ANUYOG (Inquiry and Research)
Anuyog means exposition, description or explanation. In the Jain Shastras there are expositions of countless subjects. These have been classified into four kinds. Therefore, there are mainly four kinds of Anuyog..
1) Dravyanuyog: (Works relating to substances)
These deal with such subjects as the Jiva, Pudgal etc. There are such works as Karma Shastra; Sanmati Tarka; Darshan Shastra; Sthanang Sutra; Lok Prakash; Prajnapana Sutra; Tatvartha; Mahashastra; Visheshavashyak Bhashya etc.
2) Ganitanuyog : (Works relating to mathematics)
These works deal with such mathematical subjects as calculations and measurements. There are such' works as Surya Prajnapti and Kshetrasamasa etc.,
3) Charankarananuyog : (Works relating to ethical concepts
These works deal with ethical theories and observances. There are such works as Acharanga; Nishitha; Dharma Samgraha; Shraddhavidhi; Achar Pradip etc.
4) Dharmakathanuyog: .(Relating to stories in respect of
These works contain stories and anecdotes which inspire Dharma in the readers. These are such works as : Jnatha Adhyayan Agam, Samaraditya Charitra; Thrishasthi Shalaka Purush Charitra etc.
Questions : (1) How is the knowledge of mutually contradictory Dharmas
true and untrue ? (2) Explain the Saptanayas with examples.
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