A Hand Book of Jainology The functions of these varganas are as follows: (1) The bodies of the jivas from Ekendriya to Panchendriya
Tiryanch are made up of the Audarik vargana. (2) The bodies of heavenly beings and the inhabitants of hell
are made up of the Vaikriya vargana. (3) A great muni masters the shastras and with his special
powers, in order to seek a clarification for his doubts, he sends to the Samawasaran of the Tirthankar, a subtle body of the length of a hand (a foot) to have a darshan of the Tirthankar and to seek clarifications from him. This body of the length of one hand forms the Aharak vargana and
this is called Aharak body. (4) From times immemorial like the collection of Karmas,
there is another subtle body called the Tejassharir attached to the jiva. This body is formed out of the Taijaswargana. From this body, the Tejas pudgals spread out. The skandas of new Tejas pudgals come together but the collection of skandas remain stationary in a large quantity. On account of this Tejasharir there is heat in the body and with it the jiva consumes and digests food.
The language that we speak and our utterances are formed out of the pudgals of the Bhashavargana. From the Shwasochvasvargana, the jiva receives pudgals which are subtler than sound. That is why, they can be gathered into the vacuum of an electric bulb where they live the life of the Agnikay. It should be remembered that weather or wind is Vayukay jiva; is made up of Audarik pudgals. Compared to it Shwasochavas pudgals are subtler. Yes, we require for our existence air as well as food and water but all jivas do not have that necessity. For instance
fish and crocodiles do not need it. (7) Just as the pudgals of the Bhashavargana help us to speak,
for thinking, the pudgals of Manovargana help us. The Manovargana pudgals relating to new thoughts connect them with new sounds and their pronunciation. When these assume the form of mind we exercise the power of thinking.
(6) Fm
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