Kancipuri-a city
Kañcipuri was located in Dravida. It is same as Canjeevaram on the Palar river. 834
Kandacchariu-a village
This village is mentioned in the Vyavahāra Bhāsya.336 It is not identified.
Kanha-a river
This river flowed in the country of Abhira (see Acalapura)
The rivers Kanha and Beņnā are identified with Kanhan and Wain that unite in the district of Bhandara, and the united stream comes down to meet the Wardha in the district of Chandan.838
Kannakujja-a city
Kannakujja is mentioned as another name of Indapura. (see Indapura). Kanyakubja was also known as Gadhipura, Mahodaya, Kusasthala 887
It is same as Kanauj situated on the west bank of the Kālindı.
Karnataka-a country
Karnataka is referred to along with the countries of Lata, Damila, etc. (See Damila).
Karnata desa included Mysore, Coorg and part of the ceded districts. The kingdom of Vijayanagar was also called Karṇāta.339
Kaseru-a river
It was a well-known river but its peculiar feature was that it never contained water.340
Its situation cannot be known.
333 Brh. Bhd., 3.3892.
334 C.AGI, p.628.
835 7-154.
Käsi-a kingdom
Käsi is included among the twenty five and a half Aryan countries with Vārāņasi as its capital. Kasi is also included among the sixteen
930 PBI, p. 378.
857 Abhidhana, IV, 39, 40.
888 G.D, p. 89.
180 Ibid, p. 94.
840 Vya. Bha. Ti., 3. 58.