Karma Bandha
(The state of the supreme soul). These eight karmas have intermediary differences and those will be discussed later.
According to the Jain Dharma, the karmas that bind the soul do not rise to the surface in the same form. In other words, there will appear changes in their Prakriti (nature), Sthithi (condition and Rasa (degree of intensity). Just as the soul gathers karmas, it also does certain other things as combining them. The activity of the soul in respect of bondage and mixing of karmas is called Karan (Atma Virya — yog).
Karanas are eight in number. 1) Bandhan Karan, 2) Samkraman Karan, 3) Udvartana Karan, 4) Apavartana Karan, 5) Udirana Karan, 6) Upashamana Karan, 7) Nidhatti Karan, 8) Nikachana Karan.
This comprises the activities relating to the bondage of karmas by the yoga (psychophysical activity) of each asrav.
It means the activity of combining the karma pudgals of one type with the karma pudgals of the same type. Samkraman means a certain number of karma pudgals already present, mixing with the new karma pudgals and assuming that form. For example, let us say that because of some noble contemplations the Satavedaniya karma is being gathered. Some pudgals of the already existing Ashatavedaniya karma mix with it; assume the form of Satavedaniya karma. This is called the Samkraman of Ashatavedaniya Karma. On the contrary when the Ashatavedaniya Karma is gathered on account of some evil contemplations, some pudgals of the already existent Satavedaniya mix with them and assume the form of Ashata.
(3 & 4) UDVARTANA and APAVARTANA KARAN: Udvartana means an increase in the Sthithi and Rasa of a karma; and a decrease in their intensity is called Apavar
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