ovamasamkhā (determinative knowledge by comparison), 477; illustra
ted 492. ovamie (indicated through similes) 367, 368. ovamme (analogical knowledge), 436; classified and defined 428-66. ohanipphanne (nikkheva pertaining to general nomenclature), 534;
fourfold 535, ohiņāņam (clairvoyance), I, 439. kai (the nineteenth constituent of uvaghāya-nijjutti-aņugama),
604 (134). kaiviham (the thirteenth constituent of uvaghāya-nijjutti-anugama),
604, (134). kajjenam (inference by effect), 442-3. katthakamme (woodwork), 11, 32, 54, 479. kammagam (karmic body), 238. kammamāsao (one masa), Introduction 65 (footnote); also 328. kariso (one-fourth pala), 322. Vide Introduction 65 (footnote) & 66. kaluno (sentiment of pity), defined & illustrated 262 (78-9). kassa (the fourteenth constituent of uvaghāya-nijjutti-anugama), 604
(134). kaham (the seventeenth constituent of uvaghāya-nijjutti-anugama), 604
(134). kahim (the fifteenth consttuent of uvaghāya-nijjutti-aņugama), 604
(134). kamțhoţthavippamukkam (free from indistinctness at the throat and
lips), 14. kāgani (a measure of gold, one-fourth of a kammamāsaa), 328. kāganirayane (kagani-jewel), 358 (footnote). kāraņa (the seventh constituent of uvaghāya-nijjutti-anugama), 604
(133). käranenam (inference by cause), 442, 444. kāla (the fifth constituent of uvaghãya-nijjutti-aņugama), 604 (133). kālappamāne (standard of measurement of time), 313; classes and
"subclasses 363-5. kālánupuvvī (serial of time), 93; 180-202. kaliya (scripture studied at a particular time), 4. Vide Introduction 4. kālo (duration, the fifth variety of anugama), 105; illustrated 110;
passim. kalovakkame (ascertainment of the hour of the day), 76,86. kicciram (the eighteenth constituent of uvaghāya-nijjutti-anugama), 604
(134). kim (the twelfth constituent of uvaghāya-nijjutti-anugama), 604 (134).