captivating heart hu audarana), captists of body liquddi ane subjugation (äbhiogna), lascination charara), 100, bulbs shin cicepei olli , kurāla herb silmi pills 30 medicine andel and milline nhe ai ?
Various practices are de cubed to acquire these spells Riles wiele performed on the days of dark catridasi and astonism and the charmere acquired with the help of the dead bodv of an uninjured pel on, endowed with auspicious mails 33 The name of Satyaki has been alıcacı mentioned, who went to the cenietei y for securing the Val dolu" poll Inst he set fire to the prie with the dead bodi of in oupha 2 x then covering himsclf with a moist shin inored about loudy on his left luc 121) the pyre was hundled Thus withiu seven nights Satyaki acquucd the spells. 34
Then there was magical power of 1 ising in the sky khearī zich We hear of a thief who went to the burial ground, put up a hange there with burning charcoal and a pike belon The thici after chanting the spells eight hundicd timc» cut ofl one stimg of the hanger and thus cuiring off the four strings achieved the vija 35 It is mentioned in the Ille cocina uara commentary that Nattumatta, a vijjahara, in order to attain efficiency in certain viijā went to a bamboo-grove liamshudagal and having fastened his feet up, and inhaling smoke started piacusing penance" Thien we are told of a king who wanted to learn spells from a Mátanga which he could learn only when he occupied a lower seat 37 It was a belief that the spells lost their efficacy when one uttıcd falsehood as
Besides, gods with superhuman pon eis nice also piopitiated Wc are told that in order to propitiate a god, Lhayakumara went to his fasting-hall and sat there becping aside his ornaments, gailands and perfumes observing a thee days' fast In course of time the god was forced to give up his seat in heaven and created artificial rains on the mountain Vebhāra as desired by Abhayakumāra 30 Anothcı god, piopitiated by king Paumanäha, kidnapped queen Dovai and brought hui fiom Tatthi
81 38 83 aL 36 88
The Vist cu (15 1007) rcfers to the consecrated flowers given to 1 oman lo fascinate
hei by z Sarcasha ascetic The Uttcră T (13 p 190a) (fers to a pill given by 7 mendicant lo u dhanu mbuch, keeping in his mouth Vandhanu felt unconscious and the 10171 surints tabirg him to be dead luft bim and went away Ihc <ime work (op 231) rulis to the inaidservant of ing Udá ani ulio w7 turned burutilul bi lahing 1 pill also si Magic in the Sanshut D ama' by Vugina Saunders 7 10 Tol 45 ? 192) 14 p 152 Misi ci , P p 7, Bih Bła P 20 Aca 11,1 6, TIP bra Ala cu, II P 170 Ava T. (Hau), p 811 a 3, p 189 Das cu p 43 , ct Checa Falcla (No 309) III, p 28 Das cu p 100, cf in la fatula (\474) 11 P 202 maja 1, p 15 f
88 30