM zilpa ane emAMthI pragaTatI karuNA ane lAvaNya sahu koInA hRdayane AkarSI jAya che. pArzvaprabhunI A pratimA atyaMta bhavya ane camatkArika che ane e vizenI aneka camatkArakathAo paNa maLe che. A prabhu pratimAno itihAsa ati prAcIna che. pUrve bIjI zatAbdImAM A gAmamAM aneka zrAvaka ane zrAvikAo rahetAM hatAM. prabhu pratimA to pUrve sAtamI sadInI hoya ema kahevAmAM Ave che. dasamI sadImAM paramAra rAjAoe ahIM jaina maMdira baMdhAvyAno ullekha che. ema kahevAya che ke 11mI sadImAM mahaMmada gajhanavI jyAre bhArata Avyo tyAre bIjAM maMdironI mAphaka A maMdirane toDavA Avyo hato, paNa ekAeka ahIM AvyA bAda e gaMbhIra bImArImAM paTakAyo ane prabhupratimAnA camatkArono anubhava thayo. pariNAme mahaMmada gajhanavIe enI senAne hukama Apyo ke koIe paNa maMdira ke pratimAne saheje kSati pahoMcADavI nahIM. ethIye vizeSa ahIM eNe enI yAdagIrI rUpe maMdiranA dvAra para pAMca kaMgurA paNa baMdhAvI ApyA. ema kahevAya che ke mAMDavagaDhanA khajAnacI zrI saMgrAma sonIe A maMdira baMdhAvyuM hatuM ane A. zrI somasuMdara sUrijInA zubha hasteenI pratiSThA karAvI hatI. eka mata evo paNa che ke A prAcIna maMdirano saMgrAma sonIe jIrNoddhAra karyo hato. A maMdira ane pratimAnA camatkAronI aneka ghaTanAo sAMbhaLavA maLe che. mULanAyaka zrImakSI pArzvanAtha bhagavAnanI pratimA koi agamya kAraNasara mULa gAdIthI dUra birAje che te Azcaryajanaka lAge che. tIrthanaMdanA-97 (3) a.sau. jayAlakSmI praviNabhAI zAha bhadrAvaLavALA - muMbaI (1) sva. bAbulAla chaganalAla zAha bhadrAvaLavALA - muMbaI (4) e sau, mItA vipulakumAra zAha bhadrAvaLavALA - muMbaI (2) lIlAvaMtIbahena bAbulAla zAha bhadrAvaLavALA - muMbaI (5) mihira,vatsala vipulakumAra zAha bhadrAvaLavALA - muMbaI 213
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________________ Good Ou 100 214 KU 98. SHRI AVATI PARSHVANATH BHAGAVAN ( ) 89
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________________ 98. SHRI UJJAIN TIRTHA (SHRI ARVATI PARSHVANATH BHAGAVAN) This tirtha is situated at a distance of 1.6 kms. from the main Railway station of the historical city of Ujjain. It is in the vicinity of the Shipra river. Avanti is the old name of Ujjain. The temple has a blackcolour image of MULANAYAKA Shri Avanti Parshvanath Bhagavan. The city and this tirtha has seen so many strokes and attacks of time. The process of rise and fall goes on continuously, and, as a result, not much art is visible in this Jina temple. The idol of Shri Avanti Parshvanath Bhagavan is extremely gentleSaumya - and higly impressive. So many powerful Kings of the Jaina history have ruled over here. The emperor of the Jain order Acharya Chandrarudra, Aryarakshitasuri, Shri Chandragupta Maurya, Arya Ashadha and others resided here and spread religious influence. Acharya Shri Siddhasena Divakara Suri had composed "Kalyanamandira Stotra" and it was through it that a very much charming and impressive image of Shri Parshvanath Prabhu revealed itself from the lustrous Shivalinga. In the seventh century Shri Manatunga Suri composed "Bhaktamara & Stotra" here and showed miracles. In the eleventh century Shantisuriji defeated the 84 Vadis at the court of King Bhoja and won rare honour.In samvat 250 of Veera Nirvana, Shri Mahakala constructed this great tirtha in memory of his father on the advice of Aryasuhastisuriji. Then, in course of time, ups and downs followed, but revered Acharyas now and again enhanced the glory of this tirtha by their spiritual powers. To-day, besides this temple, we see as many as twenty two others in the city. 98. zrI ujjaina tIrtha (zrIavaMtI pArzvanAtha bhagavAna) iniSThAprasiddha ujjaina zaheranA mukhya relave sTezanathI A tIrtha 1.6 ki.mI. dUra AveluM che. ujajaina zaheranI kSiprA nadInI pAse AveluM che. mULanAyaka zrIavaMtI pArzvanAtha bhagavAnanI zyAma varNanI pratimA maLe che. ujajainanuM prAcIna nAma che avaMtI. A nagare aneA tIrthe samayaparivartananAaneka kALajhapATA joyA che. Ama patana ane utthAnanI prakriyA satata cAlatI hovAne kAraNe A jinAlayamAM prAcIna kalA ochI jovA maLe che, paraMtu zrIavaMtI pArzvanAtha bhagavAnanI prAcIna pratimA atyaMta saumya ane prabhAvaka che. jaina itihAsamAM caMDapradhota, sammati, vikramAditya jevA aneka prabhAvazALI rAjAo A nagaramAM thaI gayA. zAsanaprabhAvaka AcArya caMdrarudra, AryarakSitasUri, zrI caMdragupta maurya, Arya ASADha vageree ahIM rahIne dharmano prabhAva phelAvyo hato. A. zrI siddhasena divAkarasUrie kalyANamaMdira stotranI racanA karI, jenA prabhAvathI maMdiramAM rahelA jayotirmaya zivaliMgamAMthI zrI pArzvaprabhunI manohara mUrti pragaTa thaI hatI. sAtamI sadImAM zrI mAnatuMgasUrie ahIM bhaktAmara stotranI racanA dvArA camatkAra batAvyo ane 11mI sadImAM zrI zAMtisUrijIe bhojanA darabAranA 84 vAdIone jItIne apUrva sanmAna meLavyuM. vIranirvANa saMvata 250mAM A tIrthanuM zrI mahAkAle AryasuhastisUrijInA upadezathI potAnA pinAnA smaraNArthe nirmANa karyuM e pachI kALanA pravAhamAManeka caDatI-paDatI AvI, paraMtu AcArya bhagavAne potAnI adhyAtmazakti dvArA vakhatovakhata tIrthano mahimA vadhAryo che. atyAre A maMdira sivAya bIjAM bAvIsa jeTalAM maMdiro jovA maLe che. tIrthavaMdanA-98 (1) sva raMbhAbahena amRtalAla trIkamalAla zAha (2) kirtIbhAI amRtalAla zAha (3) a.sau. kokilAbahena kirtIbhAI zAha 1066 (4) sva. mahendrabhAI amRtalAla zAha ka (5) kumArI vaMditAbahena kirtIbhAI zAhanA mAsakSamaNa 2051 nimitte 215
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________________ 99. SHRI SHANTINATH BHAGAVAN (>ll sila-14 4010+) 216
