The pudgals
(8) The eighth one is Karmanavargana. The jiva is subjected to such asravs as Mityatva or false belief and these Karmana pudgals become bound with the jivas and become Karmas.
Apart from these 8 varganas, there are others which are extremely subtler than these such as Pratyek Vargana, Badar Vargana etc. Moreover there are the pudgals of the Achitta Mahaskand Vargana but these are not useful to the jiva. They are not such as can be used like food etc. Only those 8 Varganas are useful to the jiva. Light, radiance, darkness and shadow contain all the Audarik pudgals. These may undergo modifications. For instance the pudgals of light may become transformed into the pudgals of darkness. The pudgals of shadow appear in various colours from the gross bodies, in accordance with their nature. Such colours can be seen in the form of shadows on white paper or cloth through a microscope. These pudgals of shadow are gathered on the photographic plate and the picture becomes visible on the plate.
The seeds that are sown on the earth according to their karmas gather pudgals from the earth or the sky as their food. From this, the sprout, the shoot, leaves, flowers etc. arise. All these things differ from the earth, manure and water in colour, taste, smell and touch. From this, it is evident that without an independent jivdravya and the power of Karmas, this kind of.. organised, specialised creation is not possible. We should bear in mind here the fact that while the tree has the main life every leaf has a separate life of its own.
(1) What is the meaning of Vargana?
Mention and explain the way in which the eight Varganas appear.
(2) What are brightness and darkness ?
(3) What is the difference between air and respiration?
(4) Sprout etc. arise out of the seed. With this example explain the jivtatva.
(5) How does jiva exercise the powers of utterance and
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