this life' (Kh. Up. III, 14, 1). Smriti also makes an analogous statement, 'Remembering whatever form of being he leaves this body in the end, into that form he enters, being impressed with it through his constant meditation (Bha, Gità VIII, 6).
Although one and the same Self is hidden in all beings movable as well as immovable, yet owing to the gradual rise of excellence of the minds which form the limiting conditions (of the Sell), Scripture declares that the Self, although eternally unchanging and uniform, reveals itself 1 in a graduated series of beings, and so appears in forms of various dignity and power; compare, for instance (Ait. År. II, 3, 2, 1), “He who knows the higher manifestation of the Self in him ?,' &c. Similarly Smriti remarks, 'Whatever being there is of power, splendour or might, know it to have sprung from pòrtions of my glory' (Bha. Gîtà, X, 41); a passage declaring that wherever there is an excess of power and so on, there the Lord is to be worshipped. Accordingly here (i. e. in the Sûtras) also the teacher will show that the golden person in the disc of the Sun is the highest Self, on account of an indicating sign, viz. the circumstance of his being unconnected with any evil (Ved. Sû. I, 1, 20); the same is to be observed with regard to I, 1, 22 and other Sûtras. And, again, an enquiry will have to be undertaken into the meaning of the texts, in order that a settled conclusion may be reached concerning that knowledge of the Self which leads to instantaneous release; for although that knowledge is conveyed by means of various limiting conditions, yet no special connexion with limiting conditions is intended to be intimated, in consequence of which there arises a doubt whether it (the
Ânanda Giri reads âvishtasya for åvishkritasya. • Cp. the entire passage. All things are manifestations of the highest Self under certain limiting conditions, but occupying different places in an ascending scale. In unsentient things, stones, &c. only the sattâ, the quality of being manisests itself; in plants, animals, and men the Self manifests itself through the vital sap; in animals and men there is understanding ; higher thought in man alone.
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