Book Title: Yogasara Prabhrut Author(s): Amitgati Acharya, Jugalkishor Mukhtar Publisher: Bharatiya Gyanpith View full book textPage 9
________________ General Editorial (First Edition, 1968) The title of the work edited with Hindi anuvāda and vyākhyā by Pt. Jugalkishore Mukhtar and published here in the Moortidevi Granthamālā, No. 33, is Yoga-sāra-prābhrta. It contains three words. The term yoga in Sanskrit has a number of meanings, often depending on the context in which it is used. Here yoga connotes a pure state of mind which is free from attachment and aversion, which is above all vikalpas (i.e., temperamental fluctuations and perversions), and which concentrates itself on the realities preached by Jina (Niyama-sāra, 137-9). This covers two types of dhyāna or meditation, namely, dharmya-dhyāna and sukla-dhyāna. This is beautifully brought out in this work in one of the verses (IX, 10). The next term sāra connotes quintessence, eschewing all that is extraneous. The last term prābhrta (pāhuda in Prakrit) has a number of meanings, the most usual one being prakarana, i.e., a small and systematic treatise devoted to the exposition of a specific topic. It also means a worthy literary gift presented by the author while seeking audience of param-ātman, of any significant exposition by the Tirthakara or ācāryas. This term thus invests the contents of a treatise both with antiquity and sanctity. Thus the title as a whole means: a sacred treatise on the essential nature of yoga (concentration). The contents of this work clearly demonstrate how significant the title is. There are many titles of Jaina works ending with sāra or prābhrta; but this work has in its title both the terms which obviously heighten its importance and character. Amitagati and his works have caught the attention of oriental scholars, even beyond the circle of pious Jaina readers, from a pretty early time. The Mss. of his works here and in Europe have been noticed more than once (A. Weber: 'Verzeichniss der Sanskrit—und Prakrit-Handschriften der königlichen Bibliothec zu Berlin'. Zweiter Band, Berlin 1886-92. P. Peterson: 'A third Report of operation in search of Sanskrit Mss. in the Bombay Circle, 1884-86' (extra number of the Journal of the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, Vol. XVII), Bombay 1887. R.G. Bhandarkar: 'Report on the search for Sanskrit manuscripts in the Bombay Presidency during the year 1882-83', Bombay, 1884. Ibidem, during the years 1884-5, 1185-6 and 1886-7', Bombay 1894. E. Leumann: A List of the Strassburg Collection of Digambara Manuscripts (Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde des Morgenlandes, vol. XI, pp 297-312, Wein 1897). Th. Aufrecht: Catalogus Catalogorum, an alphabetical register of Sanskrit works and authors, Leipzig 1891-1903. H.D. Velankar: Jina-ratnakosa, Bhandarkar O.R. Institute, Poona, 1944. Lately a number of catalogues of Jaina Mss. from Rajasthan etc. have appeared; and they register some Mss. of the works of Amitagati as well. Most of the works attributed to Amitagati have been printed and some of Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only www.jainelibrary.orgPage Navigation
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