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________________ 39. SHRI BHOPAVARA TIRTHA (SHRI SHANTINATH BHAGAVAN) This tirtha is situated in the Bhopavara town near the Mahi river situated at a distance of 80 kms. from the Indore Railway Station. Here stands the idol of MULANAYAKA Shri Shantinath Bhagavan. It is black in complexion, 3.64 metres in height and having Kayotsarga Mudra. Not only Jainas but thousands of Bhils all-round, have darshana and salutation of this image in utter devotion. Amongst the Bhils Shri Shantinath Prabhu is known as Kalababa as also as Bamanadeva. Now and again this tirtha is renovated. There is an indication that in the courtyard of this temple an old temple is buried underground. The image of Shri Shantinath Bhagavan is very old; according to one opinion, it belongs to the time of Shri Neminath Bhagavan. It is said that when Krishna kidnapped princess Rukmini, her brother Rukmikumar fought a battle here. On being defeated he stayed on here and constructed this majestic and lovely Jain temple. So many incidents of miracles of this spot are well-known. Beneath the two hands of Shri MULANAYAKA in the temple there are images of goddesses. On the two sides are seated the idols of Shri Shantinath and Shri Chandraprabha Bhagavan. The work of glass, mother of pearl and enamel painting etc. is full of variety, extremely beautiful and artistic. No spot in the temple is devoid of art in the temple. 99. zrI bhopAvara tIrtha (zrIzAMtinAtha bhagavAna) indora relave sTezanathI 80 ki.mI. dUra AvelA bhopAvara gAmamAM mahI nadI pAse A tIrtha AveluM che. ahIM mULanAyaka zrIzAMtinAtha bhagavAnanI zyAma varNanI 3.64 mITaranI UMcAi dharAvatI kAyotsarga mudrAvALI pratimA che. mAtra jaino ja nahIM, paraMtu AsapAsanA hajAro bhIla loko A pratimAnAM atyaMta bhAvapUrvaka darzana-vaMdana kare che. bhIlomAM zrIzAMtinAtha prabhu kAlAbAbA tathA bAmaNAdevanA nAme jANItA che. A tIrthano vakhatovakhata jIrNoddhAra thayo che. A maMdiranA AMgaNAmAM ja eka jUnuM maMdira bhUgarbhamAM daTAyeluM hovAno saMketa maLyo che. zrIzAMtinAtha bhagavAnanI pratimA ati prAcIna cheaneeka mata mujaba to zrIneminAtha bhagavAnanA samayanI batAvavAmAMAve che ema kahevAya che ke kRSNe rAjakumArI rukamiNInuM haraNa karyuM tyAre rAjakumArInA bhAIrukamaNakumAre ahIM yuddha karyuM hatuM AmAM parAjita thatAM rukamaNaku mAra ahIM ja rahI gayAaneA gAma vasAvyuM tema ja emaNe eka bhavya darzanIya jinamaMdiranuM nirmANa karyuM. A tIrthasthaLanA aneka camatkArika prasaMgo jANItA che, jyAre A maMdiranA mULanAyakanI pratimAnA baMne hAtha nIce devIonI pratimAo che. mULanAyakanI baMne bAjue zrIzAMtinAtha ane zrIcaMdraprabhu bhagavAnanI mUrtio birAjamAna che. A maMdiramAM kAca, sIpu ane mInAkArI vagerenuM kAma atyaMta suMdara, vaividhyapUrNa tathA kalAyukta lAge che. maMdiranI koI jagyA kalAkArIgarI vinA khAlI jaNAtI nathI. yojena venAmA rAntinAyIkA mandiramora tIrthavaMdanA-99 (1) kasturacaMda bApulAla zAha - pATaNavALA - muMbaI (2) jAsudabahena kasturacaMda zAha - pATaNavALA - muMbaI (3) bApulAla cunIlAla zAha - pATaNavALA - muMbaI (4) caMcaLabahena bApulAla zAha - pATaNavALA - muMbaI (pa) sau. praviNAbahena jasavaMtalAla zAha - pATavALA - muMbaI 217
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________________ 100. SHRI SUPARSHVANATHA BHAGAVAN (slywed 14 C401911) 218
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________________ 100. SHRI MANDAVAGADH TIRTHA (SHRI SUPARSHVANATHA BHAGAVAN) The Vindhyachala mountain is situated at a distance of 33 kms. from Dhar village, which is at a distance of 88 kmgs. from Indore Railway station. On one high peak of this mountain there is a vast fort, Mandava durga in which this tirtha is situated. It is also known as Mandu. So many remnants of ancient art are visible here because it is an ancient tirtha. Here is found installed an idol of MULANAYAKA Shri Suparshvanath Bhagvan. It is white in complexion, 91.4 cms. in height and in Padmasana posture. This idol is older than the fourteenth century. It is said that once upon a time there were 700 Jina temples here and a population of more than six lakh Jainas. Religious fervour was so very keen here that whenever a new Jain came to reside here, every Jain house would give one gold coin and one brick to him. In the period between the 13th and the 17th centuries, so many powerful and influential ministers happened to live here. Minister Pethadshah, Jhanjhanasha, Punjaraj, Munjaraj, Deputy Minister, Mandana, Gopal, treasurer Sangram Soni, Diwan Jivan, Shravak Javadashah etc. used their vast wealth and constructed so many temples here. They had taken out so many Sanghas for pilgrimage and thus raised high the prestige of Jaina dharma and made Jaina dharma prosperous. At the time of the visit of Shri Dharmaghoshasuriji, it was Pethadshah who got the whole city decorated gorgeously in the whole city. The pilgrimage-sangha started by Jhanjhanashah, the works composed by the deputy minister Mandana, the Agamas got written by Sangrama Soni in letters of gold and the religious spirits and liberality is a history still singing in this tirtha. In this same fort there is a fine temple of smaller size of Shri Shantinath Bhagavan. The construction of its BHAMATI is simply exquisite. 