out in a (period of) time which is (spread over) infinite ussappinis and osappinis. As regards the rest (viz. khetta and davva), these (transformation-bodies) also are to be spoken of just as in the case of the gross bodies which are abandoned by the souls (vide sutta No. 413).
Of how many kinds, O Lord, are the translocation-bodies stated to be? They are, Goyama, stated to be twofold, viz. bound with the souls; and (2) abandoned by the souls.
Of them, what are bound with the souls may exist or may not exist. If they exist, they are one or two or three in the minimum, and 'several' (varying from two to nine) thousand in the maximum. What are abandoned by the souls are to be spoken of just as in the case of the gross bodies (vide sutta No. 413).
416. Of how many kinds, O Lord, are the fiery bodies stated to be? They are, Goyama, stated to be twofold, viz.
(1) bound with the souls; and
(2) abandoned by the souls.
Of them, what are bound with souls are infinite, (because if stocked in a store and taken out one at each instant) they are taken out in a (period of) time which is (spread over) infinite ussappinīs and osappinis. In point of space, (the bound bodies occupy the space-points covered by) infinite number of logas. In point of substance, they are infinite times (the number of) souls in disembodied liberation, an infiniteth part short of the total number of souls.
Of them, what are abandoned by the souls are infinite, (because if stocked in a store and taken out one at each instant) they are taken out in a (period of) time which is (spread over) infinite ussappinis and osappinis. In point of space, (the abandoned bodies occupy the space-points covered by) infinite number of logas. In point of substance, they are infinite times the total number of souls, and infiniteth part of the square of the total number of souls.
417. Of how many kinds, O Lord, are the karmic bodies stated to be? They are, Goyama, stated to be twofold, viz.
(1) bound with the souls; and
(2) abandoned by the souls.
The karmic bodies are to be spoken of just as in the case of the fiery bodies.