According to the Vividhatīrthakalpa, Majjhimapāvā was called Apāvāpuri but since Mahavira died here, it was changed into Pāvāpuri.
It is identified with Pāwāpuri scven miles to the cast of Bihar town in Bihar 57
Arakkhuri-a city
It is stated that Arakkhuri was situated on the border (paccantanagara) of Campa.58
Its exact situation is not known.
Aritthapura or Ritthapura—a city
Aritthapura is mentioned in the commentary of the Panhavågarana 5
Aritthapura is mentioned in Pali literature. It was the capital city of the Sivi kingdom. It lay on the road from Mithila to Pañcala
Asztagirima mountain
This mountain was situated near Ujjeņi.o1 Its exact situation is not known.
Asivovaddava--a cily
It is mentioncd in the commcntary of the Uttaradhyayana Its exact location is unknown.
Atthāvaya-a mountain
It is said that Usabha attained salvation at this mountain " Anths Vaya was also visited by Goyama.“ (Sce also Ahicchattā).
It is mentioned that this mountain was conncctcd with Voyadda and was eight yojanas in height and at its foot flowed the river Niyadı."
A description of this mountain is given in the Trsastusalakripurusalarita 68 It was called Astūpada bccause around it cight stcps were made It was also known as Harādri, Kailasa and Sphatikādrı o7
Atthāvaya is identical with Kailāsa which is Kangrinpoche of the Tibetans, situated about twenty five miles to the north of Mānasayovara beyond Gangri.98
56 P. 44.
Dust. Gaz Parna. ĀLa Nur., 1297, also seu Ayu II, p. 229, l'asu. P 79
4, p. 88, sce also Vasu., p 364 f 60 Malalasekara, op cit, under "Aritthapura 81 Aca Nur , 1304 Thu Varl (281) also mention Asiyagiri, but it was tvaird 1"
Kosala. 81 1, p. 6. 63 Jambu Sū, 70, p 278
66 Vol I, 8 78 1t, p 332 If 94 Ala, r., 307 alsu L'ition. Cü., p 180
87 Ibid ,p 370) 08 Vasu., pp. 309. 335.
68 G. D, p. 82.