Book Title: Zend Avesta Part 03
Author(s): L H Mills
Publisher: Oxford

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________________ The Holy Scriptures, etc. 35 . et ENGLISH (continued). - List of Editions of the Bible in English. By HENRY COTTON, D.C.L. Second Edition. 1852. 8vo. 88.6d. Rhemes and Doway. An attempt to shew what has been done by Roman Catholics for the diffusion of the Holy Scriptures in English. By HENRY COTTON, D.C.L. 1855. 8vo. 98. GOTHIC. Evangeliorum Versio Gothica, cum Inte Annott. E. BENZELII. Edidit E. LYE, A.M. 4to. 138.6d. - The Gospel of St. Mark in Gothic, according to the translation made by WULFILA in the Fourth Century. Edited by W. W. SKEAT, Litt. D. Extra fcap. 8vo. 48. GREEK. Old Testament. Vetus Testamentum ex Versione Septuaginta Interpretum secundum exemplar Vaticanum Romae editum. Accedit potior varietas Codicis Alexandrini. Tomi III. 18mo. 188. - Vetus Testamentum Graece cum Variis Lectionibus. Editionem a R. HOLMES, S.T.P. inchoatam continuavit J. PARSONS, S.T.B. Tomi V. 1798-1827. folio, 71. Origenis Hexaplorum quae supersunt; sive, Veterum Interpretum Graecorum in totum Vetus Testamentum Fragmenta. Edidit FRIDERIOUS FIELD, A.M, 3 vols. 1875. 4to. 5l. 58. - Essays in Biblical Greek. By EDWIN HATCH, M.A., D.D. 8vo. 108. 6d. - New Testament. Novum Testamentum Graece. Antiquissimorum codicum Textus in ordine parallelo dispositi. Edidit E. H. HANBELL, S.T.B. Tomi III. 8vo. 148. - Novum Testamentum Graece. Accedunt parallela 8. Scripturae loca, etc. Edidit CAROLUS LLOYD, S.T.P.R. 18mo. 38. On writing paper, with wide margin, 1os. 6d. Critical Appendices to the above, by W. SANDAY, M.A. Extra fcap. 8vo. cloth, 38. 6d. - Novum Testamentum Graece juxta Exemplar Millianum. 18mo. 28. 6d. On writing paper, with wide margin, 98. - Evangelia Sacra Graece. Fcap. 8vo. limp, 18. 6d. - The Greek Testament, with the Readings adopted by the Revisers of the Authorised Version : (1) Pica type, with Marginal References. Demy 8vo. 108. 6. () Long Primer type. Fcap. 8vo. 48. 60. (3) The same, on writing paper, with wide margin, 158. - The New Testament in Greek and English. Edited by E. CARDWELL, D.D. 7 vols. 1837. Crown 8vo. 6s. London: HENRY FROWDE, Amen Corner, E.C. D 2 Digitized by Google


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