other deities, anointed them and buint incense in the temple 7 The Vyavahāra Bhasya records religious discussion bctucen a Carako and the Ksullahas98
Curika-They picked up lags from the road ude,' or accoruing to another interpretation their religious requisites were made of cloth
Cammakhandia--They put on a dress of hide oi their cligious requisites were made of hide
Bhikkahunda- They would cat nothing cicept what had been obtained by alms and would not take cow-milk etc, they are considered as identical with the Buddhist monks
Panduranga or Panlara ya-Ihey bcsmedied their body with ashes, they were Saiva mendicants According to the Nisītha 1ūrm,100 however, the disciples of Gosila ucis called Panda,abhikkhu The 1n Oyadvāra cūrni identifies them with the Sasa ahkha 321 masha) Bnih khus
Then they will uthcı Parec, a, asi Sanhha-They followed the Sumkhyustom 702-The followed the Yogi siyun
kaula kopilo u stru Jord the followed the theastic Simkha systen
Bhina The Here the descple I Blogu
Hamsallum This und u inount in cuves, roads, hcimitugrs, shuines and gardens and enteied a village only to beg
Paramahamsa 103— They lived on flicrbanks, the confluence of streams, and discarded clothrs before tlicy died
Bahūdaga 03_Thcs lived one night in a village and fivc nights in a town
Kudırvas a103 -They lived in their own house and considered getting victory ovei giced illusion and cgotiin as their goal Kanhapanicy aga-They worshipped thc Niidana 104
() III IVIY 1 SIVAVIS The order of the livihas is of oldei standing than that of Gos la him. self, who is considered as the third leader of the sect 105 It is cvidcnt from the Bhagavalīlot that the history of the hirikas commenced one hundied 87 Ava TIP 87 98 2, 23a 09 The Digha I, p 166 also nientions such ascetics (/ whulu )
p 865, also mentioned in the com of the Dhaminat di (IV, P 8) 101 P 12
10" 0 a 35, p 172 108 Also Haribhadra Saddarsanasarruccaya p 81 T 19" Bombay, mcnliound in the
Hindu rcligion as well, see R ligi n of the Hindu , Vol I 231 f by II II
Wilson, London 1962 104 Kan lu (ou Kunn) naakancu I nba 1 Pusat 1 (uso mui tioned in the Therigalha
(116), A1 thal ha I 114 kuldin is 11 (also in the honhadt ay ana 7 ilaha IV PP, 83 87, Slal lh, I ll 45 Dunguild ud V iva are mentioned as Brinmanical i vendicants (0 36 p 172) Then Sulai Sal 17 (or Masihir 1) Nigga Phaggu,
Vidhi Rayai y 7 Rama and Bila were the hhuttivi menca ints (ibid) 105 Majhamu I, pp 324, 238 roi a treatment of the subject sec Dr Barua The Anculas,
also Pre-Buddhist Indian Philos 11, 297 318 by the the samc author, also Law, Historical Gleanings pp 37T
Maulana 1, PP.
Lidian Philos l' ,IP
100 13