100. zrI mAMDavagaDha tIrtha (zrIsupArzvanAtha bhagavAna) indora relave sTezanathI 88 ki.mI. dUra ane dhAra gAmathI 33 ki.mI. dUra AvelA viMdhyAcala parvatanA eka UMcA zikhara para AvelA mAMDava durganA vizALa koTanI aMdara A tIrtha AveluM che. e mAMDunA nAme paNa oLakhAya che. A mAMDu atyaMta prasiddha prAcIna sthaLa hovAthI ahIM prAcInakalAnA asaMkhya avazeSo jovA maLe che. mULanAyaka zrIsupArzvanAtha bhagavAnanI zveta varNanI 91.4 se.mI. UMcI padamAsanI pratimA birAjamAna che. A pratimA 14mI sadIthI paNa prAcIna che. ema kahevAya che ke eka samaye ahIM 700 jinAlaya hatAM ane cha lAkhathI adhika jainonI vastI hatI. ahIM lokomAM sAdharmi ke vAtsalya eTaluM badhuM hatuM ke ahIM je koi jaina navo rahevA AvatA tene pratyeka jaina ghara dvArA eka suvarNa mudrA ane eka ITa ApavAmAM AvatI hatI. 13mI sadIthI 17mI sadI daramiyAna mAMDavagaDhamAM aneka prabhAvazALI jaina maMtrIo ane zrAvako thayA. maMtrI pethaDazAha, jhAMjhaNazAha, paMjarAja, muMjarAja, upamaMtrI, maMDana, gopAla, khajAnacI saMgrAma sonI, dIvAna jIvana, zrAvaka jAvaDazAha vageree potAnI aDhaLaka saMpattino upayoga karIne aneka maMdiro baMdhAvyAM hatAM. ghaNA yAtrAsaMgha kADhyA hatA ane e rIte jaina dharmanI asIma pratiSThA vadhArI hatI. pethaDazAha dvArA zrI dharmaghoSa surijInA Agamana samaye A nagarIne bhavya rIte zaNagAravAmAM AvI hatI. jhAMjhaNazAhe kADhelo zatruMjayano yAtrAsaMgha, maMDana upamaMtrIe racelA graMtho, zrI saMgrAma sonIe suvarNAkSare lakhAvelAM Agamo ane jAvaDazAhanI dhArmikatA ane udAratAno itihAsa mAMDavagaDha tIrthamAM saMbhaLAya che. A ja koTanI aMdara zrI zAMtinAtha bhagavAnanuM nIcA ghATanuM paNa ramaNIya maMdira che. enI bhamatinI racanA suMdara che. ETS . ! tIrthanaMdanA-100 (1) a.sau. surajabahena pAnAcaMda rAmacaMda zAha - surata- amerIkA (2) Do. araviMdabhAI pAnAcaMda zAha- surata- amerIkA (3) a.sau. Do. nalInIbahena araviMdabhAI zAha - surata - amerIkA (4) ku. ravI araviMdabhAI zAha - surata - amerIkA (5) ci. amIta araviMdabhAI zAha-surata-amerIkA 219
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________________ UNWW. 101. SHRI KESARIYA PARSHVANATH BHAGAVAN (akus ued-119 GLO1914) 220
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________________ 101. SHRI BHANDUKA (BHADRAVATI) TIRTHA (SHRI KESARIYA PARSHVANATH BHAGAVAN) The tirtha is situated in a vast garden in the vicinity of Bhadravati village. Here is installed an idol of MULANAYAKA Shri Kesariya Parshvanath Bhagavan. It is black in complexion, 152 cms. in height and in semi-padmasana posture. The remnants found here indicate that this tirtha must be very old; but how old, it is not deciphered. Till the last century half of the idol of Shri Parshvanath Bhagavan was buried in the ground. People therefore knew it as Kesariababa, and applied vermilion on it. Thereafter, the Shvetambara Jain Sanghas requested the Government to hand over to them the temple that was in Government custody. The Government conceded and thereafter the Shri Sangha got the tirtha repaired and renovated. Again in V.S. 1966, on the fifth day of the bright half of the month of Maha, the manager of Shri Antariksha tirtha Shri Chaturbhujabhai had a dream. Nagadevta gave DARSHAN to him and he received divine orders to get the tirtha renovated. Shri Chaturbhuj inquired about the spot and while he roamed all-around, he came to this tirtha-spot. He talked to the Shri Sangha that acquired the custody and administration from the Government. From this day Shri Prabhu of this tirtha is known as Shri Svapanadeva Kesariya Parshvanath Bhagavan. On the idol of Jina acquired from here, we get an inscription of V.S. 1133. Every year, on the tenth day of the dark half of Margashirsha, a fair is held here and devotees with deep faith come here for DARSHAN from far-off places. There are also two other temples here of Adishvara Bhagavan and Shri Guru. 101. zrI bhAMDuka (bhadrAvatI) tIrtha (zrIkesariyA pArzvanAtha bhagavAna) bhadrAvatI gAmanI pAse vizALa bagIcAnI vacce AvelA A tIrthamAM mULanAyaka svapnadeva zrIkesariyA pArzvanAtha bhagavAnanI zyAma varNanI 152 se.mI. UMcI arthe padamAsanastha pratimA maLe che. ahIMthI maLanA prAcIna avazeSoema darzAve che keA tIrtha paNuM ja prAcIna hovuM joIne, paraMtu te keTaluM prAcIna che te hajI jANI zakAyuM nathI. gaI sadI sudhI A zrIpArzvanAtha bhagavAnanI pratimAno aDadho bhAga jamInamAM daTAyelo hatoane tethI loko emane kesirayAbAbA kahetA. emane bhakitathI siMdura caDAvatA hatA. A pachI zvetAmbara jaina saMghoe sarakAra pAse rahelA A tIrthanI mAgaNI karatAM sarakAre A tIrtha saMghane ApyuM ane zrI saMghe A tIrthano pharI jIrNoddhAra karAvyo. vi.saM. 1966nA mahA suda panA divase zrIaMtarIkSa tIrthanA menejara zrI caturbhuja bhAIne eka svapna AvyuM. emAM nAgadevatAnA darzana thayAM ane A tIrthano uddhAra karavAnoAdeza maLyo. zrI caturbhujabhAIe A sthaLanI zodha calAvI ane emane bhramaNa karatAMA tIrthasthAna maLI gayuM.emaNeAkhIye vAta cAMdAnA zrI saMghane karIane zrI saMgheA tIrthano kArabhAra sarakAra pAsethI laIne potAnA hAthamAM lIdho. A divasathI A tIrthanA prabhune zrIsvapnadeva kesariyA pArzvanAtha bhagavAna kahevA lAgyA. ahIMthI prApta thatI jinapratimA para vi.saM. 1133no lekha maLe che. ahIM dara varSe mAgazara vada dasame meLo bharAya che tyAre dUra dUrathI aneka zraddhALuo darzanArthe Ave che. A uparAMta ahIM AdIzvara bhagavAnanuM maMdira ane gurumaMdira paNa AvelAM che. 74 300 nIrdhavaMdanA - 101 (3) caMpAbahena ramaNIkalAla cokavALA (1) a.sau. bhAratIbahena jItendrakumAra zAha mAsakSamaNa vi.saM. 2051 nimitte . (4) caMpAbahena ramazIkalAla cokavALA (2) zAha caMpAbahena ramaNIlAla talakacaMda cokavALA parivAra malADa - muMbaI (5) caMpAbahena ramaNIkalAla cokavALA 221
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________________ 102. SHRI ANTARIKSHA PARSHVANATH BHAGAVAN (allina - ) 222
