Book Title: Nandisutt and Anuogaddaraim
Author(s): Devvachak, Aryarakshit, Punyavijay, Dalsukh Malvania, Amrutlal Bhojak
Publisher: Mahavir Jain Vidyalay
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and all the twentyfour tirthankaras addressing them by name Then occurs the praise of Viraśāsana. And after that the sthaviras beginning from Sudharma down to Dusagani are respectfully remembered.37 This is followed by the declaration of the purpose of writing the sūtra, viz. the description and exposition of epistemology. It is beyond doubt that while composing the Nandisūtra Devavācaka has profusely drawn upon the fundamental Agamas. Not only that but he has utilised even the Anuyogadvāra, the earliest among the commentaries on the Avaśyaka. All this has been made amply clear by Śri Ātmārāmaji in the Appendix to his Hindi translation of the Nandisūtra. But it is necessary to note what has not been noted by Sri Atmārāmaji. Especially the verse portion of the Nandisūtra evinces the influence of the Avaśyaka-Niryukti written by Ac. Bhadrabāhu.
In course of discussing the topic of vardhamāna avadhi (sutra 42), there occur in the Nandi numerous stanzas (45-52) jāvatiya..', etc. Even in the absence of these stanzas the description of vardhamana avadhi remains consistent and coherent. These stanzas originally belong to the Ävaśyakaniryukti (gāthās 30-37).38 Thus in the Nandi they are borrowed from the Avaśyakaniryukti.
The author of the Nandi-Cürņi does not accept the gatha 54 occurring in the Nandi. The author of the Nandi has borrowed it from the Avaśyakaniryukti, considering it to be useful. It is the 66th stanza of the Avasyakaniryukti.39
The 55th stanza of the Nandisūtra has also been borrowed from the Avaśyakaniryukti (gãthā 76). This same stanza is found in the Viseşāvaśyakabhäsya (gāthā 810).
Two other stanzas of the Nandisūtra, viz. 56th and 57th have likewise been bodily taken from the Avaśyakaniryukti (gāthas 77-78). They too are found in the Viseșāvaśyakabhāşya (gathas 823, 829).
The author of the Nandisūtra has classified jñana into śrutanihsrta and aśrutanińsşta and has, further, introduced four divisions of the aśrutanihssta jñana. He has devoted numerous stanzas to the exposition of these four divisions. According to the style of the Nandi this exposition should be in prose; but it is not so.
37. With regard to this topic Avaśyakacūrni states : yy ainaen gahifa wa
acquit afrafer i This means that Nandi Sthaviravali contains the genealogy of the acāryas. The Nandicúrni, after having clearly stated "at gyrat à Tahit, at vulfer" (P. T. S. Ed.. p.7), gives an account of guruśişya
paramparā. 38. See Viśeşāvaśyakabhāşya, gā. 588, 598, 608, 609, 610, 615, 617, 621. The • Bhåşyakara has commented upon all these Niryuktigăthās. 89. Ibid., gā. 766
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