cikura (a plant) hartāla (yellow orpiment), sarisava (mustard), the flower's of kimsuka, japäkusuma and bandhujivaka, hirgula (vermilion), kurkuma (saffron), blue lotus, szrāsa flower's, and collyrium, etc, 208 The colour of kımırāya (crimson) is mentioned.207 Preparation of lac-juice (lakkhārasa) was also an important industry, and it was used by ladies and children for adorning their hands and feet. 308 It is mentioned in the cremation rites that the mark of red lac (alattapudaga) was applied to the stomach and back of those who were given to vultures for feeding,208 A variety of stone, which was used for polishing the pots, is mentioned. 310
LEATHER WORK Leather industry was in a high state of development. The cammakāra also known as padalára213 or the cobbler manufactured a large variety of things They prepared leather bags for holding wateral, straps, (cammeitha) 213 and made fittings for the musical insti uments (kinika) 924
The cobblers also prepared various qualities of shoes which formed an important part of their industry. Various kinds of hides were known. Katt (skin) was used by monks to strew the fruits etc in order to protect them from dust, it was also used as a covering for want of clothing, 115 Hairless skin was prescribed for the use of a Jain nun.210 Five kinds of skin were specifically known, the hide of cow, buffalo, goat, sheep and wild animals 317 The skin of a tiger (divi) and that of a hyena (taraccha) was prescribed for the use of nuns in case they were sick. 918 The hide of a dog is mentioned 210
FLOWERS, PERFUMES AND COSMETICS Flowers were grown in large quantities as we have seen. The garlandmakers made bcautiful garlands and bouqucts, 220 which are described als filling the ten quarters with their delightful fragrance and charmingly interwoven with fragrant flowers of all scasons and of various colours, attracting swarms of bccsa1 producing swcet sounds. We hear of Ajiupaya, a garland-maker who had a flower-garden (pupp'ārāma) in Rayagiha where flowers of fine colours were grown Ajjunaya used to
396a 11.; Ava.
(Hari), p. 398
308 907 308 900 210 All 919 313 214 115 216 211 218 210 210 111
Näya 1 P 10, also Bhag 18 6. Anu Sü 37, Ava. Ti, Harl.), bid Niryā. 3, p. 51; Uv 1, P Music II. P 764 Pında Nur. Ti. 15 Niss cũ , II, p 747 Panna 37. Ava cū, p 292. Vya Bha 3, P. 20a. Brh Bha. 1. 2885 Bih sū. 3 3, Bha. 3 3810. ibid 3 3824 bid 3 3817 f ibid. 1 1016 Naya. 8. p. 95. Kalba, Si. 3. 87.