[JANUARY, 1895.
In S. 970 expired, which by the southern luni-solar system was Sarvadharin, the 13th tithi of the bright half of Jyaishtha ended 12 h. 24 m. after mean sunrise of Saturday, 28th May, A. D. 1048. The 13th tithi of the dark half of the same (amánta) month ended on Sunday, 12th June, A. D. 1048.
182. 9. 201. - Ante, Vol. XII. p. 120. Bassein copper-plate inscription of the Yadava Seunachandra II. : --
(L. 24). - Sa(sa) kı-samvat ekanaraty-adhika-nava-sa(sa)têshu samvat 991 Saumyasauvatsariya-Srâvaņa-sudi chaturdasyath(syan) Guru-dind.
In 5, 991 expired, which by the southern luni-solar system was Saumye, the 14th tithi of the bright half of Sravana ended 14 h. after mean sunrise of Tuesday, 4th August, A.D. 1069.
183.- . 1008.- From an impression supplied to me by Dr. Fleet. Sitabaldi inscription of the Western Châlukya Vikramaditya VI. : -
(L. 1). – Sa(sa)kansipa-kal-atîta-samyvatsar-âmtarggata-daśasata ya[tra) ashtatyadhikê (altered to ashtâdhike) saku 1008 Prabhava-samvatsarê Vaisà(sa)kha-su(su)dha(ddha)-tsitiyaSu(su)kradine.
In the year Prabhave, which by the southern luni-solar system was 8. 1009 (not 1008) expired, the third tithi of the bright half of Vaisakha ended 16 h. 9 m. after mean sunrise of Thursday, 8th April, A. D. 1087. In S. 1008 expired the same tithi ended on Sunday, 19th April, A, D, 1086; and in S. 1008 current on Monday, 31st March, A. D. 1085.
184.- S. 1058. Ante, Vol. XIV. p. 58, and Vol. XX. p. 191. Chittûr copper-plate inscription of the Eastern Chalukya Kulôttunga-Chôdadêva II. :
(L. 49). - Sik-abdânâm pramâņê rasa-viśikha-viyach-chandra-samkhyâm prayâtê .... -Ardra-rkshê parvva-ma(pa)kshê vileshuvati sutitha(thau).
In S. 1056 current the Mêsha-vishuvat-samkranti took place on the 24th March, A. D. 1133, the 2nd of the dark half of Chaitra, when the nakshatra was Svâti (No. 15), not Ardrå (No. 6); and the Tula-vishuvat-sankranti took place on the 27th September, A. D. 1133, the 12th of the dark half of Âśvina, when the nakshatra was Purva-phalguni (No. 11). And for S. 1056 expired the corresponding days are the 24th March, A. D. 1134, the 12th of the dark half of Chaitra, with the nakshatra Purva-bhadrapada (No. 25); and the 27th September, A. D. 1134, the 8th of the bright half of Asvina, with the nakshatra Uttarashadhi (No. 21). - Accord. ing to Mr. Dikshit, the nearest year which would satisfy the requirements of the date is S. 1054 expired; for in that year the Mêsha-vishuvat-samkranti took place 22 h. 3 m. after mean sunrise of the 23rd March, A. D. 1132, during the 6th tithi of the bright half of Chaitra, and the moon entered the nakshatra Årdre about 5 h. 16 m. after mean sunrise of the 24th March, A.D. 1132.
185.- 9. 1080.- Mysore Insor. No. 174, p. 333. Sindigere inscription of the time of the Hoysala Vishịuvardhana :
The Saka year 1060, the year Pingale, the month Pushya, the 10th day of the moon's increase, Sunday, uttarayana-sankranti.'
In S. 1060 current, which by the southern luni-solar system was Piñgala, the Uttaråvapa-samkranti took place 20 h. 54 m. after mean sunrise of Friday, 24th December, A. D. 1137, during the 11th tithi of the bright half, which ended 22 h. 14 m. after mean sunrise of the same day.
186. - 3. 1066. - Páli, Skr. and Old-Kan. Inscr. No. 96. Date in a Miraj inscription of the Silâhîra Vijayaditya :
"Saka 1066 (in figures, 1. 47), the Rudhirðdgari samvatsara; Vaddavara, the fourteenth day of the dark fortnight of Magha.'
15 The aksharas from dra to vi are engraved over a cancelled passage.