The Six dravyas (substances) organisation and order of the universe.
the Panchastikay, the
(1) This universe is a combination of jivas and inert substances. We have understood this point already. In that context, we discussed certain points about the jivadravya. Here we shall discuss some more points about the jivadravya.
Jain Education International
(2) Pudgal dravya (Inert substances) : Pudgal dravya is the name given to those inert substances which possess colour, smell, taste and touch. Of these one part consists of the pudgals of Karma. Just as dust easily settles down upon and sticks to the clothes of an oil-seller, Karmas gather in the soul and stick to it on account of the stickiness of the jiva, its Kashayas (Passions) such as attachment and hatred and its physical, mental and vocal actions. The jiva's body etc. bring about in the jiva different kinds of emotional and intellectual propensities. In fact, even the Kashayas or passions of the jivas also result from the emergence of the Karmas of the earlier lives. The jiva would have done even those Karmas under the impact of passions or Kashayas. This point becomes evident when we examine the Karmas, the Kashayas of our earlier life on the basis of the principles relating to the Kashayas (passions) and their causes. In this manner, the eternal cycle of Karmas causing Kashayas (Passions) and Kashayas (passions) causing Karmas has been endlessly revolving.
No action can bear its fruit; no action can be performed in the absence of a determining cause. What was the state in the earliest times ? We should examine the question whether the Kashayas (Passions) arise even in the absence of the effect of any Karmas of the earlier life and whether Karmas arose and clung to the soul in the absence of Kashayas. No! Such a thing does not occur. It is not at all possible. In our earlier lives, we gathered Karmas in the presence of Kashayas and then we were bound by Karmas in our earlier life. On account of the effect of that bondage, the Kashayas that caused it also existed. Neither of these could exist without a determinant cause.
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