Book Title: Canonical Literature Of Jainas
Author(s): H R Kapadia
Publisher: Hindi Granth Karyalay

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Page 166
________________ ..THE EXTANT AGAMAS OF THE JAINAS.... 153 Verse 266 of the 36th ajjhayana run's as under:- :'. "इइ पाउको बुद्धे नायए परिनिव्वुए। छत्तीसं उत्तरज्झाए भवसिद्धीयसमए ॥ २६६ ॥". . From this some are led to believe that these are the last words uttered by.. Lord Mahavira before he. attained salvation. But commentators of this work as well as Malayagiri Sūri', Siddhasena Gani and others explain the word uttara as 'excellent' and not as 'last'. Mr. G. J. Patel however interprets uttara as last. Further he accepts the view expressed in Kalpalatā to the effect that the exposition of 36 unasked questions is Uttarajjhāya; for, he says that there is no other canon which has got 36 ajjhayanas and which at the same time can be looked upon as unasked questions. I have already expressed my opinion in this connection on pp. 47–48. So I may now end this topic by noting the following verse from Uttarajjhayananijjutti:-- "कमउत्तरेण पगय आयारस्सेव उवरिमाई तु । तम्हा उ उत्तरा खलु अज्झयणा हुति णायव्वा ॥३॥ This suggests that the word uttara occurring in Uttarajjhayana was used to convey that this Agama used to be read after, iyara. This arrangement lasted up to Sayyambhava; for, on his. composing Dasaveyaliya it is being read after it and not after Ayāra. .. ..DASAVEYALIYA This work is also a Mūlasutta inasmuch as it explains the first and fundamental principles of the religious order preached by Lord Mahavira and serves as the foundation for the , ascetic life::: The title Dasaveyāliya is not to be met with in this work; but it 1. Vide his com. (p. 2060 ) on Nandi: 2 Vädivetäla Sānti Sūri explains this verse on p. 5a as under: "क्रमापेक्षमुत्तरं, शाकपार्थिवादित्वान्मध्यमपदलोपी समासः, तेन प्रकृतम्-अधिकृतम् , इहं च क्रमोत्तरेणेति भावतः क्रमोत्तरेण, एतानि हि श्रुतात्मकत्वेन क्षायोपशमिकभावरूपाणि तद्रूपस्यैव आचाराङ्गस्योपरि पठयमानत्वेनोत्तराणीत्युच्यन्ते, अत एव आह-'आयारस्सेव. उवरिमाई' ति । एवकारो भिन्नक्रमः। ततश्च. आचारस्योपर्येव-उत्तरकालमेव 'इमानि' इति हृदि विपरिवर्तमानतया प्रत्यक्षाणि, पठितवन्त इति गम्यते। 'तुः' परणे, विशेषश्चायं यथा-शय्यम्भवं यावदेष क्रमः, तदारतस्तु दशवकालिकोत्तरकालं पठ्यन्त इति । 'तम्हा उ' त्ति 'तुः' पूरणे, यत्तदोश्च नित्यमभिसम्बन्धः ततो यस्मादाचारस्योपर्यवेमानि पठितवन्तस्तस्माद 'उत्तराणि' उत्तरशब्दवाच्यानि।" 20


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