पञ्चमं लक्षणम्
इत्यादावव्याप्तिः सकलसाध्याप्रसिद्धेरित्यर्थः । ननु इतोऽप्यस्वरसात् साध्यसामान्याभावस्यैव निविष्टत्वात् साध्ये साकल्यं न देयमेव इत्यत आह - विपक्षो वेति । विपक्ष: साध्याभाववान्, तद्धटयवृत्तिधर्मवान् तद्घटान्यत्वादित्यादावव्याप्तिः साध्यभाववत्तद्घटस्य साकल्याप्रसिद्धेरिति
भावः ।
(जा.२३) साध्याभावन्निष्ठान्योन्याभावप्रतियोगितानवच्छेदकीभूताभावप्रतियोगित्वं वक्तव्यमतः दोषान्तरमाह - निर्धूमेति कश्चित् ।
established.' Therefore there is fault of too narrow application in the inference; 'this is substance because of earth-ness'. Because all those which are to be established, are not established, this is the meaning. ‘All', should not be connected with that which is to be established because even more due to incongruity, only the absence of that which is to be established in general is included, therefore author says 'or counter-subject.' Countersubject means that which has the absence of that which is to be established. There is fault of too narrow application in the inference; 'this has the attribute which dose not abide in that pot because it is different from that pot etc.,” because ‘all-ness' of that pot which is abode by the absence of that which is to be established is not established. This is the idea. (23) The counter-positive-ness of the absence which is not determinant of the conuter-positive-ness of the mutual absence, which exists in that, which has the absence of that
Editor’s Note : ‘एकव्यावर्तक इत्यनुषज्यते । तथा च यत्रैकव्याक्तिरेव साध्याभाववती तत्र' This text is available in printed book of 'व्याप्तिपञ्चक' with Jagdisi which is explained by Vāmācaraṇbhattacārya but not translated by translator.