A Hand Book of Jainology
mersed in an adulation of existence and to keep wandering in the four states of existence namely, the human state, the heavenly state, the state of animals and birds and the state of existence in hell. The condition of the Jivas from those having two senses to those having five senses has been described "as state of fear or torment”. Jivas can exist in that state, for a maximum period of two thousand "Sagaropam.” If a Jiva does not attain salvation in this period, then at the end, it has to be born as an Ekendriya Jiva i.e. as a Jiva possessing one sense. Then the Jiva has to spend a maximum of one Anantkal or Anantkal Chakra in that state. After that the Jiva will enter the higher Trasavata state of existence. If the Jiva does not attain salvation within a period of 2000 Sagaropam, there is the possibility of the Jiva going backward from this long Trasavasta and even before that into the state of Ekendriya. There is nothing new in this. Such a state appears countless times in the endless time.
The point is this. In the Acharamavartkal, the Jiva does not think of its soul and of its elevation. The Jiva does not fear sin and does not entertain any feeling of renunciation towards Samsar. All this can happen in the Charamavartkal only. It can happen in that period either in the beginning, or in the middle or at the end. Question : What does the Jain philosophy say about the elevation of the soul or the progress of the soul and about Dharma ? Answer : Here, this much should be understood that as stated earlier, the Jiva that has been wandering in the realm of birth and death in the state of subtle Vanaspathikay (in the Vegetative state) finds it necessary to get free from the power of Destiny. It will have to wander about in such states as the Prithvikai. The Jivas are of two kinds : (1) the Bhavya jivas i.e. those that are fit to attain Moksha and (2) the Abhavya jivas i.e. those that do not have the fitness to attain Moksha. The Abhavya jivas can never attain Moksha. Therefore, they never get into the Charamavartkal. Yes. There are such Bhavya jivas also as do not get the substances necessary for adoring the path of salvation, though they have the worthiness to attain Moksha. Even they do not get at any time the Charamavartkal. They are called Jatibhavya Jivas.
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