A Hand Book of Jainology
ful prakritis. Therefore 5 Jnanavaran + 9 Darshanavaran + 26 Mohaniya + 5 Antaray = 42 Ghathis. In the same manner, among the Aghathi Karmas, 1 Asata Vedaniya + 1 Narakayu + 1 Nichgotra + 34 Namkarmas = 37. 45 + 37 = total 82 Sinful Prakritis are there.
Of the 34 Prakritis of Nam Karma - 4 Narak Tiryanch gathi Anupoovi + 4 Ekendriya - Vikalendriya Gathi + 10 the remaining leaving out 10 Pratham Sanghayan Samstham + 4 Ashubhavaran etc. + 1 Ashubhvihayo gathi - Thus there are 23 Pinda Prakritis + 1 Upagath + 10 Sthavar Dashak = total 34.
. 42 of Punya + 82 of Papa = total 124 Prakritis. Of these, 4 shubha and 4 ashubha of varnadinam karma have been counted twice. Therefore the total is 124 – 4 = 120. Karma Prakritis can be bound. The Mishra Mohaniya and the Samyaktva Moha. niya do not combine with Mithyathva Mohaniya. Therefore, they have not been counted among the bondages. But they do emerge, to the surface because they are the semipure forms of the Baddha Mithyathva. Therefore, these two have been counted among the emergent ones. (Those that achieve udaya). A total of 122 prakritis have been counted among the udaya ones (emergent ones). Of them, in addition to 5 Sharirs, 5 Bandhan and 15 Sangathan come to a total of 20 which increase. Then counted in the place of 4 Varna etc. there will be an increase of 16 thus; 5 Varna, 5 Rasa, 2 Gandha and 8 Sparsha = total increase 16. On account of the increase of 36 : 122 + 36 = 158 Prakritis are there.
GHATHI AND AGHATHI KARMAS: The eight karmas such as the Jnanavaran are of two kinds viz. Ghathi and Aghathi. Ghathi means that which harms or upsets the purity of the soul, the qualities, the knowledge, the faith (Darshan), the Vitragata, the Charitra (Character) and the energy of the Paramatmabhava. The felicity of Moksha is a quality of the soul yet the Vedaniya Karma harms or upsets the Paramatma; still it is not Ghathi.
GHATHI: Four karmas are ghathis (Most harmful). They are : Jnanavaran, Darshanavaran, Mohaniya and Antaray. The
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