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________________ 102. SHRI SHIRPUR TIRTHA (SHRI ANTARIKSHA PARSHVANATH BHAGAVAN) At a distance of 72 kms. from Akola and 11 kms. from Malegaon, on the outskirts of Shirpur village this temple of Jina is situated underground. It is one of the oldest of tirthas. Here is installed an idol of MULANAYAKA Shri Parshvanath Bhagavan. It is black in complexion, almost 107 cms. in height and in Padmasana posture. Being very old its art is really pleasing to view and it is miraculous. It is said that Mali and Sumali, the servants of Khara-dushana of Patala Lanka and brothers-in-law of king Ravana had created this idol for worship. As they left the spot they immersed it in the water-reservoir nearby. For centuries the idol remained under the waters, invisible to the eyes, and inV.S. 1142, it revealed itselt as if it were a miracle. The idol was then ceremoniously installed in the newly constructed temple at the auspicious hands of Acharya Shri Abhayadevasuriji, the commentator on 'Navangi', on the fifth day of the bright half of the month Maha in V.S. 1142, it revealed itself as if it were a miracle. The idol was then ceremoniously installed in the newly constructed temple at the auspicious hands of Acharya Shri Abhayadevasuriji, the commentator on 'Navangi', on the fifth day of the bright half of the month Maha in V.S. 1142. Thereafter it was under the worthy sermonizing of revered Shri Bhavavijayaji Gani that the temple was renovated and the idol was reinstalled at his sacred hands on the fifth day of the bright half of the month of Chaitra in V.S. 1715. Miracles attributed to this idol are well-known. At the time the idol remained an inch higher from the ground and therefore became renowned as Antariksha Parshvanath. In the modern days, fairs are held here every year on the third day of the bright half of Falguna and the tenth day of the dark half of Margashirsha. From the point of view of architecture, the idol holds similarity with the idols in Bhandaka, Kulpaka and Gudivada. Formerly it was deep underground in an underground cellar and now it is installed in the underground cellar. 102. zrI zirapura tIrtha (zrIaMtarikSa pArzvanAtha bhagavAna) AkIlASI 72 ki.mI. dUra, mAlegAMvathI 11 ki.mI. dUra AvelA zirapura gAmane cheDe AveluMA jinAlayae bhoMyarAmAM AveluM prAcInatama tIrtha che. mULanAyaka zrIpArzvanAya bhagavAnanI zyAma varNanI lagabhaga 107 se.mI. UMcI artha padamAsanastha pratimAati prAcIna hovAthI enI kalA darzanIya che ane eno prabhAva camatkArika che. ema kahevAya che ke rAjA rAvaNanA banevI pAtALalaMkAnA rAjA kharadUSaNanA sevaka mAlI ane sumAlIe prabhune mATe A pratimAnuM nirmANa karyuM hatuM. teoe ahIMthI jatI vakhate A pratimA najIkanA jalakuMDamAM visarjita karI. saikAo sudhI A pratimA jalakuMDamAM adazya rahI ane vi.saM. 1142mAMe camatkArika rIte pragaTa thai. navAMgI TIkAkAra A. zrI abhayadevasUrijInA haste vi.saM. 1142nA mahA suda 5nA roja A pratimA navanirmita maMdiramAM pratiSThita karavAmAMAvI. e pachI pU. zrI bhAvavijayajI gaNinA sadupadezathI maMdirano jIrNoddhAra karavAmAM Avyo ane zrIbhAvavijayajInA haste vi.saM. 1715nA caitra suda 5nA divase tenI puna:pratiSThA karavAmAM AvI. A pratimAnA ghaNA camatkAro jANItA che. e samaye A pratimA eka ica adhara hatI tethI teaMtarikSa pArzvanAthanA nAme prasiddha thaI Aje dara varSe phAgaNa suda trIja ane mAgazara vada dazamanA divase ahIM meLAo bharAya che. aMtirakSa pArzvanAtha bhagavAnanI pratimAnuM sthApatya bhAMdaka, kulpakA ane guDIvADAnI mULanAyakanI pratimAo sAthe sthApatyanI daSTie sAmya dharAve che. pahelAM A pratimA eka bhoMyarAnA peTA bhoMyarAmAM hatI, paNa atyAre te moTA bhoMyarAmAM pratiSThita karI che. tIrthavaMdanA-102 (1) saunamala zaMkaralAla bhaMDArI - bArAmatI (2) muraiza sonala bhaMDArI - akaluja (3) khuzAlacaMda cunIlAla bhaMDArI - zIyANA (4) sva. caMdrakAnta sonamala bhaMDArI nigarasevaka) - bhArAmanI (5) caMdanamala sonamala bhaMDArI - akaluja 223
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________________ 103. SHRI MAHAVIR BHAGAVAN (all Heidz 6401911) 224
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________________ 103. SHRI KULPAKAJI TIRTHA (SHRI MAHAVIR BHAGAVAN) This tirtha is situated on the outskirts of the Kulpaka village which is situated at a distance of 6 kms. from Alera Railway Station on the Vijayavada-Hyderabad. Here is installed an idol of MULANAYAKA Shri Adishvara Bhagavan; it is black in complexion and in semi-padmasana posture. The cross-legged posture of this idol is 32'2 inches in width and 3742 inches in height. There is no mark of mane at the back, but, behind the head there is a circle of lustre. On the right side of Shri Jina in black stone and KAYOTSARGA posture, on the left is an idol in similar state in white marble. Unique indeed is the art of the idol of Shri Adishvara Prabhu. There are totally 15 idols here and each one has its own peculiar, importance. The idol of Manikyaswami and of Shri Mahavira carved from FIROZI gem makes us simply spell-bound. Such idols are rare to come across in the whole world. Just the same way, the art of the temple is pleasing to the eyes. The idol of Shri Adishvara Prabhu is known after the name Shri Manikyaswami. It is said that the present idol is one of the twenty four of divinities installed by Bharata Chakravarti on the Ashtapada mountain. It was carved from the sapphire in his ring. It is also said that king Ravana had acquired the idol through divine propitation. In V.S. 680 Shri Shankara Raja of this spot acquired this idol while he was propitiating the ruling goddess. He constructed a temple and installed it here. A stone-inscription of V.S. 1333, which refers to this tirtha and Manikyaswami is available; we also have proofs of the renovation of the tirtha in V.S. 1481 and 1767. There is a throng of devotees gathering together here every year from the 13th to the Purnima day of Chaitra. - 103. zrI kulapAkajI tIrtha (zrImahAvIra bhagavAna) haidrAbAdathI 80 ki.mI. dUra ane vijayavADA haidrAbAda mArgamAM AvelA Alera relave sTezanathI cha ki.mI. dUra kulapAka gAmanI bahAra A tIrtha AveluM che. ahIM mULanAyaka zrI AdIzvara bhagavAnanI zyAma varNanI ardha padhamAsanI pratimA che. A pratimAnI palAMThInI pahoLAi 34aa Ica ane UMcAi 37aa Ica che. temAM kezavALInuM cihana nathI, paraMtu mastakanI pAchaLa AbhAmaMDaLa che. mULanAyakanI jamaNI bAjue zyAma pASANanI kAyotsargamAM rahelI jinapratimA