Share Our Thoughts: A Eulogy
We are here to share our thoughts, condolences with his family and his Soul. We are all Souls and do know that Souls are eternal. The great saint Anandghanji has said: I became eternal and will never die. I do believe that his Soul is also eternal with profound bliss, purity, and happiness.
With that deep in our mind we know that he made his journey of this life in the best possible way one could and will also try to do his best in the future. He and his eternal Soul are telling all of us and reminding all of us today that we too need to look within. We too need to live a life realizing that our physical body could end any minute and within our blissful Soul is eternal. We too have to love every Soul and our own also.
We cannot live merely for this body and the relations we have because of this body. His Soul is reminding us to wake up and think beyond this body. We all have this body for a finite time. The time of this present life, as a human being, is very precious and dear to us. Utilize this time to see, feel, and observe, beyond this body. Do we feel something eternal within us? If so, then learn, think, meditate, and realize that.
Today, it is very clear that our life's purpose, ultimate goal, and duty is to remember the eternal, pray about the eternal, study the eternal and also realize the eternal within us. I am reminded of a couplet by saint Kabir: