Eventhough he created 'Kārikavalī (or clasīt) was rather difficult for his pupil as such again with kind heart he wrote commentary ‘Muktāvalī' on ‘Karikāvali'. Also one criticism is found on Nyaya aphorisms known as Visvanatha Vritti (विश्वनाथafe). He was resident of Navadvīpa (79814) but was stabled at Vrindāvana (@GICA). He was trained in tradition of Raghunātha Siromani. The commentary on Nyāya-Siddhānt-Muktāvalī known as 'Dinkarī (FG71068) and its criticism “Rāmrudrī (T4651) are famous all over for its scholarship. (8) Gadādhara Bhattācārya ( HTGTETT TETaref)
He was son of Jivācārya (alar) and resident of Bengal. He completed his study of whole Nyāya at Navadvīp (नवद्वीप) with Harirama Tarkavagisa (हरिराम तर्कवागीश). His period is considered at middle of 17th century. He had written so many books, some of which are unavailable. Some of them are - (1) The criticism of Nyāya Kusumañjalī (P11454HisKi), (2) ‘Dīdhiti' on 'Alok' of Tattvacintāmani, (3) Gādādhari (FTIGTETT) Ātma-tattva-viveka, Dīdhiti-Prakāśikā (3415hlarafaa , afafayohiffroht). (4) Commentary on Muktāvalī (uhlasít) (5) The criticism of Durgā-sapta-śatī (GUTHHEINT) (6) Bāhyanirņaya (qafufa) and by Vād-granth (alget) as, out of which most are not reliable. In this Saktivada (शक्तिवाद) Vyutpttivada (व्युत्पत्तिवाद) are main. Some others Avacchedak-vāda (379 759 Garg) Karaṇatāvāda (76 xurdian) Muktivāda (final) Ākhyatvada (आख्यातवाद) Nahyarthvada (नार्थवाद) Smritisamskarvada (Aialaig) Paryāptivāda (qeifhaig) Sādruśyavāda (HEX(15) Visayatavada (विषयतावाद) Navyamatavada (नव्यमतवाद) Karakvad (Folha1c) are famous. Other “Vāda’ are not available.
After Gadādhar the flow of Navya Nyāya was