The creation and the conduct or management of the universe
We have to recognise the truth that the jiva and the karma function at the basis of the pudgals. In the same manner, the jiva and the karma function behind the creation of the various kinds of soil, metal, stones, water and fire found in the interior of the earth. At the basis of creation, the jiva enters according to its karma. It assumes a body which is in consonance with its karmas when it finds proper food. The various forms are the earth, water, fire, air and vegetation.
From this, we can understand that behind all creation in the samsar, the jiva and karma keep functioning causing the creation. The jiva experiences the fruit of its karma by means of its body. The soul is covered with the dust of karmas on account of the jiva's false cravings, passions, various moods (like the moods of fear, shyness, infatuation, etc. which are present in vegetation also) stupidity and other physical and mental propensities and actions. When the karmas grow ripe, the corresponding creations take place. The jiva or the soul discards one body and enters another body; discarding that it enters some other body. This kind of chain-reaction keeps taking place throughout the Universe.
Even without the help of the jiva mere inert matter can also bring about creations as exemplified by the colourfulness of the evening, the thundering noise of the clouds, steam, vapour, smoke, shadow, darkness and large particles and invisible atoms, etc. All these creations and regulations have been taking place in the universe from times immemorial.
Nothing can take place without a corresponding cause. Every phenomenon in this Universe is governed by the law of cause and effect. Therefore, it is not possible that once in this universe, there was no substance of any kind and that later the conscious and the inert substances appeared suddenly or that there existed inert substances first; that later the conscious element appeared or that the jiva was once pure and then it suddenly began assuming shapes or entering bodies. We have to accept that there can be no effect without a corresponding cause. We have also to accept the causes for the emergence of those causes. Therefore, at no time, there was any absolutely new creation or new be
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