che, jayAre DAbI bAju e sapheda ArasanI kAyotsargastha pratimA che. zrIAdIzvara prabhunI pratimAnI kalA atyaMta nirALI che. ahIM kula 15 prAcIna pratimAo AvelI che ane darekanuM potAnuM vizeSa mahatva che. mANikyasvAmInI pratimA ane phirojhI raMganI banelI bhagavAna mahAvIranI pratimAnuM saudarya adabhUta che. vaLI phirojhI raMganA AkAranI pratimAo to vizvamAM paNa virala che, e ja rIte A maMdiranI kalA paNa darzanIya che. zrIAdIzvara prabhunI pratimA zrImANikyasvAmInA nAmathI jANItI che. ema kahevAya che ke A pratimA bharata cakravartI e aSTApada parvata para je covIsI bhagavAnonI pratimAo pratiSThita karAvI hatI temAMnI eka pratimA potAnI vIMTImAM jaDelA nIlamamAMthI banAvI hatI te A pratimA che. ema kahevAya che ke rAjA rAvaNe daivika ArAdhanAthI A pratimA prApta karI hatI. adhiSThAyaka devanI ArAdhanA karatAM vi.saM. 680mAM ahIMnA zrI zaMkara rAjAne A pratimA prApta thai hatI ane eNe maMdira banAvI ane pratiSThita karI. A tIrthano ane mANikyasvAmInI pratimAno ullekha karato vi.saM. 1333no zilAlekha upalabdha che. vi.saM. 1481 ane vi.saM. 1767mAM paNa AnA jIrNoddhArano ullekha maLe che. dara varSe caitra suda 13 thI pUrNimA sudhI ahIM meLo bharAya tyAre aneka bhAviko ekatrita thAya che. tIrthanaMdanA-103 (1) vasaMtabhAI popaTalAla bAbarIyA- baravALA ghelAzA zrIrAmapura (2) a.sau. vilAsabahena vasaMtabhAI bAbarIyA-baravALA (3) vinodabhAI popaTalAla bAbarIyA -baravALA ghelAzA zrIrAmapura (4) a.sau. bhAratIbahena vinodabhAI bAbarIyA-baravALA ghelAzA (5) sva.viNAbahenavinodabhAI bAbarIyA - baravALA ghelAzA 225
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________________ 104. SHRI JAGAVALLABHA PARSHVANATH BHAGAVAN (:ll%9196424 ued til SMO1914) 226
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________________ 104. KUMBHOJAGIRI TIRTHA (SHRI JAGAVALLABHA PARSHVANATH BHAGAVAN) This tirtha is situated at a distance of 8 kms. from the Hathakalangada Railway Station on the Kothapur-Meeraj Road in Maharashtra. It is situated in the forest on a small hill adjoining the Kambhoja Village. The majestic and fine Jina temple has, as presiding deity Shri Jagavallabha Parshvanath Bhagavan. From the hill-top the scenery of the jungle and the fields therein yield delight to the heart. Some know this as the hill of Bahubali. The hill has foot-steps and one can go up the hill within fifteen minutes. The idol is of white complexion and one metre in height. On the cross-legs of MULANAYAKA, we have an inscription of V.S. 1926. There are four Shrines in the temple of which two have the idols of Tirthankara, one has an image of Shri Padmavatidevi and one has that of Manibhadrayaksha. One image of metal belongs to V.S. 1323. Again, in the underground cellar, presides Shri Ajitnath Bhagavan, while on the third storey presides Shri Chandraprabha Prabhu. The last renovation of the tirtha took place in V.S. 1926 on monday, the 7th day of the bright half of the month Maha. Revered Shri Vijayanandasuriji ceremoniously installed it then. Some look upon this as the Shatrunjaya of South Maharashtra. Fairs are held here every year on the Purnimas of Kartika and Chaitra and on the tenth day of the dark half of Margashirsha. Devotees in thousands reap the benefit of devotion to the divine then. 104. zrI bhojagiri tIrtha (zrIjagavallabha pArzvanAtha bhagavAna) mahArASTranA kolhApura-mIraja roDa para AvelA hAtha kalaMgaDA relave sTezanathI A tIrthasthaLa phakata 8 ki.mI. dUra AveluM che. jaMgalamAM kaMboja gAmanI pAse AvelI nAnakaDI TekarI para zrIjagavallabha pArzvanAtha bhagavAnanuM suMdara ane bhavya jinAlaya AveluM che. TekarI parathI AsapAsanAM jaMgalo ane khetaronuM dazya cittane AhalAda Ape che. A TekarIne keTalAMka bAhubalinI TekarInA nAme oLakhe che. A TekarI para caDhavA mATe pagathiyAM che. paMdareka miniTamAM A pagathiyAM caDI zakAya che. ahIM zrIjagavallabha pArzvanAtha bhagavAnanI zveta varNanI eka mITara UMcI pratimA AvelI che. mULanAyakanI palAMThI para vi.saM. 1926no lekha che. maMdiramAM cAra derIo che. be derIomAM tIrthakaranI pratimAo che, jyAre bIjI be derIomAMnI ekamAM zrI padamAvatIdevI ane bIjI derImAM zrI maNibhadrAkSanI mUrti che. eka prAcIna dhAtu pratimA vi.saM. 1323nI che. vaLI nIce bhoMyarAmAM zrI ajitanAtha bhagavAna birAjamAna che jyAre trIje mALe zrIcaMdraprabha prabhu birAjamAna che. vi.saM. 1926nA mahA suda 7ne somavAre tIrthano chello jIrNoddhAra thayo hato ane te samaye pUjaya zrI vijayAnaMdasUrijIe tenI pratiSThA karAvI hatI.Ane keTalAMka dakSiNa mahArASTrano zatruMjaya mAne che. kAratakI pUname, caitrI pUname tema ja mAgazara vada dasame ahIM meLo bharAya che. A samaye aneka bhAvikajano prabhubhakitano umaMgabhera lAbha le che. tIrthanaMdanA-104 (3) a.sau. viNAbahena kIrITabhAI bAbarIyA baravALA-ghelAzA(1) manaharalAla popaTalAla bAbarIyA baravALA-ghelAzA- auraMgAbAda (4) zaradakumAra kIrITabhAI bAbarIyA baravALA-ghelAzA- muMbaI (2) mudulAbahena manaharalAlabAbarIyA baravALA-ghelAzA-auraMgAbAda (5) mIteSa kIrITabhAI bAbarIyA baravALA - ghelAzA-muMbaI 227
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________________ 105. SHRI MUNISUVRATASWAMI BHAGAVAN (1) 228
