(attha) of a sutta is explained, then is given an explanation associated with Nijjutti, and this is followed by a detailed exposition which is not necessarily confined to what is explicitly expressed in the sutta. It seems a similar process must have been followed at least by the 11 Ganadharas of Lord Mabāvira. This means that several types of literature may have been then evolved. We do not know precisely what their natures must have been. Equally ignorant we are regarding their generic name and specific names, too, if any. For, the very first type of the Jaina expla. natory works on the Agamas which form a part of our valuable legacy, is known as Nijjutti in Prākrta and Niryukti in Saṁskļta, and that its authorship is attributed to Bhadrabāhusvāmin, cara. masayalasuyanāni who died in Vira Samvat 170. He has composed 10 Nijjuttis. But we do not know their specific names except those like Avassayanijjutti etc., coined by taking into account the work of which it is the Nijjutti. Further, we do not know the exact dates of their composition. All the same, we may say almost with certainty that none of them is composed after Vira Samvat 170. This date is at times questioned on the ground of anachronisms etc. But this does not seem to be justifiable; for, these anachronisms are in all probality due to the procedure adopted at the time of the Redaction of the Jaina canon, and further the question of salutation to himself and the like are an outcome of the sweet confusion due to the intermixture of some of the verses of the Bhāsa with those of the Nijutti. As a corroborative evidence of the latter fact, it may be mentioned that in the Āvassavanijjutti one comes across at least some verses belonging to its Bhasa (vide p. 177). Same is the case with Dasaveyaliyanijjutti, In its edition (having Haribhadra Sūri's com.,) its learned editor
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Se. J. S. E. (p. 223). By etc., are meant salutation to Bhadrabāhusvāmin to himself and the like. As an example of this salutation the following verse occurring in Dasa. suyakkhand hanijjutti may be here noted: "वंदामि भदबाटुं 'पाईण' चरमसयलसुयनाणि । सुत्तस्स कारगमिसिं दसासु कप्पे य ववहारे ॥१॥"
See D, C, J. M. (vol. XVII, pt. II, pp. 70 and 259). See also p. 16, fn. 2,