Dedication Preface Editors' Prefatory
Ajay Chimanbhai M. A. Dhaky Jitendra Shah M. A. Dhaky
Professor Jagadishchandra Jain : Reminiscences
Alex Wayman
Vijay Pandya H. C. Bhayani H. C. Bhayani
M. A. Dhaky
Dinanath Sharma
1. The Nyāyāvatāra and Buddhist Logical Works by
Dignāga and Ratnākaraśānti 2. Refutation of the Jaina Darśana by
Śankarācārya with special reference to
Syādvāda in the Brahmasūtra Śānkarabhāsya 2-2 3. Etymological Notes 4. MIA. Miscellany 5. The Date of Vidyānanda : Literary and
Epigraphical Evidence 6. Non-standard Usages in the Pancatantra
(Tantrākhyāyikā) 7. Kalikāla-sarvajña Ācārya Hemacandra :
A Re-appraisal 8. Syädvāda-Bhāsă of Subhavijaya Gani 9. Some Jaina Metal Images from an
Unpublished Ghoghā Hoard 10. Glimpses of Jaina Vestiges in
Andhradeśa 11. Style and Composition in the
Indra Sabha and the Jagannātha Sabhā
caves at Ellora 12. Regions and Indian Architecture 13. Definition of Religion and Jainism
Vasantkumar M. Bhatt 35 N. M. Kansara
Lalit Kumar
H. Sarkar
Doris Chatham Michael W. Meister N. L. Jain
Jain Education International
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