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________________ 105. SHRI THANA TIRTHA (SHRI MUNISUVRATASWAMI BHAGAVAN) This tirtha is thousands of years old. It awakens the memories of emperor Shripala, a fervent devotee of Navapada. The idol of MULANAYAKA Bhagavan Muni Suvrataswami is gorgeous and pleasant to view. The temple too is extremely artistic. Events of the life of king Shripala and Mayanasundari are carved artistically in stone. The emperor of the Jina order Acharya Shri Vijayanemisurishvaraji performed the ANJANASHALAKA of the Jina images. The tirtha was renovated in V.S. 1960. Devotees earn spiritual merit by the DARSHANA of this gorgeous idol. 105. zrI thANA tIrtha (zrImunisuvratasvAmI bhagavAna) A tIrtha hajAro varSa jUnuM che. navapadanA ananya upAsaka mahArAjA zrIpALanI smRtine A tIrtha jagADe che. mULanAyaka bhagavAna munisuvratasvAmInI pratimA bhavya ane darzanIya che. maMdira paNa bhavya ane kalApUrNa che. ahIM paththaramAM zrIpALa rAjA ane mayaNAsuMdarInA jIvanaprasaMgo kalAmaya rIte kaMDAravAmAM AvyA che. zAsanasamrATa A. zrI vijayanemIsUrizvarajI mahArAje ahIM jinabiMbonI aMjanazalAkA karI hatI. vi.saM. 1960mAM A tIrthano puna: jIrNoddhAra thayo. A bhavya pratimAnuM darzana karIne vyakita puNyopArjana kare che. tIrthanaMdanA-105 (3) a.sau. bhadrAlakSmI hasamukhabhAI vAraiyA - taLAjAvALA - muMbaI (1) jayaMtIlAla gopALajIbhAI vAraiyA taLAjAvALA - muMbaI (4) jAvaDazA hasamukhabhAI vAraiyA - taLAjAMvALA - muMbaI (2) hasamukhabhAI gopALajIbhAI vAraiyA - taLAjAvALA - muMbaI (5) a.sau. kavitAbahena jAvaDazA vAraiyA- taLAjAvALA - muMbaI 229
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________________ 106. SHRI GODIJI PARSHVANATH BHAGAVAN (slouslo uedia Holan) 230
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________________ 106. SHRI GODIJI TIRTHA (SHRI GODIJI PARSHVANATH BHAGAVAN) This exquisitely fine temple is situated in the Payadhuni area of greater Bombay. Unique indeed is the greatness of this Jaina temple that is 178 years old and considered to be the best in the Jaina temples in Bombay. The idol of Bhagavan Parshvanath of renowned greatness is miraculous. Devotees in thousands have experience of the miracles. The flag of the temple was installed by Shri Motishah Sheth, the best amongst those who are leaders of the Jaina religious order. His contribution towards the construction of this temple was very much vital. The history of Shri Godi Parshvanath Bhagavan is full of interest. Years back the idol was brought here by Shri Meghashah through hints in a dream. After several experiences of the miracles the idol was installed in Godi village in the desert-region of Tharparkar (now in Pakistan). It is said that just because of this the idol became renowned as Godi Parshvanath; to-day it is installed in the Godiji temple. Formerly the temple was in Fort area of Bombay. But Shri Bhagavant was installed in Payadhuni in V.S. 1868 because of fire. Thereafter, on the second floor an idol of Shri Chintamani Parshvanath Bhagavan was installed and thereafter the idol of Shri Shamalia Parshvanath Bhagavan was installed in a separate temple. Thus, three birthdays are observed every year. Recently, keeping the idol of the MULANAYAKA just where it is, the whole temple is renovated with marble from Makrana. Tall pillars, gorgeous peak and dome decorate the temple as if it were a plane of Gods. The Sangha of Shri Vijayadevasuri Gaccha looks well after the administration of this Jina temple. 106, zrI goDIjI tIrtha (zrIgoDIjI pArzvanAtha bhagavAna) mahAnagara muMbainA pAyadhunImAM A bhavya ane AkarSaka jinAlaya AveluM che. muMbaInAM derAsaromAM ziromaNi gaNAtA 178 varSa prAcIna zrI goDIjI jaina derAsarano mahimA anokho che. ahIM pragaTa prabhAvaka bhagavAna pArzvanAthanI atyaMta manohara ane camatkArapUrNa pratimA che eno hajAro upAsakoe emanA jIvanamAM anubhava karyo che. AjathI 178 varSa pahelAM A derAsaranI dhajA jainazAsananA saratAja samA zreSThIvarya zrI motIzA zeThe caDAvI hatI. emaNe A maMdiranA nirmANamAM ghaNo moTo phALo Apyo hato. zrIgoDI pArzvanAtha bhagavAnano itihAsa atyaMta rasaprada che. A pratimA varSo pahelAM svapnasaMketathI zrI meghAzAha dvArA lAvavAmAM AvI hatI. enA aneka camatkArika anubhavo pachI thara pAra kara nA raNapradezamAM (hAla pAkistAnamAM) goDI gAmamAM padharAvavAmAM AvI hatI. e pratimAjI goDI pArzvanAtha tarIke prasiddha thayA ema kahevAya che. je Aje goDIjI maMdiramAM birAjamAna che. pahelAM zrI goDIjI pArzvanAthanuM maMdira koTa vistAramAM hatuM, paraMtu tyAM Aga lAgavAne kAraNe vi.saM. 1868mAM pAyadhunImAM A bhagavaMta birAjamAna karAyA che. e pachI bIjA mALe zrI ciMtAmaNi pArzvanAtha bhagavAnanI ane tyAra bAda mukhya maMdirathI alaga maMdiramAM zrI zAmaLiyA pArzvanAtha bhagavAnanI pratiSThA karavAmAM AvI. Ama Aje goDIjImAM mULanAyaka zrI goDIjI pArzvanAtha ane bIjA be prabhAvazALI pArzvanAtha bhagavAnanI-ema kula traNa varSagAMTha UjavAya che. tAjetaramAM mULanAyakanI pratimA tyAM ne tyAM rAkhIne samagra maMdirano jIrNoddhAra makarANAnAArasapahANathI karavAmAM Avyo che. moTA staMbho, bhavya zikhara tathA dhummaTathI zobhatuM A maMdira devavimAna jevuM banyuM che. zrI vijayadevasUrigaccha saMgha A jinAlayanI suMdara vyavasthA saMbhALI rahyo che. tIrthavaMdanA-106 (1) dinezacaMdra bAbulAla zAha bhadrAvaLavALA - muMbaI (2) a.sau. praviNAbahena dinezacaMdra zAha bhadrAvaLavALA - muMbaI (3) bhAveza dinezacaMdra zAha bhadrAvaLavALA - muMbaI (4) a.sau. tutI bhAvezabhAI zAha bhadrAvaLavALA - muMbaI -1 (5) samIradinezacaMdra zAha - bhadrAvaLavALA - muMbaI 231
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________________ 107. SHRI CHINTAMANI PARSHVANATH BHAGAVAN (El Fialhell ued -14 451914) 232
