It appeared like a peahen and was a counterspell to the "scorpion" spello Mūsaga.
It appeared like a mouse and was a counterspell 10 the "cat" spell." Nauli.
It appeared like a female mungoose and was a counterspell to the "snake" spell." Osavani.
It was a charm for putting a person to sleep. 18 Ovai.
It appeared like a female hawk and was d counterspell to the "poyat" spell." Ovayani.
It made a thing fall down 75 Pāgasasani.
It was a magic art of conjuring or trickerywhich produced illusion. Pakkamani **
It made a person giddy." Pannattı.
It was one of the four important magic arts. It was an art of foretelling is Poyai
It appeared like a female bird sakuinka) and was a coach j.ch to the "female hawk" spell 10 Rohini or Mahārohınī.
It was one of the four important chainis 30 Sankari
This charm was acquired just by iccitug padhi asuddhist truy this charm was recited it was surrounded by friends, servants oli and carried out thc commands 81 Sappa
It appeared like a snake and was a counteispell to the lomake mungoose" spell.82
70 la Nol op. cit, Ullaro li of oit. : Ibid T! Ihid 13 Stia, op.cil, Ila cû, p. 141 Kalpu. 2.27, also letra. 16, p 18h lil' p
Talsu , p. 7 74 Aa Virop cit, and Tikā, op. c. 15 Sūlu op oil, Das cü 1 + 76 Sua op. cit 77 Irdhamāgadh Dictionary, Vol. 111, p 384, Ralanchuudiaji Siya up all 13 Alu cü p 161; Ultará Ti ,9, 138, 18, 238a It is mentioned in the hill u ara
a magical art personified as onc cfthe Vidvadelis (14 Williams Sut . L 1013) 73 Ada. Nir. op. cit, Uliara Ti op i 50 - cü op cit, ralca Ti. op cit. s1 Uttară Ti. 13, 183a, 194,
82 Ltrara. 77 3,72