The Marganusari condition and the Apunarbandhak condition can appear in all. Barthrihari renounced the samsar and became an Avadhut Sanyasi (one who has renounced worldly connections). He attained this sublime state. But he did not attain the tatvas expounded by vitrag omniscients. Therefore, he could not attain the phase of samyag darshan and could not attain lofty Gunasthanas (Virtues). So the foundation of the Samyag darshan is absolutely necessary.
Samyag darshan means a taste for the tatvas expounded by the Jins; and a firm faith in the doctrines expounded by the Vitrags. (Those who have conquered the inner enemies). Tatva has its form. It is the result of a multidimensional comprehension (Anekant); not viewed from a single point of view. (Ekant). The Vitrags have expounded this. This doctrine is free from the untruths resulting from attachments and hatred. In the same manner, the omniscient ones can see all substances of the three phases of time, directly; and can see the universe as it is in itself; and describe it. Therefore, you should have full faith in this tatva. The theories relating to the jiva and the ajiva have been already described. You must adapt your attitude to them in accordance with their usefulness or otherwise. Some of them are worth knowing; some are worth discarding; and some are beneficial and acceptable. For instance, asrav is worth discarding; and hence you should fear it and treat it with contempt.
This state of Samyag darshan is a pure state or effect of the pacification of Mithyathva and the Anantanubandhi in the soul. In practice, it is characterised by certain qualities like faith, linga and lakshana.
Jain Education International
*The Samyaktva or righteousness has five qualities Sham (pacification); Samveg (excessive adoration for Gods, spiritual heads and dharma); Nirved (agitation caused by samsar); and Anukampa (compassion) and Astikya (believing implicitly in the words of the Jin).
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