them from China to the Kaspian......It existed in Oxiana and north of the Himalayas 2000 years before Mahavira. Page 32. In these moves, we see how Baktrian faiths passed West and how in the 7th and 6th centuries B.C. or earlier, Xalmoxis and Pythogoras were preaching and teaching like the Butha gurus of Jains and Buddhists.
Strabo says They were a Thrakian sect who lived without wives. Their brethren the Masi religiously abstained from eating anything that had life."
Homer, of the 7th century B.C. or earlier, called them," most just men......livers on milk......devoid of desire for riches. John the Baptist, Jesus and their disciples are common examples of Essenik life in Asia.
Josephus says the Essenik brethren like the ancient Dacae neither married, drank wine, nor kept servants, living apart. They offer no sacrifices and teach the immortality of the soul as do Jains.
P. 35. He (Zalmoxis) taught more than the Jaina doctrine of the immortality of the soul.
P. 36. "He taught the Indian doctrines of........ transmigration etc..........and considered no animal should be injured-all having souls like men."
Jain Education International
P. 40. "The Savans of Alexander found JainoBuddhism strongly in the ascendant throughout Baktria, Oxiana and all the Passes to and from Afghanistan and India."
P. 46. Aristotle saying (about 330 B.C.) that "the Jews of Cæle-Syria were Indian philosophers called
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