sellers were despised in this country, 178 and unlike Uttarāvaha one was allowed to marry one's maternal uncle's daughter. 130 It is said that the barley-meal was difficult to get here in summer 131
King Sampai, first of all is said to have conquered Ujjeni, and then the whole of Dakkhināraha and is said to have brought all neighbouring kings under his subjugation 189
It is the tract of land lying to the south of the Ganges and to the north of Godavari 192
Damila (Drarıda)—a country's
Damila was counted among the non-Aryan countries Magadha Mālava, Vahārastra, Läta, Karnātaka, Dravida, Gauda, Vidarbha and other countries are mentioned as places of origin of desibhāsa (regional language).15+ It is said that the maid-servants known as Dámili were brought from this country 12 Dāmili was also known as a script (lici) 185
It is mentioned that it was very difficult to get a shelter for the Jain monks in the country and under such circumstances they were allowed. to stay under a tree.187 The con was grown here by the water of tanks, 198 and rice was known as oua in this country 16 (see also Andha)
The Damılas are identified with the Tamil Kaveripattana was a sea-port town in the Damila kingdom which is generally identified with the Malabar Coast oz Vorthern Ceylon 10
Dandakaranna or kumhhahii akaila- for-st
It is mentioned that Khandlaga was ruling over Campā or according to some, Savatihii, 147 who gave his sister Purandarajasā to Dandagi, the ruler of Kumbhakārakada in marriage In course of time Khandaga took to the ascetic life and wandering about, reached Kumbhakārakada, where he was crushed to death by the king's envoy It is said, after death Khandaga was born among the Agnikumāra gods and burnt the whole city to ashes This place came to be known as Dandakāraṇna."
Dandakâranna is identified with the region round about the river Godāv arī in the district of Nasik and adjoining parts of Mahārāştras
119 Misi Cu, 16, p 1117. 10 Das Co, 1, p 17. 181 Brh Bha Vr, 1. 2889. 182 Ibad, 1. 3276. 193 G. É B, p. 48 184 Brh Bha, Vr., 1 1231. 185
Supra, p. 107. See Supra, p 176
Brk Bha, Vr, 3 3749 188 Iord , 1 1239.
Das Ců, 7, p 236 GEB, p 63.
Cf Brh. Bha , 1. 3274, Ullará Cū,p 73; Ullara Ti,p 38. 103 Nisi Cu, 16, p 1113. Also cf the Fataka (III, No 463) and the Ramayana (VII.
81. 10), where Kumbhavati was destroyed by a shower of sand. 108 P. BI., P59.