queen and his daughter Indasenā was given in marriage to Jiyasattu of Vasan'apura Anothr" of his daughters, Jivayasă, was given in inarriage to Kamsa 58 He attended the saya muara of Rohuni where a fight took place Later on, the prophecy of Aimutta came to be true and Jalandha was killed at the hands of Vasudeva Kanha 69
Jiyasattu (the conqueror of enemies) seems to have been a common designation of kings like the epithet Dcvānāmpiya of the later age Like Bambhadatta of the Buddhists, Jayasattu is known as a generic name, and is represented as a ruler of a number of cities. It seems that Jiyasattu (also Jitar 6 or Hatasattuel) was also known by the name of Kakavanna or Kākajangha.89 He is described as a ruler of a large number of cities - (1) Acalapura63
(11) Aojjhā64 Alabhiyā66
(iv) Amalakappa 66 (v) Bhaddilapura67
Campã68 (VII) Chhattagão
(vii) Lohggalā? (ix) Mahurā
Kākandi (x1) Kampıllapurais
(x11) Khupaitthiya? (xiii) Sayatthiyo
(xiv) Migakotthaya? (xv) Mıhılā?
(xvi) Pārlaliputta It is mentioned that king Jiyasattu besieged the city of Ujjeni and as a result of which the king of Ujjeni died and the city was captured by the enemy The king of Ujjeni had four sāvoga servants One of them applied oil to one foot of Jiyasattu and challenged any one
58 Kalpa Ti , 6, p 173 10 Alo cl Süja cup 340 for the Vedic tradition, sec PHHI,p 96 HIHT, p 282, 80 Miri cü p 745 OL ITtară cu 2, p 78, Vasu p 115 62 Ava Cī,p 510, Abhidhānahosa, according to the Vasu P (3), Kakajangha as regang
in Tosali 63 Uttară Cü,p 62 64 Urtară Ti , 18, P 233a. 85 UD 5. 86 Naya II, p 226. 87 Anta. 3, p. 7f 08 Uva 2, p. 22, Naya. 12, p. 135 09 Ava. Nir. 450. 70 Ibid. 490. T1 Ava Tip 504a. 12 Anta. 3, p 61 Anutt. p. 61. 73 Uva 6 P, 43. 74 Aa, Nir. 1318, Ava. cü. II, p. 168; Panda Nur., 80 p 30, Gacch. Vr. p. 11ba. 16 Rāya. sū. 146. 78 Ava. cu., p. 519. 71 Sür. Sü. 1.