Book Title: Life in Ancient India as Depicted in Jain Canons
Author(s): Jagdishchandra Jain
Publisher: New Book Company
242, 34
Magical practices 228
Megasthenese 192 Magical spells 230ff
Megha 258 Mañānimitta, eight divisions 226n Mehakumāra 24, 53, 146, 150, Mahāsayaya 57, 157, 161
151n, 155, 184, 195, 237, 379 Mahasena (k) 57
Mehila 21 Mahesaradatta 58, 142
Merchant leagues 110 Mahissara 56, 218, 218n, 383 Metals and jewellery 99 Mahāvira 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, -metal-workers 99
26, 27, 28, 29, 32, 33, 34, 35, Meyajja 21 38, 41, 127n, 130, 131, 140, Minerals 98 141, 142, 143, 144, 147, 148, Mining and metallurgy 98 163, 177, 178, 192, 195, 256, Ministers 59f 303, 357, 373
Miscarriage 150 -His cárikā 257-262
Miyadevi 150 Mākandi 275, 313
Miyāt ai 24, 80 Maladháil Hemacandia 42 Mlecchas and untouchables 144f Malayagırı 33, 36, 40, 42 214 Mloggarapānı(y) 223 Malla 141, 242, 392
Monasticism 193ff -Mallagana 141
-persons exempted from joining Malladinna 72, 187
the order 194, 194n Mallārāma 208
Mukunda 102, 217 Mallı 80, 154, 156
Municanda 20 Managa 275
Murder 70 Mandivaddhana 70
Music 1821 Mandiya 208
Musical instruments 116, 183f Manibhadda(y) 221
Musiyadāraya 98 Manners and customs 266ff Mansions 189 Marriage 155
Nábhi (k) 49, 371 --forms of marriage 155f, 159ff Nāga 19, 219f, 219n, 283, 372, 375 Marriage with sister 160, 160n, 372 Nāgārjunasūri 33 ---with step-mother 159
Nāgārjuni hills 211 with cousins 159
Naladāma 201 -with maternal uncle 160
Nanda, 99, 143 in exchange 161
Nandini 166 -niyoga Marriage 162
Nandisena 24 Marriage gifts 156f
Nandivardhana 257, 373, 383 -ceremony 157f
Nandivaddhana 51 Marubhūi 70
Nandisara 218n Markets and shops 119
Nārada 213n Masonary 101
Nātaputta (Mahāvira) 21, 22, 373 Matanga 213n
Nattumatta 229, 235 Māthara 64, 171n
Nhāviyadāsa (k) 53 Māyā 149n
Niddhamana(y) 303 Mayanamañjari 153
Nigganthas before Mahăvira 21, Meat-eating 126, 180
22, 22n
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