declaration of the smallness (of the ether) (the Lord cannot be meant; we reply that) that has been explained (before).
The purvapakshin has remarked that the smallness of the ether stated by Scripture (In it is that small ether ') does not agree with the highest Lord, that it may however be predicated of the individual soul which in another passage) is compared to the point of a goad. As that remark calls for a refutation we point out that it has been refuted already, it having been shown-under I, 2, 7—that a relative smallness may be attributed to the Lord. The same refutation is—as the Sûtra points out to be applied here also.—That smallness is, moreover, contradicted by that scriptural passage which compares (the ether within the heart) with the known (universal) ether. (As large as is this ether, so large is the ether within the heart.')
22. On account of the acting after (i. e. the shining after), (that after which sun, moon, &c. are said to shine is the highest Self), and (because by the light) of him (all this is said to be lighted).
We read (Mu. Up. II, 2, 10, and Ka. Up. V, 15), 'The sun does not shine there, nor the moon and the stars, nor these lightnings, much less this fire. After him when he shines everything shines; by the light of him all this is lighted.' The question here arises whether he after whom when he shines everything shines, and by whose light all this is lighted,' is some luminous substance, or the highest Self (prâgña âtman).
A luminous substance, the purvapakshin maintains.Why ?-Because the passage denies the shining only of such luminous bodies as the sun and the like. It is known (from every-day experience) that luminous bodies such as the moon and the stars do not shine at daytime when the sun, which is itself a luminous body, is shining. Hence we infer that that thing on account of which all this, including the moon, the stars, and the sun himself, does not
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