Book Title: Canonical Literature Of Jainas
Author(s): H R Kapadia
Publisher: Hindi Granth Karyalay

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Page 119
________________ THE CANONICAL LITERATURE OF THE JAINAS [ CHAP. Thus the names herein entirely differ from those mentioned above. Abhayadeva Sūri, however reconciles this incongruity by saying that this may be due to a difference in vacunas. This view is strange; so, if it cannot be accepted, the old Antuguḍadasă should be looked upon as lost. 106 According to Thana (s. 755 ), Anuttarovarāiyadusā has 10 ajjhayanas as noted below: 'ईसिदासे य १ घण्णे त २ सुणक्खत्ते य ३ कातिते ४ [तिय ] | सट्टा ५ सालिभद्दे त ६ आणंदे ७ तेतली ८ति त ॥ दसन्नभद्दे ९ अतिमुत्ते १० एमेते दस आहिया ॥" On examining the available Anuttarovavaiyadasa, we find that it has 3 raggas having 10, 13 and 10 ajjhayanas respectively. Their names are given there as below: 1 All of them except Kinkama which occurs as a name of the 2nd ajjhayana of the 6th vagga differ from the names of the ajjhayanas of the remaining 7 vaggas as can be seen from the following verses of the extant Antagadadasa:" अक्खोभ सागरे खलु समुद्र हिमवंत अयलनामे य । धरणे य पूरणं विय अभिचंदे चेव अट्टमए ॥ " p. 4 " अणीयसे अनंतसेणे अजियसेणे अहिणयरिऊ देवजसे सनुसेणे सारणे गए सुमुहे दुम्मुहे कूवए दारुए अणाहिट्ठी ॥ " - p. 4 " जालि मयालि उवयालि पुरिससेणे य वारिसेणे य । पज्जुन सम्ब अणिरुद्ध सच्चनेमी य दढनेमी य ॥ " - p. 19 'परमावई य गोरी गन्धारी लक्खणा सुसीमा य । 66 जम्बवइ सच्चभामा रुप्पिणि मूलसिरि मूलदत्ता वि ॥" - p. 20 मकाती किंकमे चेव मोग्गरपाणी य कासवे । 46 खेमए धिइधरे चैव कलासे हरिचन्दणे ॥ बारत सुदंसण पुण्णभद्द समणभद्र सुपइट्ठे महे । अइमुत्ते य अलक्खे अज्झयणाणं तु सोलसयं ॥” – p. 25 नन्दा तह नन्दमई नन्दुत्तर नन्दसेणिया चेव । मरुया सुमरुय महमरुय मरुदेवी य अट्ठमा ॥ 66 भद्दा य सुभद्दा य सुजाया सुमणा इ या । भूयदिना य बोद्धव्वा सेणियभज्जाण नामाई ॥ " - 1. 88 काली काली महाकाली कण्हा सुकण्हा महाकण्हा । वीरकण्हा य बोद्धव्वा रामकण्हा तहेव य ॥ पिउसे कण्हा नवमी दसमी महासेणकण्हा य ।" - p. 38 ( N. V. Vaidya's edn.) 2. " वाचनान्तरापेक्षाणीमानीति सम्भावयामः, च जन्मान्तरनामापेक्षयैतानि भविष्यन्तीति वाच्यं, P. 50gb "" जन्मान्तराणां तत्रानभिधीयमानत्वादिति । " न


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