5 Samayik etc. + Deshvirathi and Avirati; 6 Samyaktva Kshayik, Kshayopashamik Aupashamik, Mishramohaniya, Sasvadan and Mityatva.
Now let us discuss; the Satpad Praroopan, Dravyaparimana etc. in each Margana.
Moksha can be attained through Manushyagathi, the Panchendriyas with five senses. Trasakaya, Bhavyatva, Sanjini, Yathakyathcharitra, Kshayiksamyaktva, Anaharak, Kevaljnan, Kevaldarshan etc. not through the others. At the time of the Shaileshis, yoga and ved do not come up. Therefore moksha cannot be attained through these ways. This is a discussion of the existence of Moksha. In this manner, we should discuss the dravya praman, place etc. relating to the 62 Marganas. In other words, we should examine and see how many jivas attain moksha, in what place etc.
Satpad, the word Moksha is a satpad because it is not untrue. It is not created; this word denotes a truth.
(2) Dravyapraman: Quantity; for ex: Siddhas are infinitesmal and countless times larger than the jivas and in all Abhavyajivas.
(3) to (4) : Place and touch. Countless parts of the one or all Siddha Lokakash are capable of Avagahana and Sparshana (Height and touching) compared to the Avagahakshetra, the Sparshana or the tangible space is more than the surrounding clear Akashpradesha.
compared to the one Compared to any one
(5) Kala: The Kala has no beginning Siddha. The idea of sadi beginning is this. jiva Moksha begins. Ananta means after this there is no end to moksha. Time is without a beginning and without an end compared to the Siddhapravah.
Jain Education International
(6) Antar (gap) the chyavan means moves to some other position from the Siddhavastha and again becomes a siddha, but siddha has no chayavan, so no gap. If so the interval has to be reckoned with because chyavan will not be less for siddhas; therefore Antar, interval is absent.
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