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________________ 107. SHRI MOMBASA TIRTHA (AFRICA) (SHRI CHINTAMANI PARSHVANATH BHAGAVAN) In Kenya outside India a gorgeous Jina temple with peaks is constructed in the Mombasa city. In the year 1951, three marble-idols were brought here. They were - MULANAYAKA Shri Chintamani Parshvanath Bhagavan, Shri Adishwara Bhagavan and Shri Mahavira Swami. The Jainas who migrated from India put in great effort towards the construction of this Jina temple. The foudation-laying ceremony of this temple was performed on 29th December 1959 and the work of construction started on 10th February 1960. According to the tradition of the Jaina faith no iron could be used anywhere. The officer of the Municipal council protested. Mistry Amrutlal Trivedi, who had gone there on behalf of the firm of Kalyanaji Anandji, assured that such temples without the use of iron are built in hundreds in India. Still, the engineer of the council remained present every day and on completion gave his approval in full satisfaction. The installation ceremony was performed thereafter on 26th July 1963 in all gaiety and enthusiasm. The ceremony of the opening of the door was performed at the hands of Shrimati Kunverben Devaraj Karmashi Shah. In the "Shri Parshvallabha Prasada" is installed MULANAYAKA Shri Chintamani Parshvanath Bhagavan. On the two sides are installed the idols of Shri Adishvar Bhagavan and Shri Mahavir Swami. In the porticos outside, we have the idols of Shri Shantinath Bhagavan and Shri Neminath Bhagavan. Here again, there is a big building for AYAMBILA SHALA wherein there is a permanent kitchen of Ayambila. After this, in Nairobi also, a Jina temple and a majestic idol of MULANAYAKA Shri Muni Suvrataswami installed. The opening ceremony was performed from 4-2-84 to 12-2-84 in great splendour. 107. zrI mombAsA (AphrikA) tIrtha (zrIciMtAmaNI pArzvanAtha bhagavAna) bhAratanI bahAra keniyA dezanA mombAsA zaheramAM paheluM zikhara baMdha bhavya jinAlayanuM nirmANa thayuM. 1951mAM bhAratathI traNa ArasanI pratimAo ahIM AvI hatI. AmAM mULanAyaka zrIciMtAmaNi pArzvanAtha bhagavAna tathA zrIAdIzvara bhagavAna ane zrImahAvIrasvAmI bhagavAnanI mUrtio hatI. A pratimAo kadambagirithI AvI hatI. bhAratathI AvIne vaselA jaina bhAIoe jinamaMdiranI racanA karavA mATe athAga prayatna karyo. 1959nI 29mI Disembare AnI khAtamuhUrtavidhi thaI ane 1960nI 10mI phebruArIe enuM nirmANakArya zarU thayuM. jaina dharmanI praNAlikA mujaba kyAMya lokhaMDa vAparavAnuM nahotuM, AthI sthAyI myunisipala kAunsilanA adhikArIoe Ano virodha karyo. bhAratathI AvelA zeTha ANaMdajI kalyANajI peDhInA mistrI amRtalAla trivedIe kAunsilarone khAtarI ApI ke AvAM seMkaDo derAsaro bhAratamAM che jyAM lokhaMDano saheje vaparAza thayo nathI. Ama chatAM kAunsilanA enjiniyara nirmANa samaye Akho divasa hAjara rahetA. AkhuM derAsara taiyAra thayuM tyAre temaNe khUba saMtoSa sAthe maMjUrI ApI hatI. A pachI 1963nI 26mI julAIe AnaMda ane utsAhapUrvaka Ano pratiSThA-mahotsava yojAyo. zrImatI kuMvarabena devarAja karamazI zAhanA zubha haste AnI dvAra udaghATananI vidhi thai. 'zrI pArzvavallabha prAsAda mAM mULanAyaka zrIciMtAmaNi pArzvanAtha bhagavAna birAjamAna che, jayAre AjubAju zrIAdIzvara bhagavAna ane zrImahAvIra svAmI bhagavAnanI pratimAo birAjamAna che. bahAranA gokhalAmAM zrI zAMtinAtha bhagavAna ane zrI neminAtha bhagavAnanI pratimA che. vaLI ahIM AyaMbila zALA mATe moTuM makAna che jemAM kAyamI AyaMbilanuM moTuM rasoDuM che. A pachI nAirobImAM paNa mULanAyaka zrImunisuvratasvAmInI bhavya pratimA sAthe jinAlayanuM nirmANa thayuM, jenI udaghATanavidhi tA. 4- 2-84 thI 12 - 2- 84 sudhI dhAmadhUmapUrvaka karavAmAM AvI. tIrthavaMdanA-107 ' (3) mAnasI rAjezabhAI bAbarIyA-baravALA-ghelAzA- muMbaI (1) rAjezabhAI vRjalAla bAbarIyA-baravALA-ghelAzA- muMbaI (4) paMkajabhAI vRjalAla bAbarIyA baravALA-ghelAzA-muMbaI - (2) a.sau. rITA rAjezabhAI bAbarIyA baravALA-ghelAzA-muMbaI (5) a.sau. bhAvanA paMkajabhAI bAbarIyA-baravALA-ghelAzA- muMbaI 233
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________________ 108. SHRI MAHAVIR BHAGAVAN (ellHeidz 6401911) 234
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________________ 108. SHRI KOBE TIRTHA (JAPAN) (SHRI MAHAVIR BHAGAVAN) Japan is the most advanced and developed of all countries in Asia. Only 28 devoted Jaina families constructed a Jaina temple in the Koba city of Japan in unstinted devotion. In the Kitan-cho area, there are so many centres and temples of various dharmas. The temple has a dome of marble, it is decorated with fine pillars. The temple was completed in April 1985 and, a Fero-concrete structure of two storeys was raised for the purpose. There is a bath and assembly-hall over here. On the second floor is installed an idol of Shri Mahavira Bhagavan acquired from Bharuch. It was ceremoniously installed in this gorgeous temple on an auspicious day and at time as fixed by Acharya Shri Vijaya Ashokas uriji, the elder brother of Acharya Shri Vijayachandrodayasuriji. The sculptor of the temple hailed from Japan. He visited India six times to study Indian structures and architecture. The engravings of the dome, windows, pillars etc. of this Jaina temple were completed in India. The temple is Kitan-cho has become a great attraction for visitors. The temple constructed at a cost of about 1000 lakh yens is a symbol of the great devotion of 28 families and 180 Jain Shravakas. 108. zrI kobe (jApAna) tIrtha (zrImahAvIra bhagavAna) eziyAnA dezomAM jApAna deza e sauthI vikasita deza che. jApAnanA korba zaheramAM mAtra 28 jaina kuTuMboe apratima bhakitabhAvathI anupama jaina derAsaranuM nirmANa karyuM che. kITAna-co vistAramAM ghaNA dharmonAM kendro ane maMdiro AvyAM che. e ja vistAramAM jaina derAsaranuM nirmANa thayuM che. A derAsara ArasapahANanA dhummaTavALuM che. suMdara staMbho ane zikharothI maMDita che. 1985nA eprila mahinAmAM derAsara taiyAra thayuM ane te mATe be mALanuM phero-koMkrITa makAna UbhuM thayuM. ahIM snAnagRha tathA esembalI hola che ane bIjA mALe zrImahAvIra bhagavAnanI bharUcamAMthI prApta thayelI pratimA che. A pratimA A. zrI vijayacaMdrodayasUrijInA gurubaMdhu A. zrI vijaya azokacaMdrasUrijI dvArA pradatta zubha muhUrtamAM A bhavya maMdiramAM pratiSThita karavAmAM AvI. A maMdiranA sthapati jApAnIjha hatA ane teo bhAratIya bAMdhaNInA abhyAsArthe cha vakhata bhArata AvyA hatA. A jinAlayanA ghummaTa, bArIo, staMbha vagerenI kotaraNI bhAratamAM karavAmAM AvI hatI. Aje to kITAna-conuM A derAsara pravAsIonuM AkarSaNa banI rahyuM che. Azare 1000 lAkha yenanA kharce taiyAra thayeluM 28 kuTuMbonA 180 jaina zrAvakonI dharmabhaktinuM A apratima pratIka banI rahyuM che. tIrthavaMdanA-108 (1) mahezabhAI vRjalAla bAbarIyA baravALA-ghelAzA-muMbaI (2) a.sau. nIzA mahezabhAI bAbarIyA baravALA-ghelAzA-muMbaI SIRI JAPAN JAIN SANGH DESIGNED & SUPERVISES ROTARE ARCHITECTS & ENGINEERS HE ...-------- 235 ----za (3) mihira anavI mahezabhAI bAbarIyA baravALA-ghelAzA- muMbaI (4) sejala-jagara-kIrITabhAI bAbarIyA baravALA-ghelAzA-muMbaI (5) ciMtana-nizita, paMkajabhAIbAbarIyA baravALA-ghelAzA-muMbaI
