IV, 4, 15.
sight. Painful is the fear produced by despots, or by robbers, or by enemies, or by famine, or by fire, or by flood, or by the tidal wave, or by earthquake, or by crocodiles or alligators. Painful is the fear of possible blame attaching to oneself, or to others, the fear of punishment, the fear of misfortune. Painful is the fear arising from shyness in the presence of assemblies of one's fellows, painful is anxiety as to one's means of livelihood, painful the foreboding of death. [197] Painful are (the punishments inflicted on criminals), such as being flogged with whips, or with sticks, or with split rods, having one's hands cut off, or one's feet, or one's hands and feet, or one's ears, or one's nose, or one's ears and nose. Painful are (the tortures inflicted on traitors)—being subjected to the Gruel Pot (that is, having boiling gruel poured into one's head from the top of which the skull bone has been removed 1)-or to the Chank Crown? (that is, having the scalp rubbed with gravel till it becomes smooth like a polished shell) —or to the Râhu's Mouth' (that is, having one's mouth held open by iron pins, and oil put in it, and a wick lighted therein)-or to the Fire Garland 4 or to the Hand Torch (that is, being made a living torch, the whole body, or the arms only, being wrapped up in oily cloths, and set on fire)-or to the Snake Strips (that is, being skinned in strips from the neck to the hips, so that the skin falls in strips round the legs) — or to the Bark Dress? (that is, being skinned alive from the neck downwards, and having each strip of
1 Bilanga-thâlikam. * Rahu-mukham. 5 Hattha-paggotikam. 7 Kira ka-vâsikam.
? Sankha-mundikam. • Goti-malakam. . Eraka-vattikam.
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