It is stated that when Mahāvira sojourned in the garden of Subhūmibhāga in Saketa, he declared the following Sutra restricting the movements of the Jain monks :
"The monks or nuns may wander towards the east as far as AngaMagadha, towards thc south as far as Kosambi, towards the west as far as Thūnā and towards the north as far as Kunālā."17
Later on, king Sampai, who was a great patron of Jain religion, made other countries suitable for the movements of the Jain monks, and consequently the following twenty five and a half counties were declared as Aryan : Kingdom
Capital 1. Magadha
Rāyagiha 2 Anga
Camp 3. Vanga
Tämaliti 4. Kalinga
Кабсаларига 5 Käsi
Vanarasi 6 Kosala
Säketa Kuru
Gayapura Kusattā
Soriya 9. Pañcāla
Kampillapura Jangala
Ahicchattā Suratthā
Bäravai 12. Videha
Mihila 13. Vaccha
Kosambi 14 Sandilla
Nandipura 15. Malaya
Bhaddilapura 16. Vaccha
Verāda 17. Varană
Acchà Dasanna
Mattiyāyai 19. Cedi
Suttivai 20 Sindhu Sovira
Vibhaya 21. Sürasena
Mahurā 22. Bhangi
Păvă 23. Purivatta
Māsapuri 21. Kunāla
Sävatthi 25. Lada (or Ladha)
Kodivariga 23. Kegaiaddha
Scyaviyā? These countries were called Aryan because, it is said that the Titthayaras, the Gakkavattis, the Baladevas and the Väsudevas were born here.
11 18
Brh Stú 1 50, Also Nisz Bha 16. p 1111 Panna 1. 37, p. 33a, Brh Bhä Vr 1. 3363, also Prawacanas aroddhāra, P 446.