of the) fourth is the form 'Oh! obeisance to the oblation (sähäe, svaha personified as a daughter of Dakşa and wife to Agni)' in the sense of recipient of a gift //60//
(v) The (example of the) fifth in the sense of the object from which (something) is separated is 'Take away from or take 'from this (etto)' or 'from that (ito)'. (vi) The (example of the) sixth is 'of this (tassa)', or 'of one who is gone (imassa va gayassa)' in the sense of relation of master (and one's own) //61//
(vii) The (example of the) seventh is 'This is in this (imammi)' in the sense of support, time, and state and (viii) the (example of the) eighth is used in the sense of addressing, e.g., 'Oh! young man (he juvāņa)' //62//
This is the eight-named (example of objects).
262 [1].
Then what is the nine-named?A The nine-named objects) are illustrated as nine sentiments of poetry (in the following verses), viz.
(By nine poetic sentiments the following) are to be understood,
(i) heroism (vira),
(ii) love (simgara), and
(iii) wonder (abbhua), and (iv) anger of fury (rodda), (v) shame (velanaa), (vi) disgust (bibhaccha), (vii) mirth (hāsa),
(viii) pity (kaluṇa), and
(ix) tranquillity (pasamta) // 63//
262 [2]. Of these (nine sentiments), the sentiment of heroism has (the characteristic) marks, viz. absence of repentance, patience and energy (respectively) in (the acts of) (i) charity, (ii) practice of austerity and (iii) destruction of the enemy //64//
The (example of the) sentiment of heroism is:
'He indeed is a great hero who, abandoning (his kingdom, and having received ascetic ordination, effects the destruction of the party of great enemy, viz. lust and anger //65//
262 [3]. The sentiment named love causes the desire for union with (objects of) enjoyment, and its (characteristic) marks are adornment (with bracelet, etc.), amorous movement (such as
Vide supra, sulta No. 208,