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________________ zrI samavasaraNa mahAmaMdiramAM pratiSThita zrI cakrezvarI devInI pratiSThA karAvanAra bAlubhAI cunIlAla dAliyA kalAvatIbahena bAlubhAI dAliyA bAbubhAI cImanalAla saMghavI jasavaMtIbahena bAbubhAI saMghavI bharatakumAra bAlubhAI dAliyA razmibahena bharatakumAra dAliyA (surata - hAla muMbaI) zrI cukezavarI devI zrI samavasaraNa mahAmaMdiramAM pratiSThita zrI padamAvatI devInI pratiSThA karAvanAra vimaLAbahena zAMtIlAla devacaMda zAha parivAra ha, hemaMtakumAra zAMtIlAla zAha a.sau. nIrAbahena hemaMtakumAra e, sI. alakAbahena azvinabhAI a.sau bhAratIbahena kamalezabhAI a.sau. manISAbahena prakAzabhAI a.sau. kalpanAbahena vinodabhAI ci. himeSa hemaMtakumAra zAha (surendranagara - hAla muMbaI) zrI padmAvatI devI
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________________ | sarvAdhAtumaya kAusaggiyA zrI AdinAthajI. zrI kuMdanapura (rAjI nivAsI saMghavI zrI zAMtilAla himAjI muthAe potAnA dharmapatnI zIlAlaMkAra dhAriNI a.sau. kamaLAbenanI bhAvanAnusAra putra- popaTalAla-prakAzacaMdra- kesarImala pautra, yogeza, manISa, sohana, putravadhU surekhA, kusuma, varSA pautrIrekhA, kiraNa, pUnama, AzA, pAyala, hInA, putrI aMjanA kisanalAlajI dohitra sumIta, dIpAlI, lInA parivAra sahita, bhAratabharamAM prathamavAra taiyAra thayela 127" IcanA A pratimAjI bharAvyA che. A biMbanI pratiSThA, pAlItANA zrI 108 jaina tIrthadarzana samavasaraNa mahAmaMdiramAM, pa.pU. zrI. vijayacaMdrodayasUrIzvarajI ma. sA. nI nizrAmAM cAlu varSe thaze.
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________________ zrI samavasaraNa mahAmaMdiramAM pratiSThita zrI gurumaMdiranA pAvana darzana pUjA hajI che ke jIvana pIne jI GEETA A prajA kompa zrI gautama svAmIjInI pratiSThA karanAra : zrI gumAnamala sAMvalacaMda dozI tathA a.sau. babIbahena gumAnamala dozI parivAra (bhInamAla, rAjasthAna - hAla pArlA - muMbai) zrI nemisUrIzvarajI mahArAjanI gurumUrtinI pratiSThA karanAra H zrI pravINacaMdra bAbubhAI chaganalAla zAha tathA jayAlakSmI pravItacaMdra zAha (bhadrAvaLavALA - hAla - aMdherI - muMbaI) zrI vijJAnasUrIzvarajI mahArAjanI gurumUrtinI pratiSThA karanAra : zrI rajanIkAMta mohanalAla jhaverI tathA haMsAbahena jhaverI parivAra (surata - muMbaI) zrI zAMticaMda bAlubhAI jhaverI tathA a.sau. nalInIbahena jhaverI ( surata - hAla pArlA, muMbaI) zrI kastUra sUrIzvarajI mahArAjanI gurumUrtinI pratiSThA karanAra : zrI caMdulAla cunIlAla vakhAriyA parivAra (surendranagara).
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________________ RNa svIkAra amo AbhArI chIe paramapUjya AcArya vijaya caMdrodaya sUrizvarajI mahArAja, AcArya vijaya azokacaMdra sUrizvarajI mahArAja tthA anya sAdhubhagavaMtonA, zrI 108 jaina tIrtha darzanAvalInI dvitIya AvRtinA mukhya dAtA zreSThI zrI zAMticaMda bAlubhAI jhaverI, temanA dharmapatnI zrImatI nalInIbahena putrazrI harezabhAI - zrImatI darzanAbahena pautra - ci. kRNAla ane ci. karaNanA, tIrtha vaMdanA mATe Arthika sahayoga ApavA badala saMsthAo tyA dAtAzrIonA, tIrthanAM mULanAyaka prabhujInAM phoTAo chApavAnI rajA ApavA badala tIrthonA TrasTIzrIonA, tIrtha darzanAvalInAM chapAI tthA anya kAryo badala mArgadarzana ApavA mATe "kaLaza" prinTarsa amadAvAdanA zrI zreNIka Ara. rezamavAlAnA, arIhaMta vIDIo phIlmavALA zrI kIrITabhAI ena. zAhanA, noMdha : ANaMdajI kalyANajI peDhI hastakanAM tIrthonA mULanAyakazrInA phoTAo chApavAnI rajA na ApavAne kAraNe pracalIta phoTAo ja chApela che tenI noMdha levA vinaMtI. zrI 108 jaina tIrthadarzana bhavana TrasTanA TrasTIo.
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________________ svajha saTTA jinazAsana zaNagAra pa.pU. AcAryadeva zrI vijayacaMdrodayasUrIzvarajI mahArAja sAheba guru samarpita jeozrIe pUjya gurubhagavaMtanA ane zilpazAstranI ajoDa pratibhA, kSaya nimaNinI AgavI sUjha ane satata adhyAtma ciMtananI viziSTa anubhUtithI vizvabharamAM bejoDa bane te rIte sAkAra karyuM. teozrIne amArI koTizo vaMdanA... pAvana preraNA sUrimaMtra samArAghAka pa.pU. AcAryadeva zrI vijaya azokacaMdrasUrIzvarajI mahArAja sAheba jeozrInA maMgala muharta pramANe zrI samavasaraNa mahAmaMdiranI aMjanazalAkApratiSThA thaI ane jeozrInI pAvana preraNA zrI 108 jaina tIrtha darzanAvalInI bIjI AvRttinA prakAzAnamAM nimittaSpa banI tevA zrI sarimaMtranA pAMcamAM prasthAnanI 10mI vAra sAdhanA karanAra pUjayazrIna koTi koTi vaMdanA pravartaka pa.pU. munirAja zrI kuzalacaMdra vijayajI. zrI samavasaraNa mahAmaMdiranA draNa ane madhya- jeozrInA athAga parizrama tathA nAnAmAM nAnI hakIkatonI pUrI cokasAI karIne tene Akarabaddha karavAnI kALajInA phaLasvaye vizva prasiddha ekamAtra evA zrI 108 jaina tIrtha darzana bhavana saMpUrNa thayuM.. jainadarzanaH siddhAMto ane paricaya' * jenI aDhI lAkhathI vadhAre nakalo aMgrejI, gujarAtI tathA hindImAM pragaTa thavAthI netara sahune A vizvadharmano paricaya sAMpaDyo che. tevA saMkalanakAra vayovRddha muLikhavarane amArI koTi koTi vaMdanA. '
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________________ POLOLOL, Nobo (2) [>*&>/ PS TTTTTTTTTTTT TTFFFECCIR . Ayojaka : pravartaka munirAja zrI kuzaLacaMdra vijayajI ma.