from which flow the great fourteen livers The first two rivers, 2 , Jangā and Sindhu flow from the lake Padma situated on the Himayata nountain."
In the centre of Bharaha is Mount Vaitādhya, dividing it into north Ind south On this mountain there arc kingdonis of the Vidrīdhara kings
*. The first ocean surrounding Jambudvipa is Lavanoda or the Indian cean.18 Then comes the continent of Dhātakikhanda which surrounds the Lavanoda and is twicc in extent Then we have the Kūloda ocean ind then Puskaradvipa 14 In the middle of Puskaradvipa is situated the mountain-range Mānusottara like a city wall which is the ultima thule of Ebe Human World Thus according to the Jain conception, the Human World consists of two and a half continents, viz , Jambudvīpa, DhālakiChanda and half of Puskaradvipa
Surrounding Puskara we have various other oceans and continents, which are each twice as largc as the preceding one The eighth continent
Nandisaradiva which is described as a land of the gods with beautiful pardens. It is mcntioned that there werc fitty two statues of the Arhats here which weic frequently visited by gods. The last continent is Svayambhuramana. 16
here which we mentioned that there warland of the gods with no
18 mountain is the same as thc IIimalaya inountain and is known in Palı as Himava, (umacala and Humavanta It is one of the seven mountain-ranges that surround landhamādana Seven gient Hunalay an lakes are also mentioned in Pali litcraire, Anottata being the first Anoltata, like the Padma lake of the Jains, is a lotus ke with four outlets on its four sides and is identified with Bindusāra in the Alahābhazla and Manasa sarovara of popular samc (Law, op cit, pp 5, 10, 12) the Jain texts mention the merchants of Campā and Hatih sisa crossing the Lavana cean and going out for tiades, it sccms that Lavana was no other occan than the ndian ocean (cf Nājā 8 p 97 9 p121 , 17 p 201) Lavana foccan is mentioned 1 the Mahabha VI J 13, VI 16 ne identify it with a portion of Central Isia commencing liom the north of Oxus, icluding Western Tarta, (
GDP 163) 2 Cu P 397f, Ullarā Ti 9 p 138
Tambu. 1. 4. Also rsp, Vo II, 3 J32 to 769, also 'some cosmological Ideas of he Jainas', Amulayachandra Sen, 1. HQ 1932, pp 43-48.